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to 11111 use of sissyH 113 irea 1111I1L111111y using llr 1111 kidneyLiver iiilt Once or 112111 wetit wrunam Crown 1111 11111 Mrsu LESSONS 112 31 snjw 113th1811118 SOLICITORS ETCI Owen Barrie Telephone 4116 Edmund Hardy 3111s 111 Teacher Miisiealyhe master of Church Gt 11 Serratory 11 111 Toronto 111 Vo MAYDlll MoAlllX Teachert CnmoriiKCTons GEO ELSIE BERN ln Licensed Electric 11 tl MEClitlllx lh 82A Dunlop St P110110 403 MCKINNEY GENERAL HEALTH SiRVICE Chiropractic and Drugl WG Ethel WE oict Graduates CC C1 can 11m College of Drileicss Priy Complete Phy c1 11111 Exam 70 Essa 1111 K113 OSTEQriiTiir VFg1i EDWIN WILSON BSA 130 OSTEOPATHIG PHYSICIAN King Block Barrie lfvieplme iPhone 111 Officeil Collier 8301930 am 13011 and6308 pm Office Hours912 1311 to and by appointment VICTORIANORIER 0F NURSES ISC upsthy BOYS BOYS Sp 13131 AMEKUN CAMERON 71 WHY TO LOAN 1111 Cowan MONEY TO LOAN MEDICAL DR BIGELOW Physician and Sufgcon DR LEWIS Physician and Surgeon DR LITTLE Barrie Branch Well Baby CliniC and 1m WILL hum230 to 430 oclock every Wed esdiagy Application for nurses ser Physmans and Surgeons vices may be madedirect or through dqcmf Telephone 36 pm or by appointment VETERINARIAN DR LAURIE Physician and Surgeon DR FLEMING VETERINARIAN and SURGEON 48Bayfieid St Barrie Phone R11 ENTERTAINERS SECURE iiiBALM GORDON The Versatile High Class Hum itous Entertainer for your next hedge 01 Church orlother En ttartainment Illustrated Circu llrFREE Address 628 Crawford 1ltft $9M Toronto troNERAL DIRECTORS ikMBULANCE SERVICE Elizabeth St tablished 1869 consul Dirtnorms ALMERS IlleYndtSTECKLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 2111 SMITH 11 co Physician and Surgeon wliours 1301330LI00V830 OPTOMETRY RDBERT SMITH nYEsroiiT SPECI LIST AUCTIONEER JACK SLESSOR Examine lllll llip in 111 11 111v 11111111 Hit11111111111 lliii li 1111 1111 finnen were 111 11 1111 1111 11 111111 11 111111lgt on 81111111111 11 itllilatll 111 three 1111 11111111 11 11 11111gt111 1111 11 112111 911 11 11111 11111 111m 1111111111 slntri Soily 111111 incitrlmi 1111 111111111 111 Mr1 11111 Mrs 111111111 21in Bishop 111111 All illisses it 111111111111 and Annie 1511111 31 111111 Mrs Clarence 111 114111 and Mr and Mr Fred Curoll loronto Mr 111111 Mrs Fred Webster land castle 11111111111 Foster 111 liiii1l1i Mrs it Morton 111 New Mrs Flos 1111 Vednnsdnv with 22 1110111 11111 inds1x visitors present 11 raised rice was iiliilll by Mrs Fraser 111111 president Mrs John Kirton read 11 paper on leniperonce and Mrs study the Sheena was when by Mrs Bradley Miss Thurlouu and Miss 1aurt Birncs Two 1szruetive reports of the Simeon ltllitsbvterial were 11111011 by Mrs Oltw Purchase hearty vote 01 thanks was Fxtiressed to them Duintj rctreshincnts were scrved Dcath of John lVIcAulcy Aslnehly respected resdcnt of the Eltnvale district John Mc Auley dence Juuc 111ics P113 lonipie office Woods FRANK HAMMOND Bl KC liztrristctz Soiicitor ctc Masonic gTomplc Bldg Barrie Money to loan DUNCAN McCUAIG KIC BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Money to 1111111 Ross Block Barrie DONALD 1131mm BA BARRIETER SOLICITOR ETC Iilt11nic Temple Building Barrie inscn Floral Mrs Reid 139 Owen Phone 1015 iDiceuursl2BQ20Q 63073Pm1 1Surgery and Diseases of Women Chief Coroner County of Simcoe and UK MacPHERSON sci Associate coroner Countyot Simcoe land Milling Co forlover years was an insurance agent was appointed Justice of the Peace in 1935 andwas town toffice Maple AveTe1ephone 213 uditor for 42 years Officehours lto 4pm to Anumber of years ago Auley served as village councillor asschooltrustee andalso vas director jof Flos Agricultural 200 ciety numberiof years agoer Was an elder of St Andrews Church of which he was mem her was Liberal in politics and was ma member of Coronation Lodge AF andAlL and Cons radianOrder ofvForesters lite NervousSystem Worry over business or household duties sudden shock the insane quest for pleasure the foolish att tempt to puta week of normnl life into twentyfour hours fevciish ac tivity the demand for sensational literature are all conducive to the aggravation of Wear and tear on the nervous system Office 110 Elizabeth St Phone FOffice hours 130330 700830 DRLJ II SMITH Physician andSurgeon Office Owen St at Collier OfficeHours 130330 7830 pm Phone 700 Residences Colliert DR=GEORGE SEYMOUR Office and ResidenceCorner Eliza beth and Toronto Sts Phone 140 DR TURNBULL Graduate MCGill University WW Office and residence corner Dunlop andPoyntz Sts Phone 105 Hours 910am 13 pm 78 pm MLiiop St e80 Hours 96 daily Saturdays till LICENSED AUCTIONEER Thornton Phon91Ivy Bria strengthening Clasifieds cost little 13401211 1151 111 1111 11 211 111 1111 tinox 1111111 1111r li ittnztwtl 111111i 21141 1101 11111 1111111122 June 11 were taunt1 1111 111111 1111111 111r 1111111 1111 131111 iiiiiilill ll1 1511111411111 Manning Miller 11 31111111111112 oi Struttord and iter Si JullnS United WM me at Chas Lennoxs on Con 13 St Johns 7315 was decided to 1111111 11112 next 111131111111 111 211111111111 cottage Vztsueit 11111011 1111 June 25 The tritisurer report showed $11117 so 1111 The worship ser Litiiny wus reiid by 1111 Usher led iii prayer The for the 1111 Surucon very interesting and in Braidiey and Mrs 11 passed away at his resi 111 Elinvale on Saturday in 11157611 year He had inot been well lor some time but nud been able to be about until the Tuesday prevtous to his death twnen cThe funeral was held Andrews Presbyterian Church Ehnvalc on Monday June with Rev Jones in charge Interment was in Stayner Ceme tery Copeland Clute Ritchie Harry Baker Lawson Rob and Armour Thompson tributes included offerings from Copeland Milling Co start of Reid Stove and Furniture Store Ottawa and Coronation Lessee AMand AM Elmvale lllEHGS trout tiisiance attend ing the funeral included Mrand Jamieson Mrs WB andMMaiion Reid Mr and Mrs James Richards Ot tawa 4151 McAuley Toronto Dr andMrs Bannerman Miss Helen Bannerman Mr and Mrs Geo McAuieyTQr angeville Mr and Mrs Harry Wolfe George Wolf Cooksvitle Born at Streetsville 1866 deceased resided there as Child spent fewyears in Stayner and had resided in vale for the past fortyseven years He was grain buyer for Conel forty he suitcred stroke Pallbearers were If you are tired listless nervous4 andworriod why not give Milburns licultlihnd Nerve Pills chance to llelp put you on They are avbodyi buildingnerve tonic containing the essential elements for the nervous uystom on Twicm 011 1111 cinnamon nu nuns LAAmILn niusnu uu Fliitidin 11x telhtd liye h1tllL1111s 11111 Hihl 1111i Elie 11111 1112111 10111113 111111 111111112 11111111 1111ie11 1111 ltimiittl no 11r 11151 11111111 1111 IhJLlliigl 1x ANGUS 21111311 1111 the 111 K1111 11 2111 1ii111 1111111111 1111111 July 111 111 111 11111 llh 11 11111111111111 111112 ilt1 51 1111112111101 1I1111111t1 I111111gt11n 1111 11111 14112111111 11 il11 lrs 1w1 two itgt 111111111111111 Alvin 115 11 1111 3111 11121111111 1111 1111 11111111 0111 011111111 lr 11111 11111111111 tmolmille 11111 11111111 r0111 St Owen Sound DOWN THROUGH THEWAGES Britons foughtandisueredwanrhdiedilrorderthats9 their children arid their childrens childrenmight beirfrcejiToday the forces of darkness threatento engulf usonce more Shall we give up those rights4 on April ship Today ourrcountrymustqarmNo time can be lost We must buildlthe greatestwar machineithe world has ever knewnlfWeLmust accomplisliiinv two years more thanxhe enemy haEaCComplishedvinlseyen So That isiWhy Canadaneedsyoucsavings 21101 asa gift butfonly arsazloEnLCanadast army musclibe maintained and equipped with themoist modern ghting machines Storesofwarships and merchant vessels mustb built Thousands OffPlaes thWSWlSi eadqiiartersiwmbe glad to give you every assistance in of pilots must be rushed t0 the scene ofconigg your feet again v1 1h Feed FillLicp ling lusli with y1linl1 1111tsuiil 13 serutell grunts ou may poeliet it 5111111 111 us lllllLll us 110 10 010 Heres way to help yourself enjoy real prolit from poultry this Full Its ziplun liousunds 111 successful poultrymen follow Simply 111111 1111 FnlOlep way tliul may sure you up to 1510 20 on BROWN CO SEEDSMEN AUTHORIZED QUAKER FEED DEALER 115 Dunlop St Phone 143 liliad June in 1591 Can You Alford to Pass lip 15 to 20 Saving on Feed costs cost of feeding for heavy egg production Willi 13 FulUlep Egg Marsh 13 whole 01115211111 l3 scruteli grain your feed may cost us much as 15 10 less in this combination of grain and FulLlep 11 11111511 is wonderful balance of feed vulues exceptional Vitamins minerals 11ml proteins 11 help liens 11111111111111 21 high slundurti of health and production Min 11 point 0500115 soon 111111211 all 1111 letuils smcon DISTRICT CO301 SERVICES AUTHORIZED QUAKER FEED DEALER Baldwin St orrosrru11111511211Phone 1407 GARNER SOCanada needs theuse ofryour money now Later which ourwforefathers wonri on Canadavwillrepayyonin Inthe meantime you will receive regular interest on yourlOan Wherii VictOryJBonds 1111 Canada is youri security TheseBondsaremore readilyrumcd into cash thananyother II gt yy HowtfIOiBUYGive your orderto cliccanvasser Who calls omyou0rplace it in the hands of anybranch Oftanyf hankorgive it to auytrusticom Or send itvto our local Victory Lean Hea unrters ends may be bong tin denominations of $50 100 $590 $1000 and larger canvassed bank trust cOmpinyor your local Victoryloan makingfouc iyburyOrderv form 61111111111111 11011de Notional