Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1941, p. 12

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rag mm r111 111mm ixniism 13111111111 usr CANADA 1311V5h rH HT WW Trays 55111130 Golden Crest Party PresentGood Concert FORM SWINE CLUBiI gooxsiomf IM PORTANT JV II III1I INCREASE IN PRICE II V= 11 leiiri You 11 Save Money 11 EL II II VV it ili V1 VV VV it VV Vi V1 gI Iz Clean Fuel Clean Delivery Full Weight Guaranteed II II II gt II II II hf Vi III HIIIIIIII 10111 130N115 11111 1115111111 1011 IlIll liiiiii IIHIIIIVI II M1c 1hIManutactutfrs Life Rite of Confirmation llIIIIITII liIII1IIDL1IIsiIIis nous W1 luixi ico 154 1I If Iit ii in in ii NOW In New Quarters Administered 10 LOrge 421 11nd 1l113it1ilzt luliiic SiVlllirl mm 1II IVmVIIi IIiI II III IIIIIII III II II Class In Tnnlfy ChUrchIhnd5211118111111hpmlin 1hr Pen II IIMIIIIIIII BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIII Int it iIny Bank 111 the end IntIAprii 1511 mm 11 11 gtiil1ciIiln mil VVVVV VIV Vin IVVVVIVIV VINIVVYVV IHH 1HH1111 IIIIIIIII 1V lib illllllilltIIl Willi 83510347 1111 1Vl 11 511 lgl Flldt ll 19111 13 VV tIIVIV II 1VVVIVV1VII IVVHVIV lii in the tuinicr AClllt VIlEllllt lllt RIIt V115i1mVil ImpIn 31 31 dill III HUI MII MI Irons lti urns IlliIV in M11 iIiorr gt1 gtltIVlliILlIllliit111ll1VVZlfl IIII MIIIIISI IIIII AIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII II II IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII III IIII IIIII Wrrwnh Tmmy AHEIICIH II IIII III III II II 1V III hIMY VIIVIII IIIII ffI II hurl1 1thduh fI IIl VVV ExWordcn Potter the 11criiV 1VtiV V1iVVlnVVt 11 lllViiltF VV VMVVVJ hVVViV VVVVVVnVV VV lzr ziii 1Iliv fJ ruii l1gtll of idihin ll ll 1L1 VV on OI 05 ttcii V1VgtVllllilVllllLllllllgtgttlr lliir ill llt 111111 11 immul II II From Heart AIHOCk UH II ILIH III INN IIIII 111 chm mm mm lytwo young boys 11nd girls and VI1IIIIII1III IJIIIIII II HIUHiIlIV VV IIIIIIIM XIII II IIIIIII ad 151 mm mm In IIIIIII nthrillerIizIImhklIlIzIIlInpzeizledIlIYIIItlr RH quI lot ZII UH 111111 111111 mus llltv1ti 11101111 tittiniir oi uik 1111 lltl TN VVV VlV 11mm 51 1V Vm 31 my MINI LI 1iII1III IV illl1 itltlltgtgtl them after in 111 1111 implrnulils 11nd hulistlinld tlllil it the luiicixi oi our rimI gumIll Hm WWI lllt1ltlgt1lllllill tli1i imlmlcd to all lcims cosh Szllc Lil 11111 Sl II III If 11 11x May 11 LI mm mm ILIIU IHI iII lllCtll lllsillll lllllty expressed ll Grew Aurlwltrl lliniw Illilllll mumumg Um adjMIN hva the joy was to 111111 in rnnfnni gt iIIi4kIIIIiiiI illgt1lII IIlliiii Jllltllll1 RM II IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIII III In hm WNW hm it Mini nmmny f1 illilli 111 11111111111113 it 11M II1 iIlmII 11 who rcsponrhd siiKumA IIm lMi1gtllllllilllll r1 IiVIV VIHVVVV IIlIhIl Vmuh IVVRVVI lv v1 iii in II nnlmc at the time it itlllvilt 31M liillizm Kcurm is ll WW VVV VV VVv 1VtV1 VV llll April 211 11111 11 the trimIIIIW urtiitu LASilltlullti111511Slslilli VViHVsVV mVWVlVmmVS in mmnbw II IIII IIIIII Angus Red Cross Unlf II II II III LIIIIII iiiicizil or her himde 11Ilhcig Mimi lymph and lSlllll HI llli Vllllltll PRIDHAM Mr and Mrs Vnlwf txllllllllllltlll mm many 1II I101 31kt lridhum wish to th ink llltli Iiiiiih MGkQS Fine ShowmgI liltVlll ih riI mn tiilillv 1111 act 11 hindnuss 31311 VVVV VVVVVVV VVHVVVVV hois and friends and the Angus it il Willl IHEHM rirlvc 10171 1liiillllll Mrs liibliztl inil 11ll1 1N1 oniw Tl M3 BlI Ull UHl Forestry Brunch for so kind aigtgt1 11 1iinlt HI III II cI In INHIHIM II Imus III WWII III EIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIkIII I1 10 1X11111111015 the Iiiih Hm during To WI 331 III IIIIIHI but of 11111gt1Vltli ltii1il VIII 11illikttlvli lll UlllllgcI Vlit Illlli lltllilllhilllli lllli llltllllS II Hv VVViV VVVI VVlVVVmVU VVVVi 5V VVV VVV VVV Vd IV 1V1 VsViichk iinV VllitVVin It IIll IjIVI If II Ifm ii1 Igvp hr wWilz hits it lllllltlxi 11 21 lti 1111 11 711m 1i Sov 13 Mn poms ii Emmi liltlitihllltll mi 21mm ll was lilr ii mi liii il iii 11 tln 1111 John 111 HWI In kmm 1IIIIIII Mn THIN Hm II 11 1111 11 1lll1 lllllll for 61tl who HM II MW IIII Imm my wmpnh 1d Kw lIlIiF Hill lliiiliiri tinirs il lin iilll llillll lfndw 714310 illlllllt till 11001ll b5 II II 11 norncI Il buoy units 3111 13 211 iicnili of 111 IIIIIIlIwIQiiiIIIliringl III Jul Lv 31 WWWl Ki5llulllllliil lilillHl Church 113111 iiii 1Vlltl1ml1 VitimAiVVoVii Iiitgt1 pairs gloves puns whnfc Simicy mo inu son VI wt 1k1hll Karol whim 33 1le 50 lllVlllltPWV lIilIml 10111 two diluuh Aliunits kiiianVessVVimd svnmichVl ililiil Maul VYIN wini p11 01 To mm 11 in 111111 lLZntVb lill 11 VllWV illkl 115 ill ioni nd 1c iTilVLment 22 I1 15 pi ImHII Wank II myICIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIITIII IIIIIIIIICI ISIRALHAN IMHI wlnmm 11 Villllilltl ill tlillil Willi 1111 held londiiv itlernoon Vllli ml MV lmil MI lliunks to the Angus 1111lltillttll4lil liViil 11 111 Cx 311111 family VlSh til CX Footiv tltl hc gllllillllt tlub tlllVIVV VVVV Mm their sincere gratitude to bhong rubular t1 II tI II llll iricii friends and neighbours who Frame VVVVVVVlVVtVlVV chViVViVVl VVlVViVVVViVi VVVV1V ViV lmVlV Vklud Vml llmimml It le 13 iiu finish Iii METAL Inomul VIVHSVOV Kinks to V11 Vnni 1f Ho V1 Who haw raised money by the sale of fancy needleWork done by them and to the donors of gifts Along The OIEhIII ma mluII 19115 hlfh ImI llIblAI In loving memory of my coveledwml heavy dlmk amy C010 01 lllbbCLWi Colors bluer WW WM xi CI ytizi 1111 in ins5 cotton buttons baby blankets soup ed iiwuy lunc 3rd 1940 Wlth black tllm YOVPIIVSef Ingason the shirt pins baby clothes ctc etc CIIEIISIylIIxVHSI blIILIIlI lIVm 10Iljl WK lINIVIWVtd WUIIlIdll 1135 iii 91 which are Vtly usefulin lllik II WWW no 101 year osquul fet E1 on up lzivetles tllltl we are very JFWUCW 51110 Mid 11115 lilUVCI1 WW IHTIl lIIlI 1115 llllllkllllf ur sexL1an are mm on or in our mm 210 Oly IIII1Ul Ono mm um IIIHII Im Li CLmg inner 1131111 are ever near If In local workmen of the bestmuteriuls obtainable and in LiiilllllCd woollen scarf llld1lw LValmgmgbyufuggg Ir lt CllhtllllOllL 01 gilllilnlzcd Wire cloth Inuer biiby bonnet which will II Illllvl1ynlolltlltlf 1ij 21h Gramdchild USLATTED LmukeJiVn littlebombyictinm wurm Ifknf II51CI1 er nndshapbier When we read mphd mu mm 1in MIDDlIIIVIUN111 low memory by Cll some weeks Iim of our deir son 1114 brother icoup yea Sagooa is gpIIIII bLIIIIII bombed and IIIIIIIIIIIII lb hunk Middleton whonasIkillch WWHVH Monkmmg 91 51010 the in an accident on Highway 47 11 surv1vors 189 of lnem being comI June 1938 pd up paint brush has been swniging to 3i Constructed of Varnish Ipei 10 ed C111 We who loud you sadly miss you the like to think tlrn perhaps thc bl110011111050 and nice coat of dark As it dawns another yezVir finish hardwood and VV VV Vliliclo made in Align wore Vuscd green Vim 1110 13350 brightens 19 In 0111 lonely hoursV 0f thinkinw brightly colored awning Pallllied green Wlth II sioiI front Thou hts duck Chairs 1m qwm no wmmg liutiiiiV1VZlVVVVVieirliililfrgd bV Com lete 911V 29 up Whlte cmds Vm WM excepmm or one do The office of H11 Wrirhl Clom 22p Mother DViddV md VSlSlCISy and 13001 WV $1 VVcanoegl 11 Width l9 zited to are ieced entirel from I3 II II ers and smoke shop of DleC Cor II rest Lllppdlbs left i1 liom cuttnb out III III II IFERRY ln lilVlllh memory 01 Imc larger arhclpsI and ypyosem hLIl I10 bun bCIluIIllfwIlI IIOCCImIly George Alexander Perry who WIdth AR IE ON mannersi SCmps hem used awi gt WCISOPC vb WCOITOW WI WWW lild mmm the bnmbpd Cums mom AI webeI DrIIIIdI SI II III He calmly entered home ll also steady output of work for the Its 1L LovinilyVV remembered by 50 beLllUU the ddlk WOQClWth 0f 22p M0m0m seiiices as maybeseen iom 11L the StorcIfI0IIII has bee painted dml Wefotsiiks101net5rnmsuld light buttvith base ahd trim 11 SNEADIn loving memory of glongem black making much lighter elfect dear husband and fatherJumes Altogether the three baleswo in the CllClll Birance Snead who Passed away June have sent in since the uiiitIsterted 1940 Ideal for lawn oriSizes 27 x54 work last October there has been Vial11 of 511 rticlesor pairs The Imaterials 1011 all these have been end to beiVmidiiey faisEd iiiAngus Iwhich is something to be proud of But tundsjre now running low so TheiDouglasi Drugstore has been ZZFEYFIV mmnlbem giggirnizeg during past ItIo Sfllaew is ensingr TA partment semiopen at the reiir CENTRAL IVUV of the store anddan entirer rear The 1351 meetmg 0f the 553350 on rangement ofrthat section INew in Monday evening proved to be it anyone can think of any ways of laid linoleum Im an attractive put hugesuecgsswin tthway QIfIIenter verandah front in Matsto fold can g9 11x 12 ft is vas chairsJVlo largerngs Flowered or Same chair with modernistic slatted seat patternsIIwith raising money to donate to the Red emh be tainment The gugts alrived from and ross forI the purchase of flannel 45 eIi ljnmIOVVL Camp Borden about 830twentyl Vback $1 bVueV greenV 0r cite and wool they can rest assured Harvey Kuan display manager five soldiers Iunder the supervision blown borderg thatdhey helm 05 who are with Walkers Stores Ltd since Of Capt Daniela EVCFYbOdYFOO VV heVmelg us the 103 lmet0dayV Janualiyi is leaVing my week rbegare acquaintea Whileplaqg VV 19411 PLIYMOU II COACH 1939 NASH SEDAN Aiso If anyone his tgwwapefg IPeierboro where bowl follow sim flaw Wes All unlled 5mg Date 194 91 magazines ey wou ilar work with the same company 50 11118 the Stage W85 prepaIEdl DODG COACH 1933 PLYMOUTH COACH 1119310 donate to be 5910133 Saw3 lVIr Kilner is aVeolor speciialistand for the eatle of the evening The 1940 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDANI Iggerglfase get mum hasl created serge vlery fine Iwindow SigedsiIIcIegtSirlne gngrvsdneslagr ra lt wama V194 VVgTUDEBAKER COACH 1937 CHRYSLER SEDANV The 11ml 19813 Tugsmy and sgringlndgighsiwggegirtiilirlylils laughs Along with othergzimeslV 40 SOTO 1936ITERRAP ANE Thursdayafternoons from to 430 tractive and mi may anexciting game of bmg was playI YOUR NAME DAN CO t1 1153 at the 60171111011 room F01 II gas xv ed Where IVgutogLIaphs insteadV of ONCOACH II DODGE SEDAN es Branch and allIIWOIlIkerS an Wedmsday an Holidav Inumbers ware usngI IPrizeS wereI IV II II 1934 GRAHAM SEDAN NelcomE Mutilatiies 011Say Most01110 larger Que donatedto thewinners lunchV gt d01Ltliketogo1dengukngium meaLfllim5VuhavpdecidgdV toycirt was thencserved during which an ADDRESS VV IiMYpGUESs announcementwas made about moonlight cruise from Midland June 20 one tliereiIIJust ICOI II Vlong and tinue tthWednesday halfholiday youll soon get acqualllled through the slimmer Some 31Vin those stating their decision VVinIc 1939 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 1929 11111011 SEDAN BRITISH ISRAEL LECTURE Dominion storm Lobbw ma Capt Daniels was oheeredjiis he 193s COACH 192BUIQK COUPE VV The RevII Linnen of the terias B1ennanA Sid moved V01 Ofrthanks 1311355ng I939 NASH CDKCH 928 HUDSUN SEEM BiWlFfspUkertoeeprntemsted StOIeSWandFlnkmDicherf appreciation of most enjoyable WjMSpngIIAnMqlsLor audience on Monday evening May wasimpossible to get in touch WM IevenmgI II II 1936 FARGOZTON CHASSIS 199111 the Library Hall on the sub each firm in time fothhis week H295 Imp 1p coupon guess mb be CAB ject 051 us in the Heavens mere will probablv be an an an Weed Meetin in tween nd er 1936130111113 ZTONI CHASSIS AND CAB Apearin in the heavens in these nouncement next week Fan 1111 30111301110 ourstore 1936 FARGmIzrou CHASSIS AND cm days magnetic of Planets II EV 00 Cuntv 1935 INTERNATIONAL PANEL Iwhich have not appeared in the Ted Lewis Goes toISt CIatharjncs Mindful of the fact that noxious same relationshipsinee theIdays of Ted Lewrs office mian weeds gained strong foothold in NSah andIthe blrlhfogcmlst iUn tiger 0f the Barrie Lumber Com Ontario during the last war causing der theI51gnIsIoIf IPisc sdeath and pIuny since its inaugurationhas annual losses to farmers amounting OUTBOARD BOAT new destruction in the days 91 Noah Signed his position to accept sim to millions of dollars in the ppst MHI NEW I10 F00TI TOWINQ 11f Endgrccoiistruction iriIItheiIirst llardpost in St Catharines with the war period th Ontario Dept of mgbmlm 11 Sports IamNGHY mag of Christ the manger aVisILiiberCDTchillbe Azmlturlfplmingweed fort man em Email missed in town where he trotmeetings in all countiesiand VVV Now under the Sign of Ariesi the was chairman of the Board of districts with the rst gathering at Dunlop Phone lamb which haIsbeenIseIen in the Education Scribe or Signet Chap Lindsay mVictoria County May 19 heavens three times Within year ter and prominent in Masonic Cll Approximately 1000 weed inspec LIes His successor will be Tod tors have been appointed by mun lyreIr formerly with the Bank of icipal councilsand every effort will Nova ISIcotia at Stquvaille be made to impress on land owners the number of the Holy Trinity we are actually witnessing the heralding of the fastapiproaching second com MAHAROLD ant bimrsmueiimoum DISTRIBUTOR and GAR GEE HEVLPFVINISH THE JOBBUY moion sou15s II ing of Christ tortake over forever as lt the necessjt of 65 in weeds un muwthfstf BARBIE Plume 293 King of Kings Ithe government of Buy Victory Benas Help nish der cont delipitg gfarm labor ms Kingdom the job II ShortageSI

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