Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 May 1941, p. 9

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Leads in News and Advertising 76th Yea BOX IING Entertainment THURFRISAT Mat Sat 230pm PLUS 2ND HIT Lawyer DONT MISSIT MQNiTUE WED lt Mat Wed 230 hul ulIIII iiugx icmrrui non WALLACE 0NOGRAMPICTURE FOTO NITE 4BIGQASHOFEERS IiSTvLtslsonci gun$10000 aim$2500 TSFBEEI LLDont send cigarettelighter fluid Hon William Mulock KC through the mails Despite thesrel Postmaster Geiicral states that this cent caution given against including dangerous and illegal practice is inflammable substances in the mails still continuing THEATRE HOUSE OF HITS TONIGHTThursday onlyen our Stage Ken Soble in Did IScry That The AlkaSeltzer Quiz Programme THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ontinuolis Show Saturday Commencing at 230 pin SIlLDIERS HUR WHENLOREr35 Vehicle Vin Convoy nip Army Took Battalion IN ACCI THOSE ROAD 10 SINGAPORE STARS BACK ill tnt ii izia Ilop Paramount prescnn IOI DOROIMY tltii tint iil ll lliii jtllttll1tll and hat iipna xttlltittl Iloltiil iitl th iiiiiiir oi =iiti illi 1w Illtl Win the lr itiiiiy Iitt ll inp ltoliiin ori tlll iiovi iiitii ti MirEa li lll llul iiuioii ilttits Itie ilitoy Lillil tiiip Ilortan flzitnzliy loll Lillllili Iloidi tilill annihith Lug llltit pitlllhiii illhl lift ill vlillllill lio ii ml II iii Ilnllx lin Ioiiy llltilltl iii tit act2dr hear the end of tilt iin 3v ltldStJIICN IillillISllll tll IARIOON AND FOX NEWS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MAIINIIIG WEDNESDAY 230 Pd wowsFin MUSI colleen on the sidewalks of New York Stepping out Singing out GeoMCohans Broadway stage success is new screen hit to ttlltl the le liliotill ila ariiwd it it AL DRAMA it ioiiy was making lett info im curve Just Koath of the imp ld ltlll the paveiiietit and striking the soil shoulder and run ning down ti sriiail incline The vehzcle finallv oveiiuziicd and landed on its Judy of house vite station across the road just the loriy entered the cum giving vehicle was not on the pavement jwlien the accident took place soldiers riding in the rear all mem GO TO THE HE COUNTRY GOES NUTS HOSE BUMSTE 0UNTRYAN GRANADA 243119 Hit imMam Street Bustil unaniiie wink sinnhrrmrmnc UIIB wtl Penny SIHGLEIDN lfll1iii llitE tarry as nagwoud asatiy Dumnllu MBIA PICTURE SlllltS as Big ACO FEATURES TuEsoAvj 00 FUN FORVALLiI COMING soon Wanted wings Trip Plan or runPICTURES Overturns 0t Orillio WAS MAKING CURVE lei iit Itll tn iii and lll dud inn lilliidl hon tl lt li Xenii ml toy llllulJtilil riit gt was par of The lttltltltl WC and ltlli thr with ll wheel up against lice In the iron Military authorities stated that civilian ear backed out of lt the driver no option but to lake to the ditch Chief of Police Carson said that the civilian VIhe lorry was driven by lsnig RCASC assisted by ll BARRIE ONTARlO ANADA littlltSir NlAY 33 It CHARIVARI CASE APPEAL UPHELD ti Along The STRE MAI ET tl 113M Iii tlriliie ti 2n ill tit iiii ll ii ikiiig olm iii in it it ltlpwiiiit ll Ill til at liit li Iiiidtii piziil onto Iii wiry tllllllt and Stall Service iittt itti iiimiii tIyiin ltllt iday llll iltill iiitl liotll quite ll lolll Mechanical lli litil Itll ltlllt had it thi same day Cllll number iiite lattice iiiIs have ltll plaev litl and vegetables ed bov the ltpltrllllttl in black ilhoiictt wine cutouts iltllti Id gtIlllillltl tll type port dc relied really cut adding quitt novel spring touch Dainty Window very dainty window has been shown at Veayinoutlis for the past week IgtItlllll genuine cornflower In the left background little bride with her manly husband Asiep out toward the future Vining of the same unit The llllltlililillb411CVuiloy1d bit or estia color to the white and rose of and glusswa re Roses INNlSFIL NOTES BY RGS Strond Resident Passes Suddenly The community was shocked Sun lday morning by the news of the tsudden death of FrcdJobbitt of the village of Stroud Mr Jobbitt was in the act of lighting the morning fire when he was stricken with heart attack and was dead when reached by his wife He had often boastedof never having been ill day in his life He was builder by trade and some of the work hehad icompleted will stand as monument to hissllill and ability for as dsplit stone mason he was in the words of an owner for whom he did several large jobs without equal The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved family and friends Park meeting in the township park last Eridayva ndarnongthemanywth in gs discussed was the possibility of in talling flush toilets in the park It be simple matter to have the run It wasdecided before going ahead lug ty Getting Collections Madc edvup for this worthy cause Innisfil Objective Victory Loan $70090 my the general effect and on base of bers of llth Army Tank Ilattalionlvvhiic silk sprinkled with eonleitl were Pies Hosting Deliarnuis Colluw glms is set Ims Souter Jackson Viney llcntLtus usual had charge of the debt teison Frost Kent and Goldie Thel treat of the lorry cab was split open Iwhen the vehicle overturned ing Dominion Store lledccoraled some time of the caiivassers The Victory Lion 18 not intended to supersede the GOOD INSURANCE pledges now beingsnbscribed for the War Savings Loan howeverfbea very acceptable way YEARS for holders of the former loan which Phone 447 is maturingthis fall to change this bond without cost to the new Vie 41 Dunlol St Barrie Ltoiy Bonds in iy Todays Prices illogs Cattle ihggs Poultry prod by ri Kw at Ordai 121 Barrie lltth HUGS ler Cut llliLti hot weight on rill 312 it MHVS it it UJ szto its ii sine Ilia lo ti ltitl lttl recently Ill IDA ad sale bills ilel Iiil IF YOU WANT THAT REALLY INSURES THE HOME OF FOR FORTYTWO ilaymen as presented byMr Brownl Made from British Woollens Models for Young Men and Men lnnisfil council hechaTspecial was found that the water from the artesian well will rise to heightot feet and with this head it would hing water for the use of the system with tl matter to get an estimatew on the cost of having the dual sys tem housed in one building to be constructed of brick or cement blqcks It is hopedrtorhave sufficient information by the next regular meeting to enable decision to be made Another improvement to be considered will be additional light WINSTON ALGATE rs west of Wellington Hotel 77 LPhonc 1832 4Doors Salvage Committee Having Difficul 13 Elizabethjgtfc Stetson HATS $34sios7soof Others $195 SPORT PANTS COME IN AND Looi in LEH TODD OPTOMETRIST CoMPLETE AND COMPETENT $195 $395 $495 vun ounsronrs WEAR Owing to the fact that every one is busy the Salyag Committee is having some difficulty gettingthe cooperation of truckers and helpers to make the salvage collections throughout the township nucleons who age readyto give their services and equipment then find it difficult to get the help along the linestu load and handle the collections In some cases the householdershave had materials readysince last fall and are beingpestered by outside collectors to dispose of the stuff However as soon as the spring seed ing is oveijit ishoped that com plete canvass can be made and large quantity of good sciap gather INDEPENDENT ORDER OF Fonnsrniis of Free Lucky PrizesDonatetl by Barrie in United Cigar Store See Display ADMISSIONGcnts5tlc Ladies 350 ROBT HAMILTON VOPTOMETRIST Thal obigciiyehasbeehsgtas the minimumi to be obtainedin the township for the new Victory Loan Jfor which house to house canvass will Commence on June This ob vjective is small portionvof that amount raised during the last war on thefirst Victory Loan GC Allan ClerkTreasurer hasLbeen ap pointed as team captain in charge 71 93 Dunlop St ANNUAL CDANCE IN AID or BARRIE sprrrmn FUND ARENA DANCE GARDENS ThursdayMaY 29 BOB POWELLS MELODY MEN Suedessor lot geoi Fitzpatrick Office hours am to Saturday to pm East of Post Office Phone 232 usually llltl for Mill tizne Douglas and lltllitllrtlllls who means Iidepeiiitcii lltlLII Il1itlLt 130 llttlttlttltll drugcists of iri ooperating tn keep costs Water with resultant gt2ltllth for tllrli ciisioiiiers and to advertise iiierchandiso and tlIYltft rep Watch The Ilxillilllltfl for nd look for rcd to your he Merchants 43 EXAMINE 4i Section ENLISTED FOR SERVICE ALAYMEN IN PRESBYTERY TO THEIR KING lost of in ClltltCllztii Stressed by Brown Hamilton it Sllll lcr uLl with monsoon Irilll stunsoon who stud iiiiii lli Llt nauseous Iii illv t3vtl mi Fm runs in iail =i lrll it ill lll ii lltltl Ei iiu Loi 11 ll juickiiys lam mt ill trade 1Hilillll was txp lave Dressed it llldi lllL ha mo ll iii it new and illv wt in wlhm iii ii iii lIzte mi llit Jtll llh It iitilldlly iepzi iitiii Uliillv Willi arts of the tlttllti wa 1I llltlllil Eii yn er tie li ii rou mic he thu ltiilit piiiiipsa Ilvilliy Inipor Id Inmwd llitlll ltl tlr it 17 up Loii in yen lltl tiiuiic til iliiipe ill is replaced 13 lie Arrtitlliiliill in tilt milk gt113 illlilli and inca iii The new static pimales for iiitioi ot lieiiyieiy and Con and on each linur Drugglsis Join lD nee li Axrltltlnill loiir Ilaiiie trait stores are 1W finitely outlined lllljttIhtr Tn The other of II zosslauiis lliillll object to tiepiii the pit iiil life of the lilltilillltl llitlll their for spectlic tik Itgt llltlillltll of the church Mr Ilriwn dealt with tile Fttii objectives adopted and sanctioned by the liniy Adioiy Council That we encourage the orgiii intion of Presbytery lazy Associa lions wherever possible throughout the Church tho we endeavor to promote more regular attend ance it public Worship that a1 Systematic programme of missionl Miss Palterso Vll nun now EQUIPIED to give My WWW b0 mud you complete spring service on all In of cars and trucks Springs urge the formation of reading lmade to order also radiators re clubs and study groups We rev paired and recored Satisfaction complete redecoraiion has Dtll guaranteed or money refunded carried Dominion Stores local branch iii der Manager Roy Merricks stipei vision and the work is now aliii Ist completed Walls and ceiling are shed in French ivory thesanu tltiitt is carried out on the shelving oid INSURANCE fixtures with narow band of non for relieving loiich inch and black are used effectively on SEE the new changeable price cards for eaclrpastoral charms that We commend The Stewardship Liiei tCrawford for special study in this Stewardship Yearz that We Domlnlon Auto wreCkershiake determinch effort to se FM cure the regular monthly payment of adequate stipends lo otiriiiin isteiy throughout the Church that we continue to promote the increasing circulation of Thel iUnited Church Observer in every pastoral charge that we urge the recsiablishment of the famin al tar in our homes and the general use of The Upper Room foriguid lance in this worship Rev Auld of Midland Illl lbehalt of the Presbytery extendch thanks to Mr Brown for his mosil lhelpful address resolution by Dr Hillamlllll ter and Heath that the gath lering accept the challenge to the was adopted DELAE HOLY Monncns Lloyd Jacksonriljeltriiefy sonnet Mr and Mrs Delaney 40Mc Donald Sta Barrie and graduate of Barrie Collegiate Institute in 1933 was ordained to the Order of Dea cons of the Church of England in Canada at an impressive service in lSt James Cathedral Toronto Sun day morning Most Reverend Der wyn Owen Archbishop of lor onto officiated pointed Curate of St Michaels and AlLAugelsCChDrch St Claiignandl Wychwood Avenues Toronto His intentions are to continue his studv onto In addition to his own family ed hisgrandmother Mrs Waig horn Cobouig Delaneys mjo ther and Mrs 01 Waighorn Big Bay Ppint theyoungmahfs aunt Rev Mr Delaney graduated from BCl in 1935 at the age of 18 with lthe Wellington Scholarship in Math Cartcr Scholarship for Slmcqe Coun ily and Andrew Hayand Upper School Mathematics Scholarships He granitictecHromiTrinityGollegeT lUniversity of Tordnto in1939with lhis Bachelor of Arts degree win ning another scholarship also prize in 1940 and receiving his Mas ter of Arts degree this year He lwas appointed by Provost Cosgrave last year as Head of College at Trinity considered very high hon our He was also Trinity for several years RecituT by iPupils of Mr HardyMuch Enjoy The firstof this yearsrecitalstgiv held on Tuesday an the large audie ence were greatly pleased with the ing the secondfrecital will be given in St Andrews Church The Paper with the Classifieds azii COL 51 lJ in Shade Great Lack of Rain Hits 92 LEFTOOVER loin iiiiii ziit lll rint it was llllllHlllll to iuii nioie than ltt in lllls ttl issue In tHllttltltlHt tll toluiiiiis Hi 11 din nialtti had to he held mtt till in on difw COMING VENTS Ii Dr Woodrow Orillia Ont will be on holidays May 23 and 24 it SATURDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY ACTION inrno Roarinsnui with WILLIAMiBOYD AND SEVERAL STAR PLAYERS POPEYE CARTOON uriif use v1 05 Starling Simday Midnite 12 also MonTuesWed May 262728 THE GREATEST iiiAin 510ml oirsuow Busmsssfsmci THE GREAT ZIEGFELD neer 28 Victor qubertueiodiea including your favorites Kiss pl Again Im Falling inLove Vith Someone Rev Mr Delaney has been ap ies during his appointment in Tpr those attending the Vserviee includ einatics Trinity Colliege Second Snrumuunl Picture with NiallVOIIESVM arifllartin ND COMEDY FEATURE iiiiviiiiiiiiND iiiiui DREW IN THE AGE HIT THAl NAB IROAQWAYHDWUNGI ack manager at en by pupils of Ed and Hacdywas av it programme This Thursday eveni

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