Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 May 1941, p. 6

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Thursday May 22 lSit im unimlf rXAMIini until 051 ANADA TEARS andSWEAT llllr is war for existence It is war to the death It Is war to Win or to lose lliiic an be no half wayno compromise It is 11 war to WIN Elic CtilCtIiiCOlS tic Money to loaii at lowest mics of interest Of homily iticei 13 Owen St Masonic Temple Slims W111 Rem MUSIC LESSONS lBullcing Barrie Branch office Mrs Km We Elmvole Jd Rl3iyJ woods days with her sister Miss 1F Robi ertson Orillin and also attended Edmund Hardy ilus 1310 FTLl CAMERON CAMERON the WMS Presbyterial last weekV Triml BARRISTERS SOLICITORS ETC Mr and Mrs Gordon Reeve ant Mitsicnlllicory innit clnldIeii Mr and Mrs Card and El oiigc IUHUV 15 the luurth 01 10 sopVICCo liilltVll you are called on to pay or to loud it is little compared to the Vlu cs but our SOUS lllLI llIiri have been many and lllll calls upon iuiulu already lllllo Ill 1010 i1 wni gt Jum 19V Let us face the truth am tic rut iii ma us too Vl 1W gllllll xiliiiol leIN mod Slioliill ill MVIV Hf It 14 lrccilom we are fighting tor Billlbll ticcilom the freedom oi body and 5l11l Nl 1jhih spirit that makes lilo thllll lnnlg in will llii iii vi MM VMHV will 111 1h iili ouv Vzlhlltl ii W0 lull fill C13 1mllllll5 iltlllill Iilldl Sl H111 oii ii 1H lJ ltlWllV tiltHk liie ill tlil llill hool By propamd for sacrice Rodi ittii ll lit 37 3119 1111 WNW lll ll titty thlr iiiill iiiitllllltl llll llllillr ll 21 WY in li lCliiiin IN All MK 1113 Elli111 ll ll tllmmlil dl Bl Itun has bLl us cxunlllc 011 5021 lCIOlC Inapnl CCIICC llSlVOIy brown il in intovliil in Mt lllmll lili 114 rixll if MCA rillLi 11111 tollouinV dul retoul liis Lill Iit min 31mph 51c11 Bulging 300 111 111 cniorx lot ltlliIilttlVtllll PIGIlIl pm llllilllllzj lltltll liiiiin two llll LN Viicu boils Sillrl to Monk out on VVVV VV VVNVIVVV VVVV Vim Am mim fugmp 1111 ditlurint ports of tllt liml ll wh ll ll tiist two Iill and 21 thllll VVVVV incidento illlll tlii llltlilll is loziilvil tip ll ll 111 ll HilllmvV UT lmmllv llmv zlllilll has 10 IPSOIHTPS Let SlllC notlml Men 0111 SOldlClS ocr 1011 nh im MM KitMicr 111111 Mon Plllllllthll11llll 1V VV 1V Rump EggpumipofiV uni VV1V Ines let be Willlng share 01 livchhood Just lion 11111 llillln you iro r11 VViIiii 5111111 otV Vod VsiVltV1ViiVVpi Vim 0f mlmh 15 up mm llilllfid1123Illitlnnim placeand prolong Wllr WW lllStlltly lllc JOYCIIHHCN imt W1 Ml 01 money All the 13mm and muiiioing you iss MIIIV iiitllt L10 xllilill ml do Mu id Hm Hm mink Ehum gtllilll =1 VNli Willi llil D11 The lllOnCy 18110 Why ml ml mm Wham 115 M13 ml Ml mince Fall blood purifiiiig Inmliiiiio llnrilmk 11tlgo nd 111 Bu 1310111 Bitters 1V1111Vi to mating tfhe VVVVstiiigoViVVVViViVasmcigftcinilincp151 mMViVSSVVVVIISVtigmlL 311111 11 1o We aVVIe spending billions Wc ale roll heav to most of esc or b0 scurlct triti Mr and Mrs Mat ROlltVllsml bllhmlSVand those taxes are mum spent 11 Lanada That money comes back purpow durmglhelmwo3mm Rohz Newman student at Wy BillllC mm Mrs Rom 9131113 11ml vit rid of the lle 101 llt llSSlhl 101 Win Slilldlwr to 01 Tali It til 011 89 ll 10 II Cp 111g 10 In Will dy li 1K MY 21ml Mm ROM Ken llmd lt blood and the boils too iNtlllill l1t Sunday night Mi VVH VV up new In to ans NollImam lid be hm my me mm llfindiiio biigiiriuifiluv 51w agaln undilgam and galn lull nght Prevalls and the world 18 free Th ll3 ilnwcjllLLBSiem Viontromerv and Miss mm mm Mth McDoiiiild TOYOIHO Sill ml l= ml md 11n1f5 nan SIGNAL DIRICTORY 111 1V1VVVV11V11BVV1V3 31V5VV1111VIV1 VVV Miss ViRpm ims accepted Hm ACCOINIAXTS LEGAVL position at Woodington Ont and PNY 0Y5 pills$1 Dorothy IEUCRS the new NllliltSON OYS ceiiionc opera 01 gliiliiclilCiictwiii tlitiltccs iClBlltllSlClS Solicitors Notaries Pub Mr and Mrs Ed Jackson To mum and Mrs Herman Jack and FIGHTW0RKPAY Hamilton were Sundayl aClirll magisi1iiv prusbyumn O8V518N1f0 inc Mr and Mrs McWatcrs spent Church $1M ALLAl itlilnday with Mr and Mrs Jack sorcntory of iust at JtthOSlV COWAN COWAN an VV 11V Winnrrlmm 50mm Conveyance ExgrdimlltaggedMlggy 33311 Notaries Public etc Norman Milroy only son of David Milroy on Monday May 12 at Niagara Falls MI and Mrs Mervin NobleMrs Wm Noble and children and Mr and Mrs Lucas attended the RossNoble wedding In To ronto on Saturday last The Baker property has taken on much improved appearance since Fleming lmg had the house painted and the grounds cleaned up Mr and Mrs Helm and Mnand Mnriinii MoAILi AVTcJI 17 OM gimp Barr8 Teacher of Plano theory Ross Cowan Organist St Georges Church 113 Bziyiicld St Barrie FRANK HAMMOND BA KC Barrister Solicitor etc Musonic CHIROPRACTORS chmprc Bldg Barrie Money to loan DUNCAN McCUAIG KC BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Money to loan Ross BlockBarric DONALDF MacLAREncBA BARRISTER somcrron ETC onort ELSIE Bonus DsC wglIDluglcss Therapists Electric Radio Hydro and Mechano Therapy lngnc Ali IM 82A Dunlop St friends would wiSli HESDA ir st Ac 28139 tl weelliiid mTIomrioeins we 10 Mr and Mrs Elbert Rumble MESSV Jean MgirViontoV Stayner visited OnSunday with Mrs Astcphensonv home for the weekend Vstephenson rec Mrs mg $ZimihTogosls word on Sunday of the death or Mr and Mrs Robt Eldridgehel brother Ed Anderson Ever Masonic Tem 1c Building Barrie gt McKiNNEY niONElyTQ LOAN Mrs Gordon VIebo all or Toronto 777 GENERAL HEALTH SERVICE andk Mrs chds refiggongeggff iii ilituropath lIEmCAf we endV 015 CtlrtgtlnaVCd CDmngSS Therapy Mn Tem 15 not Impiovmg in WG Ethel Violet McKinney DR mELow health as much as his many VVV Graduates cc ClllngCillQCl VNtillOllle College of Druglcss Phystcians Complete Physicnlgjixnd Chemical Exzimirilun 70 Essa Rd Allaitdtile rim DRW LEWIS Sggcry and Disease of Women Chic Coroner County of Simcoe and DR RN MacPHERSON Physician and Surgeon Physician and Surgeon 39 Owen St Phone 1015 Office Hours 1230200 630 pm EDWIN WILSON 131521 00 Phone 61 Office58 CollierSt OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN King Bioak Barrie Teicphonc 345 8304930 51111 1300 and 630 pm Ofiice Hoursr9l2130 l5 DR LITTLE and Miss Mgrlg wewmT Lbillion CorbettndHiETMaiini andby appomlment Associalftiiolgtipei C11Simcoe logg ocnasnrgllg ale Mrspmndle motored to Niagara Falls St Catharines and Hamilton on host ammo NURSES Physmam and SuggegnL Thornton arey151t1ng With their Barrie Brunch WcllBaby Clinic 0mm 47 Maple AveVTe1ephone 213 Miss Jean Kindle $31 wilt mail 051 err reyVan Slm from 230 to 4309 clockeveryVWed Offme hours to pmVVV to MW33K$0rerglr MIXES ncsday Application for nurse ser pVVmVV or by appointment coe ForestersVToront0 spent the viws me be made direct or through Mark VVVTomanV andan and Mm weekend at his home here before aim Telephone 36 DRV LAURIE Badger and son OiilliiiVVMr and Physician and Surgeon leaving for an unknown destina Mr and Mrs Irvine Office 110 Elizabeth St Phone 2110 tion MrandMrs JohnOrr are VETERINARIAN 31ulAiltgd irliigvliihl snendin the men VinToronto Mgr Monicahours 13o33i roo33 andthen 0mg to amilmn 1V Dlsuldala of gg 95 whoieeorgegrgduates rom unl Phone 811 Office Own St at Comef theLake Mn Campbell Mr Office Hours 130330 7830 pill Phone 700 Residencer47 Collier Sq Mr andMer Samuel Morri and Mrs J35 Campbell and Miss and June and Mr and Ella Toronto werejsunday VVISI Dn auction SEYMOUR Phystcian and Surgeon BuIIdBIgger roilerProlItsl belprgetz zopqudlint welleqzeatefrf birds attawedroiir Raising broilers thcVFulOePep Waymeansbiggcr rotits fcirilthefedercl FrOm dayold chicks until qbroiirTazerthmughs to10wecks3 of broodin FolOSPepBroilerlMasli meets the mitritire mold ofthechicks is high in oatmeal content That id developsbig uniform broilers that are well eshed 411111 38 Hayfield Barrie why it ii gt 21 ll ifiuemmdwmmhdmetmpew wUse FulOPp thisy diced ififh FulOPep Way It stunts premium Harri Morrison and son from tors zit Eldridges SEC Office and Residencg Corner Eliza Smithdale visited Mr and Mrs beth and Toronto sis Phone 140 VV McGilliVvray omSurtday he Vratil Highc1a55rHum Hours 1305330 700830 pm UN ST LOUIS ordns Entertainer for your next VVDRVVEG TURNBULL Alien CaniegontthoCaninCBgrden MES Flilrawleg Sgengthe Lod eor vChurch or other 1311 MCG was weaken v151 17 Va oesV wee en er us an at fetgllment musmled Circu Offise ndarsidenltiialzEalriggiiiilop Mrs John Breathwmte Toronto lddmss 628 crawmrd and Poyntz Sts Phone 105 Welland IarFREE is spending month with Mrs 10 Hours 910 am 13 pm 78 pm Mrs Thos Frawley has returned Jones from Spending the past week in CW6 are sorry to Vrporittlkat MrsV tie is very wea me mommr wwgd sound went 11 roman Simon Toronto Misses Doris and Eileen LBClalre Midland spent the weekend with We friends here visiting er an rs EYESIGHT SPECIALIST wm Ney 53 Dunl9p St+Phone 80 report of the JordonFleming Hours98 daily Saturdays till to wedding will be found on theWo LAND SQRYEYORS AL DIRECTORS MBULiANCE SERVICE Phone 218 Visitors Miss Made lne Flana gan Woodstock Mrs Ted Fourn ier Tom Flanagan Toronto PteS John Flanagan and Bill Rankin run wrong nations have at goitre operation Mr and Mrs Carol and Mrs John Plowrl Phone Ivy3Y3 visited on SundchtLMn 43 week with her daughter Mrs weekend with her Sister Doris at BSODhia St West Barrie rctumed to suoud latter week Flanagan and daughter Barrie lingwood hospital where ShEWlhel father RichardFmWIey Miss 11 when smock Mzrgaret ElmVale Howard Johnstone bill mens Page 0V millionDIAMOND M384 3550139 GreY and Sim FOTesteS T09 at iPattcndensu WithMl and MYSJOhn Flanagan immt Todd Barrie at Thus Toddsf4 CENSED AUCTIONEER Mrs Geo Barr spent thoupast Miss Watson Toronto spent the onimgLandtsmvey Mrs Patttenden Stroud has route and and Mrs Ernest gt mu Aocrlonam Mrs Archie Campbell 311 in 001 Miss Mary Prowler Bafe wiui andMrsct1arlesLeniiox and VV Thornan VV at 1135 Millers ringwo

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