Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 May 1941, p. 5

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Thursday 311 22 12141 Simcoe Presbyterial Holds Fine Meeting Over 200 Dele I111111 gates Mrs Hon18 Orillio Elected President Local Lodies on Executive IN ST PAULS ORILLIA 111113 Li liit 3U tcte of 11 1111 111121 titttgtgt 1311 21111111115 111111 1311 11 111 iil1V 11111 111 3511 11111 loot111 1311111 llicu 13 tll 1U 11 ilrascr R111 Ilcwztci llop11V Hoarl will in ltwtla 1011 i1 111 i1lllllI linlliiti 111 Nola 11 11 11111111a about 100 lbat 111 lwcre 1121111 11 1lnp11111 from the 3lllt11e canipaiiilc the bell tower ll1=lls were introduced 111111 litttilalltl ill in 11110 but their Itgtt 11 irelaLd 15 piobably earlier The 11C1tlll 311111111111111h111iron Iisll 11111 form 111 11 111 11 111111111111 111 1111 lltiitil II1111 pt11l111121 trlt11111111l1t111t 1i1111 cl1111 11 arranged Vroa saint 111 Ireland was later c11 llJKNl 111 cover ol splcndid 1411111111111 131 11111 art of great gtliii1 With the 1111 toil11 with 11111121 lslttlilt ill AIIIltltlll 1111111111 The largest bell of th1= World is 11111 of Moscow Vituliinc 1113 tons 51 The 1511111in are loud of bells and 1211111 111111t1 lirilVlail 1111 cling upon lUlisi approaiawl with prayer led by T1111 i1 liclite 11111 1ut1l littt1lgt1i 1111311111 lilil CNN1114 144105111211 of the most celebrated peals of lzie lrcsliyi llilillt11llgti lllllg spi alter 17 111 lllltlll 11 11ii111 13111 iltliltcgtgt o111111 Ioriic brought 111 iaid cucouragcntcnt 1111 days when we are 11111111111 to hunt 1111 1gt1ti11 pictures of the 11111121 911111 Basil Mllllltcwh who gt11111 the pole star in London 191 blackout which W11Ili 1111 1ipossiblix tlittl tilt11 ated liliencd it to E1211 is always IlltSllli c1 111111111 tin1 uarlt cloud 111 human toil and gt11 may threaten to ons 111s lli11 liic years 111V sltc Ilaying pt ayeis iii 1111211 lite 1111 11111 1113111 NM 1111 il 111111121111 ti 11 111411 111 1111 Tl 111111114111111111111111 liigtltiii1b1s1s of proverbial cXp ston II1HIJIIH1111 1N 113nieatlt 11 mark emphatically 11111 iiiallll 111 ltiijitl 1111l 111111lle 11 hraty 111 1111111 111 auxiltaras Ins 1111111 pt1 1111 1111 111c111H1 hf 11111 111111119 11111 Pitil iil1 The mission bells placed at Inter contttlitttedv15 in some of 1111 callyhighways run 11 1111 tnul to 11 libraryhit Southern California are 111C111 tolllklficsque attd of historical interest 1111111 Viill 111 11111111121er lovv 1111111 toutrilititzoiis other 111111 11111111 111c11 Address 115 Mrs litillc lidd 1111 Iliiin were 111151 111 111911111111111111111111111111111i lo the 11111111111111111 the 1111111111jil cobell to tile museum It by Mina Orville 1111111 tqunciull 111diites as far back as 11161 Such bellst 7111 lilgtliilllllllii 11 Sol111 1tcht1ll common but ill earlier times opclt been 1wil we not get tllrill 111115 ilieo 1l think of the llllllgt oi 1411111 tinsl trails iii every laud 121 1111 1llit cis have gone ottLlrut ii 1111 111 il1e wltltdtawal ot our tilts 111111111 trotll Japan oti a1co 111 111 ltzltortunatc rorbcs said 111111 been lett 111 1111311 at the re uucnt 111 the Japaruwo 11 iii the coiltlilu Withdraw 11 of lnisisain tries does not the church Christianity having been will grow Mrs Forbes challetiatij the women to tiorldclllucit woman have pill in the Christian etimt to brimr about the Kingdom of Girl hi the eveningr Mrs Forbes sllolWUllong andhonritllablchlsmry Mrs while visiting the have 1111111 lVu illlli 111111 11111111 labour and 111111111 die nnit 111111011 tlliclile wooded and made call 15111111 mm 11111 t1 11111 tut11 King the cattle home more diffi 1mm 11115 11111 5111311 1111111 cult problem hence Ville frequent usel 1ui Uldtillllli ultimater would laviol the cowbell Vh olie ltsclt into 1111 hood of lllltl lle still experts 111 111I1l 11 and groups to spread their compelling triubled 111111111 ol society know it today 111 31111 10 pgtp11151111V but 111111V lien or this Iresbyiciial face these 111 11 lll 111 itll lllt ent c111111111111V that six lztizlt hr lllltl 11111111 111 influence work ltl as we llle question mean that has killed planted are ittCttllt lesp inability WU are 1111111131111 in death strug 11111 10111111 WW 1111 Chrisuilllllyr 1111 the preseltattori 11 1111111111111731 and the tree win of lite Would it not be vise to make study or its tltet Inspiring Cotltributors vczikiiiSs aild its strength and its Others who added much to the 1111 11 saying that tlj saoulll pictures taken 011111 11 1111111111 GEtlseValeiiViieSleVel Units Ill use 1111 are more than years old Museum Exhibits Suppiled by Simcoe County Wolilens Inst BELLN0 91 tL i1 Bell 11f C1lit1 lvj gtilt 11Ily 1111 China 1111 The 11111 ks elnploycd 1111111 111i 111111 for ration of bells tttto La is also 111 1113 1111e green to 1111111 c1titpitlu 11 11111111114011 11151 P1Iltiiillt1ii 1c1th Iiirli artists and is now tltc Igtgtiiillll$ which they call 111 11111 that of St MannieBow ithcapside London which forms th don nativity Ilorn within thc sound of Iloillells illut those bells are silent now oiilicctitiu link with the early Chris tian missionaries of that great state Miss Orchard of Stroud has donat 1111 our county pasture land was very hills which demand our careful tudy and solution reminding licr 111 lIIIH that for every human need TEE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIL ONT CANADA CHURCH SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY COLLIER UNITED LJ 1111111 11 It Preacher Take Part in Services Spe cial Music llild Midland Day Pupils 1liai 111 iivt 111 igt 111 tlwlt 111w 11w Attid brought 11 1111111111 liltwu 111111 that 01 four 1111111 SAFUARD FINE CAKE Ull the lilctltc 121111 and garrison and 1111 Iti1HVVViVVVf Vs iii1111 1111 111111 11 that 111121 we as il 1Ait Specia 511 11111 Refrealtiriq HY Mountain Strcam there is 11 solution iii agreement with God Will Can we as meni Itlts ill this wartorn world with 11 we can the solution of many of our problems is within our hands inspiration of the day were Mrs Todd enumerated number of cc Watson Penetanguishcrie and mixSlon fields of the East four year onomie social and religious prob Mrs Ruby Midland who pre sented reports attriTctlvely in the term of question and answer of the Conference Branch and School for Leaders ivhichthey attended M183 Tupling Orillia who was 111 charge of tliclitcrature Iinle Mrs Clcmmcnce Stayncr and Aers Bayes VColdwatcr who 1rrangcd interesting lisplaysof African and Chinese crafts Mrs Kcll Church ill witthcr Mission Band display Mrs Trickcy Toronto Dominion Board secretary of Temperance and Christian Citizenship and Mrs Murray Toronto Conference Braiichsecrctary of CGIT who led study groups forAuxiliary cl ticcrs and leaders of Junior groiips Mrs Carter Orlllia through 1101 5011 Thc TwentyThird Psalmf the Orillia Mission Band and the Junior Choir who rendered accept able selections Miss Tupling who spoke on Mission Circles worship in the morning led by Mrs Bayes Goldwater and in the afterncon by Mrs Purchase Elm vale and an In Memoriam led by Mrs Wilson Churchill were deeply impressive his FRIDAY NIGHT 11111 1111 LOSED ALL DAY SAT MAY Lugsst SPECIAL SHIELD Brand SALAD DRE$V$lN AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP PRINCE EDWARD FANCYVLGSTER 1111 TDNGUE iA ours LPINE CLUE iGINGERI ALE 1111115 11111 $$$ SpecialFChoice BONELESS RIB Roast 24th 36 $2207 Lil 21 1111117 La rgc Butt In oo at to II no at to Sspiiiiiiiif RIB Boast 11121 1211 CLARKS VEAL HA CROSSE BLACKWEIJ MM 81 CHICKEN PATE GRAVES PURE UNSVEIIENED APPLE JUICE INVG PORK BEANS IN 01L MUSTARD or TOMATO SAUCE BRUNSWICK SARDINES TOMATO or VEGETABIJC Mail 11 itoz Tins 20 F1 in Tins 51 JEWEL SHORTEN AYLMER $001 Largo Bottle llb Ikgs 20 Fl oz Large LEGSLZEBIP racers 2031 llusVthie usual 5c deposit on each bottle xuuuuunun1 sPECIALwrows Biscuus COCOANUT Greetings from the Presbyterian and Baptist Ghurchcmrizerc brought at the supper hour by Mrs Macin ncsiand Miss McNiven and from Notice of Removal THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 11111111111111 11117111111111 its 11171w from H1111 of Toronto 111111111111 orgcr 111111 1111111 rouuiiodioizs lrtIIIIAIs at 70A Dunlop Street 1111111115 RICE Ontario District Manager +m no no $3 cuuo LOBLAWS Tender Eating PRIME BEEF ROASTS as III iiiiy BLADE 11111111 19 lssPOT Roast 18 onrchuou 11th 321 SpecialLoaLAws Sliced QUALITYBGLOGNAE169 AA WA VM MWVW Tasty Economical 11111111155 VEAL lionsrs SPECIAL TIVII AND ILY MAY Id and 23rd We reserve the right VNV El 11111 GE 11115113111111 WvThe popularity pf aV GE Refrigerator is based on longlife mechanism the 1111111 orthe GE Refrigerator was the rstVSenled insisted tVlVit on the mucket still rstiiil performance VV The Flexible Cold StorageVCom vparftment Provides tbeIpropcr conditionsdfor all foodsVandV theconteniept StbraDorigiyes Extra spacerfor storing frequent Vlyuscd foods Budget terms GE RadIQhonsepop VDhOVptOla once of your ldled GE di batteiy rind electric sou Tobi gmo 111111111 models Shunwave engine modelid L6 111AEmmsV RobinsonV Electric qudele 1R 11 co iimad Rev Earlston Doc cs Oliicers Elected Miss Collin 11111911131111 ellFi Famin Sho Tin lStlmcoe Presbytery by the chairman 191 111nm Sit The iriondiy welcome cxtcnd liliiiiwrnbrmngberrs MticVicat SPECILV JNGERSOLL PASTEURIZED LOAF CHEESE CRUNCHIE i135 This biscuit is 11 delightful combinatioil 111 cocoanut and cnsliew nutsan averitin of 65 Biscuits to the pound presideht of the Orillia Auxiliary was amply demonstrated through out 11ch day by the gracious hostess no UNDERWOODS DEVILLED HAM 0100 Following the report cube nom mating committee given by the converter Mrs Robertson the following officers werc cgctedVaVnoV then installed by Mrs Triclicy PastPresident Mrs Rob crtson Barrie President Mrs Harvre RR Orillia VicePresi dents Mrs Baird Orlllla Mrs Watson PcnetanguishencMrs 2ioz Tins 1707 Battle 2591111111 91115555 2515 RosE 151111111 szrini MIXED PICKLES LIBBYS Prepared Mustard SWIFTS PREMIUM FRANKFURTERS SOVEREIGN Br Fancy Rich Red 11 VMignVcHggs no lcr Pound 9411 10 CREAM CHEESEV illoi 2913 ChateauVCheese ii13 15 to limit unaninics iii all uiereliantlisc to 111111in weelily require monts vltIIIIInIt1UI flhisprrry or Strawberry 3202 Jar LOBLAWS 2YearOlil Tangy LOBLAWS umsli INN Lemon and Erapeif7 Marmalqde 12nzCmtnn INGERSOILL Plain iorl3lntcnto lltgs PLAIN or PIMENTO KRAFT SockeyeSalmon 21 Old Englishkcheese 171 BEAVER Brand VBanelessVChVicken CANARYLGILEENHPINK SSEVRVJEVITES VV 11va These EINELOBLAW TEAS and COFFE LOBLAWS BROWN LABEL lEll LOB LAMPS BLUELIIBEI gtLOBLAWS ORANGE PEKOE QloddhutchilhanersCeorge C1emmenceV Stayncr RccordingV VS cretary Mrs Weatherwax VOrw 701 21 Drinking Straw likglm 13031 19VVVpapcr 111116115129 pkgVVoi lkgs of 80 secretarle Deprtmcntsi Christian Stewardship andeinancc Mrs Cziutherasstayner Mission Circles MrsJCCPar30nsB3rrict Affiliated CVGIT MissNellieV Pick ering Barrie Mission Band Mrs KeIVI Churchill andMrs JVohn son Barrie Baby BandMrs Ruby Midlandj Associate Helpers Mrs Bunt Bastion Supply FRESH ARRIVALFLORIDA ORANGE large 51ch 176s consent Juror SELECTED pm one 1111 BED LABEL TEA Velvety Smooth Aces 1012111 SWEETIIEART Vpicuic VPLAVTESV 21 Community Friendship Ernest Love Guthrie rie and crAShcd hydro 5016 Mrs 7H Partridge Bar to Mrs Litera ture VVMiss Mary Tupling Orillla Temperance and Christian Citizen ship Mrs Carr Cookstown Missionary Monthly and World Friends Mrs Smart Elmvale Librarian Mrs WTA Doe Bar rie Press Mrs Hunter 0r lllia Vwithoul portfolioers Bell Stayer MrsnT Sinclair VBar ViiFreshly YCut Dailylvailiiblc at Reasonable lrlces 1115 19 5c pm Very fine or medium 111111111111 Rich Full Flavoured TWO cup Coffee Very line or medium ground Combines Quath Economy PET Co 25529 NEW ALABAMA WHITEgVPQTA FLORIDA WHITE CELERY STALKS Now lAnivinr in Plcntiful Sunnly OntarioGrown SDInachLeaf Lettuce Radishes Rhubarb Hothouse Tomatoes Grccn CALIFORNIA tlUICY LEM JAMAICAN EMPIRE GROWN 11R COCOANUTS LOBLVAWSv irslejelLijs and 11111111111111 are 111111111111 displayed and nuld inside the storE nmlr Ideal conditions ncvcr sold from the aldewnllt when exposure to sunirmn and dust destroy their freshness LoBLAw QQQVCETERIAS VCOTLVIMITEQ1 ueaci 011111 1111611111 r1irguuuui5L1nungu 11s on the HOLIDAY comic 311111 BI 11 van BREAD 1411 snicnn UNSLICED Mixed Pkg White Cracked Wheat or WholcV 111 he iiier gt1kgV $2401 Emaf or 1w 111 1smltltx DE of ARABIACGIfeq 113g139 VVV is SUIERCREAMED HDV cmsco 209V 1303s good size TRUM ffee Bag Medium ground Dan Cucumbers omens 231 59 VVCOFFEEto than we tugged an ONS HIGH PARh 11UXPIAIES 1m 22 Redeem Your dc Coupon andVGet Till Large Package for 17 VACUUM PACKED COFFEE large Vsizc 300s asuf MIDLANDGordon Morris well kittiwnMldland resident and meVm ber of last yarsPublicUtilities Commission was removed to St Ant dresz Hospital by ambulance suf tering from chest injuries sustained when his carwnt out ofcOntrol ground each kgs NHITE NAPTHA llb SOAP TOILET SOAP cAMAv 3991 13 Some prefer VACUUM PACKED gt CHAN WAX 1V VV HEINZ STE1111131343 Varieties 1il VTlns Ht CHRISTIESGOLDVMEDAI Very tine okmedlumlln SODA wKFERS2 01 VMortitowAtm LIQUID COFFEE 1136 OXYDOL 12 Smnn 111 Vk VV

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