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ins1111111tl 111 111 111111 m1 W1 ll1111al ralcs for 11111 1111 powcl 111111r and Mid drag V111 sol priests 1111 11111s1n11s 17113111 $70114 to 11111 1111 1111111 Mrs 41111111111 l1111111n1111 111 gcltingl 1111111p11 111 1111 113111 1111111 111 111111 in your 1111111 11 1111111111111 Llllgt0 of 11 11115 if your misc 11Il115 1l17111 can 111111 you hccornc regular naturally Try bowl of ALLISRAN or couple 11l11lBRAN niultins every morning drink plcnty of water and discour how nrjirlaryon 1111omc K1141 ahead of constipation BRIAN your 1111 111111111 111111 111 Ma ol Service script 1111 nuptr 111111111 11111111a111 a1111l 1111 111114111 11llo1n Mrs lesson Berr 3111515 V1111111 l1111li11111111 1111111114 1111 WHOMs lers Ally was read by Mrs John Thoughts were ghou by Wilson 13 11 11311111111 grader Mrs 11 Purchase Tributes to 11151111111113 etc Mrs Kittmi $111114 solo flht ll111115 111111111115 littort M1 louncll worn pawl11 1111 11151111111 111 111111 Kirton Mother Wazcll taken 1111s 011 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11 11111 51 11111111 11 1111 131 Jul 111 11111111 roll which 11111 111111 11111311111 111 tollscloth 111 was 1113111111011 111 11111111 returns 111 lounty lrtanlilcl 1111111 Supt llcll 111131111111 his 11 gum111 porlp1v slimls 1112 1111 work to April 1111 This was 1111111111 111111 1111 M311 1111111115 l1lt111111l 11111311 11111111111 1111 1111 1111111311111111lo 1111 roads 1111 Clcrk 1115111111111 to write 1111111111 will 111111 111111111 111 111111 when 111111 111 licvrsron 1111 Ls 01 51551111111 roll will also 111 111111 111 by Mrs DH Smart Miss 1111rcnc1 Manning and Miss Lorna Raymcr and was niostintercstinp and instructive Mrs Morit genicty closed the meeting with prayer social hour was enjoy 111 over the tea cups Elmvale Womens Incubate The May 1116011111 of Elmvalc Womens Institute was held Mrs Alvin Simpsons on Thurs 11aywith lcn mcinbcrs and one visitor present The new presi dent Mrs Copeland asked for the 011operation of the members report 01 the Board of Trade banquet was given The appoint 111g of directors and standing committees 1va left until the June mectingi The following dele gates were appointed to attend the District Annual Miss EFoster M1sATCpeland Mrs Tip ping and Mrs Gray The presidentrcporled that gift had been 11111611110 Mrs Ken McAulcy before she left for her new home in Toronto Executive be committee to plan foxthe District Annual 111 be held 1111 St Johns United Church May Lertainment of the Grandmothers Modern Girl Has Cinch Compared i9HrMlttler1 111=1 No Guesswork Cooking 11 1r in 11 11711 1=1111 111111 11111 1111111p 111 l1 11111 111 11111111111 111111111c11 111111111 11111 Kidd and 111111111 11111 this 111111111 1lt111 11 appeal 11111111311 11111111llllllt1l 1111 1111111 111 p11 win 111 1111 11111111plu to row 11101111111111 11 1111111o11 111111 N11 111111111 1111111 thaw111111113 21112 11 1111 1111111111111 1111 111111111s11111111111E11111111Cl111 111 11211 1111111111 111 lllll was 1111111111 11111 1111 lrcasu1cr 111111111 111 1L1 for 111111 on 1111 roads in 1111 111llgt1l1 111 llos 11141 1111111 1111 111s 111 111111111 111 1111111113 Ior nut11s 111111111111 11w yards of 11111111111 51117 p1r hour 1111 tracks 111111111111 1111111a1113111111111111$l31 p1r 1111111 1111 man and 112111 5010 pcr hour and for labor 511110 p11 hour nopcrhiddwlhat lhc tender of Cccil Knuff for 1111 Collection and disposal of garbagc at Wasaga Beach for 1111 season of 1911 he accepted Mr Krinll 111 11111111111111 his 11111i1s Ion lnnc 171 motion was passed that Him 30 Plans were made for the eu atthe June meeting and comj mittees were appointed Motto for 1111 lilillll IX llXIIII Bt11l 11 Iil my Mv 11 11 cd 1111111111 1111 11111 1111 1112111 all 11 1111 mash 1111 URGES SUPPORT OR WAR LOA 1Slugggcsts Display of ags in 11 llonus and 11111 01 Husrncss 51111 oi ngt Sol 1111 111111 to ollccl 13111lr1111111111 11 1o 111111 ilt 111111111 11111m1 11 111111 11111 resolutions Itl11111 1n Iiiit1111111111111111 That 1111 rlitlt 11101311 11 1111 11111 Suns 11111111 11111 111111111 lt1111111 111 111 1111 11111 11 1111 111111111r1r1 11111111s 111 111 11l11 run1111114 11111111111 11111 p1p111 1311111xr 1113131 11111111 111 iron 1111 1111 111111111 111 111111 11111s l1 11111 Clla Mar 1r Rosa 11is1111 7112 111 1111 111 111211111111111111promH1 11111111117h PM Hmimm mung 111 1111111111n1111111111111 111111 play 111 11411311111111111111 11111ll111 placcs 111 business 111111111111Rilc1111 That the 13111111 of Rcvision lor 11111111115 ol appeals against 111 11141 assessment 111 111111 in lIlmvalt on Sallllday 1111111 11111 11 2311 1111 All mcmbcrs of founcil wore pre sent Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed Corres pondence was rcad and considered 1111 following accounts were pars ed for paymcnl JJ Marriu sup Mien$750 Commercial News 11 advertisement for tenders for grav 11 crushing $373 Robert Barrior re transients $200 County Treasur cr hospital maintcnancc $505111 James Waulcss 1111c sliccp killed by dogs $1500 Chas Eberhardl sup plies $1941 C01 supplies $1450 111185 $1480 liev11 Smith rent of Hall $500 Gerold Shanahan supplies $921 to pay Council $1750 11d Millingt Co Anderson sup 1he next meeting of Council will be bold in Elmvalo 1110 am Sat urtlaydinic TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA SPECIAE BARGAIN sweeLLpefore our own doorstep re mohtlni you want 10 keep 111e4couzruurrclemvleLuLeaclL WW0 ionic inias 6511 rlghland Ainrro Cylinder no canou=5 models Priced $4450 ENAl Lmi IGIE RoblilralorFl Iovolv 1119149152ch from $208 GE Hotpoint Coal and Elucirlckannorfrcm 94 50 whoch Milton ROBINSON HABDWABE at Miss Kathleen la pleasing piano currcnt event Tiper idered solc This was The HistoricalRe search moeting and two very in teresting papers were given one iMaIgafetiDrysdale and one on Flos Township ebared by WI Ritchie ahd by Mrs relrcshmen wee erved 19 mother Glen Murdy another house Mr Miller W21 erley is puttmgiin the cmc and Mrs Thompson Weekend Visitors Mocha Mrs Gordon McNelgh and family With friends in Niagara and Hamil M1 and M1=sA1f Porter friends in OrangevllleM1 Mrs Hurte11 and Mr and Mrs McKeever with friends in 001 llngwood Poe Jim Craig Toronto at his home House Destroyed by Fire from the chimney boo Orr Lake ovum ypv our 11 ALI TRea get ALL It IleWS f0BlXlb3 The r611 canwas answered VL Mrs Len izndMrs Dean Macklem Toronto visited their Mr and Mrs Waverley are visiting their daughterMrs lRoy Jamieson is busy building The unior choir of the Prest itcrittn Church had charge of the 1musrc for Mothers Day under tho direction of Miss Turner disastrous flre visited the vil lage and destroyed the apartment house occupied by Connors and 11415 3011113112 The houses of frame construction Eire part The 11119 caught on several other buildings around but the neighborstormed bucket brigade and by hard work savad Mrs At kinsons house nearby The down stairs contents were saved The house was owned by Mr McAuley murk debs of The Barriegzxamiimr allieooau tu Bmvavmxgrgroes1m TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACHES 011 Simooe Comityiimadgby M153 Excursion ticketsrrggod in Tourist Parlor and Standard sleeping cars also available on payment of slightly Black Another 77ery interesting lughel 133553313165 Plus 117 paperLSomelhmg lming ascsteel 1111111011 holds our Empire together was real by Mrs Tipping Tasty sleeping car accommo 7dotiou ROUTESTickets goodiigoing via Port Arthut011tTliicago 111 or Sault Ste Marie returning via same route and line only Gcn iii1 Womens Institute 11 Mrs Duncan Mchrthurs on Friday with thirty ladies present lunch RETURN LIMIT 45 DAYS Us 11321 311 311 311111 15 11p 11 11 1111 and 11 Vtwllriul John11111 11111111 111 ltcr 11 111111 to 1121111 121 111 and inalirziu 11 1111111 111 l11i 111 111i i= 1111 1111 111 111 1l WW 111 10111 115 11111111 111 11 111 cm 11L1 1111 1111 1111111 41 11113111 111 11 11 i11111 11 11 1111111 111212i111 111 $1 1m MIA 111 80550 Appomth lFLOS COUNCIL 111119 21111111 1111111 MrMastri 1111111 in 1111 Monday Mrs 11111111 the 9111111111111111 tXPHh Row and Kai Hmn 111 Toronto 111111 11 1U111111 11111 11111 11l lll wotkeno 11 11 113 11111111111111 111111 111 Ior 111111111 lrtl Tu raijhacc at 11511151 lititch mini 1111111 111ral1111j 11 11111 an 111 11111 111111 11111 11111111 Botw 1111 1111 111l1111 111111 m1 amn 11111 1111111 Ju 11111 Wonnns Illslilth Mar r1111111 at Mirl i11111111111K 111111 St nni 1111 11111 row 1111111111 11 lilttrls 11 116 11111111111 11 111111 11111111 11 111111 11 111 Walla111111 11111 11 111121J1 11111111 mum11111 ol 11111 rlol George 11 Ellis 1111 1Thur Ear approximatclr about highnoon 111 roult to Pelawawa from Port Eli111 1111var1 on an cxtcnuw reoriritinu 1111551011 which 11911111 1111s1111y Mar 11 $11171 1111111 Salvage T1111111kloal of salvam anti1 11011 11111 11111111 1111 11101 count 11 331077 The load was 11111111 1111 11 11100 1115 111 111ws1 11111111 15111 lbs ot 111111az1111s and 110111 10 111 of lllitllltahth 801 lbs 111 1111111111 1L1cs 1511 lbs 11 11011511111111 rats and quantity of 1101111 11 1111 10 note 111111 out of 202 uhips carrying R1311 Cross sup plies only six were 5111111 by cnrtny action 0111 of 1111 11111 Cross warehouses ov1rs1as has 111111 111111111111 out and innucdiac 111111 for 1s1111 nowns has 111011 11 porn11 S11 ladirs 11111 11s to 1111 tour 11111 in helping to lllttt this 111111 1111V 1111111 oi Mrschhn Strung 1111 sympathy of 1111 comma 111 is cytcndcd to 1111s Frank 11tolc1uan and Mrs John Artu strong whose mother Mrs John Srom died at her home Stunu 11l11 $1 011 Friday evening Fun 01111 service was held at her home 1111dzw afternoon by Rcy Morcr Interment was made 211 avncr Ccrncttry Mrs Strom in her 9151 year Stacyncr Womens institute The monthly 1110611115 01 Stay was 111111 11 was decided to hold an 011 to Vittory salein the salesroom of Sheffers garage 011 May 31 Mrs Perry gave report of 11115 West Simcoe Executive and Dis 111t Directors meeting held all the home of Mrs Ross on April 30 Mrs Wyant and 111s Duncan McArthut were up pcinted delegates to the District Aimuttl to be held in the United Church Everett OllJHlleBAF ranrzemenis were made for it Ma sopic banquet to be held May 27 in therTown Hall Robert Gilfen Sunnidale Corners gave splen did informative talk on his trip 1hrough the Gatineau Pulp and Paper Mill Mrs Chas Donn gave short accouut of the life of reiieemghtingal P12 be the 1211111 11 iv 011112 Miss E1 Armies eute Tine 11110010 served 1111111311 View liftMlsi Brunw skill Sunday Grenfcl yiiled with the lattcrs parents Sunday Wesley Symes Niagara Falls and MissVeIa Christie St Cath arines spent the weekend with the formers Darents libre Visitors with the Brunskills on erous optionolvroutings STOPOVERS4will be allowed at allimit of ticket on application ed States lines Full particulars from my rignt seriousness of 11 bad back The stitches twitches and tvvingeo ore badenough and cause great suf ack of the bookie111vl tanog but 11nd the cause of it all is uidis ozdotod hian crying out lng through obook pain in theback is the kidneys Get box of Doano Kidnay Pills remedy forbockache and eiclr kidneys obong argubox With our trade wrap 11 ugoeamwoi Districb 00 armfworm more any pointiri Canadaaon the going or returntrip ocboth within firi to Conductoralso at Chicago Ill1 Sault Ste MarieMiclluanC1 Weft in accordance with tartffs bi Ulillt speedy recovery lt communion1c cry for help Go to their assistance Deans are 1th up in on 113 aple Lea on the 1ocrlicrxiz czzmcafmfzmm The 11131 store one OlililNG in their small foundv 11111111615 and Gurney 111111 low 51111 well Wlitri corriplctcd tilty sold 111cm 1111111 to the 111111 12111 11111s 1111 1111s1111111111l 1lc 1311131 1111111 they 111111 1116111 unrgonvlnm Year 131 11 1tlltl 11111 lC 113161 storm lyllir r1 you 11111 11111111 111112 ruining1 economy 111 1111111111111117 Stt GURNIY lust 11m lma 11111111 1111111 HUN0111iIIH1 11111 111111111 in112111 11 lire31 111111 11 11 11111111 arm111 SMITH GURNEY STOVE DEALER 3531 129 Dunlop St Phone 535 I2Z21 suRF mmsx PA FIN is A9121 iron 1SALE BY The Sergeant Limiter and MlsT Weir Toronto Mr and Mrs Tour muEaildenw Sunday were Fred Tobrriaztho Brunskillcnd M1 and Mrs Den nison Qooksvillc andMr and Mrs Bailey Toronto James 1311111511111 is in the RV Hospital Barrie after serious accident on Friday He fell from tree from which he had been cutting ofine top All hope for imaging spent the Thos Wilconl endin Toronto Rachellegibbon cry 1111 Help Most people fail to recognize the qu and Mrs Good Hamilton spent day at Albert Mailines Mr an Mrs Langmead Town 10 visited on Thursday at Clar ence COODerZs Mrs Merrick Barrie and Mrs Goose and sonElmerx Toronto called on heii Sister Mrs WMnsteryySaturday Depth of Morrv We extend sincere sympathy to MrsmBylvester Moh in the sud 1llnie55 was not considered of SBIIQUSHBWIG The news of his sudden passing was shock to his friends RE OVER THE TOP CRREMQREIH the War Services campaign Creemore went over the on with total 11115611191161115 $602 Creemore askedto 113 himmmrmrfomrm cribe $500 sureof happy7 carefree holiday by replacing 9smoothworn tires With new GOOdyears today We have your size and 721choice of eleven different Goodyears for caro at different prices We are equipped to give you quick efficient service Start enjoying the protection of Geodycars now and 0ullenj0y itefor many ths to come Every tire in our big stock is priced to save yOu money drivein for proholiday service todayl gowlers 111 Cla 5115111 many 111011 1161 unexpocted deathcf her hit3 bandp Although Mr Moir had notboon well for some thne his ervrce 1122 WestSkill rho311 pperton St Barrie Ihon THAN AFFLETON Barrie Manager ap 525 tlrilli