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thc programme group 1111111 were done wilh chorus parts by large group of Singers from 1115113111 13111 5111111175 Olhcr Barrio largly responsible 1111 1111 $1 chorns bccausc of 111211 1111 study of 1111 parts were 1r1 Baldwin llcily Bray and Edwar 111981115113 11111 111 singers ps s1itcd lovely sight as all werc 11 evening dress News of the World Keep in touch with world and war events byimcans 01 the service which your Radio provides If it is reliable and in good condition SEE Earl Sinit atthe Barrie Radio Electric Briumjly New Inside and Out 1111111 1941 Bray 79 51 MILLION FISHV COLLINGWOODWllh the 1ail load being lumped into the boy at work of distributng Coll ingwoodi 151 000000babywwhitoatishwthcouch bel1jffifwifale the Georgian Bay Tslcm and 1111111 Tubes for all makes of rggqsirkept in stock 56 Bayfield st Phone 4313 lpCi end of balccAthonww15Cgm plrterl after thrcc weeks 1311 Examiner Classifieds cost little gtb11tldo big job WM llllllill 211316 Regular $227 111mm El50111110111 POW SBAPOWI1R more power our our FGWER moons SthSANDSiPs rahlrsandtrucks grenaides andgnns ahd ghting planes stadily their numbers mount as 0111111111 indirstry pouislthm out forthe victory drive gt Electrvrcall drive on speedOnturiospro MODEL ss More than hermitfeet 9135931 12 space withjmaILOIItfsidedimcnsiori Foodsutorage 61 cubic feet Shelf Area 5115quuare teemIce Service lbs atone ocking 28 cubes single trays HhJ5Wrill 51111111112931 Depth MODEL 1116 Actriaiiy 619c11bic rcetdrstmge space Vfood compartments Manynew qual features 1Ncwri1eztt tender glg topped hydiatorj larger Vfrbzen sturage compartment 1111 utilitytomec9919 Zpartment d0ubleJWIHfh ftisseijt liftaout Shelf durable111111115 ish Playing VltIiOIe on the front linethat runs through the factoriesfjsHydro power Today allthe rescurcs of 516 Hydro generating stationsplus additional reservesare at the hatidhs service breast And you can depend oneyour Hydro system tokeep pace with tomorrowls demands ferlin Hydrti as the gimme of inauitry isdoihg its pm to build and strengthen the air poWer sea powerand laud power that will bring victory and peace S6$199 SillIFICAT10NS Food Storage 69cublc feet Shelf Area 142fsquare feetf Ice ServiceBibs at one freezing 56 cubes 2single trays ldou 110 Width 30 15111 LetSimone Supply Your Electrical treatis WASHERS RADIOS HAMMER MILLS and c111 Vlypesoi requirements District Reguldg ble tray Reign hilt16 OR 11 1d 11 711 Faun WQYeelrcil or sint predation oflrblnlng and ghtingplunes gt OUI AR FITCH RFI I153 LT JOUAI COMMUNITY ll PENN 011 13 SUPPORT MAKES IT STRONG