UNI ANADA li Ill Urinals Phge Tuo III liliilili IXAMIISLN liilill mam tvolII4lOivllOvlivlJJllivilvOv01 44141a4a4a1a1o1040o1 004 AS ISICE IT By Elmore Philpoll it 50 Years Ago THE kill weeklywztngzg 1E EXAMINER mmo ooooow vv Illll llltlil From the Files of lulu1131 11 11 lil11tll 11 110 311 rillltW TIN Norhern Advance vnrx iirt icL lllitilidlllt pm iit In 111 AV Ill9l ounly Nolfs 2i lllllrlllll111 the null til 11 1941 Siiiiiiidalt pull EliIIiniil win ll ill inure lill Ytliilllv and itiriii wund riV xixcluttertndiiu EDITOR Ruti ill pciiiiiticd in ticct il Brati gtiiait up at night llaiiiy lct lllllirill go ziii tlcnivily will the 11181 11 The two hwlcr liliilil liaiimlli 111lr 11m 11 rc knnicli of ling MP 11 531111 Ililtllltlligt il Iiiliw to tilll Knit lA1 nil lit iiiiblit but 131 Ill 1111 nuin mar 11 iioiii mm mw 11 1111 lii present war rather than Wlir 11111 his hauled House 11 MI by i111 L1It to produce war in can be eaten lllli by 1110 ltliic liict not the man that in expensive id 111 xaz tiizhtinp l1ilt tvi It now costs Elation that amount for lit tiriiiourcd dirt1 dinary infaniry diviszivi all ILCOflelllOll since on wheels includinu hicles numbering guide costs 3000000111 ical units get illlit 00imini Ili tirciuip 1IllIIf icsgi umbic Kc ltjs til lurontc tlii lunizly uzirl 1111 by liztiec llnwicy tian iiiill llllt ling late the ililill iil lit Hi litcmw 1ili ifi IWP fitnizii 1313111 raw lg lllltill illlllillil Ol twlldliliill p11 Illtlilllili itiiilici illtl lllil ilblliw llililltlltti1lillIlllllilltiiilIIl1llllIUlIi3 lixtlt ldlltti till lli the illllitltllillill iiiid llllllalllV howii ltlzlif litiliti ixlIl IIll Iltlydlhllll nnll lillgtl1tll Kiribatitithe 31111 employed Villlitli rhiiipcd load sturgeon xviiv II it CanadapsAWar Effort 13 and 541117 litititiliil tolliiip word it im piirthawd by lllt ULII Ir John Caldwell Iiir ha in IltL 51111118 in liti flitlllt ii til it lyils v1 lWIN Iilxl road 11 result Hi lulu Fell lili 111 in gitif Ilif Weekly Review of Developments on The Home Ironl ilillli about lcc mouth in liwiif Whil on leiii Liiigs Ill Imvn iiifaintiiahlr Briefs Illlli 11 film 111 high by year 23110111 shill iiifh vgtUgtDUw mun 11 Hull itinpic Ihllic Nit pllllllilg ltn iilt UIllllltllS Ill llrnicnt iiid Mirkliis Ilitl 11 Illl Ili lifts llvlll litltl iiiililliyllgt produced tlltltl fiil effect lII ciution lll Ills district tnuw Sir Lyman Duff Chief JusA litre of anadal and II McKee were inllltlllg the ruetcssfiil candidates at the late cxaniinaliuiis of the Law II Russ pulliiip down the IIllllli1tlil billltllllgs cast ol the Post Office and will erect li1 class building 1large lllllllllllt Were StIIIIlil on the Klllilllitl at 0093 cents per bag 90 More than $250 was iealred for the new Mechanics Iii Slilllt at an Indoor Iair projected so successfully by Nu Ics 13 ii iii illlli il 51117111111111 Vi Hi 11 it tliiilitm dereltipiiicnt 15111 hilVli lllli WILD ILOIiIIlls oiu time away back iiiil mankind Ocean to taint tiic them lind cicutstx tell us all illlll were tlilllllli nitric wild variety until Ithey began in tame lllltllllli1lil tiicmsclrcs vscckly rci on the 11an Iitiiilz liy lil iiinntci Australia 111 inspiring words ad tnc Iliitnc ul nniinis May llonriniunu lrcal lill Iittn liltl ill iwrli tli ii ill the dun 1115 1113 ltIlI ll Ilt HZ mil hillbillm llllllt Iiint mil Illlil Ilii lwils rd Britosz nail lliIIt oil uiucov 25 Years A00 From the Files of The Barrie Examiner ii unlit iiiri iII ll Illiildanf pr iiziinii lilitn clil iifiiii Vintlltiii Killlldllll tiiii liil lliniltiii Itiii Ii iillli1 lailiiiic Iliul ll It IliilIIIIi illlll Sou il have hinj Illl stalitl the XCLllllltiI Liin shall not fall Mr Menzies llliiltlllly attend ed meeting of the lllilllllilll ilI zllll war itlziiiiiittn intl isded Alis ttalian lutlciil pilots at the living Ililllllll qlllldl ncar Ottawa 15 1011110 opened 11 Hunt of toitinoii New Di hintracy intiit that lllls House regrets the Government to es control liitvcix imp lili clzl lfilli til hlilll has not yet completed tnc iob oi taminc still wild men at lurch iii the world even among civilized Epcoplcs liu all cciiicii wrld iic the world today are llllllllitSSIIi to the heaityuid ariily on lllillillli and we send llllsxltlllllllli out tti save them front extinction Wild flowers pic woodland societies arc ti tscrvation iill illlt hurt in itIiiiriiiinizc filill 11 tci ntii lltitllHiI Hill Mi ila ii 111 illllll by out gt burn 03 himself tor illtli are Welland Illlllli lalrin 11 Iii IIIl itn Stilt md tli hill and illj add i1 tit Suctit tin money to 3300 will hurl shedt cmziu vlillt of 120 llllllllit such gun would spend mi re than $10000 On the sea also the iiiotiey goes fast corvette costs 8550000 itlltl ll iuuieweeperl 55750001 destroyer costs $100000 year 105 maintain In presenting problem Mr Ilslej tintt iii in Lkl Many tit them 11111111 third war 111 iii 40 H111 Iulaloes iii one human tirinu lillllttl amend Illfiiib HHIIKLIUN iilintialitiii of iii and assocum life with rcservc officers and other issue of credit by the chartered mks was urged by 11Col 12 banks to the end that the amount by which theproceeds from reason able taxation and rule 11 interest attain Hwy Ami smww FUN itcc wan znlhi tclhlhuhs lath 1U ltrsf tilt in all address at llltll gowriinicnt expenditures may dinner Ill tiiinpinr Mesa be met by funds lroin the Bank til IlSlllllillYC lllltlll men from Iid inadih without fear of inllatitin 25 Notice Government amend ment to budget risnlnlltins Under amendment 20 per cent budget tax on motion picture theatre receipts becomes effective on and after May 19 instead of on and after April 30 House 111 Commons approves wt of $35000000 for wheat acre age reduction lXItiIllL 111 tiudmu 1111111 ii all Ivliiiiipc IIlNIlIANLi LN IIIIIIGIII IIIIS pleeis Ill ltllt It dictilt the why and uhelilwic iii lioc iri failure of LILIlsll clltctive ladd bcittity and variety andi llliliill ltndscapc and horticultural uln makingr an appeal for their plt Some of Canadas most bctiutilui wld flow Oili lpounds ovcr gut this thainlicrlain LiLIItl 111 Mr de VJIihhs dc utrid Ilttli llritazi riliiqtiirhed the naia UN ni limit twirl ilillii1iii and why McDonald lll ill recently rip liillllltd outnniaiidiiig iilfitcr inf 2nd ltiiaii nine Illlllfsllxdttlllll in town wcrc inspected by If KiiigJr Board ol Ilculth inspector iw buildings in Allandiile is very ll whom Mr Justice Ilaughton Leiiniix passch his sec uiid intermediate liar examination in Itiliiiihi T0 in out town stiiiinart or his iinanciiil itiid thin he required $060574000 for the Army ltli0iititllli for the Navy 33800100011 for calr For and 3180 458000 for munit costs distributed among government de partments which will bring the total to aboatiihSibltd 111211 110 0110 51101110 Vil Phili Wild Sl500000000nct counting direct financialiOWelS but the appeal docs emphasize the aid to Britain Canada will ship this yearihecessity 91a little thoughton the partof the lplcker It is pointed out thqtlthe trillium for goods to mm for which we will recmeghietancc cannot be picked without removing 533 liii ii lfiiil 111 1110 Iitiiiiiiw tut remain are in danger of the same latc the caste oi Outtnio pert11 stress is being id upon the Lllllll oi the white trilliuin the lorill emblem of the province which is 3iitl517i to be in prove danger of extinction Iltii Erection of tlhc Great wu had then pro illqlii about same period usl present one land and Icricliiic allcndcd JIIIIIIUII illui are lill hand III IIilc uiw tziid vol til lllc ptills would musl certainly end recogni trail by Hitler of Eircs neutrality If Britain took the ports She would have to tight for them Ntitiicr the Goreruuieut nor the There are other war mi Hng untary handing orcri to Britain It is not MAY 18 11111 Ncwsy Notes around Angus to iecalls former period in 1110 ixuiiy of the village wncn things 213 or All yuirs ago it Illl mills were sawing by lilire When Warm activity TORONTO swan about billion and half dollars worth of li himiiiiiig ivll Ciintracts awarded by the De partment of Munitions and Supply during the week ended April 25 numbered 2100 and totalled $97 TheM estW $350000000 This means that in addition iotah the foliage upon which depends the mu to maturing Of the bulbous root for the following sons crop of flowers 1w to transfer the chtire plant to some Southern completely bereft llivilijglllgell 0I no secret lliiit many of rc 11ltlllti Will mtiTiTTTl people Ireland iiiiiiliceiit timber from eiea iinw cuinprisrng amp Bor cir the Sol ram 317111 My HI ACROSSCANADA Emblem of Dominions meeting our own costs we will it soniethihgancre 112 ur better than Ill Ilitngl ii is sort Hi tiicti dollars ln its ICI sucking Mini 75 on Determination in War Victory Loon esideiit Mrr ricepresidents Misses nliiiiuti and Clara Rud Mis Stella Clut ton ililhllitl Miss Gertrude Reeve In letter from London Mrs Capt Whitby wrote that she hadsceii Ilul iirst leriuan Zeppelin Town Council instructed the Treas urcr to pay over to Barrie Branch Canadian Patriotic Fund laiscd by debenture for this pur liiltyloui appeals have been IlleClngiilllI the 1016 assess iqniet nook or in the garden Other species 01 It1LI winz lwild flowers like violets and hepaticas may lbe picked at will provided the body of the plant is left undisturbed Tearing up plant by the roots to gain bloom is wanton de struction On the State dfotel 1000 Rooms with Both Rules as low as $275 PER PERSON imiiiiilnaieqrsidy every dollar wccurn It will thus be seen thil this is war finance as well as of machines and men is war in which labor is playing vital and perhaps decisive part adian is said to be spending hburs and minutes per day on war work The average Britishcr spends hours and 15 minutes andi the German much more of the United St duction me shortening and winnii yea to 352714040 was for munitions and was placed with Dominion Arsenals The next for $1508062 was for land transport and went to Gener al Motors Oshawa Seventylive Canadian military personnel believed lost in snikiiu of ship at sod War Savings Ccrtili in April totalled $7185388 The March Science lllLIl they have 1rd their people hope 01 changing worse IlIilCllIIICS ii an early Brit ish victory the one thing which their own policy it doing most prevent One Washington columnist that oneintrigning stiugeition is being bandied about in diplomdlic circlet there lhcir one real Winiliid Ma NLltlill DEDICATION MAY 24 Al Ottawa Finance Minister Ills ley announced metallic torch three feet high will be flown from Vic toria to Halifax and then across the Atlantic to Prime Minister Church 111 as symbol of tliedctermiuation of Canadians to backBritain to the limit of their resources two from the liesuid+hc torch will be dedicat Vespra and CldlkStlIl Ilotels an ed at ceremony in the Parliament ticipatiug closed bars on Septein Buildings in Victoria May MEm ivlaikctpriee includ pire Dayand will be the basis ill ed butter 30 cents eggs 2021 po Torch Day programs inwenty seven other cities during its pro gress to the Atlantic Coasti Inscribed on the torch willhe took somewhatmoi spurt the past these words Pmr of me toms Cunadus victory loan 1941 The loan opens June Mr Illsley said the theme of the planis that Canada carries the torchyto Mr Churchl Apath lg freedom if The torch would be seht to Mr Churchill as heartening message to him and to the British people that CanadzpwillstaygwithBritainqo 721 two are concerne gers The average Can sin lt3gt Sltltl m5 RaILWAYS AND THE WAR EFFORT Canadas railways which were serious 11 should apply 101 thmhbttshih it abilitytand burden few years ago are now 1901811 factor 13 proving great asSet and are themselves help ing to bear the burden of the Dominions war effort Sir Edward Beattyin his annual re port to the shareholders of the Canadian Pa icific Railway stated that the lines were meet ing theextra demands placed upon them ef lfictently Aggregate revenues have increased It of the gieatcifrcight traffic and acceleration of industrial actiViCy Fortun ately the railways were in goodxposition to handle the increased demands made upon them both as to labor andequipmcht and the service is essential to both warindustries andlmltary operations throughout the DbT iminion Discussing his companys tiouSiTEdwardrcmtlwnetiearn lugs for the first quarter ofthe current fiscal year have increased $3218000 to $8520000 Durin 2992968 c7 aluwnileellllquent is not regardedde awas WacrmalrbntIathelidslokgdJLponQS0WQHdentadvjsedl mao duringithe next few has sidestewy 0f reasonable cOllyyears He said it is still imperative that all CIasscsvrshouldiwxerciSe strict selfdenial in expenditures on items if our full energy til 1937p rected to ward wmmugumrfuhis is no less neces sary fongovernmentai andprivate enterprises than forindividuais That that lire The contribution 310000 finance and war nro 33m alas In state in the American Union IIUlIbI 11101 100 guid to apart from this war crisis Bull would heave sigh ifltllel if the neverending Irish question once and for all on the lap it Uncle Sam The immediate would be sellevident voy question would be settled for the United States because trans atlantic shipment of US terinls thereafter would be at he twecn two tunes in the Union Hitler chose to regard that as 31 cause fOIWalEllEWOUld have behind lier the Whol powerof the United Slimivould also have behind her the whole power or theiBritish EiupirrfUntoriuuznuST humaiiniture being what it is the more likelycoursc is for Eire to do riotliingat all about the general Situation until it is too late if Hitler chooses to invade Ellis he probably will beforcdhc end it will beBritish sea povver Brit ish uii power or British landforces that save her if she is saved NEVERCAGTAIFe This war will put the finishing arrangements which are long since obsolete but which have been tolerated because they seemed to be doing no parti cular harm 111e stattls of Eire is one that cannopossjblysurvivc this Before ithei wziir IR because 11 1N be true SCtlllS Altogether tr ll tie John merits iiuiudiug neversettle deposrtec NEED FAMILY COURT THIS COUNTY Juvenile delinquency and family problems have greatly increased in Simcoe County dur ing the past few years as Court records will Show When anyone child or adult offends against the Criminal Codeand igcharged in court he is regarded as criminal and we hcOulythe bneccurt in the county forlall cases which is most unfair to children jtivenllowithracouviction registeremagainsti him Is handicapped for the restof his life In 1908 theDionGovernment placedl teethrtesthcaluveiiileepchriqucntsrActr $49141ch 1E slation That is made operative inkgggjounty Qll municipality if so desired According to this 16 WOIC tatocs $150 per bagtilti pouiidsi With the Men iILKhakl ROCllllllllg tor the 177th Battalion wartime client The lllll as resu week the plan of having soldiers detailcdtor this Work exclusively has worked fairly localities war ma well in some East Sinicoe school childrendiave raised $2300 for the equipping the 177th supplying ll lighting the purchase 01 Battalion Band and field kitchen to the 157th Battalion The work On the camp on An gusldainisigimmecdhigwerwphh ly and Col lbw has promised to have everything in readiness for thcjsoldicrs by June Capt Kortright has adjutant of the 177th Buttalibn IlColD ll Maciaren has been advised thalithev 157th will go to Camp Borden on June Ernest Barnes of the Ga zette staff has joined mmiifliismcmempmmatton biting his fourth attempt to do so lHelis now with hancial posi yfth as shall be the end Canadia victory Ti Al theWSemi gious TorchDay cererbu es Cami adianswih be asked to place their right hands over their hearts and rgpeat this pledge hereby declare my be Almlg ty God and reaffirm my lbyt allgiaifce ii the King and further declare my support for British institutions pledgemnyself and my all to lioldtlie torch on high and to march shouldcr to shoulder with the Mo terland and they Empire in hteous cause to victory and en during peace be torchwwillbecgriied across Royal Canadian Air Force bomber AfOrmal escort of three menjLopgeachirDm11te new arrhyaud pirforcaiwillibe provv ed Itinerary of the tronsCanada night will be governedunge aVailab1landingcihtrrcs According to the itinerary thet bomberwill leaveVictoria May 24 and be In North Bayou June and ponds in Ontario immune sonnd incordmsiu Just grsmoiihmre record Qme vichllpyls ma 1th magnetized It magnetic memory There ore it is fine medium for record ing Because the recording iSdone by magnetic means there is none of the mechanical distortion pro duced by somegramophones The machine which uses vical lay ta for recording is called the irraplione Minna Ame ornament gm been appointed 161111ch Th 3n Battalion duct and committed some offence from int pulse or underrthe sway of wrongenviron menFStrch juveniles ShutildftlierfOre be dealt with asa misdirectd and misguided child one needing help and encouragement The larghumberof juveniles charged and IIch in the 117th imaging honessential 1y ElVIBjet The Examiner add Uni Must Nof Misundersmnd llilons Official Shteises touches many COn ted States mentor THE METAL WITH Amniotic Vicallov the metal with volvin an endless belthf vicalloy memory enables you to hear yoursel as others hgar youl The name of the newlydiscom ered alloy is made up of the first letters of its constituents vana dium iron and cobalt Itwasde veloped byBell Telephone Labora toriesbecause of its ability to hold more permanent magnetism commercial matrial Furthermore it can be rolled in the form of tape to betd for war unchangch it was just asortof Irish bull just little bit ridiculous downright dangerous Eire still is supposed spme sortbt auegiance to His Britannlc Majesty George VI Yei Lions Clubs His Majestys Government inililo is so thoroughly neutral in the war Past presidents pugh and illwhich the Test Of 111$ MaleSWS iueuhE CiaigHzirOld Urry subjects arefighting dimEmil 1N Smith and BStephenson death struggle 11131 the 11911751939315 Three hundred attended the gather are explicitly forbidden to publish 0Qmments which mishthurt the Buffalo and Niagara Falls NY sensitive soul of the Noza leader or any of his underhugs includin the German minister in Dublin The latest manifestation of this supermeutralily was an order to the papers of Eire to refrain from mentioning the fact that Irishmcn serving with the British forces Whercupon the Irigsh Times reported that theiollowinngupan ese were among the Biitishgu ergais in thiswar Sir John Dill 59071 IQWD list ese as the shillalala voice isrecorded on this tape by magnetic meansflf yOu haVe ever seen at motion picture soundtrack you willbe able to Visualize the magnetic pattern he tape by the speak iihe Barrie LionsClnbwas represent tape edby Six members at large rally NOW at Brampton Monday evening in honour Of MelvinJones Cbicao 111 thunder and ecretaryGcncral Of the InternationalAss to owe formed in verfs voice To play back the record user throws the switch to the Repeat pasitiun andfromthm loudspeaker comes the Original voice with all its overtones and inflections unimpaired The speal nd listenlovhimg ociatiori or NinetY per cent of res originariin rite interior of buildings Partitions consrructed of Mctal Larh 111121 plaster willhold back the hottestire uptO One hour You get this protCCtIgnVithv PEDLAR87 Universal METAL If you lap to build ahew home or remodel mold one sa eguard your family and ptOperty by having all walls and ceilings plastered over this PEDLAR Metal Lath This steel mesh has awatcrproof backing that insulate against dam nss hear and cold It also retards the passage sound cod no dust streaks will everappeat toxnmr the smoOth plastercdsiifface 45k ynrrrplwming common or wril 115 orall information 9053 QEQPLEHIIMITED OFFICE05HAVVA ONT Montrehll Ottawa Toronto Winnipeg gt Calgary Vancouver Thcy were Presidenth Alliy than any at other 11 finishingiat Halifax on June 18 0503 will accompany the torch and will beslgnedin provincial the capitals the LieutenantGONNA nor Premicrcnd Mayor android other places whereTthe torch actu fatty is paraded by the mayor audif gather civic Organizatid rug including delegation from er ca Sit back self lkl The record will play ov over again as long as desired Like women and elephants vicali loy never forgets desired to record Something else flick of theswitch passes tape through magnetic eraser which wipes offthe record leav ing the tape ready for another message In the Mir Anv address by the SecrctaryGen ml was the chief feature of banquet feel that Canadians have wonderful work to do standing midway between Englaridpand the United States hesaicl You have great mission to perform We have as an International Club ne 1y sixty thousandsepalrate ac tl ties to carry on but we also have another mission to pimt lead thevpeo In LibertyIntelligence Our Na ions Safety 1mm must not be any=misundelr staliding between the United States an Canadav he stressed urge yo to be tolerant urge you to be patient and help us over there to understand our problems We have two of the greatest leaders the worldhas tantalum 101131 Vent he icontinu er and cities But if it is icigls for the project is um tale Dominion torch committee set upby the victory loan organization were or Voice ex usea it is ill besitahcy as to thigvgiistcome of this war with two man at lho helm In watchman he urged bhat there be no confusion and lld that it is the people at omit that Will winthe batm Keenth or home and hummus rophone telephone operators can hear teir voices Just as they can seetheirfaces in mirrorlhey alreadyihave an envilable reputation for speech and courteous tones but now for the first time they will have an opportunity of hearing for themselves whether that repu tationis deserved andTa means the high standaer oth lustre oltea vii means cf the Mirro phone an apnratorcan hearher voice as the subscriber hears it lo use the Mirrophono one simply throws switch marked Word and talks 11th 2i micro phbne for hombre than one min uw Behind the Ammonium is no OConnor an qulte as 13 My own guess isthatf the setting up of some intema of authority 0fMliChahimm of the British Commonwealth tare parts Eires ridiculous tie tq the British Commonwealth will finally be severed on the initiative of the rest01th clear In immiale up he 51 aired humour SAVING GRAVENIQURST managers here voled 23 to inlavor of lintlaw to 39 into of maintaining they have set drdbnG omZaMyol Camdtiirm erseen Mllght swing no effect May 10