mares 1111 BARR MIDHURST Page txlcen 2124111 Belt 11111 oii tizl 1111114 1111 tstiei Mar 11111l1w 11 iroa lici 1111 The 1211111 Scllzuuiliz spitSttii S1l1atidlt2 11111 1111111 111 will iis 11111114 otttts Cookszirwt 11 51111112 btinila George 111 in 1111 111111 ililoiiii1 111111111 1111 on tai 111 Spence lieas 1111111111 Finlay and Margueri lr1111ii 11111111115 Mi iitli Mr 11111 1111s 111111111 1111 lhlii 1111ii GLENCAIRN Alttilliizay 1111111 cant HttiitlaV Viol pornn 1111 11111llciniiil111e 1911 Allan 1111 Sitt and 11111 Jamie1111 llltltllttl t11 112111 1111111 Allltllll 1111111 11111 111115111111111 11111 1111111 jcdde 15111111111 uSthau Ontario l1n 11 cekend wREATH zllllll spent llltll lttli 11111 1111111 Presbyterian lissioti 1111111 11311111 1111 11111111 loincd lteutnniit and is sta 111111111on tliaiitli 1l111s ioelicins held iii 1111111 111111 5111 11 andMts Lennox on 111111111 Church even 11 lo 111 lr Mar 11111 71111111 lii Morbvi To ttlll1lii Eioiiie ot the late Mi and Mrs Morby 111111111 Stephens and Mr 111111l 11111l and family isitcl 111 Sunday ith the lormcrs pat 11111 Mr 11111111 Jun 1111111 11111 Walter 11 Stephens 111111 uni Kitchener spent the weekend with 1111 farmers parents here 111111 1111111 56750 111511 111111LS or 11151111 11 the Presbrterian Church sini S1il11111111llti1y May liiistllltilll and Mrs David Kieriititn tcv Jones Iilnnale Hmmmm WWMIQWM edb illF all 1111gt111111 i1101111 Mothers DiixlWlll be the special speaker at bolli plause 1111 1111 rival reporter v1inl 111111 Mrs Stephenson Madtll Sunday some time in Toronto hopeil betra Mrs and Herman 11111111111 to 111 being returned at tcr Albeit lioine patient General that 111111 111151 11 llospital lr Madill will enjoy 8111311311 ENSONS Iitie 111111111y Phone 18323 Burton Ave liiitcil WMS 311 318 11 church held its monthly inert 111 in 1111 clio1l rooni lhttrstliiy May 11 with good aliendance on presided over altqr 111111111 1e ltiltl Mrs Gordon ooi 11111111 lhe lllllllltlt10f they alteririori 1111s spent lll sewingiorl the halo lhi committee had line 111 tlllllltlillls articles show illccts if thetr work lllllllL conclusion 11 was served 13 Elizabeth Supply Seerc 11 Job inisiiiess 11111111 1111 MW gt1lilli rv nAJ DALLSTON Sincere sympathy is eiftendcd to John Key and family in their sad bereavcnietit Frank Morton is visiting Mrs Wilson Congratulations to Ted Bertram who were married and are spending afew days with Mis Bertram while on their honeymoon VVCybttlll Sask and Mrs Sask Mrs Hamil ton and his bride recently May Victor daughter BornIn 1911 Dunn to Mr Ogeina 1Gwcnncth Elaine Rev and Mrs Aurora WLMQL 181011111 few days last week among friends here Rev Mr addressed People Monday evening iii his us and kindly Mrs spent Stewart the Young pleasing afternoon interesting china painting at the WA meet at Mrs Woods The YPU held closing exercises Mondavcvening when the Unions of Edgar and Crown Hill joined short programme by the way Stewart talk on Tuesda 111176 very them 111111 osr mason Court lssues Warrant Alter NonAppearance of Soldier in Court ilb 1ll111i 1tiill111111 111ELI 1111111 l1 11 111 11111111111 Cpl Morley 11111111 loi11 Mothers l1 121121 111 11111 hits Ilirb South lo speii Sunday 111121 Mix 131111 111111 and 111li 11111 liioiito 11111Stllltli 111111 lr 111111 11s 11211111112 11111111 Aiicraltinan l111111111 flatly 11111111111 l1ll 1111 WWI 1111 1111 hi parent Mr and Mt 1111 111Q11 erce lla 1511111111 1111 115111 1111111 spent Sunday 11 loioiit Mr and Mn Sentlo llall 131711 and Mrs l1s 11111hllllll 111111 lioiothr ill 11 llairte 11511111 wizh 5111111111 111 11L1lli Mr 111111 Ms 111 1111e Vltltillt 111111111 who 11111 taken 1111 resident 11 1111 1111 McLean STROUD Anniversary serviees will be held 11 11 11111 and 1llt Three babies were bapzixed in iihe Presbyterian Church on Sum the infant daughters 111 1111 and Mrs Rowatt and Mr and Mrs Mel Ayerst and the son i111 Mr and Mrs Bob McDonald Presbyterian WMS The regular meeting of the Presbyterian WMS was held in the church on Thursday May 1111111 110011 attendance and the prcsidcnt in the chair Miss Cowan took the scripture reading RAY rerv interestingr letter was read term 1111 store across Canada will 1y Mts Smclan from student Wm 5111 in promoting First Aid minister at Hawk icllinu about recetvinu bales fitnn Barrie Pres bytery MrsIlink Cowan read an artlcle on Medical Missions 111 Mancliuria The Mav meeting will be held at Mrs BobMac Donalds on May 29 Mrs Sinclair closedthe meeting with prayer For further Strotid news see page 11 POLICEMAN QUITS COLLINGWOODI1arold Gil more 111111911115 placed on the police force as temporary employee fol lowing the resignation of Constable Murray has resigned and left that force to go to Camp Borden in It1 civilian capacity LARGESTOREBURNED ORILlIAOn of the worst fires in Orillia for several years court plately destroyed one large store andlthrelttencd an entire block The Orillia Hardware store and the Qrillia Business College above it as muclidzunagc as could have been high explosives Safety Measures Against Accil This nationwide first aid cam ada is ameniber McKnight were bttrncd o11the flames doin inot more thangt100 words describing wrought Maormun nccndmrivs 0an acctdent in which knowledge Certificates will be awarded the FROM MAY 1824 dents Stressed Contest for Children with Prizes Total ling $50War Savings Certifi cates During the week of May 1821 Week Special window displays warnnig customers to be ever on the alert against accidents paign is being sponsored by the Canadian Pharmaceutical Assocta tion of which every druggist in Can of Winnipeg Mair President of the Association says Drug stores from Coast to coast chains and independ ents will coOpcratc in this drive to lessen accidents more particular ly minor accidents that occur in the home In addition to newSpapcr adver tisements and radio talks the Asso ciation is also sponsoring contest for children Any child in Canada lbetwcen the age of 12 and 15 mayo enter the contest by applyingto any local drug store for acopy of the leaflet gluing thesrtiles The con tesi is very simpleall the child is reguircd to do iswrite story of lof first aid proved of value Prizes totalling $51971n War Savings 11111 be installed for the purpose 11f Crispy in brig piques and 1301 compact of the same glittering stuff for his partner Peg gy Newman 01 course since 111 is Everyone 11111 good time and Wish you had all been there The crowd at this dance represented every form 111 the school Up to the present most of the crowd was from Middle and Upper School and so think we may count this years Graduation Dance rousing success especially since we did succeed in aisiiig nice little sum for the War llictims Fund MEDONTE Rev Newton Sinith has been appointed incumbent of the Anglican Mission of Medonlcf in succession to Rev 5W Coughlan His charge includes St Georges hunch Fair Valley St Lukes Prices Corner St Athan asius Orillia and Foxmead He will take up his new duties on Thursday May 15 1941 Cotton Fr0c1lts $2 98 11 fresh seersucker ht candy stripes Young classics with open neckline pleated and flared skirts See the new and chctmbrOty Sizes 14 to 20 FOR CONVENIENCE bert Iayawardliane It makes change doesnt it Coughs Terribly wearing on the system in the coughtliat comes on at night and prevents sleep Sometimes it is the constant cough cough that will not be quieted Sometimes it is chokedup stunted ditlicult inks and herbs Robert Jiibsz who have lllLll i1 240111 Cisilltltt 12151 101 him111 erto been known and signed as llob eri Iobsz do hereby inform the Gov ernment and the Public that shall hereafter be known as Bcnlara Ma reporter had to applaud but hagcdara Wijcsooriya Aratchigc Ro lid so 111 the worst of my ability Mr Girdwood was presented withE box of chocolates but he ini mediiitcly gave them away and was iiotas we had hoped still eating them at halfpast twelve Night up feeling that makes breathing Dr Woods Norway Plne Syrup the remedy you need to give you Jolief for the reason that this prep aration contains the healing virtues of the Norway pine tree with which Is combined wild cherry bark and the soothing healing and expectorant properties of other excellent balsam Tho hlilhnrn 10 11111 Torontfx 011k three Unions REV West then introduced Rev Morrison of Wyevale whose nits most interesting and enjoyed There were few and rolls was 18 add muc contests and were Asgyed for refreshments ROBINSON Monday aiidAMISs Sadie An drch visited with Mr and Mrs Jr Fcnton on Sunday Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Vernon Connell weiners YOT ekpectusto ltctllrrfrup our used curse Ii We didnt you wouldnt have much faith in 91 Willincfldlet XQUdest whatww NEWi us Butiw WE say THESEAREON HANDterse IN TOUCII WITHUSTOROTHERSCONHNGINifw 3er models of 1940 CheinOlel Coach Also two of let MciSterCoqch ch nee Marjorie Holmes Alliston who Were mar ried at Port Burwell on Saturday May 10 Mothers Day served service was ob in the church here last The infant son of and M1sGordonMadill was bap tized at this service childhas the honour of having greatgrandfather in the person of greatgreat Sunday This little 1939 Chvro 1938qud Sedan 1937 Chevrolet Speeigl Coo 1935 Studebaker Sedan 1933Cheviolet Coupe 1932 Chevrolet De Luxe 1932BuickSechn 1930ChevroletiSedanv 1929 ClieerletCOOich 1929Chevrolet Roadster 1928 Ford Coctch 1928 Nash sedan 1927 Chevrolet Coupe BIiY WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES IL LENPALL YQU CAN 17 CANADA and John Holt grandmother Mrs Thos Ayerstp Tne rgular WMS was hel Wilcoxston May attendance meeting tMrs Harryi be good Mrs Dalton Jackson preSided The programme which was in charge of Halbcrt was on the life of Rev Harold Wrinch Mrs Woodaiid Halbert were appoint ed delegates to the Presbyterial All articles of cloth ing for the bale are to beIeft at Mrs Jas Cobourns onoi 1312 f0re May 31 Afterthexlose of the meeting the usualsocial hour was spent vNext metiting to be held at MlSuD June edah Mrs Gordon Mrs in Orillia SOD Chantler STATION Percy Frankcom and Henry Al are illwith blenrisy at time We hope INrsiN of writing soon be well On Saturday at Mary McLeans an afternoon tea and homemade baking sale was held the pro ceeds to buy layette for British raid children School Association were certainly well pleased and appreciate the help given to maker the afterndbri such success Contributions were sent 111 by some who were 1111 able to attend they 1W1 TELEPHONE 372313 8119 ELIZA 3511151 snares The Home and CHEVROLET Fol KITCHEN andiiii 11111111100111 YOU need Gilletts Lye in the other household tasksf chen andwiii the bathroom Keep 1t handy for drainsfor pots and pane for nutherons lhe prizewinners certainly will If By Hubert 113436113 Well the GiaduatIOnDancois lasted ant glad to Say that the boys of 17 took that little slam of last week inthe right spirit and bout half of 1hec1assturned up lghcther they could dance or not 951 ofhem could notbut there were plenty of girls there to help them alongithe tortuous path net regret coming to the dance for the prizes were really something Gilletts Lye wiltsave you this year The stuuentstouncii de of cleaning r1155 BOOKLET The Gilletta Lye Booklet telluhow this powerful cleanser houses c1 and odorless by destroying the contents of thoclosct how it performs dogem of tasks Send for fltee copy to Standard Brando Ltd 1mm Ave and Liberty Street 7mm Ont action the lye itscu clean clog ed drains kccprout MI of hardf workiitisl the cided that partofthe proceeds were any efficient economical way to go to theWar Victims bffBri tainand sotosavev money we ask lto donate prizes for the good Of the fNevcr 111301119 1319 in hog water The cause Theirrcsponsewas magnifi ant and We had better prizes this year thaniver before over but it was real fun while it ed differentimerchantsOf itietown It would take too long bitch you all the prizeswinners for there were greatmany prizes but must say something about the Elimina tion Dance It was terribleex amptor injustice Fred McConktey and Ken Carter and thigh partners were the last couples on the floor and neithercf them showed any signs or being eliniinated There fore Jack Calvert asked Fredliand Ken tocome up and singer solo chorus of fTherell Atwaysybian England Fred gave beautiful renditiori He is very good singer you know We wl have to get him to give arsoloatanaSSmbIY IAYlY way the applause was terrific Then Carter got up and started invan offkey crook withVvthe wrong words He later pulled himself 1to 77777 gather enough remember the words but the singing dill not change or course the pealsloit you capractually feel the ryrlietowEKnightgReptoMa Eroducts of an allCanadiau company 98 of WhOSc $tockis6vvned by residents011 Canada and atlofthose directors are Canadians White Rose M016 Oil and Gasolines are ndwrfirst choice vsthousands of motorists horn the Rockies to the Atlantic With White Roseproducts differena Fillup atthe sign 70ftheWhite Rose or Boyaudiblatetodayl m4 CANADIAN OILQOMPANIBS LIMIIiEp