Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1941, p. 7

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Im Mb HIE imam EXAMINER music our CANADA Highlig vocivtoovllo ruohcvolodNinuouowlvOttlll IJNNOI lo 10 fldil Ill his Cash Form Sale Nels LL Rs Of Budget YOUNG PEOPLE Hort RALLY urltiirl ltUil Icpi COUNfILII VOTES $3500 Bidding Brisk ETAILE TO THRIFTY CANADIANS IIUJl PM Ill Ural May Ll Ioili soda that mid at gal and mittthug tttiiidr if llli The cheerlul chapwho is so anxious to assist you IIIIIIIIIIII IOUI II tIIIIIjIp IiIrItII plIIitIIItIIItiIinleginIL IlIiItIa li Iat sure l0 13k hlm lil imlzulli rtlaltii for pllloii you plan your next top houses littii gtirduig tiltl ileilurii Cr am hcze to izi tltlILIllltItT loiiLd llim ciii laik lf there was an clictmiz that Mounts tnri Iilllil off only two mghi wthou id lie tiiii and although lie couldnt llll it IUEW tlinic against Ilititclis ll lr the mattm on the strict might iil oaiiiil In th 05 lllk 101 Miilirii charged that coiiiplaiiits going oi around thi imcl Vlll Ald tark mil ll anyone salii man 321 others iirieiui in wash cuitrocrgty All and Slltxl corners For Imuipu they kins mi your owi judg ih gilltll lanai he urged Coiinctl liILtiibcl saxcit 5x loiice toinmisstozi wouldnt lull1 lltlltilItlfillIVtrio Iiarteh in of his basil perspria imam We Ittl we Am Roy Lowaii took exception lJ Itll Ito the siatiiiicnt that lliiitch would tunaI IalltlIlimI no he lurid by Iiilitt Cnnmis III iil IMI 53ml Wk lgfl Alil Wither llalbirt speaking of llll lIIIIICtl not llll on duty whcii lIIlll III IlIIlI III IIrIlllIIImIW iiiii lgtlltlllltl be stated that two orl ID unh IIlIII IIlIlIIIIIIIfIllthI lIIlIlIlIIIESlgIIIIIl IIIIIU Irars agoItlicICltIch WiIllltiI Li niI 13 lt hiI liikits iilll lu It on iiiit down easy IIlihcilsfhu111HHpSIlilllih Drillle In tie optima Information at llii iililil iii illliilllkl llbv 117 iif lg II leme Itil rin lltll that For Nim lll will IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII Dunlop and Mulcdbitt blICCISIIIIIII IIIIIVI IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIINI mm man but only as an officer Ilc IIIIIIIII LIX mm arm IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IfIIIIIId IIIIIIIIII tlClIld that as far as war serricc tllittllitfl he himself had sein tW as much as Chief Stewart although my ll mu mililum fur mine but oncmorc medal but he II IIlllli Ilwl All lillLtl to see why the returned It IiIiI II iililii1 angle should have anything llIAll IliFII II II to do With the ability of man my MINI n1 td exclaimed IlccHIIII Unm Uf you of Barrio le IIIIIHI 35 Imfml IhlIflll ierallrd that he hid been canvassvd IIf HI IHI llI lullIIwll supporters of the Chief to vote iaIiI liII taina ll min In mm tglliii nouns As mini shot Ald Claik dc Ilit fart and he would try to II II clared In it IiIii In it 1I UIIIIIQHI am not llDllllC ClTatO an it inns Clltt WHO not Spjnng of 4I Hi my intv ii iviuuviitwihcihh II of lllttk who use IIII OMIIIINNN NI OIONWNIOIOINOmJOOMNIN mo mo IotlrJ ll aloe IIOIOO Iv DRESSES DilliSSlICS iirthc casual mannersmart for almost any ocasion Styles you can wear to tea or to business styles for spectator sports or for golf In colours that are softtoned appraling bright spots Pink rose pastel blue aqua maize pastel green lilac Also while Some with tirinmimgs ot contrasting tones Easy to launder iii if llll iii HT if V011 want more to the inotl but it would Il gOOd If bLuoOL rim daiiiasi zirzeu iiit lit an Ii LADIES SLIPS Sport Oxfords laidics and Growing Girls styles with cork rubber compound soles Drill and duck uppers Vhitc Navy Wllllt lCzllUSC SIZCS 32 to 40 and twocolour Combinations Sixes AL til Il lill it well iiil 95 Barrie the telling IllirlllLlli lhe IIxamiiier 01 crepe cclestc in tourgore style rayon satin bratop style with dainty trimmings ll ill resignation quite just Some came here unm prepar to talts lhbsc resignation ilii it those lttlJ smoke for the last year in This ilice lepiitinentI when the llti But unlrss this thing is cleared up some members of this Council will resign Aid Cowan stated that when the Ilcmc threw in his bombshell atf ili last mccting he said that no for boys White Brown Tennis Shoes Sizes to it for ladies sizes to chlcr present new strut HOSIERY Zelltrs popular hosiery counters in stockings and thread weights lovely iihziirinzn iAld liichanaiI lLEIIIIt along and we accepted his IfnlgllllliilL Apparently from the lay Burlrh Ijozned the force in larrlc the ummt mm Chief and he havent got along 1110 Chief said he was the mos commH liaitirous officer he had ever hid IIIXiltmrli blrII5il bull l1 all III were so mi Ct lm llIIIiIIISEIIIAWQIIIHIIIIIZIlpthtIIz Result on the first ballot gavc Con caiis of the whole thingr stay mi Mable Bunch lllm votes and JIIIII SICWIIIII Iicd Downer flVCI votes Constable Ald Clark declared that zislla Punch thereby bemg Chosen as lllc returned Nlldltl it grieved him lllpl very much that tlicRccve bird in Seclmd mum to Choose used this argumcnt in support bf lewd Ofcer gave CUnSlllmeRQl the Chief represent Ward Six 15 Sewn VOtCS Downer In IhISCIIIIIIC and have II web votes and Hayward one vote The mcnl here tonight containing I55 9mg ballot gave Down 5070 names askingr for the Chiefs dis ml Oberls Slx votes and Hal IUISSII1I ward one vote Did you get those yourself Al lhls pmm Mayor Rabin159 asde RWVC MaCLEIrCIII urged the members to confine their chirges had been proved against the Chief The same was true 01 Constables Roberts and Burtch neither had had anything proved Choose tropic nude bali beige sky dusk aloha blush Silk with Beinbcrg welt priced pair 69C PAIR SHORTS Popular Types Striped broadcloth shorts in sizes 30 to 40 French shorts of white ribbed cotton or mesh 4llSlZS30 to 40 at BEDDING For TINY TOTS tESMONII CRIB BLANKETSOI pink or blue cotton ciderdown with nursery designs Sizca30 36 49c MATTRESS PADS Quilted Sizes 17 18 Wrapped in Cellophane 35C irunniiii ma suitors While FINE QUALITY ATHLETIC zoo FREE RUGSI will be given away by Dealers across anada Ihcreis beautiful foot Con golcum Rug waiting for the winner of Congolcums fascinating new iIordgamc If you haventalreadyT entered getI started now youve only few days left all entries irriist lie in by storeclosing time Saturday So lulu look at our dealers wiri le See the rugarid Ire words containing llicIIitters from which you are askcdlo IriiililIIas many 4lcltcr words as possible hbn g0 iiTsFIiTaWIQiSIr for frcoctnlryblaiiky0uil0i1t ziic its 131ylilnng ulhcm arc gio cornpliilcil rulcsor comlijollsLAlLyoy do is make all 4110 you mi and lurnyour list in to the dealer before game closing time IfsmloisT VoIiTiinjso cimiornlirr and enjoy yourself before its too late SPECIAI omen litryoii purchase gcniiinc Ioiigolcimi iUI1I Stl lliigI Eiluring tlic pizriod of this contest and then prove loIIlic the winner ofllieprizc riff you have the option of taking the pfl7cruguroflliving rliii iiIll purrhuscprice oftllm II Irrigyoii flareilrcuilfbbught rqiindcl TIIiisisyotiIiI opportunity ofgctting Nigel largcrs REL DuntI bliss lliisiliiiriccli QONGQLEUM Liston LIMITED iiiONrriEAi IRVmGMcLAcHLAN CQNGOLEUMGOLD SEAL RUG RD ouogizm a====o=o =I9=ro====o=ro===o=n SMITH 77 ICONGOLEUM GOLD RUG DEALER BArrRIE PHONE 535 ==ogo==GgoF===ouoc=g==ouo=Tud Burtch linucd Ald Clark asked didnt get it myself and didnt get anyone to secure the names replied Ald Clark This thing is just hot enough it will create an election in this town Our police force today is justgo ing be as strong as the weak st link The whole trouble here is that is just too efficient at constable to be on this force con The business men on the street know that It was quite evidentkmvn t1V6iI1IQIT he was being lhrottlcd in thcper formance of his duties Ald Clark declared that there was member ofCounIcil not pres ent tonight fAld CubittNichrolsj who had had more to saysincc coming into the Councilagainst the Chief than any other man and the members know how he voted on the issue He thought that the members should be honest in their convictions belicvethat 75 per cent of you feel the Chief should go Ald Clark declared It is justa little matter cf intestinalfortitude Reeve MacLaren lWCCI to refute Ald Clarks arguments declaring that Council was not dealingmvithrthat matter now amquitc satisfied that Ald Clark should have hisiown opinion but am quite surprised he is sWayed by petition of that nature he stated We are not here to listen to the burblings of lot of people who are askedfoiigrra petition Anyone knows that people willsign any kind of petition if they are Ill say this Ive had mor Commendatiim iriithe past year than Ijn goodimanysyears from responsible people for the Work igiiiiriiiioui Before Day Halt Oilr Women who should belstrong sud worn out and are unable to attend to their householddpties They get up in the morning dreading the days ivork ahead of them Some disease or constitutional dis turbance has left its mark in th form of shattered nerves Iimpovcr Tailed bloodariil an eiihauated cbn dition of th entire system Women will nd in Milburns Health and Nerve Pills the remedy they need to supply fdofl for the exhauted nerve force and one that will help them backIto soundpcrfecIt Ilialth again urinaln 00 in myopia oils Has your subscription Ilslbl that nice paidIirigdyqnce IloIqlgt voting to the two leading candi dates The fourth ballot then gave Downer eight votes and Roberts six votes The report of the committee of the wholerccommcndiug Constables Burtch rind Downer as constables effective June at $1200 per year was then adopted Ald KI Mayor stated hedid not think the Force had been run right no believed police forces should run by the Provincial Government and should be transfcr red from place to place from time to time on not fair to put man out in the snow at his age the older rriari declared think rhowould shave hard time getting job COMBINATIONS White or ecru balbriggan in sizes 36 to 44 at UTILO WARDROBE door Equipped ivith about 24 garments $2 Sizeso 24 20 with sliderite refillable moth repellent container Space for red Size 27x36 light or heavier weights Your choice of 2c539 garments Council should disregard the poll jg Itlon from Ward Six Mayor Robertsonpdintcd out that the petition had not been present ed to Council and therefore was not matter of rcorjd Ald Lower chairman of the Pot ice Committee said that thisso called petition iihiclthadmot4been prescntcdfto Council Mild riotjb under consideration thinkif we are going to take notice ofonc pet ition We should ask for otliergr Sines he had been chairmarrofirthe committee he had not received complaintsand had done his best This Council has come into very ugavourable prominence all over the Province even as far west as Windsor and hashecontea laughing stock Here welare back again at the Isameplac dont think it is doing justice the public we are supII posed to represent IAId Ross Cowan rose toa point if order thatfthepetition should be accepted Sas it was pertinent to the matter under discussion The Mayor ruled agairist duskmit ingIthatthe petition must comherup ftnlhiregular way at Council meetingwith the presentation of petitions That Would meeting be this merit IAld Clark said thatoappapgntl lhealthy becamomeakgmuvdown and llhe 13 mellng ne Reeve ha raraamm misdsuor Elma mem bers of C0unciltIve stuck to my convictions throughout he declar ed The vote on the motionwis then redorded Two Appointments In committeeof the whole With woth mow Hon EarLRowe Gives Outline of INewSprmt Industry or Present 1n1940ifl macs pulp athr newsprirrcxporls has been very substantial portion of Canadian total exiorts so vitaltothe Em pires war effort af this timefYour company contributed very sub stantially to this amount exporting ily Big Bay Point5nopolice experi ience Other namesconsidercd were Lines Barrie and Ward Tot tenhgmas well as Constables RJ Burtoh and James Roberts motion was passed thatCouncil mire two men from the veexper fenced applicants WDpwner Haywardi LrLeBarrr Rd JxBurtch1 and James 39mlth jsglABIt isiiiad lhnMayor in the chair COuncil con sidered the appointment of two con stables The following applicants were interyiived iWilfred Downer 35rpgrrjgd with onechtld Chief of Police of Was age Beach for the Hayyiraitd 30 single Kettleby three yizarsi Igsincrienqe on gown slit orce ltlgracbridEIi nial pastjtwo Years ILeBrr lh one i=1 hesairiaiiiy LiningsI Mdrii BAGS 15 Sec Zellers assortment of MothBagSpric ed moderately Will hold as many as four as itdocrovcr 998 percent of its rib maintain sound developmental output to the United States stat cd Hon Earl Rowe presidggt and managing direclorgat the an nual meeting of the Credit Lakes Paper Co Limited in Toronto on April 24 77 Present world conditions give rise to grave elements of unccr thinly inIbusiness andinI particu lurthis applies to an industry that depends upon world markets for 94 per cent of its output Last year tlpcr cent of Canadian newsprint productiOn was sold in theEnded States and about 19 per cent to other eXport markets while dom estie consumption accounted for theremaining per Icent The value ofCanladas forest wealthJs more vital to our future national security sthn amtnormal times It is thereforeI essential bc bur great forest resources In this regard it is encouraging to ob scryeitproved government meth ods of forest protection from fire insects and disease The steady development ofqhrriorescientific farts managementof our forests will make possible the utilization of these resources in way thatour greart heritage of forestwoalth may maintained at strength as an perpetuity RELIEFPROBLEM LESS ORILLIArOrilliIas relief problem is less ofa problem this year than it has been for aIgood many years lhose on reliefduring anuaryFeb ruary and MarchIlast year totalled 255 Varnisheso Paints Enamels rWax VERY IV sunFACE its present annual return in ilertIhis year thcrclwerc ssislanccduring

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