Thursday lpiil 24 tall III BARR IXAIINIdi IIIIH IVI ANIII MISS MC for PLAY NEW rowan PRICES mm Museum Exhibits Supplied by Sinicoe County Voiiieiis Inst Auleys Pupils Heard in Recital PERFECTION Nv vvva AXUIIL Ill IHIII Hurvie Addresses II II Central WMS Service It if EI XI UWwbve IiHIiJUIINBIUNI gymitItfttAxrxia by PURItIUliII IIIILvo en lingait itltb Partridge til ennui imii ll it Mr of tin exposed satiiait iii Serve Their FJHHIIIIL Energy Food Regularly Luisi Avcoidip iiii siil in of In voeii ltlI it il ilai iiiio ii XlIVII ml of 2138 inemher ii liands Mission llzimiw Li Izclix Afternoon and liv aml ll nah i1lRtlIIBIHJ HI lmrightful ll llLiIl vczyn tiiif=ii liild lat iiii lll tittiitiiig should nouns IIJIII ioh igi OualiiyUncITOnged THIS COUPON WORTH FIVE CENTS no lie pintime it III ill of Itiittiimi lfotoa at your grown idwilixcd piitc it Ilitililitl by June so lll lip IIII in and cash at Illl tiltitifls imlaIx lli wuid iotiiti It In riittit iione liia is lexliIlil but our illillt sititlei Ilit that lllt iii Wiltli more wnd liiilly pliiits llt Ill liiitlitoii ictiiii liiokiii ii own but flourishes In side it awe1 htilll it Ii ienoiie there is him itd ttl tzt xltf lltill and iliiy hold vyiiit liewm Lii allllit canons than about our wood May 1Ilt halved iiiti lZlJIiL knwivti r1 Mlciiltlit lover tili72i lfnzzdi riiwi liltlttl In Mrs iliie lI ridge livid liiv po gt 11riii With sway izrnily Wiiid the throbbing AlluremeL glll Word if DEALERS Ilic Iiiiixmii nippiiiv lIl illiiu mi tui iliixtmipun in in ii Sign ILIi to ciiilv that ll llt Lllllll on ur intuitInt utl ll illuxvul maximum the nuts on this iquiniii lli iiuinlantc till it in wt Ulltl iiilii atuconduit mutton itwirtrmm an Imi Igilmlt AM LTO OPTOMETRIST Successor to Geo Fitzpatridk iticc hours it ant to p111 Saturday to it pm Phone 23 BIT Crystal Brand Pastry ELOU Carnation Bordens Nestles EVAP MILK Aylmer Orange MARMALADE Caledonia Fancy PINK SALMON Stokclys Fancy TOMATO JUICE LOBLAW BOOK MATCHE MNWMWV WAA 1me Special ocolatej PETITE MALLQWS These chocolate mnllowu In very dainty Indcultahla to servo on any occasion price is no in II dicntion of tlio value AIZI 26 to the pound glIIIIIj lliiiilop st fast oflosl oiiite Marni iii 19 STORE HOURS litlb Bag 63 8c 25 17 17 12 nuv lliiE Vdlld llLIli tII whip ivory iiti it itli long lccvvs iii liltllltl illtli iiiL tiiii tl losc Daily at ti it hiltit basiiiit stitiii halo iiiiicd tvitli pearls iiclil ilil1llL3CllIlCllllil li lllltgt and fern with She rilt licr pgarl gtlllillllgt 11 lioiioi Miss liiith lim lillit ll ippli iilttll iiicaiidy lill iigaiitly Int3 mittens and she car African il trill and velvet rib bridesmaids Miss Doris lloris Swarir active in Sim organdy viili is and matching iiii ilEoz SpecialROSE Brand SWEET MIXED PICKEES Rose Brand SWIEET ONIONS Rosi llmml SWEET GHERKINS Close Wed at 1230 pip El oi 855100 Illor liIll lin 2l 35 39 25 79 Tisi inputs Close Sat llli will at 11 p111 to ling ll WaltH Iitiiiii plug 25 Fl l2 Rook Inclmge Vi rlilnd Ken lhiiiiiit ppyip Sliiiik it ersoiiI Illl Illciiis llli Bream ctiie Tim all iii ISMI halo and PURITY FLOUR 26 Enter Recipe Contest All entries sliotrhl IIO mailed to lurily Itlour Toronto April30 19 Rose IRIIHI Sivrct MUSTARD PICKLE Rose llrand Spiced Sweet WAPER PICKLE VVV in MA ltlo violets iseuiiy illcctli Ridden Chasing yirl ltiiai Mlllt ilcirisl Elsie li Teddy litIi can Bob Copcla Mai Illol Jaitpivtti ISlllllllllillll Il Romance Sans iuzv1 Margaret 2H4 oi iii liiaiicc before 43 32 2n COTTAGE Brand Sliced or Unsliccd sauna White Whole heat or racltchIIIlieat LOBLAwEoeIiciousj RED LABEL ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS SPECIALT SELECTED GROWN BANANAS I2 iii 29 45 19 sizeeach 21 lio iitc of African viol ilie grimmsinan TILZJIIIU aiid the ushi VICri we and lit Following the ceremony rccp lion was held at the American llo thrusts were present from Toronto lininlion Illie bride groom and pittoiidaiits received With the bride another and the grooms mother glhe brides inotlicr wore ibcige drcpc gown with black and arose flowered hat and orchid cor and the grooms mother wore 1a queens blue sheer gown Isiraw ha and orchid coi Later an and Mrs ruma left on lit wedding trip to liastcrii Canada travelled in Churchill ikcr suit koliiislty furs iniiiipiidoiir hat and bag of brown suede and beige snakeskiin They will reside in Barrie 21101 homes EninIIsiIiwlnn IIPure Black Currant JAM 5c Ups Mei rlifli Clilla Mclddcii Kathleen liningoi TIIO lippi lcggy llcctnovtiii Aiiiigi horiis l2oz Carton 7a Moiiti Orillia and of 26 Waverley ioiiiiodi Aiidsiiti and Variations Marie Colitisf lllijhtlUS of the ZLCiihl tea was served supervision ofos Page as illiams and other any Misses Mar ll Delicious Tender Eating Prime Beef SpecialChoice Prime RIB Rouslii WASHABLE IIUIAVF changes lt ncu colour new Durolnvo not rose EMIIRE mm lmd Quitkl simply and IIUIIIIIII II lull uninspiring rooms to iiiu Iilc IIIItzlll no ll uii In is add III II comm in smooth pusl0 Ioriiil sec Ilunagiv II Ilt ulmir ippzii tllllulll Iuuslimarlt IIIHIIiHI dries quickly In hard malt finish and iicwr rubs ulI cold altr your lirush tuning and illmul streak and firmly by Miss llazel pupils On ifjgrerd II ioityVlilcyeBctty Bray Norma Goo diii Ruih Spieis assisting Plgpll Betiy Bray Doris McFadden iid bid 25 matching scientifically ripencd in our modern rooms On Vtllltll Misses GlCilll and iii ipcning ma i5 Illilgtt were ers Elliot Ibluc dics brown shoes and IH usril inrr Wu SIh tin linth solid surface IIll IIIVIII Itl1lillllr IllllI palmr hallImilrd fintor In nurmu coal JillllIsquan leil SpecialLean POT Boasts th IIII Inuigncarili JUICE oiiiliiilius FLORIDA SEEnLEss GRAP New FLORIDA IIlll IIIHIY any washable If BONELESS SpecialChoice Milk Fed BONELESS VEAL IBONTS lb VEAL WAN AA WWW met 36 aIAF MANv KILLED COLLINGWOODASgt Hurry 2W Hunt 23 RAF reported in last July and listed in an RAF Lialiy list as presumably killed ili Chimlllg IIilklklcc action was thesuii of Mi and Mrs in Iijiniigs Anglican Church BirwI JI Hump Vunmuvw Collingwood he rode outto the cific Coast on bicycle vncn hr parents moved there in IliiLilIi Cilmc iwcnt toEnglaiid in 1938 to enlist MSW with Nabisco Shredded Whom the We at germ ready cooked etwartimc demands on your vitality you which 18 65 lb 23 it good size each ton lthY BROS HARDWARE Barrie CAMPBELL HARDWARE Elinvale OLIVER HARDWARE Allis ARDNER HARDWARE Bradford lEMlKE HARDWARE Barrie HANNA HARDWARE Allandalc EPRUIT EXTRA FANCE BRITISH COLUMBIA WINE APPLES GREELTENDER BEAGH RASMUSSL tiosinxo Born Boaruss EspecialFresh Lean ran jiIimbo Size rie at ll iiii Frid 1A Apgil t5 whc ll lVIaIIEaTUtEiitalmlh 0951 ng ICldCSiI daughter of Mr and Mrs gljtlld KWQoslmg Barrie the bride of Lima Carl Edwardr Rasmussen First Canadian Aim oureii Brigade Camp Borden son hf Mr and Mrs Andrew Rasmussen lWiiiiiipcgisis Manitoba VCIlIAlIClITI ldCacon Muillon rector of the Icliurcli officiated and Profes iii Wright wedding inush The bride who wa triage byhei father Iy gowncd iii satin with afmilitary jacket of corded whito veil was caughtvth orange blossoms and she carried nose gay of white Carnations and red She wore agtilcc worn by her paternal grandmother at herIWed ding The bridesmaid Goslingsister of the bride wore dress of palcblue not trasting pink top sinallblue hat and noselength vciI in the same Shade HCr fliiwerhver an old Ifashionccl nosogay bf yellow roSes The groomsinan was Licut Gauthier llth Armoured Re merit tiOntarioL Camp Borden reception was held at the home kif the bridespareiits 170 DunlopI St IVfrs Gosling mother of the bride Wore beigecrepe matching accessories Ifuis andjcorsage of Supreme roses Later LieutrIand Mrs Ramps sen left on honeymoon trip to Ottawa Montral andvother points the bridetravelling in blue Har ris tweed suitjwith hat to match and corsage of white lilies On their return they will roside at 140 Dunlop St Bar 53 lie rim CA Centre Cuts End and lhops lb 23 NEW LARGE SELECTEDms APPLES RIO FRESH CRISP LEAF Cuts Mat Boas EOBLAWS THREE LITTLE PIG PORK SAUSAGE it COUNTRYSIDE Brand Small Link SAUSAG TieciaIZIShield ma SALAD DRESS ylmer ITOM largo VNVWV mubm or played thi 15 9i mun large organist bunches AIM FizeiFiiiilitm was attractive lhis familiar package brings you ulmc itiyrrf cereal with all ady to eat To help me can include the whole wheat nourishment and foodencrg cereal supplies whcaw nuliirly metn2 ntritiousgeodcssetNab is OrdIcea package ortwo abisco Shredded Vheat the bran and Who silk Her long 8oz 4c Ilzlikgr ClklgSt 10I lN ATO CATSUP specialNoRubbingFiooe Polish Dumarts PURE SpecialOgilvie MINUTE Heinz In Tomato Sauce PontiacElias Banquet Brand Ithis Mimiled pure wheat tWrslfiFkc Shredded heat for breakfast tomorrow froniyour grocernow Be sure to THE IICANAIIJIAR SHREDDED whey CiiicftaiiiTosc locket which 1010 LARD Ms 975 Bottle was largo Pkg 19 39 always tribute toyouIr good judgment to serve LOBLAWYSTOasterFrcsh 7COFFEESIf vacuum Packed Very lino Or medium Tm Very fine or tlIb medium Very fine or HI inledllllll Plan Medium ground Tan MPANY LTD Niugura FaIls Canada Mi Dorothy 20Oz Tin 16 Fl 02 This 1D ENGLISH 13 Jay 402 Tin QUAKE PUFIED WHEAT IIRIIIAIILARDS DOGFDUDa huntnnuiiifs optic MAIONIIAISIE IA raucous sonn2 OVALTIINE FOR COFFEE LOVERS NESGIIFE ithcoii Viz1s ounxun PUFFED RISE TOILET soar INFANTSDEIISIIT HANDY KITCHEN warwist IN iIIVOSIZES oxvnnt 59 kt sat No Sieve Btu out Prince Edward Brand IFANCYIO der Health prla 20 592 iiioz Tins 1151 yI II 602 psi 59 mans the wnirasr was not dress with silver nSmall so ===a UNTIL APRIL ght WIRICES EFFECTIVE SATURDAY NIGHT 26th Wo resetyo limit quantities of merchandisetovfumtiy wgekIl requirements 1602 pink roses and FT PACKAGES 50 to $350 $230 to $525 OVERSEAS III Aylmer canada Packerstrom II IiII LADA TEA GIFTPACKAGES mutton on Leaflets Available in An LOBLAW STOBES iHigh Park 49 Pride of Arabia TwoImp Coffee Guests included number of bro ther officers or armoured units Camp Borden Major Forgie and Lieutenants0 Hopkins Smith Harrison Mc CundyR Newton Amy Burns Bayley Cain through Iwhose ranks the bride and groom rimmedwhile leaving the church from $2 IIABRE HORNES munTimur Zuni15 WvGROItETEBlAS 00 um Insin orricc ToaonTo Pkg II3I5IIII sA Full lnfoIr Illi Ikg Assertion IFlavom ThomSori and