1111511 April 34 11 Plant 200000 Trees 11110111111112311 And Wife 60 Years Wed Unique Pontiac1Career Founded Bradford Po per Unique Printing Career LOING in wesr Eormer Below Mount St Louis Fourteen Printers 1115 ii The cnnily Cons necliou Iw111511 11111111111111 l11l1 5111 171 11 1111 EH11 11111l 11111y11 11111 111111111111 ill 111 llllll 1iii Wt 111 hr town 111 11 1111 gullilm lln 111 l1111 111111 11111 l11111 2111311111S111111l13111y 1i1111l1 5111111 111111111111 11111111111111 1111111111y tv1ll111111rl 11111np 1111111111g to ll11llorl l111 1211111111111 1111111 1i111111 1111111 1211111111 1111 111111 11111 11 1111111 1111 1111111 11111111 llllllll H118 1111111 lflllllillll 1111111 51111l 1111 vlololilo 11111511 lio1s1 111111 1111 1l11n 111111111111111 r1ph w11 1111o111y 111 own 1111111 whcn 1111 firt 1111s 1o1 111111111 f1111s11111111 11111111 pow 11 1111 in 111 111p11p1r prcss and when 1111 p1p11 was 1lll11cd liy pccd up 111 1l1 t1l11111111 1111111 typo 11111 1111c 11 11111111 thrill c1n Mrs larrctt 111 whrn 111 11111113 1111 furl1111111 hcr grundfufhcr lohn ioodfellow who helped licw 111111 the woods 111111 Bradford now slinnls and c111111 1111111 111111 who swznn Ilol For only 10 days every year is NARVO sold at these reduced prices Dont delay got yourSpring requirements CIl once Save $150 gallon to choose from Remember NARVO is neither point enamel no lacquer but combines the good qualities of all three Tough IS rubber Hard as ebony Covers in one cocd Flows freely from the brush dries quickly and is odorless 11111 11 around If lrintors 111 Funnly 11111 11111nos1 interesting sidtlil 1111 Mr 1111111s career is the fact that 11 1111111 of it printershave 111 1lopitl 1111 1111 111111in tree and arc now sprcnd 1111 aficld 11111 four sons two brothers1n 11 111111 111111 grandson actually 111111111 111111 printing 11111111 in his WWW sllop while the five daughters 11111 their share nround the office scl 111115 1yp1 folding papers ctcf 111111 13 1111111 by adding sonsinlow to 11111 Glitldf WWUVHMV 11 1n dvaoodfellow l1111sh11 30 beaulilulcolors H11 111 Kcnh 111111111111111 11111 1111 1111111112111 ll 1111110 l1ilil1s1111ii C111 1111111111 11111 111 ncphcws 1111 11 WW Vl unis M10111 by II114ll1111rs 11 ll111pf1 Iulnls FOR SALE BY family and the famous craft Olive Saskatoon Mrs t1l1 HomeAiip ianceSlmp McLean Vancouver ycius published C11 over In CANADIAN sermons Boysrnndigirls areencouraged to ask questions in Canadian schoOls They are not forced to accept false principles and theories with out challenge Tliisifthencreedom ofdemocracyr rrheifrecdom we are ghting to 1111111116 What difference this from the fetters that Nazi vic tory Wouldimpose on Canada and on the World So you who want your children Ito loceduc1itedin schools whre freedom of thought and action is allowed and encouraged do your part go help to win the war 11 upYdUR41ELEDGE Increase Your Regular lnvesfmeiifsin 11111115311111111131111111111111119 Rememberwwhcn Victory is won yourdollars come back to you With compound int momyou save and lcndthc NOW1111 better or you THE Published 11111111 War sr The or Council do Mateo Gone1 111wr111111111 1111111111113 H11 or Inn s1 1111 11v1ttlx1111111 ni 51 11 11 Tickets and lnfoimilion 11 111 llnnlop 1111 111111s11r 81s Phone 11 llilfl came new ON xgl 1115 VA BlJi 111111ll11t 111 111l 11111111 1111 Jul l11li1111pin11 111111 111l11 llll Toronto $111111 HS HL 11111111111 Ul NHKlt Siu JCBIOkOVSkl by painting walls with CH SEMIGLOSS N111111111f1l11111y1ll1 1301 311 1111111 1111111 1111 vir y1111r 111111113 with 1111111 11 ll111111111 Fourier 11 1111111111111111 111111 bcrr 111111111111111101111 HlsTORICAL LORE 111111 lil 1111131 111 11111 111111 out who 111111i 111 1111112111 1111 111111 1111111 li1 lif 11 llfifl 15111111 11111111 1111111111 13111 01111031 1111111111 1111 11 Kings 11111111 1111 $1 111 ll l1111 1111111 1211111 111 llil W111roiis 811111 11 1111111 11 111w 1111 1111 The W111i1y Me and 1111 1111111 ltiycr 11111 11 ling of wheat 1111 fellow of 1111 Mall 1111 lr 1111 l11l when 11111111 111 11111111111 111 111 gt1111111 l1 111 11111 1111 1111111 1111 innitz 11 111111 1111 111 ll 11ll1ol 111 13111111r l1ll1l11117111 511111111 W11 111 11111111111 11l son ltobnron with 1111 11111511 l111y 1i1ncs ll 11111y 111 by rctt loronfo 111w 11711 1th 1111 11 11111 11111111 111 111 1111111 1111 11111n 111111 111 11 111 111 11111 111 1111 l111111 o1 113111111 11111 1111111 1111 1C1 PURPOSE 1111 1111 11111 1111 111 1i 11x11l 19 111111 1115 1111 11111111 11111 1417111111 111111 11 1111 11111 111111111111 111311111151 11111 111 knownji HI 11s 1111 illicllouuall 11111 Barrlc Agents Evere 1111 1111111 11111 1111 li1111 S1111 l1 liNlOllMGl ioliusrs 1111v1111111 111 in 311111 llfll 11111 11n 11111111 11111r lii1 1111111 11111 11 111111111111111 1111 lip 1111 115 of 111111u111111 111111L N11lf11 l11111111111 north 11111111 111 11111 my 1n1p 1f 1111v111nlt 1111311111111 111111 llliy 11111 which 11111l lllll 1l111 Willow 111111 1111111111y your 11111111111 11111illy l1111 11111111l 11 MIDIHNl MINA ff1111111 11111 1111111 1111 11111cl11 ito11111111111111111 1115 11y 51111111l 11 1111 lo1 1y 111111111 1111 11 sillllllifi ill my VHHMMH 111 111 111111li1 1l11llf 1l1li llhlc 111 111131 11113111101 Viklland 115111 l11tlt 11111l11111 514111 111 111 Null 1111111 lllklidzo 111111 11111111111111 111 he On Gucrunlud Trust wll all have 11 111111111 111 1111 actl 111111111 mini 11111 11111111 bclolr 11 1111111111 ll REPOWPED DROWVFD have llve nephews 1111 1111 llrokovl mayETANG 1Hm1 1111 flow 111 1111 Focus 11nd ilicl my rumor 11 l1cncliv 7111411111 Investment 11111111 is 111 1121111111111 but so 1nf Mun MUCH pinm Tm Funi 11h1 111111 1X111111111l 111111111 11f 1111v hum J111V 111111 11111111119 1111111 11111i5 111111131 11111 lililldircc nionlhs 11111 111 ll 1111111 1ZI1 1111 11 11111 111 01111111 and Mun uddition to this two nephews fol OShHWd 01111 owed their own fathers in the shine trade gt This lrlnters Tree is composed F0 111 11br11thcr on the mc 111111511111511111113 MW ninicnl stuff of the Toronto Daily Star for 1liirtycight years and only last year retired on superarinuation four sons George 111 with the Toronto who Mr and Mrs lurrdfs five daughtersare Mrs 111 Collins S1cilaco1m Wash M115 11 1211111111111 Alicrla 111111 Mrs llcidc V111c11111l lhcrc 1113 gramlchildijcn 111111 scyin 1111 fluyuld grandchildren WM Willy 111111111n 1111 Davidson 151 in 11cl 315 years is 111111 planned to be held inJuly 1i1x1 basic principle of Final Drive been in use for years according Show Sales Manager of DodgeDe Soto liionsui1 111 Chrysler Corporatum of 1111111 Limited Mr Show poinls 11111 111 first development of 1111 principle known as liydrokinetic power 11 announced prior to 1111 World by ad eminent European sch1111 and cngineer The principle we further developed in 11120 by 111 Daimler corporation of Great 111 lain In the decide that 1111 11159111 since Fluid Drive mocirzmimr gun to be manufactured in this country it has been almost 1111 nersaHyadoptcd by nmjo 1111 tries Today Fluid Drive installcr lions range in size from huge 11111131 that drive water Lind power 1111111111 supplying manywmetropolitau111 to the small compact units such 19 are used in the new D11 811111 This troublefree smooth oper ation employedin industries whizi1 are Vital to tlleLliveSbfevery Cun adian citizen has been levelipcd by Chrysler Corporation onghice to give the motoring public 11 new smoothness in motorboat perform ancesaid Mr Shaw WE111111 bute much obour increase in salt12 thisyear to the fact that Fluid Drive and Siniplimatic Transmis sion have been added as ncwffea tunes on thel94l DeSotoniodels Advertise in The Examiner is11i1ifrllVE1 11141 Full information from Agents 10110111515117er 1111111 Lickgfeaaslemger 4275121211 reason mmauuunmq r1111 p1 may from Monagcr several narrow 11211111 from 111111111111 111111Sl1 111115 FROM THE BUS THI 11111in 1111 1111 Pene sonthwcst across Flos 111111 on to where it was hiathcmns rcckz thencc ross the lllll Road fill ohicd 111 main 111111111111 11111 11 111 1111111 Road w1 1111111111t 111111 across 1111111 Vinpro known mum11 111111 MIDLANlB1111ie 11nd Elmvale furcoattobc when they surprised Oddfcllows attended when Midland live niuskrnt nonchulanfly cross 1001 No 2711 received an officialing 1hc Orillia main street in the 111s11 from lis1ric1 Deputy Glnlldllt111l of the business section 11191 HUNG IOWER TORONTO crcntuillv Muster Hro ll Corbett Barrie 1111111 Willow Liicck having 11 1111511111111 passed 1l1dhurs1 1111 1111111 sourcc 111li 31111 11111 You refer to 1111 111 Fort 1111111 1l Willow 11111 1111 lll1 lllll Wlicrcwus it 511 11111 Vcspru 11111cd FLUID nmvu IN new 1111 sorol Who 1010 Far from bcuig novelty 1111 11111111i1l lhrinc 11s 1111111111 111 the Old Fort 11 refer to 111111 Ste Marie attire Post 111 M11111 Lake near the Jesuit Mart rs Dont Ever Be lnncli llicy uncrcsled was l1rg1ily through nice of 1311111113 11111111111ll in Hiecurly y11rsof the century 11111 11 dcfinilqu located the actualsitcs of 1111 deaths of Mcdontc 211111113 llrcbciif 1111111 11llemant in lay and was with Fathers Jones and Jewell win11 they located the 1111liil 1111111 11 Fathers lrebcuf 111111 liallcnnuit 211 1111 Old Fort in 1902 liidhcr 111111s gave an account of 1g1cat 111111 111 this in the report 11 the Bun111 111 Archives1151081 1111111 liscovery flit 1iwate in 111111 11111v1 11sist Nobody Wants 1111 111111111nes uthcr Daniel and and page identification 111111e 11 where the two priests were Actually p111 fact 1111111114611 to death on1of the hatchets 7e 1116 111111preeiinea to me byFulhcr Jones 1t iiiayliave been one of the articles used in the 1o11uresgofthese two rnautyrs am wondering who1 to do with it whether to present it to the Martyer Shrineor to the 111119 church here 111 Calgary where they have an altar andchupel dedicatedio the Canadian lVLiityrs lt yvas near Edenvulc that some found which might have belonged to Father Chabanal who was killed by renegade In on his way back to Maiie from his mission to the T0 bacco indians thus verifying my theory to FatherJonesiasto the course he would have been likely to have taken Ihese are all very interes historical matters 1indi do 11111 your being thrilled by if davaillicome when youWilFWant to Wonderful to have an 11161111111111 will go relies yverc dian while E11111 wonder at lel 11 ialLife lansareelastimu If 39ng nancialworryvl pr in ten 11 With my cousin Miss Marerraig she might They canmeecjfheexactneedsof both the be ablelfo pipduce and show ybu the rodgh homemadechair usedby Sir John Collborne when 115 stop ped at our oldlog houseon one occasion on his tripgto that part For long time there was an old axe kept among the curios made by Lount who you willrecall paid the penalty for his part in theRebellion of 1831 so many of these historical relics are notvalued by people who do not know or appreciate and argdonc away With Writing of Mr Lount reminds me of fact told me by my Aunt Mary Craig Mrs Cooper that Grandfather Craig had beenout on active service on an affair in the active militia andl was captain of LounLwas11ndensentenee 01 Asun CO 120 death GovernOr Arthur had given orders forbidding anyone to see Lount including bienwife but that liOtwithstanding this order giand1 father had arranged that she should Canadian 11111111 esedithe Imperial Life representative about of the country their value Elmvale guard when 111111 Make your rooms look 111115511 1111i 1l l1 l1 fl 11 Li fl111 111 111 11 11 lkl 11111 111 1115 pjoiiy fourth1 1111 111rs 1111 11 11 1111 iii31161151 1111 111 31111111111 1111itliillju1 1111111 S1zii111oss 111nah s11111111l1ly hidcs Aln 1111 1111 1111111111111o111 11l Stztnui 1w 11111111l washing 11111 111111 v1111M11111111l1iic111c11111 111 lilcllrl Willi 11111111l1111 Mllflllf Plan now 111 11i1l 111111111 111 your rooni l11 painting walls with Sean 11oss 111 1111111 Il 11 1141 THERES ClL FINISH glamour RIGHT FOR YOUR L1 coliipllll 0111 he 111s 1111111111 111111111 drowned in Uncondlonally Guaranteed 117111 lll1il31311111lt1llfL gramme mum CORPORATION uni Pibvide now for retirement on $100 month through Imperial Life 11111111661111 Thaismowerswta Teen on and on Thousands of prudent men own Imperial Life retirement policies Every day more and more meg are taking thiswise step thatguaranr tees their deprmclirsTlayoday protectic nancial help in emergencies andia certainty of monthly income from their last working day on An income that will provide them withgrhe means of enjoying their Ssunset yearswith protection for those who are left should the unexpeCted happen There is way an lilow is the case ofva man who found it 77 1111932 the breath manager of an oil company took the first step in assuring that he would never be themnn nobody wants Through the Imperial Life be invested in Pension Planthar will pay $106 11101111110 life commencing whenZ he reaches 33660 Now in his fortieshisalradyl looking forvmrd to thetime when his rseretirement income cheques will come due He is just one of the hundreds of business men who have guarantedtheir future inde endence through at Imperial ensionplan rlmperiallifeCoffersyou oizegsure way to save moneythe Queenieway to feel free from wageearner and the Salariedexecutive Take your rststep towardreal independence today your income needs No obligation whatever use mama YOU misnomc The title is Haw Pea Use we Inmrange Youll nd in very helpful is free Write Imperial Life 511 Street T090191 0611 Olligo in all Biol