FRIDAY MAY VA lllll FOLLOWlNG iiilllSlIS buy horse tiiii ltlnlls Rail rii Itl lV Rip it for 0l iVVVV ibVV my nix VV 1311 Ins brown inure yrs 113 lbs brown filly Ill iiiuntlis lir lfii Pue hyghe 0N1VV nllllbdd April Iii 77 777 We MW wuwl rnvwmm MW 74 in if LADIES in of LVVr VIA Id VELVHVEVVVEVVXTV Form SOCR and imple ilui WUlii men It lb Avrig Yummem 1gtlolgt Mir 51551 AVVV lKenneth GHQ EIIION Bush In the Village of Angus riiis pltOPERIY or MRS GEO if itll LIPlllllf ll irixliti ky lliune tnlllln clill cow in illlt liy tlilt til Klit Kity tti in old due by late of siile lrA 1w ti yrs old eill at tonal itV me rs oltl tine liiiit lrllllt cow ti yrs old supl VV 11ml in he in mlf lllllkllifi Veg A5 yam VinAfr mus yrs VVVVVVV 1V VV lVllOVi rout ANDVVVURAIN lt HUN WW NW 11 THISLL TEhCHlOll NCMTO hiiiin HIW bred ti weeks litri Hummus sortinou 3291 mi iinimis ninthi my Vi VA Hinmlk mmycgV 51 1pil 12 lit irl new sliririilmnilli cuLI HES REM lT lmuf 1i 501 drug hurlimh leklli plow Veiitv ll lV lziple Leaf llung Bluirtiw VVVV V0 VVVi VVVVVV VV VV VVV lell 0181th liliVTVVVlVVVlgtUVVVVI MI 75 US TOOf ll ll Nd ve ll VV VV 11ft VVVVVVTVHVT3lnilV RV 3V All N0 Jere Empress nmilv new llLliAl ii 15 KRVFSSA not Hwy Input Aml 31 mill1 iiiociiinitz inset iwsiiv limitless VVlViViiVVV1lVl ttltiV fi NV hack VbVdeV pd hwy ll IIinketri set single harness llil1lil lll1 VV VVVyViVV VV in sit i1iin tops BOUI VV VV lurks chains doublotrees iiiitl l1rlllltl to Him uliu whining t1g11i1 atoll 1H Ml sf lliilll llltl mil llllltlll Air lltitt llzigi lliflllllll lllLlliill vltll lnq VV Hm VCVVVVVHVT tiVVineiinion no Mini Illile VmeVV 1V1ii1 Its no mystery why maiin penile ii 21 mini lly PCWV ciihioin Kitttl llt nni 1111ri1 All 1151 pet 1111 CV TVVVVV 1h lllllltill hone 1833 implltltll illu givnig up fairiiiingl VVVVVVVN VVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVV VV VVVVVV VVVVV VVVV If gt TERMS Ciisli kllDW lllktlr Dc llupl 1lll kl il we VV VVV 5116 130 5V1 szitisincnon in melt triiiisiitizoii VV Vl IL GROSE Ammmil Mi VVV VVVVV VV NOHVE 10 CREDITOKS WITH ONE CHAIR IN GREEN ll VinAnh AI Im1AA Vtillt gt 11 1n inimninii llllI iiiAzirinLir igtr21132 194111 ruclwgu an =i ns 2111 gill iiirSoiil 129 St 1171 1V llllliilViilliiliVl VV Im VII VlHiV 11 VAVi 2V th0 Allil ll QM Vllimml ml il lll Llil Aller WRIGHT lute lil 431 Willi 3ltli1iltil lli ii Tlit County tifl 2i hill FURNITURE STOVES PAINT AAi ii lion 111 t11 rim VV VV VA ll It llmllilll In Tim Il 1311 l0 IVIlOMl1MM LONQUIN OUR THIN 71 VV inV VIIVI iDSI 1V lizti r2111 11 lltVl wininimnnnd WV lftIltijwglljgllg 33 mW lt VVw VVVVV twins tonn mini 11V 11 11111 Imp gliViViVOVVfOSViIVIVVVCSVV Aiming tIllltl thoiiltx IVEAIttluilibz Vblli Villlltl AAViisV inion 11 HM le NV 111 1111 VgV Kmmm wilt 115300 2tll illlll illitil il MNWHUMAMVNW dVVVVV VVVVVI 17V HHVVIMVVVVVV VVVVVVlVVlVHV VV VVV mo ESDUVVE home 111 the Court IlousoV Birillt wvmdilltlhl iltllllll1V1V nlllugho Arteo Avrts llill hipivmd Mn VV V1 H1 VV ml Chin VV commencing Monday April 28 1941 VMVKCC mummy Gordon Pint ling the sitiiniill in 31mm 111 71111 WVH 1177 ijzi1111111m1mimiltit the hour 0f 130 ism lDAVSIVVI iV MNVMVN AVTVIV mm Nob Uiicrzitimi iiiiiiii Quite it llllllill nii tiniizinnsi Ctiirtari AA iv iwiirizbie to unil Hfmmiblo MY SKC Mrs Tormv visited lust ivikcnii lllli liIr gin ll Oililllitl 01 In ml be 19V iiilkbldmg 1111 Mrs Blur lielioi 11111 mull DYer Vigxijs SmiViHVibV VViV VIN111113 VDAlilJ lifiliillli this 22nd day DRURY Mr iiitl NETS McDonald zintll Litiiitiair visilors were Mr ithl Vim Inglewwm VVWMVVVdVWV ii Evil bllllll VCWMY 0f btlmrm litinily lizilcliioitl and Mr lllllirll lluiiy illliild and son Ray mm 1h Bmw lxlmHM 74 High street Barrio wV HmV Chump WNW V1VVVVV mprxxV 1x II Dilltd April 34 l9 Mrs Piirkliotise illll Iiiinilv olMiss llitieszi Davis Mrs Burk gllVlll mm lllllllfd VIIINIWI lmil 1A VV li1rie lllillll Hamilton 16 liolitliiV isittns illVVVuVlltl Sunni ViilgsthiiiiiLVan lVlln DIA ltl you Vll VIWVVII Elle mV llliVblm will Interim ml H9 1h EXCCMYVM tr 01 bumml Alll NOTICE IS hereby glvchpulblmm gt MCFADZEANWA ll the Trustee ACIUIHI Creditors estV on Stinday Anni ltiAthV and others liavmgV claims against iVV MM MllddIPIHL ilillW 15W the Estate of Nellie Clark Late of iV late D1rVIznnes Mcixgitlzezm 111A ArE the Town of Bani0 in theCountVi CE lliui Interment at loret Am 331 0t Simco WidmrA maWt MOLEANWM 1W Saturday Aiilil tlied on or about the 22nd day Of 19V tort nacho CoxwmihV brltn Nvombcr AV13Vl 1940311 requlesled ttl wife of llit latte Joseph Ile to send particu ars of tieir cziims Lmn In llel 731 VCillV llllmmtllli ll the lindemlgnedi 501mm for IVY Plibylollim CClllCltlB All 00 lthc Executor the said Estate on or before the 26th day of April RAINEYSuddenlyV on itiiii 1941 altiWVliiCh date the said in ril 16 ion 11 1M Executor Will distribute the assess VV deliee p116 CralghuIsl1 Ail3 Ert lot the Estate hating regardonly ll ronto Margaret Ann Gllpiti wife to the Cllnll OEWllilCh litebsgrall then Instal Meral Ltll throughout the new on oVththVflng Jihtn Replich loViVuViVV have notice 1n w1 no reSP homeV for all walls and ceilings and no 00 oun it mo Jbl others DAIRY leikIfEDndt Barrie this 18th VdVViyV of March 1941 CAMERON CAMERON Barrie Ontario 15l7l Solicitors forthe Executor MORTGAGEer unsightlyl dust streaks will ever disgure the smooth plastered surface When yOu build or remodel your home specify Universal METAL LATAH of Mrs Charles Powell tRuthi Mrs Lake Belinda MrsI Jack Gay Addie Mrs Nelson Barr tMayl Daniel Gowan Fred and Jack in her 70111 your In tennent Mount Illuiszurt Come teiy Toronto April 19 Olq Ii SHAWAt the Rovztl Victoiiu llos Under and by virtue of the lial Bnno JnAme in ill IDEAL FOR FURNACE POWCFS 0f sale Comalned in tw it son of Mr und Mrs Vt This sreel mesh keeps the lastcred surace SM mittNip 51 certain mmlgageb 10h produced at the time of salmthere smoothandimmaculatelrbui dsfiresafetyrnto WHITESIDEmAt Bond Heard on will be Offered for sale by public the home and its wuer roof bickin mvides Imlatio Monday Apiil 21 19 Timur 1000 lbs auction on 5P VVhlltSiClC beloved husband of against dampness heat and coldUniversal Metal Latli is Sarah Jung Fildoy in his 781111 TuesdQYrAprll also used as base for exterior stucco Bond eld CU Fuel Bullders 1941110311 ZngiPilgdslgsrmw Ateyourpaitcringroutmrloorwritemirzllpartiwarr 1w VV 7V WRIGHTOn Thursday Ainilll AND farm within half mile of 1941 at IOOF Homc Baum th Joshua Wright late of Dresden Farmers Su lies EglldoffgeNfglgglfisfLgtOi HEAD 0FFICEOSHAWAONT Interment at lhzimesvilleV Abyil Concession seven Township of Montreal Ottawa Aloronto Winnipeg Calgary Vancouver VV YEBAIlEisstt the Royal Victoria WCStGWllllmbury Cgumy 0f Slm Hospital Barrie illl Mondiv llll we and the Norm Part Of Let gt HERE one hand April 21 1941 John WillitiinI Ir Twentnyom Comes 59 cap to successthzrt no Yeates in his 74th your Tim gfrxlsehlp of Tecumset County of VV one can amid ignore fllllilrail took gtlace trrfiVnViV IiiRVVlatcV if More particulay ecribed as Imen Queer an it in in in as PHONES 94 ssnntwrrnr inherits 3= ===== ========o==o=o===o= pm DST gm md mm 73 degrees 30 minutes weal 24 eha thzitcomesfromaslugr SthmFsT+nmsH t1 INVENTORY 7w gls SteiRYet thousandS 0i liwhohavwficouldfake 334illkSwlllenceNorth7 digresi 30 minutes East 24cliains more or steps to preterit 1L7 less to the EaSleWiniit of said gt lotrthence North degrees 30 min utes West 20 chains 88 links more JV AVPleasunt way fovhelpV $12555 to the place of Vmenee Upon the said premises there is 531 erectednfdwellmg house With suitable farm buildiW The propertwaill be offered for sale subject to areserve bid NOW IS THEJIME prevent Sluggish System Sluggish systEm may resultiErOm VVValzick of bqu in the diet Sq is cases shoufdyield f0 Posts purche mone obo id don Btati Flakes They provide VV lslguggliebmsdgfarlhg Saggelo DCLUVXL CVQUPL TOWN SEDAN natural bulk to keep food riLgeres at five pergcenlt 132 AUXILIARY SEATS annumV VV VV LAYER AND DEFROSTER WaStesmovmgto 116113177995 Forfurtlier particularsand conr HEATER AND DEFROSIERW BEAUTiFUL CAR fmgislirissv ditions of sale apply to CANADIAN FARM LOAN so don wait umll you Cd BOARD DeLUXEFQRDQRLf MALL iuIlEEAEEFBOSTEBVilslgzs ATERAND DEEMSTER $1 Vt VVi VVI lassEon v8 QNE VIE177V Hayter St TorontoV Ont MORTGAGE SALEV below pan Start now V10 eat SEDAN COLOR GREY Posts VBranV Flakes regularly Tliey liaif crispVdelViciOus nutlilteaivour If this does not ingrown Valuable Firm Property 1N THE Townsnrp OF INNISEI tr Arreietcosradndumack 11 IN THECOUNTY OF SIMCOE tof bUIkiSaphysitln59 yQV IV STAMMBD TunO STAKE RACK fV UNVDER BYVVIRTUEof the HEATER ANDV DEFEOSTER 5157INCHWWilEEL it PWemf$1snt Hell acwnl RADIO Fully=leconditl6hcd BASE Va Li VV VV VV VV VAV VV 1V AV tiered forSale by public auction man SHlWSlGTED WHO Emit sunin inn smnnn more Flakes will never ploughslbaclk croPthibuCkwheat if 253300 0010 OO FULLY JAN $1 or CloverTnever uses fernhzerinever Tlhlir AFU gt allows aeld to lie fallow forayear Only by WIlhe following lands and premises RECONDIIIONED LLY CONDITIONED Fjr5tyVa110fLotseveni th Si th Vi V82 domgthese things angle futureff the farm Concession and TSecoIrlidly aEliel he assured In the same wayi eye farmer SOUIheastiquarlel 0f L013 Eight shouidrrpiough now some oi his new no to the sum men $59 00 DELIVERY 21 nISIV igsuaanee ctlo protect the future of himself Two Hugdred Fiftyrggs 3115 157INCH WHEELBASE FULLY Vo 1W an ls epen ents or less VV RECONDITION The to rt id to VED Effblisbetl 1887 dwelling ggdyalll 5iliaeeessaryalign VV VbuVIiVlglingsVeietcted Sigma DeLUXE TUDOR VV eproper WI ered Sub 1V VV ject tOa resgrve bid HEATER DEFROSTERO FULLY MEFIT ANDTHEY CANT TERMS Ten per centat the time FULLYAVRECONDITIQNED RECONDITIONED 3f the sale and balancevinthirty COMPANY 10 further Daniel1131s apply to DONALD MacLAREN ll HEAPOFFICE TORONTO CANADA 15181711 mortgageea selicuor Barllei Ontario BUILDING VV WV Advartise inThEitamlner cum gum gum one VV VV 1V VV VVV VV