Put Eight Male oi ilIJNIIIIIL valui iiiiiV tilt oi til it if tVslilll DOLLAR DELHI oneioiigtro Enhance your table with lovely ROSALIIC latteiii oniplete for persons This Service sells for 53335 Every piece back stamped with the itll ROGERS name All staple pieces are seetionaliy reinforced with an overlay of llRIi ISlLVIiR at the point of greatest wear An ironclad Replacement Guarantee given with every single piece ROSALIE Patient is of much finer quality than that usually VIIincluded in combination offers See it today IIIIS LOVELY PAT TERN IS OPEN STOCK Price Jlock Itll QiieiliDtock 8Desscrt Spoons 8Salad Forks 8Iinner For ZTable Spoons IButter Knife BEAUTIFUL oooxiserwdhhhwmmw WmDi we VRogorsReplaicementGuaitaiiteeg This is to crtify liat cvoryrpiecdoIWMA goons fuily selected materials and that all staple pIiccesiar sectionally reinforced byau extra plating of silver at thepoint or greatest weanAND no ORVTIIIS AI QUALITYylT FURTHER CERTIFIES rim II II Lpieeeoiwmii ROGERSAIEiIIIerpIate which fails togive satisfac tory scrviccin ordinary family use uaraniee to replac Itij jum imitated ha cited with national reputation the open totii price on the Rolzirs Sit eiiiaie $33333 on the Ilinner Service 83350 and the VV VV VVV Wuhan NH ml mm g33ImlI Huger SAVING lt tl ll SEIHJ lliats whywe ask you to consider the SIIJA and liay $2000 vaiiieOII llll IO Ol GOING TO tii OIRSICIJ OI IIIIS BRIIlIIIiIiINi OFFER Of course IIII ICNIIRIC li3 lllltiiH IO YOIR HOME gt94 ricdlisziinvijcii GER A1 silverplateIis mode byskilled kmeri fmm care tawwooooawooodi THE BARR EXAMINER BARRIZ I311 CANADA It Thursdsy April 17 lfilt mum inkwb WM wm ku VALUE so GREAiJo WAREISIVLVERWABE lllIl NUMBIIii til SETS eamdortalion familiarise VIIMIS IniiIIIVIIan 13 TENTED GLASS FITTED WITH PA ANYHEET CONTROL CORDEitciuIsive MADE OF PYREX COMPLE RICH CHROME DECORATION WITH SILEX SELFJIMING ELECTRIC Patented MIN Control Cord 11tzio Who daressIiiRiPY1195SS M99 Use it vviih your SiixIr5 ihiOiilivyoii ticAu MAV carterwim siiEVxV 4r igiggtrgfuconipieiowithQSeirarimingEl All arts includednothing further to our tI on how to bestp Complete easytounderstand direc ion make delicious Tea or Coffee Willing wlth 37 SILICX HOIVICREIG ltllllills and WM ROGERSnot tinnamed or its iiiNERWARE STOCK PRICE 32250 eparetely as an horsfdoeuvre sIeVrvIing trayI iones IPHQNE 705 STORE COULD OFFER iT iiiiiiooisr TAKE were or my 00 LL it pint Nosiiirriirsr UR My Wmmmvvzwnmnommxwmw uVVVI iiikuown lines And you really save more than $2300 Sile oniiiination Tea and otlee Makertogether with the lovely Iaple Iraysells for $2000A IOIAI And best of all TAKE FILL you are IIlRRYII ONLY HAVE LIM glamorous iie table designc Anne Beul l3 decorated bpring flower popular fluted sli crs 77Pittl Large it VVVVVIVlVIi VlleVIUIti Rafters oiipc Sou VV PVVVVVVVVVI IV iiigm BoilI Civil Cliii 31 1LId II aVfVllliilts illustrated below Dime DISH Ili than thosesiiozrii belcwlher 18m pen Youll Illtile ever ipe 22K Gold Bord 7iu PiritesI