Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Mar 1941, p. 4

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Pigt Four chm THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONT CANADA waWwo lillY21lkl Todays Fashion Mrs Willkie Captures Toronto our is LOWBONNEY tlllL wedding took phyt an of Mr and 51 Toronto Monday evening II iiJJll whcn Evelyn Marie lll ii V5I1Ifhihmmiiall efuffaozcacyii 51650 of II IIgIIQI mf Shh Lite Mr and Mr liw liiriiiitii CI II IIIJ ie uziiillilidcd lile bride wore lovely gown itf rosewood crepe with bluele ilii to match lltv llziiiln llull officnitilig They couple Vlil liMdL AW Thwmhh VI 1UHI AIHIniltIiHl UillitiiIi5JlI Iit on lllll Hltllig Maren li IIHIIII 1M mulmc IIIVI IIIIIIIII of Mrs lziuliiip wrdt iich Delbert ll Wrav Mid vl IIIIIId itltllll any Elmruin Itillnp linden in of Mr and lr tlizIIioii lIinerson Toronto Lapiin IliIiiiiieth Taylor chaplain of ill rey and Simcoe liorcstcri iAlJ conducted the ceremony The bride was attended by New Ilii12llllt Marshall Toronto until the groom by liicut John Itltiiflv 1tlli Grey and Sinicoc lolt lcul Elnrs 1illlililliti1 was lorontos impression of lovely M15 IIIIII SIIIICIIII hgiwitulgmfhul IIIII AI chdell Wit lili who shared with her litleltlltl in tiiuniphal haw Camp hUIdIII 1in IIWIIIEIII HULL Hf hh Imh VERA WINSTON IiIititi tlillliiili the city Like him she VtiikSI for Britain Iiiiifun was the charming and olMiim gt 1131 511 hr mid tlc of the mo beilutilill Cliol IIIIIIIIIWIIHimmluul Queen of Mldlindb llllln UMIUN the tiiiie ltitl April llllIILS Ul iiit MdNil lillglim wmW CiliLilLAg liAslnl liliy siliAwutliliv iu in us ll PINEAIlLl nun lillANnv1 Aililmlimiilxilirilllmn llt ilI IllIln illlK with liTII IiIitliIt IfilILIINI IofI llhIlitIIIIwIiIiIi II II II IIINIINIII MIIIINII xiii Iexcii plants lzlr IQUI liniloittiy Ili IioiIl 31A11lhhl Itoch iInd llgttor iiziiid llIlIl JliihkiIIkilIIlllwII IlIilrI quiet but pretty wedding took iriit llu iziloll by no fitMi lung0130 iliii 1gt it 110 place at the United clnlrcli parsonu All HAFOH llAVOlJllNiS Alli COLORLD cumno tail Willi WV ini IIl1eIIIlIIul$ligtliII on stinIiiuuyE MillLIll SO THAT tillY corou AS llllY HAVOUR at pni wren lcrirnle WWMHM vilmhhsbeneath 15 mm Mmlilyi II IllL lgt viiam Ilh lcthnt on good liltlltllllIl V1601 ICCOhd youngest dungth NOTE You use only in the usual quantity Aim me may 15 musmu Eur Hm lid WUSL lllCiWi CUHUP cone the bride ofAubrcv Alexander Alaffatt only 50 of rho lhhi A1 ormer lmcoe oman Mi IIlIlidei Mofliltt and Mrs ll Leach NABOB FOOD FRODUCTS IMI rm Mafks 915 Birthday ltii tlli lilMHS iiliklWi 51 2liili lib mm Di fiSi lirlIUntoI ALSO Hi PACKIRS or NAnon lFA ilAliotornircuirn COL llflllllltlltillil Recalls huh ill tIxtiii ioii slim 10in Ihhh Ih0 hhizi llie brides dress was of talk citpoi II II uys iilifiiid liii licii lililli llillI urnlliid their heads two ixiilcl with corsage of Sweetheart t2nniiiin Lillb illlllll fashion iiowlt were held iiiIiuses and honeysuckle ller matron vrv17 her it illill filled London within lln niontli The of honour was Mrs Leonard Parkcs llllilthlJ ALWAYS BE AN 11 lilliril lllhlie ii hear lolln first was for 1i2lll interested in oiloroiito whose gown was of Eliz input Hid in Hill Cipicol spent llit lickciid witii Chiliwhich ha Miro Cniiiiiioii thinexpori trade and the second forIHbLlli blue Willi corsnge of lalis ln cxm verse to llierell Ai ST tie miners liiiitliCiMilt Timon illiiil iii Tili ivllilllii The Dmillc Cilliimih Im 0505 Mid ilOllySlleiC 1i10filtlit an England und lolllililttrl for itlllzs ill II II laihltsoNuiiiu ltlltl Vttltllllg Wits 5tilnf THE NEW coolllllli SENSATION WVll HM fullls itll Sill uneven liciid lhril lliiiiiinnl lite id carried her iLi ti it lfili iiDli RALPH GORDON U313 LZLiWIir St llillirlio All RIF WOMENS lNSllllllE Slim lilting wool frock iIiIlIl nil rig in in nu VANlLLAthML tVilIli llJan Womans Viewpoint on This lltLi That in liarm timiI Readirs of the BnrriIe lJIXiulnilitr get AM the new inr liarrie and District 520 and Worth more Early only in new or adreltising is apprt clanii ALWAYS llll SAME lAMOUS llVOUR Alis Mary Walker iiiLlrkLd nor 96th birthday at Mcaford Mandiin semiinvalid she has made her home with friend Mrs llichliel tough for the past 15 yczlrs Mrs Walker wasborn in Siiiienc County near Barrie and spent iiii years of her married life in Cori li Iit in illlLi gtliltltll ii Millyiiczdlx VlCLti laquin Hart ILIIoonisniaiIi was Mr James Smart of rimi ohIVS hr Im hhhim iwhh mule unis well filled 1L ulI by 1hh1505hm 0h lilillllov ll Close Ilcnd Hid COUCHRUL In lllnpire of the Free Ios lirawleVIltll hint week 101 llllill even llliiltInIdLigt and ilhIm was no dour 3001 10 Sill 0f the Air llinpire drum to drive out Clmliukci mining mm iiov nullmini iiiigwood She is of liNli parcnu hintIL lain ho oi hIlIth II huh hyping wasIcciaLIllchIiiic gIoIofIIlIoiIoiitoI wrung IIIIIlIlIiIeilIiO uigligi0Itnmhblx Her mother lived to be ll tier nilo time iiil or no better than usual bill the numbCI Cb mo as wwmdii lilnunid 1lt1II lllii EN er liliKSePicston lg rchhvc is he hfihg V1 In llimmvoc Lt tteaiiiek ltttlies11gtiot models was dowrr lilum Chblffqn ve mlit the Empire bnh BFBHHMS Vjethrg ihrihii hi hth Mick lt IV uucss iium erni lOU eliceii dulCI will woytli ilie Lll ii iii lii unit we lmchhh ends CImwlots lltIiIltl lIIiiIIIliilIid and LlIlmLI were Hm AmmI Edhmhm hh in umpire lit on tiulh illiiIMlI hhd MYSI huhhm Amos MR were from Toronto Aur ri llit clici llVilti il iId tlliougn Wm Ith th Ith Maori FOIIUIIIIIiIIII IIIOC cIICiII right and Mrs HowardJohnstonc Rue li stand the lrt ol iimt with Mr and Mrs Geo Barr llie coming of the maple syrup ilCllllCOiC at in who Chm4h qi season brings to her mind xneiiitiie Um bull mony and signing of the register dainty buffet lunch was served what VII mm II of what wt of early days when the main fruit hihzh huh hm II 11 13M Beauhhl pictures mounted was whd cherries and phImSI hUIII III III II II II IIIIIIIIIII III Viiy itrlilllly tends to straighten all the bridegroomvs mmhcu Mm HII III III II II II F1 were reserved II II III ihltlilIN rI ct hm hm IhIS dues UNION 1h pmS LbIIIIh IIeSIdIII It the ICII IIIbIC lJl IitldoiiiI and JthllLL too nmiour 0f BiliamSFgmlngPianes mdpt HUD iiiil in Hi4 13 i17iht for the light with all olil and put into creeks llld led wiii gt ll Dmel tub 1mm liic hippv comic left on 1mm SPITFIREv HURRICANE DEFIANT how we can lililii Ic II might II SUNDERLAND FLYINVG BOAT huesde It aS 51mm appGm GIIILIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII III IIIII IIthI IIIUI oils tli lLIIIlLil IIIOllllrLs th ou weqdmg ulpIand 131m WI who up mm WELLINGTON BOMBER ANI me to the brown Sugar 3f wdaV ducsd Mr Rondo and he was ihank TCSIdCHCC 011 Eglillioll AVG Eu T01 aLENHEIM nomam only darker in 010 and W091 ed on lmlinll ol this gathering The group WA Om Dont miss tliisopportunilryI She recalled She remembers when WI olfejlUmiedctiuicli iiiid 1le III hm hm III JIIIIEIYfIIIIII II II If CROWN fall evenings were spent paring ileiidersllip of Mrsril McKay and MORRISKEF00T SYRUPAnnie on the back your name and 399195 and Strlngmg them up in The Milli lliglllziiidctsvmel 100 Mrs Mani held leewsmi snapdmgons decorated Deer phrk tilldrcrtlutlliiiIiltilUlliltipiltilnyOuWnIltI my As many as six to eight bag 5hmmVtII 1h queers of honor conundrum ten in the Sunday School SI1231ETIILIilSEIEEZIIJBliiilllilfldbcimDCPL eriIiIild be pared in an evening she thhmqhw 5hth Club dame hi roomI of the church Wednesday cv il imqhuny LhmhdI lie Oldc lliii llall alondiiy cvui IIllllhI IiCIII ld bath daughtcr ovaysV Relfoot and Th8 LEWIS 10m mm BIhIIInII IMis PIL Biough Visiting dangle by LIth Mrs Walker told of sheep iall iiig The Highlanders brought SLiMVW 1115 hm the late Major Horace watson licr IIMI with her sister Mrs Brandon Toronto ingI Driven to we river to be with 1hem Ir 5mm piece pipe band and it provided some amusing and foot became Ithe bride of M1 Roy Edgar low Wllih ti gt Britons itllNl IAlidItlils is true NZLliUllS will3 Mil5 thhh Romh is Spendmi idile time in Barrie btltk itlIUttl gulls Iillliltl the PI 8ngle IimniltonI Spent lluns thc weekend at his home here 0km Th EACH WEEKFOR Freedoms the prize Miss Jenn Siiglcy Toronto was Chapel1T01VIIW Silimda Picemen of the Empire al Sriglcys over the week March 22 1941 when with ElizaI The might Frags hfhrth cnd iiiIiiiiciliulIriy lisoluicly to run in clean pasture field un Toward 1115 Irv hurl 0f the even An interesting programme was 118 mmwmmgc Wrouhiy dly bCfOIC being in two lads lll kilts performed Li Hanged 01 MI OVenmg by if 001oiiIndn4iiloonoul Sherri IIlie wool when picked suturd dance to the iccoiiipuiiiiiicnimpgmmnle committee cowlsungr clean of burn was spread on ai of me hhh Miss Jessre Bryson Mrs McBride Bob Crosby at hm UIVgaIII iblayt and had 1101 grease mixed During there dances at Ye Olde lid MrsH Mfxwen xThC prOI Given in marriage by her uncle Ugh li it was tied in bundles Townc Hall the refreshments aielglaniine CUIISiISICd 0f vocal 501051 Squadron Leader George Rod G01 VUUI iUl printing fltilliTilC and senttoI the mill to be carded always preceded bya grand march ROW Ram 0931 duets by Mrs gers the bride Wore classic gown Barrie Examiner fast automatic Allen Spun mmyamn fOl WhiCh ilic Esquire orchestra RChardson and MISS 1120119 of celeste blue silk jersey Her presses and fine assortment of type IEVIelybOdy Wore homespun and plays swinging march entitled Dawson and Mr RICh fingertip veil of blue illusion was 757 spinning was done 011 rhand One By One The three verses afdsom V101 59mm by Gwen caught with draped turban ol wheels she related Five skeins of this are dedicated to the Army Gorge OYGIiYiimmiler bYVemna net She carried bouquet of hflrIiVw and calmed Oscgly ere tollsmered g00d daYb SPiIi Navy and Air lllirrc This catchy Appby IYShI readings bywMrs El swansonia vhite sweet peas zinc pmsmh LungH lltllic has caughti our fancy and PfilillfigLII 11d Mil MEXVCHiII Rubrumlilies and her only oina outwithv M1 Wiii lttgt we have since learned that the 91051 IBunuijBargaiiiIBiucI wrih mem was maa3W the 311 AICI bllIdILb tsIchilIldlliiIlthl who words and melody wcre written by st VinlldenIg Mrs Beavcri gift of the bridegrodm Mrs JDXEPPIJEHEC iyglllbqgi VMuse Joins the manager of the lialllElIl IVli MSW BHSFOV MFS Holmes sister of tlierbride was IbELb7iffwbj Wm II In IIIIII Wih CI he phlij ailiidgeBetty White and Miss She lites pincnts The diningl ocworm099vnivMio anchhe late Howard Lawrence RCN Ru Morris Smiths Falls Rev Dr Itfh$9hSi gpv Stanley Russell officiated with Mr tastefullv decoraisd the oicliesilil ltd the aiiangemeni 5519le5 gowned in who red crepe and wore mm 3I sinned by Simcoe Count Womens Inst the song copyrinhted and hopes ic V0 material Her bouquet was Rlib 15 AJ lTHVBll published Iris theWkiii lama rhegr0ulmppeald 335191 umrliliesand graprhyacinthsrsid Ids icinid of tune that should catch on and Yef1gI1c1tlme inficorTmCOS ney David Holmeswasgrooinsnian T1140 brides ImUUlLIIXGCCIVCdIiu During the last war Mr Johns said $339513 13Ffiglepatrsm gllsFliIiF andmaushers were Jack Kerioot bIaCk CYCPL dlcsstwnh Coisage of that he wrote and $9an sons vfor IC liIbmlhergfm hefblldCHIYJT evrrli the troops when he hiriitself wins in Mrs ArmStrQIng Mrs K1130 Morris R055 the 541031115 mother W0110 Jlidefiiiligiului B31510 Mrs es Mrs The mceplignwa5 heldgatthitIpaleMutfluluettgd proposwirheemgI 58IthlheBTUeum Wliite Mrs Maxwell Mrs homeiof the brides motherhiVl rsrr 533 0f yellowI roses andviolcts if is ndmade of colored closely 1ftth of Mum 3th In bride Reach Misslrene DawsoiLIMrs Kerfoot receivd her gueh meah and Mrs William Reid the grooms woven men fifteen inches deep of month wrycmii wewer Mchy andMrs McBride agracemr gown of b1k mother were Wine crepe with cor ten inches widehLboftomand 1w WeiWag who thee ng at ace sa it ill tapers to four inches at to VStIO entertainedzitcbridge I1uesdaylast IadiebPIII iv hat of matching stiffened lace amL Igc 0Iyc Iowl 1IJuLb and ytOlICla tapes were fasIened Duh Durhghm ewmhg the gresi DI III eie ErrEs wonII rs II corsage of mauve hhaa andIsweet IILdlCl Mi auditIts RossIlelt on tI fme 51 of belief was sliowercdwiih aiium 19191 Imus conieSiiaS peas Mrs Morris chose gown homymoon 29 L0 rsoumcm so In sit cou lobe worn around the bel of lovely personal gmsahd the worrby lelson Owens of lace hl Ia Soft shade of angelm pornts the bride travellinguin 4L Waist One pocket in those days Chantier acted as chairman for the b1L gt iiiring IIV II blueI SW11 ac coil wr pint access might serve several frocks vent EelZafgleit is i0 prongamme wel hat and mm Qt YAlillll Foil $150 VALUE holistic +209 VALmiI lion H130 WOMANS POCKETNO 86 IA pocket worn while crossing the Atlantic from the Old Land to Can ada out ninety yegsgggg inayil CT NOW iii cavirrsihi Hi Usio as made iiithe gathered about the width of the hand and Could easily reach theepening of the pocket where contents were safe and out of sight Inthis particdlar pockefthe pound noteswerecovered withIa piece of cloth and stitChedIaround the baw bees remained with other things IIPockIets are great convenience to men indispensable to boys lux my to womien Withithe modern type of dress chieflysoriiamental Perhaps in the years to come the Wonder wlllbe how the women of the 5twe tifsth century endured the inconvenience In Biblical times money and other things wereusually carriemiiwk ets in the girdle The Arabscarry their daggers in the girdle pointing to the right side and through all The emplvoyeesrof the LondonILife honored Mona at tea Members of theOitilllzr branch joined the Barrie branch forthls occasion and aMpresenlation of lovely Isilvei entree dish was made it lt MEDICAL OFFICERIENLihTs PENETNGLtACol Net tieton Penetarig physician and med ical health officer has reported for active service atIlilitaiy District No 3headquartersi Ottawa He The War Services drive fOl funds Wilhbe limburge ofI lildeau Hospital got off foilifuuspicious stail Meii ItloloneliNettlctohis ainative ofPen day evening when Wendell slangaist practised there for 23 Willkie who took Toronto by storm years He served with distinction opened tlieDominiVinIi campaign at mass ineetiiighaliMaple LeafGarI dens Mr IWillkies admonition to fillerlip will undoubtedly re eclio from one end of the country to the other The local campaign is glattingiuii iii the last GreatI War IIIenlisting ill iOclober 1914i nillESlllllll nintr ofnextIVveek Thehthe dESEEhiltlssagkaiggjggrgtvollinteeresnvassers will getbusy HIeispmesf so when the call at your home II In Elihuurritts delightful book for ciiitdieiiI loici Butchews Pock 11 hespeaksI Iofrlzhe passing 6f the enemies outside xiiocket of Olden dei way underthe chalirnaiishiplof Nettletoii aWda final organizer tionmeeiing will be held the begin and ML honeymoon trip to northern points the bride travelling in gray coat with blue accessories On their re turn MixI and Mrs Ross wilt 1CSide onthe grooms faiim at Cooktown and Mr and MrsReid will liyeln VlorontoI Guests present at theivuniciuc Latethhe bride Ichangd into tier goingaway costume an ensemble of violet wool matching turban and kplinsky furs The bride and bridegroom will live in Smith Falls mussDAVIS REIDDAVIS double weddingIof wide Iiiiter estgifook place at the homeof the brides parents Mr Iand Mrs Nor men DavisTGllford at 380 pm Saturday march 22 19411w11en Rev Fred Berner Churchill united in marriage Mary Datiis and Deuiglns Ross Codkstdwii ison ofMIr and Mrs David RosaCookstown enc GuSsie Davis and WalterReidr Tor onto son of Mr aners William Reid Lefroy The wedding was per formed under an evergreeanarch way trimmed with flowers and and ILefroy lI remember that this is the only ap peal of the war serizices this year If your nose lls and give to the best or your ability WIN 111 makes brain an in MEDICINE m8 dilcultspolis sleep put iiipm During the 55 mom thermve pose Vieks Vatronol up each nostril den away IfromsigIhtstyleIv Tli inousQliverGoldsmithteiis tmeh So broad alnd deep to the maliceahdmore shut upand hid ugiiii eld9noblemanvMirl been many faIshion shows giving iVatronol does important things Canadians glimpse of spring fash for you shrinks swollen mem ioiis Butdt is not onlyherein demons found for singing them is pockets round but all ms of things for ildren ballads and tellng theIm stories and seldom out without some thlng in his pockets for tIhEITIfB piece of gingerbread 01a halfpenny wblstle+Vicar of WakfiIeldi IIII lo caillrliiarmless little Imen He was longestlonlIt branes 2VI soothes I1rriItatlonI ielpsIush outnasal assages clearing ogging mucus re leving tmnslenb brings more comfort mkes breathliig easier invitessleeh Wheat Geld iihreatensiuse Vatronol at rst sntfe or sneeze 31 to minimise VAIllOIIOI bells The brides were given in mari riage bytheir father Miss Mary Davis was charming ina gown loi pinkcrepe with small hat and veil to match and carriedia bouquet 011 pinik carnations and rn Miss Gus sie Davis was attractively gowned incblue crepe with hat and veil to match and carried abouquet of red roses and fern The only Attendant vvas th little flower girl AnneIGriffiths niece of the bitideswho was dressed in fmd floorlength dress of white with pink flowers and green leiiives throughout blue sash and Wedding Were from Termite gp SLANDISfliliu annuities ofliirjeiillsilipril mi Barrie

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