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1111111111 11 1111 1111 OMHVV VVVVVVVblinid UVus 1V111111 o11 1111 liikCllLI AIhVOVChiCRHH and Mum 11m mmmsi 11 1111111111pn MIWH 1H 111 1VVV111V111 V11 VV VV VVV 1111 11111110 11 Nolwood mm mm VVVVNSV 92 1111 11 151 WM 11 Ill1 brought WIN WW min11m 5111011 mini mm 11 II IIi 31 RAINV VI 11 Hm IM 1011 1111111 111111111111111l1 1111111111 hmm 11191111111111 1111111 111111111 111 11 51 BI 13 51111 111 11 11 TH lhornton 111111 1111111111 1111 11110 11 11 mi Hmvm in ex IGBUWI 111111 ll 1121111111r1 Jillilliiltl 11111 11 IHI 13 531 1M Emmi 111111113 131 1131 11 111 1111 1111110115 11151111111 Will 111111 114 IW DUN WM 1111 1111111 Bump AWN11 11 HI11M Mil lm j111111 11 11111 1111112211 11 11111 1111 111191111 1111111111115 IHVV WV WWI i1 IVIIIPIIIH 1111111 11101311112 held 111 1111 Qri Very 111111 11111111 1111111 11gA 1111 011 11 1111HQV Sm MN itll SHWII 311011111 WW 1811111I1li 11 8111111 1112 111 1111 1111111 Min11 juni 11m 111n1111 iflVVVIVUIUVlthS1VVSVIHVVVI 11m timid 1111g1VVV111111 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MrMoi 911 11gt 1111 11111Mm111111 Mum 17V 15m ML mp 1111111111 11111111111 11111l1V11V 1V1111V11111mVV mmV UH 11V 1111111 1111111 51111111 111511 wrukcnd Km 110 k1 dilln Mid 11111111 Hilswd 111 Mrs 1211111111911 will lt11lt 1111mmmm hm KJimfm 11111111111 11Eil1llkltl 111111 11111 111 mm mm mmhMV A113 V1111111 Mm min Kr MVNS Witty rcpzlrleo 511511111111 $11151 111m 11 1111 1Vt111111 lll1 311111 11 1111 111 11111 Alldltw V4 11111111111111 mllltinu 01 1111 Min Humy was 1111 11151111111 1mm 13 1111 51111111vu1v111 Ji1110d 309Um 111 1111 11M IiHI 11 W1 111 131111 111111111111 Mr 111111 MEX Inwnml illigtiIVMS31 28111 PU was hold in the 111159 pm Ur BU MIHWVM VVWV0111111111111111111 111111111111 11111 mini111 MTV 511m NIIVLIIva 111 1111111 1111111 1111111111111 111V11 Wrrxhcll 111111 111111 Bobby 111111 Mr 1111111 1111111111111 1V1111V1V11V1V Wm pm Stowsmm 1111 in mwn 0111th Mwukw mt CmJos 21111111111 111111 311111111 IIILV1IIIIV1VV mum wmlwd FAITHY CHICKQ vimchll Sr 11111111111 5111111 51111111 111117k11111111V111V11lV 1111V111111V tinHim or meeting and ma mm 11 bum Wilcox atteiiditl lagbcii 111511115 1111 11 Mrs VVHVVVVV an VVVVVV bVVVV 1V 111111 with Mrs 7111114111111 1iis1118nt 11 11105 10111151111 In 1111 oil110nm was 1111110 Rehabilitation of AVllJLi 111111 11111111 Mimi my 1mmV1ct1ll1 Stun111 Ma jimiilumi Minnu Toronto 111111518111 VIIIlillll KI 35 the CijmimilV Vligmnmvs 11L xiiiulriwn 11 Dutch origin Sylnnntln ll lll111 11114111 Ibllfllllu It $3 lnl1il 1111111 VII 51 Rhumrb bum 01111111111111 111111911115 111101111 1115111111111111 10 11111 Sillidllml 111111151111hy 111 11115 Am 15 il 10 1111155 ROM KP ChillCIiit MT m1 in if Smm Am IIs1lul1lV Emmy ilw 1Wyil 11111111151 IIliililll INTI Erlog1nlllllm01$ims Iibgrll Mrs Grunt Kingston Mr and Pgtmtls mh 33 11111111 Hm 111 is 11 WV mm mm41 11111 1111 111 111 11111111111111 111151 1M 1111011 F1111 Fred and A11 cs QM 1111 lievcr 111 1111 British Empire andltcr ernn 151 11 01111111111111 1111 111111 1111112 hick Dcvclo or 11111110119 11lighbilglilhllglExhrpii mer Ellis 1111 of Mcaford 7011 bag $100 is 111111111111 much of 1115 111110 to Miss Ado lllckhnuund FranklinillbizoVVn ElmY 1111 The late wle d1 Onionsqil and 259 brlillllllu about 1111 closest possible lllckllnlz ilccolnpunicd by 11111 hwk 50mm Gnu DI 111 101 me 1135 3191 1m anish whet Oniom mch Sc unily 1111111111 convinced mm mm Hayes Barrio isilcd M1 111111 thnt condition chV 111111 licchWllhc sudden passing of Mrs CD 63V 1V 111111 Ewe out WWPHU jntm0mVV 10mm Mm Arum Smmw Turmm Ruide Burma mle 111101111111 11 111AI5 oll mm Hum 31 Vome arm order 11111 1111111111111 11111 11101111111 over 1111 WNklnd 1111 1111111111 1111 11111 11111111 1111111 gn shock to Ill 111111113 1111 11015 C1111V8 F105 011 Tuesday BeetsV6 qt 0c mm or Grimslmw MK 36jplu Mom Hivhmmm who 11 11nV 1015 41 18 1341 Cmne Show Parslilp31ti qt 200 A1 11 1111 l1 11111 Il1 other 115111111 1111 11 1111111111 11 it 11111111111 01111111 1195111111 on 15111 111111 111 limos 10 111011111 1U Jill1U Mid many frilldb CamI 113C gt 110 and thrcchcuth 11118 110 to PHIL Mmc 11 19411 Thomab 01m blotm 30 mm qc Savoy cabbage 511111 101 Snell GlllllNllW bclovcd 1111111111111 SiSlClS June Elizabeth and CH Deceased was born on 0011 Chinese lemme 5Cmd1uc of Amil mpd 1113 mi 210118 Innisfil Township on May 16 The funeral 110111 on Monday 1863 and spent her entire life in White beans pint mcusuro 111c 1111 Imumfm was inc rmldcncc to Bishonx 10 mad 13111111111011 on Mond111 00 mmvllls lvhcre tho HItlVlCtlev and 18mm commes SI Drm pms pm March 24 Mr Grimshuw was J1Flllltl Omt was 111111ct1vc member of the W0 Savory bunch 1c 1101 lvnc conducted by Rcv mam Immune md Ladieg Aid of nge bunch SC 11111 1111114 11 iflVlltr POMSVVWQS amended 1w 11ng the Church and took interest VMW mph 11mm gathering of friends and nclgh in Young Peopleis work mem Produce VRH 1111111110an LeDrcw begun boys Interment was made lllbor of Beaver LVOVBVA NOV 435V1ChickensV ibV llllllllllllllllllll 200 flzc his unmomte in Oak St Baptistl 11 Ehmdle Cenletery Th 19 She 1111501 kmdly disposition Specmlly fed Chickens 21 Chm 11 Sunddi Ml LeDlPW crs weroHar+ 11T11111low Chas lielmox 15 Dmvney Thomas Cooper Gerald Stone and Wm and 11 good neighbor and keenly Siewmg Fowl 182 00111121111Siaynerfrom Ilorne Park interested in the welfare ofher Who mimic the 111119 Bue 11 37L 38 for 11111 past four years He prev family 11211 110 285 011 ML 1L 1011811 111111 1113510111193 atAlton 1311121131111 and friends 119111 11 build 1137 FaxiatlimdnglearglCOmb Hmey1 500W 25 Hilkhilii 11d KPIIOIR Mr L0 YOU Mus 3E 1AIFI1ED DR YOUR toNIEY ICHHRFUL REFUND distance littelldimi wmmm tor Mrs Robl Anderson1 erC1Ver 11011951112411 11 i399 DIQVHVW yogi NQYIVHMIEM K9111 and 01m our sons1 Lognlk+l01uoueyr Slb 1m 11111 manic himUHHLISIIY Pdllr 1C1w 10 ham if tom Ira Jars VfilIUUS pXICChV 4210 mele 111111 51111112 or 212417 Sirloin ling ulic or l11rt1r11111m WWW mm 11111111111111111511112idm11111 111 53111131135011 gt STEHKS LivcllwmlVilleatgrandchildren Buns andfakes 115C 07 10 250V Vsuddcnly at 1115 1101119 Coiling V12VV The fumiml serwce was held at Doughnuts doz 12111 1111111 on 8111111111 evening March1 AYLMER 11111 5mm in WV Rump Mummmv her late residence on Friday Mar Homemade bread white or 211 1941 JV Johnston 1Jack1l onme 21 and was conducted by Rev brown BC and 10C belovedWhusmud Dr Elizabeth mm 32001 Jones Interment was made Pies each VVVH25C Churnsrdcs nursed away in his 111111I111k film A3UNTANS LEGAL 111 Allenwood Cemetery The pail1113g 107m Tr 121111 your Hc was the fathcr of bearers Were Sam Aliens AnS ecial 33km 366 115 Waliil 51195th iMaliom 115111 l1 ANDFRSONCOMPANW BOYS Boys derson Alex Strath ThosFaganI Imomreali HmOld ClUde lldl HENI lim PRIME BEEF 1b124c Chiiriered AccountantsTrustees10 Barristcfs Solicitors Notaries PUb $115 V3113 rgim tJftFurImgIP M9311 Ttgtove tnd 8m codumgt Mono to 11 88 Were or in uar er1 if V1 Im 11 Ws ma 11 crown we Bngolngo 09 yonge Ibcdngngiiltcgtss 101651ny Iiilias 12911 EM PreSbyterln Fore 11111111111 It Slllggwggd Jung Clemetery KETA II 15c PRIME 118E 1196 mic Tcm 1e 165 1111 cover LOBA Him Jomston was 111 11 LESSONS ggidggggf1HISIgMBECHCI on NOABS Frmt bromer or we James RuASTPRIME BEEF Ibzc ML ElmvaleJ BoysJV FV mods Relatives from distance at Mclntosh Sqt Johnston 111 tending Vele Ml and Mrs Sher US$8151 Gq Red Cross Notes Edmund Mus Bac CAmRON CAMERQN man Handy and son Georgetown CobkpsV 6411 ihewiocai RedCmss branch BONELESS MILKFED cV acacheliegantbrgmagcghgVBARRISTERS 3011101110ns11rc gristMr and Mrs Paul White To Toiman Sweets 21 thanks all the ladies 1th have 51ch VV Hd 1m3sterorSt drewspresbymms Owe1iis11iir1io8iii49 Wm SW1qu 25111151fiiiis sivgiaiwkiiiii1359111 163 ORR EDINS Church Gold Medalist Toronto COM an wav is 118mm to win mfg 36 NibPa 13atr13rgmofnlghwgrsalg 5111111331111 COWAN COWAN Sunniddle Corners 33162VVBalreCl Eigmni catrVrViedhmV OquOVVS 0an Kim and our mm Vqu mes 355118 Vet 15mg country neeclevenvone ofus Will 115323 MAYDEE McAULEYATCM 1B nSmixibigiiugl311311303119 in 1940 with an refuge of 125 mi trilllnhelinl 13s cmlrvonI Hur1Lld or 11 ets er issue Results hav 0591 185 laVing clain letter 11 VngcggilstOtpgggrchy 17 gynngtga 333110 MISS Inez Wilkinson suent the jump blocks VcanV see me niShed Parker Ten 11 Bayeld StVV Barrie weekend at hethome in Everett Varllcle at Hills101e All blocks Wm WM mama 3331 ibzsc FRANK HAMMOND BA 110 11f1iID1s M33153 gglr 1212103151153 fetlojalRedWiFroS mmdV11VmpkgV gt 11 11 CHIROPRACTORS iiiieiiiaii Bethel who is seriously ill OF1 filliplied to those desiring to put 911391 $10 38c Shanklcai 15166 iiu 01 GEOR1 ELSE BURNS 30 UAR Kc VailInuxrilsmwthegmsg Farm Sfck Implements 111 ItiJYIiIYIIEmDWLiHLmbglIslggllgdmtto FRESH 111201 Licensed Drugless Tgegmilsds BAglgfggFsoCITO EIC mother at Edenvale on sundav 1089 who would quilt their own wwnugs 18s Pkg 11111171 Electric 111111101 Hy 10 and Mrs HouseholdContenta 3V 13211 11111111336511 him 405 ax 53 Th fitW ELI WWWwmM My DONALD MncLAREN BA undersngned has received 111 McKiNNEY BARRISTER SOLICITOR EIC lemma structions from ERLEX 18011110 tHJShl 11111111 11 SERVICE Masonic Temple Building Barrie rep 91 15V der the doctors care with aheart GENERAL HEALTH mm MONEY To LOAN Burs drop 1111111111111115 111311 We 111111111 101 11 Corr 10G111181111111111 11131112111111 may snip 11151 25 WG EthEL wglylg11dMCNaiIori1ayi MEDICAL VJ DB1ne Vsld Grant and Dill One and half milesV west 11 0111 fk McIntosh Graduates CC Ouieg Physician ton Spite Visited last woekwrtn Tomeallr number Pitde the 00d CollegeOf 13 65 n111n BIGELOW the Mels 815195 MrS E1Ar9her1 luaubymubucmudimmn1 and enmii Ml urnsin r1 DRE30RGE Summon sway grade was gandd by sicianian urgeon ss1 aze 11191111 grooms 1foot1pulperi anvil Office and Resrdence Corner Eliza manwas Georgewhi des CO1 beth and Toronto Sts Phone 140 lingwood The bride re to Eat engine hp Hours 130330 700830 pm 3ftmenoaV blue she gtan WWI ttlllW GD1 trimmingmand nd1 ta 301 es Qfa3d WWW comerDunlol hcavemblue ilk crepeth bla and Poyniz Sts Phone 105 accessories grooms Horns 9101almV 1111 pm 1781pm Kidengaroop lroojculer Pt urous Entertainer1for your hex Lodge 011 Church or 0138 Bi tertainment Illustrated circus lat FREE Addres 628 brawligg St Toronto mkbyfdrH Cianstomeditorot Iteggtliizll Thet1 Midland Free Press Wan 1111 of scales2oouips fanning gr emwei by 811 pm new floor 1111111 wagon and hay go rack 11 in 11 wheel mom 11 buggy 111cuttcrg sling ropcsil hay for corilplete with carriage cable and pulleys cream scpurator Nation1 alim wzh gigglyhnew 1V is gom yearling ens uVll01l1ElRY Kidding Sliggfandmg 11113200111111 muse 12 ft by 14 local Those who were unablfe to issed 91 real treat1 Mrs Archer drewthe lucky ticket on the cushion given by Mrs Birch to theV school for Junior Red Cross realizing about $20 =1 3311111111111Isolating 1311 ifts to thotbrldc andV bridesmal weru gold compacts After dainty 31 mansions NJ ph 51111111111111 Cheme 11 Jones Frida 1m 11 117 1331f mininan R11roundandjurgequ atMngliSMrsFraink Mvaeii thundi Ali The COmmEtiRed CTOSSWOT mrIImwglvtmdp 6101191 saMIaWdaiIETP 390wens Phone 1015 Frances Mary lionald and Jackie quilted two quilts at Mrs Lam 39C Office Hours 1230200 6130 visited with Mr and Mrs Clam1 H011ngth LLOWIIEG Wiids the avg Vicums ms Bruntret 3le 23C ATE town rs ayne arsca Ven tr 17 iv flu lie OSTEOP BgAV DOV DRVVW AILEWIS enlfIBVSMEHSOE VN8W 23$ Sundgzv WV 1400 lbs Vbuckgkin nria r8112 number mm trigng tgntedhi Large Pkszzc 151 1111i 61112011111111 b11111 01110115 311111211 19 rso s1 11 114 11 BIOCR Bame 2T1iie311h13e5355 mum MMPHERSON EIllfItlIlsglLSlEtielm my lgazesmte 01d bay 001 Sell congratumuons to Ml and Mrs Bar 4C mm Ofce Homgl Physicianand surgeon All to r52 we spring Mosely who celebrated their 0ntarlu lb and by appomtmen Vphme 61 ofce58 Collier alldllells sum Twig and CATTLE 14 hambmd jersey twcntieth wedding anniVersary oni Mmmifk Mz Fm mted vicronmnomiiornuiisns 830930am16003113 61308 pm 513111111111 fromDurham 111111 iex srlagegv1d11e May 211 F1333 fgghB51kW 50055 11111111111 11 9c CARROT 1111111111111131112132 211191 ago yrs Vigila 241age141 orono VV 71V Well BabyCllmC 0911131191th at PhlliDSCHGUS Barl1 Bone DR LITTLE and Gordon Anderson Cam Bo Marshseedl ss from 230 104300C1Ck elllgggwsii Associate Coroner County of Simcoe Ila31$ grfggeavitshfgm reguggg 33 $31503 fggitfg den spent theweekend with their All Kinds 111599 BUITFNI of Juliet 80s niesgpy Agpllggtlorrrl V133 direct orV and DRRESVLL hank airs0111 blacquw yrs old 1121931 1Wh0 is at his home 13111110111111 Navel Extn 35 V3fm131 hong Physicians and urgeons Mp5 1VsMchayV rammedyhom milking IVreVd heifernz yrsolh1 11 Kowwrfheirttrcae mrouch docmr Te ep VV Officer1V7 MapleV AveTeleph0ne 2111 on Satugday after inutm5Tom 3yearlfng heifer VcalvesVVAbWe LastrweekstsVltors With Mrs 3qu 1b14c V11 WV 0m 11 1104 1710 Brock who 151111 at ho VETERINARIAN eem1gfbyappoglttnent Armstrimg Wilma the Dist Cattle are all TB tested here were her son 41orgeor1BlroIgIre 112211 1811311111313112111111111111 11111111113111121 ioun 9c 1261 12gt LUV pm 010 LAURIE LMCVCV Viup am lbngf lweek0gid Slammk 11013 MVMB Weathempl lliouseliold Bag AV V1 Bug VV ARIANan 011631 1311131 gins 131 rmer rs ennettand 11 13Baytg St Barrieifhoge 811 VPhysicianDiseaseot1Children1m1 m5 11 VS 5W ltynfwffm Ms son Long Branch and 1naa 14V psuced primal ternarmedicineand minor surgery1 at tggrggtghwas ngmggedge F100 ecui1r Vsrggivirg If 8151311 11111113111111 Mp and Mrs VV 1339 Grapefruit1 Jar 1V V1MnPage1ww 11 ENTERTAINERS Once=3010wen Std Officeand Res 1191 011Wednesdayminim 1117 rake go 1111111133 11111 Seal 331 JWWW Phelps Mn and 111111111111115211 pm 11 Nsmm 1941 when Rev William omits drillLCoeiisimiwrsc 111112311111111111Mmgrdlegnghgzmrdlwm 211551 irravldwheab 15 dSur eon 11 united in matriangstherFlox risciiltivaipt Spring 1001111 setm Ciamg Van 11 V1 SECURE 0f weSLVVat onier encedaughtergofMrs 13ngng outthmVWdiscsi1 steel land raller war Victims mm 10 OfficeHours 1304331 7830 137m andthe1ate1Frank1Higglns to set drag barrows 4sections 1mm 1RALPH GORD 11 St kiln 11 11 fM The lantem Slides and lecture P11039170 Resdence 47 let aganxfgnm nk rrgi oncgmn r1 walklngPlOW 59C Shutb Smgl Fridaynight atathe Oranceall toms The Versatile 1ngh C13551 81 furrowridingplow twofurrowed in aid of the WA11WarVictinis res1were on trip to JasparI 1111111 111 srECKLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERViCE 17 Elizabeth St PMe Giggm theibrldeund groom 112111 11W 810 and1canPY 59m 913 Inll WWWEmil 0m on short honeymoon to Toronto chmkmcoopsllpet coon semi iggygggggmggglgg S1ca1111111111esT1m1d and111111111 avharyesgrsif like of aherfvy Ed 155 GROUND it 1V ess 1s ar commitrec 11sm11111111111 1111111 111111111111111111 11111111115111311 1111121111112111111 1111111111 pi tor nmbulanoeln connection JAMES shower henwlth many beautify gyyei 111reliable parties oniy ig Toronto 19111111 xmvr Ontario Land Surveyor 11 andnmetul giftsfor Mm Saatjmsomm 8mg Gailfsonsiluw sodium 11115511 aridVhappyweddedV SohStlW mm 111 H11AGllVose11Auctlonacr Barrie at 11A Moi3111s V1 11 13W