Thumhy March 27 13 IKE BARBIE EXAMLN LP Eiltfil UPL CANADA fan 11111321 Wk the CLASSIFIED PAGE 11m ECONOMY PAGE as 11 Mcvh 11 $02 555 11111155 NOTE TILL n1 1IIIIIiilioi 1111711103 1111 19111 II II II1N111Il lcplztjpt dimciu 11 10 1111 11111 111 iI 11 IIII IIItIIIIII III I1IIIIII III II II imi wrona 1151 131 Will 111 in 1111111 111 roll lt11 on irliliVlr 11 or Iluli or minim 111 QvI 1fIIw II IIII III 1I mcludms 58mm 111 1111111 CLASSIFIED ADSI IlIlItlVllNl ro ltll 1I1II11111 11 1I1I III 1111 two cents per word can with old II 11 1111111121 1111 111111 111 11=11I1I1 1I11lIII I1II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII cr mlInjmuxn CURB pm IVUCI 10 llllllluln ab ICllLl Hull 10 ltltllJd niI 1I IiItiI cents ilIchargedl Clamitmt adv Pa 1I1lIllL 11RII11L1 111111 11 I211 1111 111t1iI11 ucceptabie up 11111 1111 en MUS 111 gtleeIil App o1 ilny I=I11 11111111 1111111 tin 111 WEDNESDAY mum made by Wednesday VI I1 1III IIIII IIIIIIU111III Im in 1w 15 12 111111 til 111 111sz 111111 Jmg mm 11IIIZAIE1 1121 113IIjugMAI IfII mil 5111 on in ltlll 5111 17700 can It in Th 1th omlnic 111113 01 Adult 1111111ibi 111 LW 11111111111 71 WM 11 111 I1 nisllleSlnTJilliiiviTJ1311 25 an 11 1115 11515111bi11In i1l111n 5311 131 AYlmer catsup kkn III II I1 II III II 11 ltmtuuiuni II1I tour oi LLDlllL LU Hi l1r lull ltl1111 3111 111111 11111 tilh illtl II II 1I IIIIII My in 11 IIImIIIIIIIII III I1 III II B01118 IliC BOY 1liF1IlrWit1 cj1clt 1111 Running i1I 11111111 141 11111I 11111111 111111 11 11111 111 II t1 101111121 Apply Ellzibctu St 11 turlhro 11111 1111111gtI1lr Appi 11 1111 lullinxlsI 1111111 II 111 SCInl 11311 SALE IIIIIIIIIUI IIMIIIIIII MI IIxIIIII IIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIII II III III II II 011111 IWANIHU lili gtlirlgll hung1 Wf 111 11111 11 3111 111 IIIIIIIk IlIIIhI III SI IIII 13a 1114 um 11 in Tm Enlnllm II II II III llltlllt II III 111111 577 IAmh 10 SALE LI1HN1 it 3315 lonpifirNr ll11l1t1l 11111 11111inn118121111111 1111 11 111 51 Thu Soap Flakes 11111 111nm 11 p1 IIIII Apply Mrs it 11 14 1111111 51 111115 10 gIHIE III I1 IIlI II1II1I 11 IIII IIII II EIIIIIII II II MM 832 111113 Foil illlltll rilonucis 111 111 11131 51111 1111111K 11111115 1111111111111111111111111111113an11111 W31 WV Family pkg 29C cum on VU1N WNll1l 111 film WM 11311115 5177000mummmmm 11 11 11 1111 11 AUCTION SALES ll K8110 IS gt lkll II I1 I1I IIII 11 11 1l11I111I ilIIlIth 11011411111111 A1111 21 lIII IIlW 111 II 111 IHII1I I1 111511 11113113 11 131 BUYS 51111 13011 SALE SlJ 11 1S1111l1 11 1111 111 11111 ltd ll If 31 ii HM 11 II1 1012 111 LXkllllll 111111111 Hum 311111 hIIHIl III TI CIIHI WI 11131 ttIllIII1tIll1tll 1111 to 11111 lm AAHVD 11 51133 flkl 1137W 131 continua 111111111111 111tl lalhltllih Tuanlu 111 5311 111 11 pkgS work SLf1111C5 11111111111 Ihllgt1m1 IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIkI AMI LIIIII Almmmwmmu 111I1III III1 MINI 11111 WW5 51 111111111 111 1111UNlitthSUlllltAllltlonlmulllrl HuhhHL 1111101 131111 51qu 11111111111111 l12I one tumbler mlw 11 3111111 11111111111111 tor 11 Danic5 11111 111 111111111111 RPENJIENIIIWAIN1311 11111H113111IV1I111 131 131 FARM 13011 North mist 11 llilnts 11111111 lliillrlllllthlli1 11 Dog BISCUNS 1f 1111mw Ln 1111 1111 11111 11 lot 11 1111 in 11110111 llludintz liil roll Apply 1105111111m Wini 13111 1011 SALE 111111111ivlllill 11 l1 111111111 1lnl 111d 1gtliilt1lil11 11111141 153 1111 111111 111111 sVIlI 5111 11111 11lIt 11 11 Km VI11wllh Kr 1iiv1n solicit 111111111111111 oi ht will l1 3llhllll1lLlS IIIIZIIISC U10111u NH 111113111 111 13431 liven 81 11111112 ill1311 lilrluo lllMlllItll 1111 1111 troll 11111 11111 saw 11111 rmEumuw Kitnlvi lUI nnlIllcuy911111111115 1111II mm MW MI MI III Burn AIM 11 h11L1 MANS CC Mr BK 1171 511 31 ACRES Ft SALE North ixls Im1111 by Ill 11111I lttllll 111 11 111111 III Dunlap 51 I131 1111cI11I111II I1I11111Ig Apply 1113911 IISIEI 111 51 11 11cm 11111111111411 luv llioirc 11111111111 litter VIIW 1111 lt Ilniuhnllvn IIII11I1III Cor In Ind imbeth 11111m c1 1111 11 iiilllltilt rclnuinllcr thun thut 111 olivlhi first 611 Wm lllllIIl ARM AND WAKIH 5mm 1111111111 rowth 51111111 crook 1111 1111110 of 11lt hircolill wtllutl 3311 21 31 1k WINK 0111 1011 5111 11 II WW AI 11111111 10 ll II II II III 11mm H1 1B thllll lhithll lhoinlon 1551 11111111 1111 511m h111111 III HI II Ill 11 1131m 111 111 12 lllJWJ lifter 11111 1311 11x1nlinir tllro 111 I3 ACRES 11011 SALE Nu I1111l111 I1 1111 111 111 N111 I11 II II II In SI VII mm 111111 1111211111121 lots of 111111 fir HZ ll 51 1x155111111 111 II IIMIIIII fILIII Klll 1131 I111 IlIlII IILI1III5 1KIQI1I1AI1 II1II 15 I1I 11m my 1mm 31 um 11m 1001 1111 51 11 I1II11 II1111 IIIIII II II 1111 gtxf1lll1 In 11112311 and 11 111111113031 111 1111 lillll1 to right tIlllIVI A111gt1 tSuy you 31191111117111 Exuililnllt II HRHL VITTITI 1II 11411ImfllIIII11IIII 11 1311111113311nth 1111 mm Box136 lurlii EXltllllllLl 111111 1071111773111 1il N111 Ail I112 l1111 llillx VlNDMH 10 SA3linuu 10 CRFS in run11111 11 11 WK 111 1113 311111111 11 1111l1111l11111 11111 113 11111 1111 11111111111 m1 HOUSEKEEIWR WANHHJ mwcr NOW lWmd 81111111112110 on 111111111211 26 11out 1111oiltt131r13 lit17111 11 11 11111 1t 11 11111 111 f1 t1111 111111 hill tunInIyIIWould tulle lllutilltlI 111111101 13th 1gt1l 1111115111 1111 IIII IIIHIIIIIIIIII IIISIIIIIIIIIII OII IIII AIIIIJI IIIIIIIIIvIJLIIIIIIIAIIILL II IIIIIII IIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIII II III HIIIIIII 1111111 um wicbl 1111 you Good 11 111111 inn111 511 11111 I1 111C 11 1111 7151111111 1l1gt1 as I331IIIIIOIIlIlIII IIIIl ngIttgultlLJI IIII11IIIIMIIIiILxInsm IlSl AII1IITIIEH1NIDI P51111153 Ink hIALIL III IIIIII IIIIIIMIIIIIIIII SIIIIII IIIII IIIIImI 11 IL 11 it II II mne 11111 1111111 xinlnrr 11 vI1 II III1H 111 comm RU r3111 11111 I1 DI 11111 SI 111 llllh 111 WML Bil you11H 10 IIII 151 11111 1III FARM AND WANTED IZX111 1on on Him HIMH will Sh my MARIN 11 L1H II SPIVD II II II I1 IW IIII II II III MA 51 I11 M1I1 I1I111A 11 411115 111 1i Milled wood stock111111 1111111 I1 1111111 1111 11111 1II1111I I111lI111I1 11I1II11111 II II IIII IIII III IIIIIII million No hull imbith loud whom HIII1IIItIiII51111115111111 chililgIIlllIlfIlI LIVESTOCK F0 SALEW 71$11111IIII111111l11 I11111I11 11111111p 11111 111 w1111 II iIgtIIIIII IIIhIIIIIIlItl uttered I111 uni1111c 1111111I1 IVI111II 11L wmimi 1mm 114 1I 12111 1II11151 11111111 1111 mi II IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIffIlIII III 11 gtiudndlm 13114 11011 SA1I11111m 1111111 mm 3011le 110115111111 LOW t1Il Log11 11111111 11111 11111111 111 1112117111 I111 11111111 11111 lroln trucks Apply Siltltlltllhi hm ibhl 13m 11111111 nu1111III sum may 1111 11 Hour 11111 llml II II II FARM HAND WANTED lpror Edit 10 WWW 1111111113 15111111111J11WMW GAN 01111 11011 5A1 11 and owl 1115 11 name 11 ll WV1 51 11111 1II 551111311 IIIIIIIIII 514 llm IIIIIIII II 41 nHm 111 111I11 gt 11 II lunccd middleaged considered by 1111111 5110M 1311 111111112 11 11 1111 mi 111111111 151 1111 111 11111 1111141111 111 3111 131 11 m1 11m 111 Slldllrllltill $1100 ie 01 11 11111111II MAlbtllIlI 013 1111IIIIIoIIiIlI WMIMAPERIIOR SALE I200 IIIIIII II IIII TIIADII III II II III IIIIIIIII III II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIHIIII III III IIIIII1IIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIMII 1I1II 111mm 31 11111 11111 111 pp 1131101115 111 01111158 111 111C1t1 111 10 111 puma 1317le 111 11 mm 11 11 DANCE RH VHHHHHV ll lemw gm 11311 1101 roll 211111 1111 lobiinon llzlrtl gt IfI 11 111gt1I Z11 Worth St 13111 11111111I 1111121 111 3111111 I21 1111I1 111111 1811 1I or MAllnlEo COUPLE wnlvlim 111 WW 1111 11111111 PIGS FOR 51111510 lollmm AH T1711 11 771111 51101515 111111111 TASTY DISHES Wk 13 UMMM WWW KllClliN tAliINll crrlm r11 Cm 131 CW rum 1lt ml or ltlNll 111111 11 111111111111113131111111 11H111 1111 11111 11 1111 11 Mm 1W1 IInI 11 11 111 II 1111I4c 0t hurLIIShtILI 1111101 111 51110 In good CtllllllllllI cur mm 1111n1111 Hm 111111 1111 111111 11 11111111 1tt11lL1 IMIH 11 MIN 11I 13111 IIIgngvuvvvvwvvvw Lb oi Lill Colnmclltt 01k 11 11 rcusonuble Apply 15 1121110 1511 ldctcttljlloN MARE COLT for highway 111111 11111111 rent rum 111 11I1L11 1311111111 1111111 111 Mr 111111 11 1111111111 l11111 mitt Apply Box 111 Bum miner 13b Dllohi 198W 131 Lllt rising yrs old 1lltllltitillltlblt lilllnodiutc 111 51111111pr 11 51 1111I 1111 II UII 15113 1311 111111gt11111111111llxulnmriUllW1 PT ffTIIIITI 11lt1 111 1111 1111 11111 II 511113 1011 5N11r111lt11m MEL 531111 III11I11I1ll Txllfl llpg111lI 111111411 11 11111111 111 Good Used Furnlture mdYYlmm WHMIC my mu Elmd WM BARGAING Y1gt11i$111lt 11114S 11 SALE OR mNl MUN mp IMM 111311 15111 1111111111111 311$ 011 111 111W Abllll 11 GO 10111311111632 7I1 11115 1111 11111 gde 11111111011114110115 ihhlh 111111111111 Soluble um 1111111 111111 1111 Elizzibrth St 111 111111 ll truck 1111111111111111 or 11111111111 MIDDl EAGED WIDOW vislics 117 able buildings With 111 light dum in 1xchunne for com ONE WHITE NET WNW FOR SALEJ storc pigs zlvmcig equipment ApplIvlSox 21 1111 1311m I11IIHII1 150 1ll11lt11 81 11112111111 x11111gt III i1 II 11111II P1i111 11 111 Mi M8111111811l1111113 31211111111121 11111 11rl1I Apply 11111 Ri111 IIHII 11 1111111121 hic11i11Ilf IIlir11I1IIII ITRADEINSTOREW II III MIN 1031 b01ld1 Apt my 111 new 1mm Eli Lung 71 lbs Walton Cllll111 Ex 111111311 11 lltl Slile 713 Bm IMmlml 1112IIIf1gIffm1 whij lhollu 1171113 131bR SIM To HUI W11 Al 1hr 11111111 7111111K1 117 111N110 5111M MM SIM II 1I 111511111 11I111111g 1111 March 211 II 1111 Ij91111ION 1YOUNG YDRKSHHUE PIGS 1111101111 11nd $1 1111 1111111 11 111311 111 Ml 11111 l1 11 1115 saturdQY MGIrCh 11le llllllUlllh uupe mdlllttl 1111111 W111 FOR SALI 1lliind crocheted baby 11 11 11111 Wm you 111 11111111 51111111 11 1I II Nb II 521ch 512 vLLks old 11 gran 11111111511 1311le hour Wltt I1 1131111111 lt11 111 1tIl111 1111c1v tl1l11tl 1111111 11 VI 51 experience 39 AMI I1 dIWGutTirlvfRth 13p stunting 165 acres mill1 11111117111111 IIIIjIIII II MR1 IIIII IIIIII VIIIIIIIII 11 I1 II 11l llltll uupc 33mm EIIIIIIIIIIII wontis 111nm and lungs Anub Terms IIIIIIIIIIHII11IIIII1 CIIHHIII 81 111111 lI 11Isnll1I 111111 IIIII1I 1IIIIII1II III 1111111 inn111111111 llktllllolll 1111 Buick IIIIIIh 198 old St Phone 673J TWO TURKEY GOBBLERS for IOIIIIIII SIII BIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII II 1mm 1mm 1III1II 11111II 111gt11 111111t 111 1IIIIIIIIIII thIIIIIHHIIII SHIRE Um on NII 151 13111 IllNlI 111 311 tilltl 311$ Uilllll 711 11 111 III 1I 1410 EM llriulpt MANAGhRH01L1 5111111711111 11 PAPEt FOR TABL ES11111111V0 11 11 ll Enulzind tulivlr Ulmf 119 mm 12qu 111 300011111131 inches1 wide in rollsi Ten cents 1b plume 908121 13b 13 111111 llClCil 111611 t1 Will 1111 l1111111111111111111I 1111a Mini ligtlc Pianos 1e1I 11130 1111110111114 c311 sedan bQOkRCQWVEXPCII 509d Comml about yard to 1b Roll JIOxl 11 LL xslle 11111111 11 11 15111 11 1wnk11115 Cuiigolriun 11nd I111oleul 155 11 Capable lctivc and practical in 1111 COWS FOR SALE RLLVLLULd Ulllk Milk 1101M 11 ML 11311111 11 10111511101111t lead Illilggt 11nd lit11111111115 lll sinus Clir 1111th 21115 and 111 All zitEx 11 1101111011 7111 31 departments Box Barrie Ex lpy Jun md glad mm wm ML tllrlhllm 11l 31 dl 1927 liryslcr Coupe mm 13451 ammo OHM 43 Alum SWUd mm in mummml we llil 151 mmll Dbl lli131 ii 1llgx Jown oc low RjMLS FOR 511Em0 pmllsf TWO MAKES 315 011 11100 11 1111115071i11i111 111 111151111 1111 urlldrd N11 our 8111111111 11nd Munro lt 17111111111 Pi1 mu IH 15111 wk 510511 111 so iovroe 11111111111 1122 Wirl G1 111111 11 1I II culling With 111111123 WOUId Cllllsldm 3111111311151i11imfiiagigdts M11351 elmId 95 mus Ktmon MPH EdtlllY 111 113171 ADAMSx A1 1311111 UH MUlthLlIm gmd Wldlm nd mlmf 1935International lick U11 exchange 1011p1g5I Fred 5101ey oInc 111110 il1ici1118uIlJV 111x111 II II1 MN 11111 1511 E1110I11I 1IIh1lI1111 11591111 1111I11C105I II BABYS CRIB and Clocurt with Barrio Rsli 13p 10 PlGS WKS OLD for salesnlm 10101 513 EitBAN OAIS rou 31111 11111 l11c1 111111 111 ulcizuc David Ali1 Dvnimiss 11115 51110151111111111 110 mp WIIIIIedI IIIIIC WWI lab Yorkshire SOWIIII IbIICdI want 110 1I g31111151111111I1151 1151II mm 7511 II am 111111 mother of Frankalitl 1I1b110 go1any amen I1 your ownI IWI WALLPAPER FOR SALEOven Buy one EOOSCII Ernest pram C0 BABWICKS bushel Mel Hosting Gulliric lcl1 licggie oi Barrie Hurry 11 Tom IIIIICCI VI II COAL 011 IST0VE c1cc11jc 800 smnlcs 10 31111150 from 10 per 9I StmudI 13p Say IIIII IIIIW IR III TIIII EIIIIIIIIIIIII eplIionc 0rd 1721 11111 to Interment Thornton Cemeteryl Sale 511115 at 130 DIHII Phone 1176 iaichttIc Intcd Phonc 9851 13b ANTEDHighest piicIC paid Phone 384 or write Hg LeVlt Barrie 1111713 March 1rd mixtd 21111111 GEARN5A1 011111111 011 sunduyIlERIIS CASH 1O ltirbliltVlu 38 Buyiicld St BARRIE roll and up We specialize in bed SELD OIIIS ligand1000V01111g Mcinchlan THREE SHORTHORN BULIS EXCEPTIONALL 111111 41111 Furniture All 12119 9141 Pure bred one 11105 old two11 from our VigomusxIsmafmIII25 III lirIgtIz1lo IA1lt11 itILtltlIIlll IizuiItcd March 23 1041 IMiss lVIIlnjy Mil SMITHI 117 Dunlap Si mos All 011 iblc loricgiStrzilion 11 1W 1131535 JIFL I111 VI 111 trod learns 1311181011 ntcrlnenl III SINGER TREA SCWmS ma Hoggaith1$y 121317 gtflilllltlllllodlggpdh CUphl 51d 11 131 134413 St Marys Ccmctcry Barrie onIVEARL COUTIS Aucuumu 9111051311Y Cd in 911C+ M11c1125 Fuuy guaranteed ried at $1500 REGISTERED MARES Clyde yflvenlou MIXED OAID AND SPRING L1 LONGAd 109 Northclillc boiilcI and $2000 Come in talk it over rising four years for sale Donald 101 51110 50 1ilt111IA1Su 1de C10VL1 de 11mUnIOISundayI March 23II with the Singer repres ntativc 13b Armstrong lot Con 14 VespliIIa Noah Bdme 13 3311th 19 Christopher III WI LongI be Slalyne RR BARRED ROCK CHICKS il11111 LI lovcdhusbund of Margaret Ellen AGENTS WANMD1 SIPIGS WEEKS 711qu about UI laying strain 10 years tllldLl 14111 phone 911133 BUHL 13L Thompson Cookstown in 1135 37th eminent inSpcction All chicks 511111 Ircur Interment St Johns Conic1 you mm Weeks Shmumm buni about yrs lle hatched 1mm eggs laid by 111 11411111 10113 TCCUINSCUL 1M31C11 26 at BARNCollier Stu Barrie GOOD UPRIGHT 131111110 wanted Reasonable Apply Box 36 Barrie Examiner 13p iGlRLS AND BOYS Bl YCLES illusion +712 geese 111andei Lindcnschmidt 11 11 MAN 15 10 55 With on lot Wat1 own flock Mulch hillkr II 1111 11 MITCHELL New Laden on IJ3glN$d nggnlsgoxblLIL kins route Which has become con1411m15f11 131 two weeks old 16c Thus lit11hr SenE INST gnghmfihunfwu1113523 wwwsdaIvI Much 19I 1941I M1311 SL SRKL BROOD MAREb AINDISOME MAILIIED PAIRS Examiner 0111ch 131 lvallIablp Gas 11011IIC1II1=C1 pub Two BROOD sowsgl due now bhamy Ba Tel 110111 111 bulls 1111111C1 Roger Stay Frunces Mitchell widom Ilhet WALLACE GUESTI saksman gt I101 Uymg WVCIW1 2113051 c1 11 90 113341156 ncr RR 1131111111 11111452 iii111 12110 John James Mitcu Iin 10H WANTEDHealthy 01d11015051 1111 Company Of 115 kmd 1th worm tlilecglggsfokew Mc1UAldIlYI PNfIBdRYOFEID 9151 your Interment Fairrallcy1 MCKIIINNON P110119 11641 Barne Generous credit fuillshcd uall 101 Ullla lmk second cmctcrv Mcdontc Townshi occs ant cgluins ELEVEN PUREBRED pics hintmoatand eggssrblimum 131111111 111112 Ill NOIllSt Barrie 1317p ficd applicants Write Watkins 2177 generation imported and March 22 NEVEAt Barrie on Wcidnesdiiy 711011525 ran 11111 M3550 51 111101111031 Ld GUM Imem IIIIIUII III sealed poulidI price 551 OBSA 10 11 1d ale 1A low Nip 111 11 rial 111oiilli March 19 1941 William Nelson 13335321111533 33111 northt Rgdly Ci DHYUM 1120110121111011 rL mutt $1 chc in his 72nd year Interment it lion iiARMS To RENT of Barrie Higliwy 27 13p 513 C1 IKelly hick Hlehcrv r11 011 scolill 143110171 Dalston CIcmctcry March23 VANIED 11 1POULTR r051icI of all kinds Communicate with SbarGiocernyorth Bay 0111 13b Brgrinclu 11 1Ind 5wc1 lsayyousawliInTnoEamlnerr II II II II III II pIeoItIJI clan HIgI II II IIIBLAEEldyggicgaglESIIeIliInguiIIIIRIOIPI sud BANK Ruck IIIIII CQIiIiII1I1IIlIIcII1IIIElclgIinIl lg IlIlII1ISOIIIldCI lI IlllICSKISI IIIII IEIWO CARLOADS r0 ARRIVE A1 est maikctplicepaid BENWebb faAggg FAill 021 3113011 Hunm Craig breeder hatching with no 0111511111 III II II rcraigvale 13p gfagood wing Fences in good 5011 vale Phone 2315 Strand 1313 POLICE PL GI 1W Atkinsons Farm rownI ISAW IWANTEQTWNO 51m 311 Apply Box92 Em1 ONE BULB FOR SALEPure bred ppovall Polir 1200 33 1113 CLOUGHLEYJIhc family of 111cl ON MONDAY ARCH 31 dmg Saw Must be gOOd condl dual purpose Durham red 14 mos 00 9195 aVal 911 01 Al App 15115 1111IDCI14QILijed by late Ml and Mrs Thomac cIllonglIii the ufid rsigncd up until noon of Icy wish to illilnklllElldtlll JicngIJ bout 80 acres working land balance Dunn Mldhurst Phone 6011211 131 cralg Human Clalgyalc Friqu arch 28th to Ithc position hours for kindness shown in their Allistonj 132 1315 II StmUd of policemzinion tllFB Tole ieccad liciezivcmiitE also those 121 fl bush NH lot 20 Con nniIs II II 1124 135131333119 Apply J1 Nlcmlson 195 owelr EONELEOlz InBRAYIDEbNERS THE CHICKS11 Force Applicants to hold chuulfcrs who tielpcdclezirtlic roads and for gt ml Cmsbii Evil Phone FARM FORR1ENT100 acres 10101 TB tested Apply to Stanley Oldremyir netblistwa illlicSculiorcs arc the pick of 850 sold111 tlie Lacombe Horse Sale last week Several llellmzltedteams and colts rising If it is quality you want and at moderate pricc see those II GI ATKINSON Phone 902142 Barrie I1liccnscIand 10 state age heivt floral tributes 1313 IiIaetngc $31110 AtkinwiiB183rp 0115 RR Elaine lot 21 Con WIIIgIIII Cduc IIIIIIIJIIIIIIQIIIICIIICECIGI IGEARNSchIIIIIInII IBIIIIIIIIGIIS WISII ROOMS AND BOARD 13 ifiany Salary ut the ratcot $100000 to thank their neighbours and COTTAlGE 0R BUN 0W want my you suwIlt in 111 EIxamlnoIr per yealIf01Cuiicnt year friends for kindncssfshown them in INH xLSO1th br mm 199 mallon A111 74 PUREBRED BRONZE TURKEYS brcds Started ancieldaySidscoccio SMITH then recent Ibcrcavchentr d1in Immcdtate ossessm Box BOMBERS WANTED PM 12131 ZIow1LClelk dMiLLsM1LAMuiun WVWA 11073islllefrYeallind1161543de10er lt35 bargainskandrwcapon 13 Tilim St 13b II Wlsh to express melrIappmc IL Illmlncr IS Ip also young stock ChOicc biidS Ad lbu DObSn RR Barn tion and sincere thanks to the many COTTAGE WANTED at llahy 13 nmano 1130 Will if YOU buinMorren chic on rounding districts for the kindncss IroomsI Reasonable entIiApplx Box es 128 Burmn Ave FOUIRTEEN RSES and cons for Iw IIIhaVIIIhaLches ready twice II and sympathy so fieely extended III 1bsA Job cLedn No and Leghorns Many eran ril MODERN HOME IWANTED by home will all convenich III BIIIIgIlyIZ ImelInomh or IIIIIIIIIII Ipcrience IISIyOIIIIIIgumIamCe III IIIIIIII residents good tenIaInts IApply Borg 1mm amount of custom hatching at my The Examiner Box 143II 391 Bmiey mammal 131 Tgbig 11111111 111301128131111151 BAY MARE 11011 SALERising per eggIHafryM0rrenI8 North StII 10 Vcspra miles West of Allan right now Barred Rocks ILoghorns McLEANMisI Joseph McLean and the IMchan family wish to thank their many friends and neighI hours Ifor sympathy aInd1flora1 tri biltc51reccivcd during their recent sad bereavement 1150 for those who Bay forJuly Must Have four bedx1 dress Gawain shim7 Istaynm COMPLETE SATISFACTION friends of the community and 15w 38 Barrie Examiner 13b IROQRDERSIWANTEUIIM mate sale one year up 1200110 1600 week in Barred and White Rocks II in their reccntbcrcz1vcmcnt 131 July 11 or sooner by permanent Elilalh St 011 Highway 311 I1 13151 duality Stock We can1IhandeI WI 1y 80 IOvensI1II Barr18 13IpI yis 01dPercheionhhdlyde cross Barrie 11101111 WANTED To RENT on BUY 11 also Pe cheron mare 5I yrsold Opened the roads 13D ermsmmm fVe1mmed 591 ABLE ROOMS withweigh11501bsAlely 111 Reevre BARRED YMOUTH ROCK 252an rgggagholg ggwpvggikingmcn preferred 60 Shanty Bay 0nt 13p Egcgsggggagamolcfkfr11hr zifndmiil 11 11 11 1031111111 12 Mgulgaster 1317 04 131 SHORIHORN SPRINGER pureI LIargc birds bred for production ED CARS 11 115W1111Edgggggshflmllggg ONE LARGE FRONT bed sitting bredjIITB tested yrs Purebred egEISlze andIImaiket purposes Blood VIad III III IN III SI III If Would mle be flow anyone room with kitchenette Applyto Holsteinbull months Two stacks testing Ipedigreelng and trap nesl II III of out car 10 eiII Ieson in wlth musrcal talent willing to of Box 37 Barrie IExammerIIII Imp gooa clover hayI IArthUr Gibson mg camed on nder Ontario Bl Cd EmmanuelI Anme and E1111 III 1111 their services in religious work Apply Box 29 Ba inr Station 2111 Record of Perform Stayner Phone 123114 13p XFleEX BRIGHmI ATTRACTIVE ROOM 111 more supervision In 011111940 Rc MODEL FORD TUDOR ROASTS or Ponkglii I1 II F== 13 WWW holggirnralellfilgr lirulmpccricignl ill +IN7MEMOR AM IIIIII II 71 IIIIII IIIII fALiDhNDALE AUTO 13b yrs old weight about 2800 lbs ing 26 ounces per dozen 0311 1930 CHEVI GOAC Ir Goy=va31ISt Ifillanditilg 113103 ego 1I jngalkwoluIldGseg together ghsep erI RIRI 2IIHamkestImeI I111 CI SEDAN II In IOVIIIg mmmyof our IIIII Hrs 11 neswane II II II I3 1I ing We harVe large StOCk 91 gd OFFICERS WIFE hquand ovel Mayes 0gp FARMERS try Gilmores for Big umv SPE dear sonand brother Vernon 13 used parts for your caraVisit our seas would share her new mode liable cou PrOflt BarIEd Rock chicks dayold shop Carter prop 1216b1gggzlllg5zwm r19 II SEVEN snmonn BULLSI sexed pulletsand cockcrcls month MSH RENT 314 10 FURNISHED ROOMS 110 RENT Choice dua urpdscilull acciedl old capons and in fact anything in acresx referable wit Stock and Two fully furnishedIhousekeeping itedI dark 115 and 1119 From Barred RockChicks Come and see heavy mllkeis riced to sell Wm for yourself how Wei raise your equipment Must be 33 mm rooms large verandah Apply 48 Wall and Sons Lauisa St or phone 262W 13p 60131 19371 CHEVROLET COACH I19 HIUDSOIN DELUXE SEI DAN Heater and Defroster Demonstrator small miIlIeagc who passed away the 19th of QUALITY AND sERvioiz emu March 1938 To have to hold and then to part Is the greatest sorrow1of our hearts Sadly missed by Mother Father 131 and Brothch and Sistcrs dhurst Phone started Ichlcks inlhc most modern 11111511 and sanitary equipmcntrand byI the goodstate of cultivation Plenty of II 1iftaterPreferwith bushIlotPosse most efficient up7totheminute lt ROBERTSONIn lovin memorj 610nMayrlstrNolclldIean BEL1VEDE1RE1LDDGE4Warlncom=1HOBSESIFOILSALE ncdohosl methodsGetouchealthy last go II IdoIaIIdeai husbandIIIIandI Ifafhcr 195th91best0f careWilfred P8111171 fortable furnished rooms by1day n1111Belman yrs er Per lzrowmg Rocks all hatched from George wlto tson who passed 13011158 IIrout Mills OntjI13l5p week or month Kitchen privileges cheron yrs guaranteedI orkers Government Approved1 Flocks We II I1 away Illlarch 312193 WW if dgff uous hotIIIwautei also 1one Durham cow heiieI call Welcome visitors Gilmores Poultry 19 Thompson st Loves greatestgit remembrance HasyOur15ubscriptiomlabelthat HotIWBter heating1Adults only 145 at foot Apply LeeIS eai Farm eoI yenetangIStIII BarrmI IiLovmgly remembered by W1ff nicepaldimdvance look Bayneid StgPhon911519 131 Edgar Phone 908w I131 om 131111 13p and qDaughtel III I1II II II II VII III II II