Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1941, p. 7

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huiil fr teain had their wurstlseasonsiucc entering OHA ranks failing to win 11 game but llN lilT llltlliilif 31 lilii 1118 lilSMAlxllLIAl 11 111 11 3121 Ii 1111 It gt111 Ktw 11l1 11 12111111 lit pluuitd 1ll 111 llttli 11511 tins 11I 11A1 11 1111 I1 JlHtltth him 5311111 liltiuttuiwn gi 1111 11 111111111 211 i1 1111111 HllIAHN 1112 llitll 1111 111 in tltlti l111 1llu1ltlt 1111 blltt 11 11 311 tiztl 1d 1111li undo 1111 t1 1111 lllllll EC lliill we ti Vsl1 llzirfildSpuitc 1st11l 1111 310 man 111l1c 111 the 111 11 litll thrush 11d llov1tl lluch 1111 for cal jlltlit 1111 1111 will hardly have eunuch exptnlt 1111111 11 11 111 21111111111 lilllltm as now looni up t1 111 111 it 1111I 11 ltll AJI lltllttl lilYlllS lilNlSllliIl 1111 their gt1ht11ult 110 11111112 and the 11211 through for 1111111 llliltrn they play some txht hit 1111s 111 1111 31100111111 llll series which is 51111 111 the pn1111l gtt11 pm season 11 the lltl from ctunp hu hllr never has been such lighting 1111111 of 1101 11lit 1111111215 Seven of their 1311 gliitllCS wtrt 1lll on 11111116111111111 11 stNtIt 1111111 they guvc illtl11llilill1111f11l battle before It 11151 1111 lilll b1 ty 1111 Could 1111 their best 1011111 11111 11 any 1111 111111 1l regs won on duty 11111 llllll were 11111ltt11cl it at SGT MAJOR 1123 1100K made his debut 115 ltltlltClllllll 11 Colliiigwood 1115 week when llt1lt were ciy short of players for llltll iclittiultd 11111110 in the Georgian Bay port Sevcsal Ltys before that pauncethrte regulars til liIiIkey team had receivcdilicir wings 111111 pierced to other stations for more ad 11i11342 These were LAC V1tl1 111 lCAchib11d all strong play lo 521 Major llook appeared 115 relief leftitcuniun whenull his lifchc had been 11 gout lterptir and 1111111 even played forthc last thch years As yet no reporTshziyc been rcccivcd of his having been placed on the iicgozialiou lists 01 any 111 the pro clubs ll ll 111011 DiXONIISChIAvPPYFIIRIGHTW1NG11R 1100b 1111 11 and plcyed 111 1111111111 llyers senior tcnin this your Colts lust season is in the Air Force The Trenton he were 11 11 very tough group with Kingston Peicrboro Whilbv lttllevllle The RCAF teams in the QlIA wercull 111 the 5111113 bun with ainp Borden 11nd lrenton in being unable to keep good team toggzhor long though 11 5131 ticquziintid due to transfers and 115111111 EhDON GRUNT GORING didnt remain out of hockey lungr this senson After two greatyears with Barrie Colts and two with the champion Perrop inter mediates of northern Quebec Grunt joined the rail road audit looked 21511 his playing1days were 1111m IlllCCl He did work outwith Atlantic City Sea Gulls 11 Midland for 21 week last fall in some spurc time After that he did monthfsrniliinry training at New market and played 11 few games Now he has landed in the nuts for tliVClllltltSl Indians who are getting ready for the intermediate OllAyplziyulfs against Oiiliiu Dunlops rum FUNNY now SOME TEAMS are 1111111551 unbeat 11111 on their home ice utter flops away from the steadying influence of their rabid local crowds For instance we might list Penetung and Orillia as pox amples 111 recent history Barrie Colts trimmed Penetaug badly here but lost to the Rangers and their icejumping supporters at home Otven GORING Souiid Greys found iiitichthe same situation there last week They were away thenrgplayoff hopes by losing games on Midland and Pcnetang ice the championship Ken Houghtons Barrie Advertisers gue play 11 intuition Iudky to come off the ice with IOSwin but affcw days later trounced the sam tezimbv bi nigh at 01 95 just as Barrie did few days before although both teams scored two clear wins over Orillia tit home Orillia kicked too JyzthewayrMenetengwutflnebeatWihee heirhome ice and almosldid 1110 the third one If Penetang could play all their go at horne they would come very close to win at is if they could also have their own choice fqr referees 113K lit 111 801112 01 THE OTHER BOYS li1v lllil111illtlt all sent 1111 Im t1 lit 111111I 1111111 11ttI1 111 the ha in prriud l1Clt of 1111131115 was big hiiiitlit11pl 311115 The score at the Sound Och Sound onMonday bolts Drtipgecond Game To Grillers alt Orillid Leteiol Fights Break Out in Second Period 05 Feeling Rises JENNETT HURT 9111111 5c011s UnrlirILCiI oniz 11011 J1 jwuiits Wineh iigt1illn Kelli rllld MtUl Bludli ltlt McKri White IIiriith litfirm if Wolll ftiiiizitt 191 iv 0111111175111 liitiitt Jtiijc1 01111 Tuninnnur huh1 Yuruolti 1A111lt1111I No ixIndlttt 811101111 Pilltiil 111011111 Nichols 11111111111 2110 Barrie lzict 1110124 403 Barrie Baryon lfilv leii1ltit AllfKtttlt 11111111111 iuatorsi 31111111111 defence item 1011 Whaler ttwu 1111111 Joiiztiisou K111111111 Third Period Antonin 1Y1lr11oldt llitws 11111 liIiiriliiJeiiiit 111111111111 11111 lgloisl ll OlililitI Biriie brawl LlHll 111 111 1111 11v1d 1111 1111 111 111 out 111 1311 11 11 111111211 12111 Wozli 1llltvU111td lieu St 3111 imhd mist ELfillwl Illnncd unvxd Whvuimwuh111911311 1111113111 1111IJ11l1i1 Cumnmlmm1112 11111111 11m Antimnllsll 11111 5111 101111 lliltttittl1Nt1ltl1tll 1111151111 tumf11lltilmirczintl l1itl111ltl lieu Keeley uidlhiuiz lt1lt with llYt lllll tnit the liigf 111111101 for 3112L1l ltltli111llt1111 and ll1111111111 collecting one apictc 111111i11t111nl1k ltltltttl 111013111105 11 tat It tlit tiiiittli lt1tl 111 liltl litr 11llui11t 11111 Saturday tlwllid 11k illl ftlill5 1111I1l to 1191111 Hut ptimllt 15 to wit 11111211 1111111 11 lixi 1111 fliillt 1l1I11111to1lr l111l i11 l11ll $1111 luv pl1 lii1l Mtlxtii 111l 111111111111111 Hindu1 lirLEC near the tlttn on 111111 11111 111 Mrtlll ltlttlltttl from in hngors 11 11111Itv1 1111113t111tht itlI 11nd 1l hrs 1mm 11111 lh lutll ml 111111 l11 lt 11s s111111 1111 this Alluii llll leading With three wimp Col lier have him win three bu lost 1111 Trinity and Central are tied with one win two ltlgttl SI Milt have dropped three Saturdays lintttps Collier Goul liittick defence Ni111 Cook centre Ncedhum lazric 111 111111 11111 mum wings BllSiniui1 spares McLeod 1114 1t1d 11w atom 11111111311111 Gilmore Alexander M1i lilt tilllllv 115911 NUS honey from lilld tho tXCllLllltlll tnndpouit 131111 St Marys 111111 lrnvcrs de looka 111 load in the 11191 11911111 tentc Butler Rattruy centre Hallo 111111 rerund well on 19 Way wzwlugs Mnllutt Moran spares 1111k11111 11111iy ill the cxpenm or 1111311311111111 Brennan 111111 Fra lzuiit llnys grow upiltldh Flynn lWVJK and clftttltti to within 1m Tilnity Goal Jermey defence 13111 at 11 by 1m ind U1 1mSI11t Higgins centre halting wines Caldwell Taylor sptircs HKHutl 51243111 111 the third Amino 11Click1mnMHMIHUHd lllill 171111111llalhstoii Knowles Szorey Hillts 1111111 hack to make 11 to II 111111 Crlllia chili liiid loivn blunlt C9lilal Jim Fem downw Kwhdittnce in the lust half of anlIlllllliltml Streot centre Keeley llillilfl and MW ble to 111111 on wings Doug Peacock Richardson 111 311 pm 111 magi 3mm hem Spit Allen Bristow McFadden 11 mouth 11 Cluck mowd NRoachlohu Feltis Ross Peacock ttlV 1v Elowly lowiutls the 111 in 111111 mark Antonia IclILked for 1w of 1112 11111111 Hilllls 11nd wuslonu of the must Iiltetivc men on the ice 011113 1uiignani ld number of cow Julius and picked up one goat st3r19iIzsaeiitehedwtheSOUYitlhlPenN Yutuoltl and Nichols got the others 111112 came recently and then put the t11r11McKenzie p1de b311g112510111ll 18yearold forward on up defensive game 1131111312 Omittis list Murphy is leading the many it1 btidy11icks BM 11G1eys in scoring to date If and Gibbons were 13113921 10 AM lililQ 111 the third period as the rci VERY POPULAR stilt of tlltk tit Oxillia defence The Bitrrie Examiner carried Itll lllllilI l33076 lines of CluSsificd Advertising in 1910 with an average of 1251111 Extra mphe ilThC Examiner lets per issue Results have done it lllllll i1t1tl 311111 111111 vnwim ziamn Illttillllt 1111t 1111 find both were 1111111511111 for five lltlllllltr lney own not suittied howtvcr anti stirtmt 1111 11 oer again 111 the natty ti All told nine pcnuttltr won out oi them inIJ t1 0N 1ETROII LIST Bill Murphy clever centre of Owv en Sound Greys has ltt11pluccd on the negotiation list of Detroit Red Wings Carson Cooper Wings FORMER BARBIE COLTSWPLAY FOR Two former Barrie C011 hockeyists Tommy Marshall and Crawford Leighmplayed on the Newmarket Military Training Camp hockey team 11111oIti 3190131 18 5131310 111ul1 1Collier and Central Win Lapsided Gamesr Church Midget Hockey NEWMARKET MILITARY CAMP TEAM learly in the 111111l and 11111 only 20 secondstu on lLlr11 11111 liliophy got it back 91111111111312 114 STRIKES on SPARES llrn 1x1gL1 ltlttltti 1351111 111 lil i2111 111 Ni 111111111 111 61 111 Lilith llill l111ltt 11 ui 111 l31111131111ll1113 SCORE FOURTH AT OWEN SOUND CICIAZI Pity 0111 rttitr Borden AtrttttrPLtf UD Tough Bottle for Two Periods LOSlE out 73 olliiguotttl Sliipitulltltn thinr fourth tin1 in lutti gums fzimp 11111111111 11in Iio r111 Monday 11 1111111111 111w 1h 11 battle till lill 1111 Wt only 111 cont gt11 11 111s 1in 111111211111111111m1 1111 11 11 by Tli lIlytIrs Witt are nix11 l111l and Aitnzhzild 111 Roe 1111 still 011 l11 b1 lllll play111 111111111 111t1111l 111lu out of ltltntti m111lt was tr liin at ttHttt 311 11111 111A p1i1 111 lll 11b1 111 111 111 with the tltitly Shlphtillzlcw tht i11 11111 11 res manly Caused the duty Jkuuc Ihe visitor full strength The 11 ingoal altcrnit 11 Eve land two 111 ltiirmlster was the only litillll wtlntez Barri You opened the scoriiu 11 110 Etid teamed with 1m Sills on 11 Ellowevcr before the 11111711 mmplett Chub Butter and V1 W111 hud srutid twniiitiiev Play and scoring were 151121 tonal 11 the second tizi Meltiwon ducedlhe Collin 111111 leadla 1111 Biophy 11111 111 1111 two 1111 their homes recently the for Hawkestone after completing their 3Qxdg1ys training They Ulllliybd number of games in the Newmarkct town undefeated except when they ran into the powerful Sutton gt MA SHALL LEIGH 11111031 6L1 Ii lute dim the Owen Sound Wreckers and forrnELIyJJLLondonaStreamlinersand S11 Mikes Majors Leighplayedvfor Barrie Colts in 193435and 193536 sea sons has since beenwrtriHawkcstoneHawks and last year with 01111111 intermediates Mgtrshall played for the Colts in 193637 and later was up north at Periodtiritilwthisiyear 0R0 LEAGUE FINALS Cotlingwondjryexsi Finals of the Oro Hockey beaine ComingwoodGoaly Nobes de Will breanaulmihrie Alena fence BTODhy and Jeffery Centre Eridayiriight Feb 21 and Monday Kirby ivlngsmlsoirIITandCoul 24 st two of three games son subs Biodeur Young San thirdizame irecessary will be ar dell Bums Butters But rangedsfor arlateridatew Thecom mm Cami 301211711 paling gt teams ares Hyawkestone Hauserdefencel Goudis and Sins Hawks champions for three years centre Timminswings McErwan and undefeated even this season and and Cooper Dombroskis Beveridge Caird La sagc Eocke It RefereeJohn Dobson Barrie First Period CollingwoodaOoulson Wilson RCAFSllls CollingwoodG IButter tJeffery Burns olhnewoodTW Butters kw Havvks beat AdveirtisersI43Vin1ea in Turn to Page 12 For Additional Sports commenced413m by Brodeui 21940 Penalties iIDom foski Yciuiig PenaltyC7Butter Second Peiq RCAIFTimihins BronhyL Third Period g7ICollingwoodWilson 205 13111111111115 Broohy CoiimawoocLwuso ASTAND 923 Vvouum AT EASE ws nj ters Timmlns Doinbroski It MosrGOALs 1N omenmic DaltNesbitt starcentre forIMid landnscored eightlgoals againstCol lingwood Shipbuilders iha lrecerit junior 0H1A contest which is the lmost tallied by any onelplziyerin singlg game in the Georgian Bay group thissiasou oAFtGoal subs Mathewson ether membczisoLtheNewmzrket camp team were Pearse and Nor ris of Oshawa H00le 0f WhilbnidsiljMsiughiiuor Penetangmitcheiii of T0f0119l0d smithlairidSkinneerf Norizocs and Smith lifeliorest Ksseing enthekiihi Side last month Both returned to in the criod Ab Kirby 1111 his ti 11 mer atAllandale the latter at hig Cooper lmittway in the pariod titing to vatchsbut before airtime league and at Aurora being IhlilfSTlIlIl and Leigh both played on defeiTce although the former was u1 and UICIC W519 total or 1111111 sailedonrfuigonleinroncgarneAiegularrnetminderrwasITommy Id out by John Dob Istm five to Flyers VlMonday Immune clh 11 Edgar and Dalston Trail Rangq first on apnss ti11Brodctir 1111111 Ftt up Wilson for the szcuntl Lutt marker of the night C1111ltgt11 corcd one 1111 Fly It Wish mall turnout otliuis 111111110111 gtom to knew tliirseseiiior 13 111mm illc worth attending CVJn though sti ilCllLd lt After the rst period play 1193 EHaiidv rcturnct Sunday from Hami on wherehrundcry went ail6 elation the previous week Our sympathy is Extendedo Mr and Mrsflhrl Johnson and family in the death of Mrs John sons mother Mrs JordanMid land Entertainer zit Hillsdale very pleasanLtime was spent Mien the United YPU Hillsdole en tertaihed the Dalston group Edgar Team Wins e1groupsliad affriendlv game of hockey at Guthrie rink one evenqu lastweek Edgai won but all had real good time FE 22 MIDHURSI tof SUDBURY 3470 METAGAMA $6501 NORTHBAY 1116503 ISAULT STE MARIE $920 SCHREIBER $1520 GoingvFeb 22 131 am 1152 am Feb23 131 am Return LimitUp to Feb 24 Consiilt Agents Procure Lil 111211t1 1111111 11 ltoit got thut lilltii 111 11111 1111111 0V id scrappy oI DALSTON 11111 Vl 111l 11111111 1111 111111 11 11 Shears l11 111 11ulll1111I1 11i1 lt 1l11 11 Willls oi prev 11 111111 111113 1d l1 11 3111 tin 1310 11 this 11111i111t S11tic pit 1111111 LOCAL SPORTS CALENDAR IIIUREDAY FELL 21 IKiminlllllBerienLUiron 511111111 FRIDAY FEB 21 011011 b11111ll 1311111IC3irlinV Club 0111 1111 linitl Gutlirie Arnna to ittjitjstiis vs Hawks ing 11111121111 1111131111111Art111 SATURDAY FEB 327 Midgtt league hocky 111111 111121 at1 MONDAY FEB 25 Junior hockey Owen Sound at Btr 116 Senior hockey playoff Camp 1315 1011 No ITC at Colliugwood Oro hockey 1111111 311111111 Arms Barrie vs Hawkcstone UESDAY FEB 2ii JlluifllilC4lCxlglle hockzy Titer111121 Arenos WEDNESDAYm 23m Senior hockey playslf Collingwond NO 4l7aIiBir+ieiA junior hockey WBariic Owen Sound SMALL ouowos AT sound 11 druwing the fans while heI seniors continue to szck 2119111 111 The juniors are winning teamtoo but against Penetangllost Week the attendance was not much over 2110 andthe average for all games has 11111 gt 111 111111 1111 31 1111 Sta11 1Ch11rcnGold lledalistIoronto Con1 monomomOW 6110 It ELSIE nUnNs use EDWIN WILSON BSA 00 61 hi Owen Sound Glctvs to into have not beenmuch smallervthan Barrie IUptimcandagainliecaiisol kidney and bladder weakness Gill PillsItlie reliablenvellkiiown ikidney remedy lielp soothe and tone up the kidneys Moneyback if not satiscdu 1111111115 100971010Res1196 Dont forget to let 0111001 get coupleot eiisyoneslv $1 STEVENSON Boss BlockBarric fund ask ior omit vvuv It 141111 FREE Address 628 Crawford 11 47 Elizabeth St Page 52m This time we are all in the Front Line Buy War Savinss Certificated USED CARS 111111 111115th tlAlIl 718371 IIHVIIULITI SIIIHN 1111111l5lllillli SEDAN 1931 Allginx spiny 1111191 XIX tHlll 193 iltl hlllHN 1536 Hill Ullll llllfl NASH HUIRIULITF 111323 llfltltllil OIIIC 11 PHXTIA Izieon HAROLD HILL lllIYSlJillILYMUIT DISTIUIHTIOR 11ml GARAGE 13 litimlivth St BARBIE Phone 293 CHAHFFEURS LICENSE PICTURES for 25cm At BILLS PLACE 71 lilizztheth 51 Owen Sound llArmy litur ltlt 111 t211llivi K1 ttlilzl =1 31 li tI 1151 11111113111 The Nervous System 111 11111 lw1i11 111 liiillltlll 11111115 lililll iltlt1111 I1111t ltr 11l11 i111 luvilINll itt tviup 141 1111 111Il 11111 in 111 deiiEtt minim visit 111111 11w 11111 it Illlllttll 3i All 11 11 Mi 121lt11111li17 iiiitt 11tl inn t11 ll 11 I1 1111 111111 MtNilH 11 win 1111 lvtivl loll1m Ill 111111111gt It twin 111110115 lill111111 131111 11 111 mp 11111i1l 11111111 git lmhh 111111 1lt lil 5le tly 1121 1i11 Iv t111 111 11111111 711111 11 rt1 S11 51111111 11111 12111111121011 l1lllll 111111111Lttii lie11111 11u1ovc CHOOSE 1111 LCONOMICAL rtoitt St 11 11 $150 1013250 NO HIGHER 1010 2001111 11 itVf htdhidhe mm PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Mmrmm UUNTANTS LRQAM 111151011 ANnnnsoN JOMIANY BOYS BOYS 11111 ltlllkVtttl 1111 The llilllfllli 1341t1ti1l tlvllllltln to 111 ltltl E111 lli1i 11I111l 111 tunic 111111 Iltlttll 1111 in 111 1111 11111111ELS I11 tiigzihlh ONVEHIENILI LOCAIED 31 3111 When lord Hatch you patiomo You ohui thuamtlurv Murine Chartered Actouittauts Trustees etc Borristt 4SiilicitoisNotarios Iub Crown Life Building 59 Yonge St 110 Cnitveynncers etc Money tloan at lowest rates of icresi OC Mflricei 11 OWtn 51 nunlt Temple 151 lRui ding 7131rrie Brunch office Ml LESSONS iElmvule Buysl Woods Edmund Hardy Mus Brio FrCM CAMERON CV hymn aura Toronto Ierichor or Piano Organ Vocal and VlJSlCIllTllC3IV1 Organist and ChoirI BARRISTERS SOLIVHORS PTC 75 Owen St Barrie Telephone 406 MONEY Loan OWANV UWAN 111isttis 1111s C111ey111cet Nutiu Public itl MONEY LOAN master of St Andrews Presbyterian ervzatory of Music and University Toronto 113 Worsley 81 Barrie MAYDEE McAIllIlYaAillC1I Teacher of Piano an ieoty Organist St Georges Church OTliidlgftiuitg 19111111 nodding 115 Boyfield SL Barrie Arlnrr ElijLH WIVf CHIROPRACTORS FRANK HAMMON on we 11c Barrister Solicitor Masonic gTemple Bldg Dorrie Money to loan Licenscd Drugless Therapists II Electric Radio Hydro and DUNCAN MoCIAIG KC Mechano Therapy BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC 12A Dunlop St Phone 4QoWIoney to loan Rttgs mock Barrie MelilNlll GENERAL HlAIiTH SERVICE Chiropractic Natumpathyz 950ml int Gl1htIl WJ Violet Melinns Gradual CC llcze nd IllEDICALi Collins 11 lhyd 1C11niplctc 11111 11d Chemzeall DR IEIBIGELOW xtiin11ioi VI SICm 711 1311 Rd All1111112110 Ijhone 391 Sulfflge HIE DONALD MncLAREN BA 1BARRISTER SOLICIIOR ETC Temple Building Barrie NEY TO LOAN 39 OwenSt Office Hours 12302110 630 pm ls onivniieuiis THI PHYSICIAN Amery 311 ISeases WQIIIEHF KlnoBhllgI Telephone 345101195C0mn910iitofsinie Ofce Hours9121 130 to and DR MacPHERSON na by appointment Physician and Surgeon OSTEOPATB ionerlrlrfficer iv1romAN ORDER OF NURSES VlBarrieiBrauchi Well Babyiclinie from 230 to 430 oclOck every Wed DR nesday Application for nurses seriA5513ie COIOnelvLEUMV 51111008 vices may bcimade Idialect 5311 Phiilgfl RVILL Tee or ic1aiis an urgeons mug EL134 Office17 Maple Ave Telephone 213 VFTERIW Office hours to Dmn7 to gt aunt1M pm or by appointment lR FLEMING mph 11 LAURIE VETEniNAniAN and SURGEON Phone 2001 9ch 1838Yf101d3t 113M 3le 811 PhysicianDisease ofChildrenyin iternalmedicineand minonsurgery ENT RTAINERS tdffice 30 Owen st Officegind Res rm Pig nivagnirn ymcxahon urgeou SECURE foicerOwcn St 1tCollidi fRALpILGQRDON OfcefHourSLJAU 73311 Phone700 Res eiic lier DR GEORGE SEYMOUR Physiciamaiid Surgeon Office and Residence Corner Eliza betli 1andi1oionto SisPho1e 140 Hours 94701111111 14 ping 797p1n DR TURNBULL Graduate McCiitIUniversityr Office and itesiderice center Dunloll LLOYD ISTECKLEY and Pnyntz 519 Phone 105 Hourszb 101 13 78 FUNERAL DIRECTORS 11 pl AMBULANCE SERYICE gt Phone 2181 Alumnus Ev HT SPEGIA 3D StiLPh80 GG SMITHS co am ere3111 smelt TthorsntiltE High Class Hiim arous Entertainer for your nex Lodgd or Church or mher tertainmentI Jllustrated St Tortmto 10111 otMAMWaWJ Eat lilist 1869 TLANQSURVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBAMERS Motor limb

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