Thursday February 20194 Todays Fashicm Stroud Womens Institute Supporters of War Fund of Central Organization tit nail sltl ll Sinclair llllLYLL LALZUH ANYWAY it ll Womans Viewpoint On This and That ll li tl tutti lioll Srvrec levels cd gtl ill 22 ll or at Rkllti slnl all lixcellt lilo Who And To lC Win ll il1 lei wl li titliCt all collinll sr lNlllil cillllcll EVENING lxillllr nirlrrs liti lcl St llued iliaiy lt livid 113 ill the to loom with it good zitfel we The devotional id by Alf Caldwell Mrs lull lel liitelctilir thllltlllLE of tin iv limit on Kor Mrs Helen liell lllll with ii Ulll Rev l5 ln address it lll Japan lllgrllllt half hour lil lt littglll lt of ill Nlinltnl llNull with oclal tillslllt Tth Off ON WITH THE New Styles new scason smart array uuunuu Come to our shop for com plete new stylerecmldttioning APPOINTMENTS Phone 42 REIDS leErAUTY SALON iiiLLWIN thWDU PRAISE FOR llllll tietltlhtN SOIL Llwt wmm Fwd LlllohtiEastmans carchkfor the car was ll llAl lit gttll De Lt tIIili lllll llllle ltcll lhilc ll lli iii1 it flitlrl tl ltl wt tl vi tr this iniiivxasorl crcizt lyalii izi hi it tlellll lil iltltiCy spot liillit were added lttlll ic The lick it led by lliltllldfv lilli lt itluium lllliibillf lttl ilcll The llllil llll lll ll lnliicc ll illtltlzlitl Luv lailltlc billion it tile wlclal lien looking zitci rt tlc=llll his liobilisill lizllermll ital lylic lira41m Smih hiE Glifilths Art lclcall decorat on cwlntlldflc llli litlv Among those liltilil tile datum include Mr and Mix rhino lit soil the latter smart black Mitulai ll Smith llz lllll llruceJohnston the ldl ith are pink crepe Mr ll Chapman Mr and lWalls tllc latter lll blue clc guild Mrs led Lewis ll 31 Chepesuik the latter illl lpoudlc blue tltl2 Mr and ll lllllclll Crowc ll lllli ll ll lvullllLAI lll andMis Jack Steele 2Com and Mrs lilton laikcl the glatter pointed in purple taffeta Mr 3and Mrs Stopliellsolltlie lat lei ill yellow chiffon Mr and lrlt gIcd lncsou Mr and Mrs Bui lion Mr and Mrs Calder Noblen lCapl and Mrs McLean Dor iothy Bliysonlargaret Webb linld iLOlCHdgci blue mm Bumm influence of tile sergeant and abo iGursidc in white net Mildred Meredith in blue crepe Constance Shiell ill gold satin Gwynlleth Brown leali Cdlllpbil Barbara Underllill Mariel McLeod Norlnu Lilillgstoli ill wille velvet lletty Simpson Gladys Jollll stoil Llldsay Muriel Fell Evelyn Foster Lavina Mottalt Jean Clark gowiicd ill white taffeta ill powder blue crepe lcluldinc Norman Laura Roach wearillgbhliii chiffon Margaret MCKlHItUll Rosi iibcl Lay chic in wine velrcL Mob1 el Rilldell Margaret lollcr Phelpi ston Mae ONeill Gwen Gorrellj Miss Margaret Lyon offforontozi Audlae Nixon Judy Knox Ruih Aarson Nursing Sister Lieut C1eggi Nursing Sister Lient Patterson Marl garct Goss1ilig Frances Hurlburt Marguerite Thomson June Thoml soilLaura lincas Olelle Webbgl Douglas Shepherd Cupl lolm Ken Stevenson Glen Ayers Dennis Muran Joseph OConnell Bill Mal comson Little WaltcrBell Cpl Jas Abbotts Victor Knox Jack Craig Morton Knox Charles ltecdl Bob Hamilton Emerson Webb Bob Parr PhlLLeve ltClLCtthClilBllll BirdLieutJ Joyce Lieut Atwood Lloyd Morrison Jainesl Cook Orillia Bill Parks Capt Wf Phalen Lieut Rasmussen and mauyj others it February this year is apopular lnTnthfofbrides judging from the number oflvntzjarriaggsgakiu lace this month in Barrie Edith Steen is one oftlie Barrie girlsawho has chosen this month and she will be married quietly next Weekto Stan ley Calverley Orilliii Mrs LKcast entertained Vlll honor ofEdith Iuesdayelast at or miscellaneous shower Alarge thrdestorey cake decorated ill white giftswhich were presented tothe brideelect The evening was lspent by the guests iii playing gaini 1es le nlusicale which attracted large interested audience was given by the violin pupils for Miss Lina Adam McBride Saturday afternoon At the begunlingof the progranli inFMiss Ada son spoke Sicily explaining the programme aild lil trodlicingthe pupils latter which Janice McCuaig presented Missi Adamson with Corsage of forget menots Theflne programme consisted of violin selections played by RuthTLennard of Ovenden Col lege Vernon Seadon Janicet Mc Cfligf BillieCCraig and John Mc 8ridg Miss Adamson acted as accompanist following the recital teawas served by thehostess with Mrs in llllllllil Wllll red velvet girdle Jean Wilson and rem collcealeddheunanmemlL son Toronto atthe home of Mrs Ma jior Geld llllll has been tzdil to tile ill lim Law Cloth bzlilctooc l1UgtZCgt5 iii cron given ol willie en lilliod with tur illoo no the gtllil jl ll Lil lushle llllllllll lullllie ill ll illudllllc sclf taitlllt according 1lllill lit dra ol his flight from owmd lltlt end of lll liaxtmall spotti Callalllal Club inllltlllistllll3p1lll hauler sadness and ad ore of the most oilt rt ii iil chill lll llltll llllll if to he lltgt Hanan tottllllale in be not of Switzerland ir in ltlt llinl to tile and to receive from ilttll prefect many ex coupons Oil the road it None hc overtook throngs of Vitamin tilcnlu south tllllgt tic Toll ilflll llilc can which he said Just Hill llweer even they line out of uasollllc so ll llllt llm Llc them his extra gaso ljrlln Then his own car tlipd carburetor trouble and no hope bf having it fixld tcullllll ixlllltS 35 miles away llowcr tll little cars which he had befriended took turns push ill his heavy Chrysler until the reachin Ml lll his jourlleyhe had pick lil lsl an mm and at Nimes through fyilllm Dr Eastman was Canadian lllitt of the last war tired lrench officer gave up his hotel room and slept on tile floor ill llargc hall with many others lollpclier the saute kindness was sllowlr to him famous French surgeon whose three sons were riill ill the thick of battle tooll him home for dinner and gave him his room while he himself slept on the floor At hlontpclier it look cd 215 if he could go ilo further he cause the hlCClllCllullCtlll road was blocked to civilians lhc road was being used by air troops who escaped from the north and were getting ready to flee to Africa and Gibraltar However his frielid the sergeant and abbe called his ibishop who knew the general ill command of that area and the gen crals own cliauffcur drove him to the Spanish frontier and drove Dr up French sergeant who was al WIIIIi Lclllll drougtx lltl LG SCOTT CO ll PHONE 301 or 86 Many of and Ml hosc lilo gt1il tlxitl cars lltld lhosLl lt then gift to the llenclsarnly White tissue paper dotted with red lheartsas afalseceiling and the tea table covered with Valentine cloth and center with plant red llllt1 Why dd lll gmc It llt ial the tin ilj Smith your met Il ball Bull Hubbylie lliillltnll to ihIlIW ll lumen for follow in am 51 wm llltl W1 paid pllt to llll til litl lllt limit lit llltlitllllls inc Clintif rl lllulllltlvlll LOOKING AHEAD Us llllrfltlttlh ll io il lct nu Nay when hi Uliitci lillnlloptal ll llflgltllll ap Jodi itlllllt lilt pfl 11 Lil llllll lllll cllwed tol trio lllll ot ctitllttltl the Marvell it tho iparlr that lltlll llillltllli lllztlltc it ill llcaii til ah War illlloll wa donated by Min 206 llall for lll work llikillt on thin ALBERTA COAL MORE HEAT LESS ASH slzsu ton Mr lldltlltil lllv lullcl Ntlll llllgti llI gtoltl olclwan ill thr lal war wl the tllitl illUV lit Knllwl Mrs llUlltil llorc ttlulchlll ill in ll is this lovely 2m Splllila lllil ac ill veltazll llll straight down ii ml 11 iltill Wool gtilkit to the llclll lhi bodice lips to the lltitll With Hltdtl diltlil waist he llracclctlellutll sleuvclt cmle starts at the sllollld have white pique edging to match mun semiyoke and tcrllilii the while pilllie collar ltriolllillg gray sllccl frock Ih tlti llltllthlJllll nun iilt ll ioiltltlilt li liltlill nd lilgllll 35 llilclalcd Jilanaiinstitute lrllUlli dollafmn of 513 to be it turn hall ward ill Cull was rent from ltsrt Silllpitll Savor cumi ills Match til itl litl llll same may ho had all lillillil it ll ilicri Bee ve Golden SyrupQo Penetrates irritated air passages iih THIS VICKS SoollllllgIllCtllClllttl vapors inhaled deeply Milli every breath Now you can relieve misery and dis coillloil of your childrens colds with Vapoltub Masxlgc lts ollc successful way to case llOllLllllll irritation and coughing rc licre llluscular solcllcss and tightncss llclp clcur clogging mucus and make blcallling easier Rcslillsare so good with this Mllltlf liloliolslnl illnullan ltrlLClLd by the Vick slat because the valuable polllliccalldvapor action of Vicks Vapolllll lllolecllcctircly Stimulates chest and back like all oldtilslliollcd warming poultice or plaster To get Vapoltub Massage ilh all its benefitsmassage VapoRub for full minutes on IMltlltlANl ltlli tltlIA ll back its well as on lllt chest and llllOHKIllcll Spread tllicl layer of Vapoltub on the chest and cover with united cloih And al ways remember to llgtC genuine tinie lcsled VILIKS VAlUltUtk traitoran lll lltillitl sketched her Mrs Martinis gave tl llltcr lulurt ng backurooild Miss Neilly cstillg and soulctllilludiltclelll tltv fill hrr kindly heartfell wily talked lnolirttrutloll for Valentine Party on Peace illtcrsperslne her ideas suturing how effectively CLIlltHllull twill ltmlllltllf of the last war products CdllltU useil ill prcfclcllo land the course and outcome of the to importcll good After dllgtllf tplthtlll war She feels Canadian lhercll Always be all llllglaod chools should fly flag at all times and God Save the King thi tea and the children falnili ized witll hostesses tll dainty refresh tllc ccrelllolly of raising and low mcnls with Valentine design and cring the flue decoration real Energy Food with so mcmy uses lightedcandlesandredmpirls effective decorations for the Valen tine teagiven by the Glad Club in StGeorges Hall Eriday afternoonrl Mrs FranLgCollins president of the Chill welcomed the many guests while Mrs Jamieson andMiss Alma Leonard presided at the tea table In charge of the temtablesiwere PT Hodgson and Mrs Steele while Mrs Griffin Hazel Wil Trams Dorothy Webbrand Eva Barn ard served MissBusll Mrs Kellyand Phyllis Ferry looked aflt rter the kitchen baking table was all added featurof the tea and Mrs Albert Godden and Mrs York were in charge of this Following the Red Cross rAilxll liary skating carnival Thursday last the performers were entertained by tliespcial committee of the Auxin iaryat the Armonries Lunch was served iiijthe old badminton club room followed by dancing in the tofficers mess gt The committee in charge of enter tamingtlleHuntsville club wastycom imam Willi Walls MrsgrA Johnston and chKe gt gt Mrs Maurice Esten while Mrs Ar cher offered her iserviceste assist tile committee The use of the Armouries was made available by on Longman 72 pupil en WEdnesdaryJernoouJasLby the Younngeoples societyof EsSaRoad Presbyterian church The school reoln was appropriately decorated valentine tea was givw with red streamers Valentines and red candles Evelyn Peck presid McCiiaig and Mrs Craig pre dihgzatythegteadahleqrzhlchdza gldivelr centred with spring flowers RuthiLerlnard and the three daughters of the house Palt icia Many and=Joan McBmle as sisted willgrly of SanltSte Marieirholis PM yeahhasdsrig 1555 fsairs herfinlaw thy 01 nt the group recervedlie Avllll Mrs NIKD inclair and Mrs Ed Shear poured tea Helen the tea tables and she was assisted by Helen Wiebb Beatriceeid Joyce Simpson and Joyce Reidl Looking wer Noreerf Row yDorls KearnsNor Money Mary Gael home made candy Sinclair and Mr there Lesa displayiiatghans made rlaild was in charge of een Eirnnan Audrey C00l$ Kay idfapronj table wasa deature atlthe tea and is REA and lgtollRlio GE Sauceon PUDUDING 206 Buy tolVictlllr worthlam 732 Pledgelto bliy Wt Sailings Codificates wnh roll For PAaNCAKES tenwii finitely