Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Mar 1954, p. 6

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The Llém iiérsus Show was an outstanding feature Saturday Top Prlze Wlnncrs Allan El Mann Pcterbomugh won six firsts and two seconds in the Roadster Class William Fall is was second and Game Cochranc Port Perry hlrd Lance Rumbles Lawrum Farms Durham took two firsts and one second Inlhc single harness and carriage class lnr rundslers Acton horses owned by Ruben Kerr uhA mined second Innd two Ahlrds Only balanced eedinl WYI XL Hog Feedxwllh Vivumln B12 and Anllbloilzploducl laxm glowing hog al Ion can Mala you hog pay you pmfill Ihh wayx Fud XL 18 Pig Slade Io valn houllhy plqu an pull your waln whh XL Hon Conummm or XL Sow Cuntanlmlz on hamn you own grain ind XL sq Growv XL Hog or XL 551111 Although weather was not favorable part of Friday It was sunny and fairly wnym Saturday and the estlmuted 14000 attendance at Orlllla Fair September 10 and 11 was grat ifying to Agrlcqltural Soclely Officials The horse show came entries grains and other produce were 01 high standard and cxcccded firmer years In swag9d deparlmcma CostsgoDUWNPmfltsgoup Make ihat HOG pay you back EXCellent DisplayS ln Classes At 0rilia Annual Fall Fair Attracts Estimated 14000 Crowd IRA WILSON In ulnnmy suhlrul lml Inc which nlmuld 1m cnnxhllnd sunr ly null lmnkly My NXlnz hnl bvul Hml Hu mhly hth in NH IIIHMIl plrvml mvhlmlh llml my In Incl Misc mum mlldrnl Any dvvlrr WIllh mnkr ll rockqu dflvrr um rmksurl Mhlth vlrluully mu smart ullrk in he can do anylhlnu ho wank leInIfl var helm hull Ix llnblv lo will nrw brrrd mmuu ml l0 lht mull For my munuy llu Iusl sMfly lrvlm nrv Ihuu whlch nmmlly prrvvm mumnu rrspnnslvo rnulnr ullnhlv ltlrfimz ml unml lunkln low wukx mm In lame mum cly yuunu woman was drlvlnu mml 1m narrow bmy mm Hur wmm stuck In um slrmlrm mm and plnwml nu tar uud um lnlo Um mm 11 my 1nw4rmk was ma mumup mu lhu um umuu out In unly kw up and bumps Tlu mllu uthxr who Invrslhnlvd ho nccldcnl wruc In rlpurl In my nplnlnn xhl ramped murr minus Anjury lucuuw mm My mu 11 This was mrlumly llu spnnmnwul nnll nunhears nccld ml In erh My ml prnwu wurlh Their mlvnnlnur rmnsv lhuy hold the drivrr und hls wusmuors Hum In Mr mm wlun Im rur up suddenly krcpinu llwm nwny the Mrm 11 um xlcorlm whrcl Mnny mm mankind 1mm mm Hum no 1nu may mu mid snuu 1mm dvxmlmrnu hm hm mun lnstnllId In llur ruler flunv Nu inrln null wl our rlnuIll mllnlhm wllm mm mlr lot lur vrmln pan nur mpmuimmy we trcl mu rm lulu lhr mm mm Mr Iain Um hm mun unln run mnku Um Luluu Imw lmuul menu mu rnu mm ymlr an up unK hmulr mum Humor or mnvlrr Wnll Ill yvu nlmul ll wllh ll JHIIH an llrll llllll Your good money goes lnlo your hum 61 mm men hatkwhh man WjIhXL pEL Con 2mm In yoiy Emu yuu lead pmdufliun mu Inch mm lop hog mam Emu hr Exlru Pralill llrnullllll Muck lluhh whfle wnll Ill drlvrn In Hum 12000 mllrs unlom nullo Mul mnny nlhrr mumhV EXCEL COOKSTOWN 1953 CADILLAC SEDAN 13 firsts tour seconds and our thirds Annlhcr Hawkustune manv Stewart Johnson no relation was 1th Wyn seven firsts Gnln Chas Falkcnburg farmer Ray Goltz was mp priznwlnnor in he gmin class with four firsts and second Mrs Irwin Clark Ora Slatmmwas Eco and with two firsis and two sec ands while Mrs Harvle Fnllis RAE Vascyuwas third with twn suc ands The vegetable class was won by Irving Williamson RR Orlllla with 0111 01 10 firsts and tour second CHMon anan rm Mocnslnnc was close behind with 10 firsts and Lwn seconds Mrs Leo nanl Booth Caldwnler finished in Mr Johnsmn our tiréts second and mm In four olher pigcnn classes Although there were low exmbi tors In the pnultry Ioul class Fred Konlner walked OH with top hon ors by wmnlng 50 firsts 32 seconds and seven Ihlrds Two Orillin pigeon rnlsers Hurry McKclvey and Louis Whitehead wgrc fled 10111115 In the flying homers class with live firsts Ihme sccands and lhlrd Errol John smn Hawkeslonc was second wnh two and second Errol Johnston Hawkcstone dusegonq with grand lolal anrum farms also won ihe car riage Imam class with two first while Robert Knrr was awarded Lwo ccnnds nqd Mann fciv two thflrds Order win ncrs tar Gentlemanys Turnnut was Kerr Mann Lawnpm Farms Earl Doble Alherluy walked wilh lhe pony 61165 which was Ihelonly entram and won our first No and No Hemlock Spruce and Pine Lumbc Rough or Dressed Dellvcrcd on the Job by truck Clappcrtnn Lumber 20 Part Luring Ontario BUILDERS CONTRACTORS 0R FARMERS ertc or prices Ventable OIL Tm unlor mnrkcl class was cap1 lured by John Wl Euwser of Aur nm ullnwcd by El memhl and Son and Harry Rummy The sun inr markal clnu was won by Craw fords Oro whu also look nnd plate wilh Bowscr in third llerelnrd Cam Wllh he nnly Ilerilard mun in the Show Ed Grenkr and Sam RRZ Midland walked all wlth on first and seven seconds Special get 5er class drew hlgh recom mendations ram Judge llnrncc Ego and Joseph Easlonl Thu clas was won by Bowsnr Aurora with two llrslx Mnlquls Sum dorland won strand and thlrd while Crawfords of 0m look in sec ld and Harry flumncy Mldland luck lhird and qurlh Inllul Ann The Aurora raulcmnn Dowscr nhlmnvd Imumcsl pusillnn In lhv Iullcd Anuus cunlcals when he rul ch up srvcn er5 mo ncnndl Int lhlnl Mr Marquis ol Sunderlnnd lho unly other entrant was nwnrdr onn lust five mconds nnd lnur hlrdL The spcclnl or he he luv hord wcm lu Haws Inl luwcd by Maruul nnd Crnwlurds Aynhlru cm 101 wlnnvr In the Ayralllrl clns mm mm Jurmcy 1m Hwka Hone when in win wllh Lwa Huh uvun slcunds and le mm was climly mntcmd In the race rur Um prize money by unuln nllnll Jmnry COMMEr mm qur mm one ccond and Wu lmrdx Ilnlskln Cull The 01MB chm wns wan by Jlrmry III hwkulum wllh Ive rah luur second llnd hrd In MIIIIHLNIIIC wm Dr Ilymml mum Inllnwcd by ern Cnhlwvll nlul 50m Shnnly Hay Jrruy Illln Ian Frtmh won the mm mmprllllan mu mm and mm mum IL hlmuk sumul wm mam wllh unme um qu nvv mum Mr mum mu wnlkrvl with mm llm 0w mm clanM whllr The shorlhorn came class was won by Crawmrd and Son of On Station who won five mns our second and two lhlrds la cap lure lop prize money HarryRum nay Mldlnnd plucedsecond with lhrne firsts three intends and our lhirds William Gowanlock of RR Orillla Wns thlrd The achievement day compclmon brought top honors In Game Home who was arwarded 390 out 00 possible points or his senior betl holler Jnhn Mawdslay was second wllh hs haby heel and Helen Marie Iangmnn was lhlrd with her scnlnrhcnlhlfler Bee Showmanship Thu bed Showmanship class wns won by Bo Tudhnpmwha scored 95 am of possible 100 palms followed by Game Home and Alex Gowanlock In the dairy showman shlp class Stewart Jnhnslop was laps with 94 polnu with Leo Back us and Jean Johnstun Just couple poinls behind Iur grand champlon showman bee mlch was won by Bob rudhope while GnrnclyHnrne wns reserve champion Tvp money lnr the grand Champion showman dairy calves was awarded Stewart Johnson and he reserve was wnn by Leo Backus third mace wnh our first Jour Mound and third Pnu cm The only mammal In the run lasl wasAlhexl Anderson RR 01111113 who received two first or Ms nlrles v1 Duchess BPPlcs and Bartlet pears The followlng wis the finding aul 01 possible score 1000 Gnrnel HornE N8 Bab thopc 31 Alex annnlnck 825 John Wawdsley 022 Helen Lnngmnm 900 Doreen Scull 880 Betty Tud hapc 878 Donald Graham 87 Leo iackus 857 Audrey Johnston 357 Nelson Tharnwn M8 Jenn John ilon £45 Slnwnrl Jnhnstnn 842 Peter VanKessel M2 Jnannc Back us 8341 Ted Minute 73 John Rogers 71 Cllllclnh Widespread Inlcrcsz wns shown byIair goers in the Call Club Achievement pay Competition As sociate Agricultural Representative Hancock Barrie waspmsi an or lhls event Gnnd Champlun The gm Kwanst Club qucia lhnnu lemm 52 Cullen or Ilnnln 16H 2171 ROBINSON snnmm cmle ELEVATOR hnd FEED MILL FREE DELIVERY Errol vuhnsxon n1 Ilnwkzslnnn look um and wound or he has my cl lonurwpol mm Mnrk um San ur Llllln nrllnln were leading wlnnm tor Doml shqcp In the mmpcuuon Iur snmmmr on melurd lvok five mm twn mum and five mm Keluy wan nnc 11m nu wmndx and um mud Grant walkml nwny with pm or Sullnlk slurry laxklnu mm nml hm mmun Krlwy rItolvrd mm Huh llvo mum and mm mlnu fur Sounmrn mm Hnynulds and um lnuk lhrrr llrslx mm mm and Wu lhlnL the mm um In lhr Oxlnnl aimv rlnu Mark and Sm nuk lhrrv nix lhrrn irr nmlI and Her lhlnll Hrrlhvl nml Sun wrru rhm hrhlml wllh wu nu lwu MYUIHI and um lhlrd Tea hlscull prizowinners were Mrs Fnillx Mrs Butler licld Orillla and Mrs Home Bcnrd Winnlng bran mumns were EMBer by Mrs Albcfl Anderson Mrs Lennard Room and Mrs Shaw while Chelsea buns won or Mrs Shaw Mrs Irwin Clark and Mrs llawkc Sheep cums There was good rcprcscnlnllon and keen mmpcmlon 1n hc vnrlous clusxfllrnllon sheep Kclsty or Woodvlllc 00k um prlzc ur the bcsl pm mar kcl lambs shnwn Crnwlord wn second Gram placed thlrd and Mark and non fourth Heal mu mm wrml mm saw Crawford lake um prize and Mark nnd Sun 2nd Errol John mm made clean sweep in lhc nlcosun rings Mealloavus In lhe culinary class resulted in prlzcs gning to Mrs Clinton Fagnn Mrs Leonard Boalh Colrlwnlcr and Mrs Ilarvle Falllx Salud dresslng prizes went to Mrs Horace Board RR Cnldwalur Mrs Cllnton Fqgan and Mrs llnm Anderson En Classes Entries in the egg classes won or Mrsr Shaw Rm Orlllln Mrs George Fnucrson Mrs lrwin Clark and Mrs Shaw in second class Prlzcs wcre won by Mrs Cllnlon Fagnn Mrs Clarke and Mrs Tr Hawk or their cal luzo chrcscs Mrs lnwln Clark and Mrs Cllnlnn Pagan won with heir hendchecse Mrs Fugun luck the only prlzc rm gellnlinn dishes Inmaualdnr Dollclous hamemado whlle bread won prlzes or Mrs llnrvle Fallls Mrs TJlawkc nnd Mrs lloranc Benrduflrwmbrend entriu wan first or Mrs Shaw well as Mrs llarvlc Falli and Mrs Horace Heard Mrs lllrvle Fallls look lrsl prlzc wllh her date bread allowed by Mrs Bunker and Mrs canard Bunlh The silk cushion class was won by Mrs Russell Reid Ralhbum with Mrs Darrell and Clinton Fagnn or RR Moonmnc In sccnnd and third 01ch respnnuvegyb needilepolfilrcus Ion phzc was taken by Mrs chann Uplur grave Honey lrlze WIrmers Five pounds at honey in single toth wan two irsls nr Oman Drillla Albert Anderson WU first wilh his maple syrup allowed by Clinton Fagan and Mrs Irwin Clark Ora $tallon Mr Fa gan also look first prize in he maple sugar chss renewed by Mrs Irwin Clark and Mrs Harvle Fallis RR Vasey Homemade candy won Hrs prlzn for Mrs Irwin Clark and MrsClmon hgnmu The special pnu 1m lhe has In dlvldyal lawm war won by Mrs Bhtker for her pink ball DahlIn fluwenbawl was won by George Mama Orn Station Iar his has mas imims an 1de dhzisién Mn Cravfhrd Ora Stalinn also was the winner at spednl prize WI Prlze wlnnen Severn Bridge took first prize In file general exhibit at handywork executed by members Enst Sim We Dlslrict Womens lnsmutes Prices Corners pinned secand nflm one member stayed up 111 Thursday nlght 19 mike mnrrs shlrl for the entry Luke SL George Insmute was third Other pnrliclpaling insmulcs In cluded Ihosg from Sparrow Luke Hawkeslune Mitchell Square ago Rugby PineGrnvc and The OriHln Womens Insmule prize or the bes pieced quill was an by Mrs Hnrvlc Fallis RR nuflknnunl show The Orlllh Horticultural Society lrophy for the up prlxe winner In the flower cxhlbmon the hit the large mm McPhee tup Nu won by Gearn Miller of lnrvll Street mum with 1731 44 points All Mr Miller Ivan 11 Int prim our second Ind three um oninal lumpy won In and two letV ands There Va mm 500 enlrlex In the flown IhDW 50 more than mg year rpm 59 exhuguqn Vusuy Hulnn CMCMKI1L Blmw ihmlll First for Grand Reserve Cham pinn Boar In Tnmwarlhswcnl Cnrscuddcn and John ston lcnk second In Hm Spmlnls Best Berkshire Boar Bnn Inch spcclal nnd um Berkshire snw were balh won by Johnston Pinnccr Feeds sptclnh fur bcsl Tamworth Boat and Suw were 0ka won py nLKcIscy In he Junlnr Fnh under 21 ycnn wwlnc prlu were won by Shawn Johnswn llxnrkcsmnnv two rm wo seconds and two lhhds Jenn Johnslun llnwkeslonc won Wu Huh two Incondl Flower EXIIHI The flower exhiblLatthc air an outsianding feature iErE or aver 30 years was an improvement on lust years waxthy display Spe cinl BtuMinn had been given to backgmund and other delaih Bouquets gladioll banked th enilrc west end of the rink and asters ware predominant on he 50th section There was recard showing with over 350 cnirieu which received praise from the judge Slainzon Midland Some of the fancy work here x5 bellcr than that shown 11 he Can ndinn Nalionnl Exhibillun comA merited Mrs Roy Hewson Cull lngwood who wax judge ol the needlework She was high in her praise the quality and qunnmy 01 entries slnllng thy were In to place for Mr hc size of Goldwaters The baked goods and mcscrves were ngnln high slnndnrd and were we sublcct of much favor able nomman The was In larger display or nwl and pols and he display flLld produce was Improved over last year Dairyproducc exhlblt wns ald ed through Innn nncleclrlc rc tlgcralnr by Dunlops Mounslnnc In keep pcclmens rt5h very creditable nhnvylng hundlcralls and painting was on display There was an increase in he n€0mmerclal dbpla Also In the Yorkxhlre fins Mr Carscadden 00k first In specials best Yorkshire Boar prize by om lla Farmers Conp In he Berksher swine show IL Johnston cleaned uprwnh eight irsls ive second Tam Swine class saw Kelsey up wlnnnr He rcculv lcn airs five seconds Gordan DHth look lhlrd We groundu prevented holding the spurts compullilun and same aiher schcduledmvcnisi Owing to he unfavorable conditinns nub doors the nxhlbiis lh Ilm rink building nltracicd wide nllenllon lflnod Exhlblu The School Fnir him total of 512 entries Nnrlh Simcne Agrl cultural Representative Slewlifl Page wax the principal Judge He termed the cxhlhlis very good and wellbnlnnced wlm improv ing qunliiy an ouxstundlng wInncr 1n the York shlru class at the Swlne Show Duxlnz lull In steady rnln Monday unernoun the school chll drenl parade Goldwater wa held and 450 people paid ndmlsslon to the alt ground to nlcend Hur Agricultural Socletys Bin nw Among muse Rsslsung Mr Pngv were the chairman of flu school Inh Dr Hugh Mrs Buoy Levering Mrs 11 Lane Public School inspector JA Gibson of Orlllln Dnflnlkes Barrie and Cccil Chammllv BarrluRR key nsskmm lhe compHn an recordswas Miss Wlda Culburl Barrie Ofliceol the Depart mbnt nl Agricullurc and nnyx Band with color In mnjnrelles led the parade Huronia AgriculturaliSociélyi Successful Annual Fallfair Draws Visitors to Coldwaler Unlika origfinned erar Iho Fiddler Crab rarely gala hi Ilgnul mlxud Ha um hll ounlzod pincer among other lhlngi Ia slgnul In ha Is In ponanion Ipedul innilovy nmloo ION AI lonomo Mun School Wlnnen Win11 no schoal parade were graded schools Coidwater ZWoubnushnnn There were unkraded schools In the parade In this section Faxmnnd school placed first and Crclghtnn was second There was II Us for third between Hawthorne chubl and Mountsmphen Eple was In charge Ihe parade and he judges were Mm Craven Mrs Lealhnrdule and Rev Epp Barrio midway calmed lo the crowds and arm machinery firm in the dbgrlct had dgmnnslrnllon Equipment on view Winncm with the has dccnrnled bicycles em Sandra Klngsbor nugh Col water Isl John Kings bnrough Fosscrton 2nd Garnet Irish my 3rd Sharon McFarland Cnulsnn had the bust decommd carriage and Donna Burnie Cnldwamr look second Special prize by Mrs Carmnn ROM un or bust dLCDIMLd wagon wm on by Freddie SflcllswLll Caulsnn 1n the Goldwater Jr WI names for school displays Waubaushcne Public School was first SS 17 Madonle was uecond and Caulson third ennrd one room school com pnu against tworoom schnolx rcgnlved mam award cliniénrngan Mrs cnrue Sllk Shiels Mrs Leonard Dumb and Mn Dorlnnd Potter were prominent winners for 1ch pm duce from Iha Publlc Schnol lroundl the hand Eady Schnol pupil an piper Mn Sears of Uh ofl Wendy Eulbock of Norlh RIVEr look first prize or bust decorated tricycle Marie Hill Caldwnlur was 2nd and Keith Cowdun Va sey 3rd Leading winners duca Included Mrs Fugun Mrs Llnya Taylan namesllc Sclence In domesllc sclcncc exhlblts Mm Dorlnnd Puller Mrs George Silk Mrs Beard Mrs Ed Hawkc Mrs Phil Rushhronk Mu llnrvlu Fallls Mrs Leonard Booth Mrsl Grunt Noble Mn Kellh nob lnson Mm Al E1 Darrell Mrs El Durnlord Mrs Claude Enlyca because of broken cov er case or post Have it rcpulrcd by an expert 31 Bayllcld SL llnnlc DONT THROW that BATTERY AWAY BRENNHNS AUTO ELECTRIC smvxczs RECHARGING Exido Batteries PHONE 2464 Fusl or Slow or dairy Fuller Sllk and pru Mrs Mrs nnd Mm Horace Bolyea wen my rgqueql wlnpersj mamWham sm 1173935 Hm prize In an wzie wan by Muhmn Mn Waller Lov eflnl Rev Ros Cumming and Mrs George Orr John Steele and MnJIck Klnuboraugh wan lec ongi prim Amanl use who reamed nunnu emu prlxet In lower compe mlnn were Mm Charles Mnrden Mn Metharell Mn Allllll Clrkc Mrs Jack Klngsbnrouxh Mn Galbrlflh Mn Gil sonlrem Rnblnson Mm Henry Ball Mrs Mlnnle Mnyhew Mrs Bruce Spcerln Mrs Jnrmnn Mm bicker Mrs Mc Cukell Mrs Gone and MN Ben Johnston filéeardlng prize winnersln needle crnfllncluded Mn Lloyd Dunlap McCaskell Mrs EMch EAST BEEIEEFOR WINTER 259 INNISHI ST JOHNPATER CO ATTRACTIVE STONE WORK ALLISTON your home néliv me Mil South of Bantc on Highway No II CuslléStone oi Canada cumm lund molded mm to Mafia ownm who demand the best Bu nu an haul old man wlnlor lo the dmw wlllu cw minor upuluI you make ihom Ilnhl nwayl Bllco Caulking Cum pounlh mo nutlnnl and Ild Ingluulholdeulmalolluhlor quldr nflntllva homo ropaln Ion warn Ipoll on Iha loaf and wall of your home can mule Ionl ncvhlo when IIIDW and In an In work on Ihem WITHWREPAIR AND INSULATING MATERIALS PHONE COLLECT 5111000 561122 HIMCOI DIHTIHCT CUUIIZIMTIVI HICIWICHH Your Hoadquanen For Building Suppllu For Inferior or Exterio Hemp Beauty BENIS SHERRI SOLE CONTRACTING AGENTS PAINSWICK CBflP erell Mr Beard Wk ecrln Ian DomllMrJ Orr Mrs Ed Hawke Mn Gallamm Mn wnum mua Tum to page uxteenK plane winssrnsAo comtmficé In public ervqn nu ulul gtha public belief ihm ufireuesp comma of opinlon Our repvlnfian for apable failhful unendunce on9he and of bereaved familiusauures even inaug en oiunqueuiamd dependa bllily ogows om oi mun mms PHONE 360 Ill 2429

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