Evans Pllkcy was bum Kn Flus Townyhip on March2 was sqn the hue MIS Eliza Pflkcy me worked Flo Township as laborer until the time hls pass my Flos Residenl Dies Evans Pilkey rum magnum gunman sm 15 1954 Fallnwing lengthy Illness Evans Pilkey better knnwn Pole Pilkcy throughout the lily tricl passed Away In lhe General and Marine HospitaL Collingwood an 5cm 1964 in his 52nd year Sufvlvmg are his wife ï¬ve suns three daughters and one grandsun Also survhrlng are ï¬ve brothers and our sisters Llsmwnl Banner Injured in highway accident nonrGravnnhursl Aug 28 Slew nrt Nlmmo 20 mm of Rev and Mrs Alex Nimmu 01 Wlnghnm died early Wedncsuny Scpl 1n Braccbrldge Memorlul Hospllal The funeral was held on Sept the home his brother M3 shall Pilkw F103 Township 230 pm Service was cnnductcd by Gordon Imus nor Hnnorary pal carers Bert Evans Raymund Wnrd Ward Darcy McVeigh Mel nnd George chklum Among rchtlvcs and rlcnds nt icndlng the funeral were sevcml rum Tnmmm Fnrgus Oro StnUun Barrio Mldlnnd and Gulhrle Stéwért Nimmo Dies of Iniuries Ministers Son Mr Nlmmo was Injured in he mlshap whlch look the lllv nl John Hanna of Wlnghurn son at Hanna MP for Humn Brucc and Mn Hanna Hanna was Instantly klllcd when his car collldcd wllh an all trunk Shonly alwr bclng admmcd lo the Bracnbrldzc hospital deli cate operauun was pcrfnrmud on Nlmmw Early Ins wcpk his con dlllnn was reported In be improv His father who mlnlstcr Df St Andrew Presbyterian Church at Wlnghamand his mmhcr who had been vacnllonlng in Nnva Sco lia when the mishap occurred rc Iurlncd onbaing told 01 lhe accid Ln The twu youths according to rcpnrls hnd kn WInKham early Saturday Aug 26 or Tnylor Station camp about 40 mllc cusl Huntsvflle The nccldcnt which mummy1 louk Ihe lives bath youth 004 currdd nhuul llhrce hnur Inter lEVITS HITS Suflnrlnx heart attack Alben Lamas ormer vlcepresdem the Cnnldlan Nathanl Rallwnyx Central Region died Saturday ll his summer hnmu at Big Bay Folng He wa 66 Mr Lomu rcflred In 1953 um cumplcflng nearly 44 year th Canadjan rallway 5y Born in Derbyshlrc England he MODEM to the group of ONE am this who have worked huh way up from the ranks fie began his rniiway career at Lake Joseph as haggazuman with the Canadian Northern nnw par ni the CNR He subsuqucnfly served in various capacities at Sudbury Tornnio and Key Harbor until 1914 when he was made chic clerk in the iransportnilun depart ment at Trenton lomas Dies Summer Home Retired from CNR Later he was postcd ut Roscdnie Caprcol Key Harbor and Graven humt chic clerk yard agent pllmnstcr agent yardmaslcr and Incl supervisor In 1030 he was appoinled asslsk am superlnlcndcnt nt Hornnpaync and seven year later went to Cnprcol in me same capacity In January mo he was made super lnlcndcnt of the Caprcol dlvislnn and two years lnlcr moved to To ronto uupcrlnlcndem n1 ermin als In 1944 he became general superintendent lhn Montreal dis trict and In IBiBrclurnnd to To ronn as general managcrvfcr the Surviving Mr Nlmmo bcsldm hu parcnu sLflcr Mrs George Margach Mnicnlm who had been about lo snll lor Formosa where her husband mlssiunnry nve mllcs snulh oi vannhursl THE LATE MIL LOMAS and Mrs Morle Lynn at Vasuy and ms Beny at Toronto The all attended the Ccnlcnnlal service ELI Cawnnjlamnko 193 Labor Day weekend with their 15 cr Mn Evuy Mr and Mr George Jamicson 1nd son at Barrie visited Mr and Mm PedHngham on Sundgy Weekend vlsllors Weekend Visitors with Mr and Mn Bert Castan were Mr and Mrs Walsh Mount Albert Mr mi Mr Aglqcourg Knox Centennial Ccmnnnlnl scrvlccs in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday were well attended The music was gnod and the speaker Rev Smith of Part Carling gave two splendld sermons Mrs Alklnmn and Mia Velma at Newmarkel visited old friend an Sundny and mended the Cnn lnnanl services Mrs Miller and son Moon stone vlsltLd Mrs Hill and Mrs anard and attcndcd the serving Mr and Mrs Cllfl Brown and children at Barrie visited Ern Cab lons Ihc wczkcnd Vlsuop Frnm scumNY Mr and Mrs Thomas Glbbans and Stephen at Geneva NY vis lted Mr and Mrs Max Huwm at he weekend Wlndsur Vhltnrl Mr and Mrs James Brown Mr Johns and Mr and Mrs Slewnrt Johns Windsor vlsllcd Mr and Mrs George Bldwcll and Mrs Len nox during the weekend Mr and Mrs Arthur Snider Ind inyx Illcndfld the Tummn EMM an Mrs Slmnz at SQrceIsvme suing Rev and Mrs William Newman Miss Dam Simpson is visiting ms Richardson Mr and Mrs Johnston 01 F105 and Mrs Lennox at Barrie blind Mr and Mrs George Bid Nell at the weekend mural raglan He was pppninlcd vlccprcsldent or Ihc ccnlml rc Klan on Feb 14 1949 with head qunrlcrs in Toronto Mr LDmnJ wns member of the Masonic Ordun he Rol ry Club and he Nallnnul Clubl lilo lcnvu hls wllc Marla Lorna 937 Ave nuL Rnad Toronto sun Jack Lamas Stratlnrd daughter Mrs Cl Brown Montreal Slater Mrs Ransom and we brothers Challc and Donald Lamas all ln England Ilelum Pram mind Mm Simmons Shelbumc mum Mr anu Mn Simon MIMI Trip To Wag Wilson Grcavts and Sllrllng Mc iauley are on rumor rip tn the 051 BANISH FOREVER Mri niud Mcfnllopgh mg CRAIGHURST THESE WASHDAY BLUES Mr and Mn Cmsbic at Stayncr spun Sunday wllh Mrs Cmsblu Mn Lena Reid and Blanche Newman Wlnl mm the um nine theflnlx baseball um on Sammy Sept 11 Newmanm wnn aver mm 55 The next me will be play ed at Newmarkn on Wednesday Sept 15 School Flir Al Lisle Sept 23 Once ngaln we remind you of iho Thssnromio SChool Fair which will be held in Lille this year mi Thursday Scpi 23 Th1 air has been increasing every year and has always been wulllailcnded Admission ls tree and everyone can enjoy day 01 spam and line showing of exhibit by the chil dren There will be parade by all the school at one oclock Exercises singing nnd speeches will allow Norval Robbins spent Monday In Toronto with Jay Ruberls Conflma To Bed Very sorry to rumrz Mrs Wilkinson 15 canuncd to bed and we all wish her very speedy recovery WII Isabella 123m Genfil lawn spent the weekend It her me hey hare Mr and Mrs MECracken Ind Inmily at Tomnla nun Sun day with Mr and Mrs Mc Cracken Mr nnd William Moore Toronto spent the weekend at their home here Mr and Mn Albert Gibbs To ronto went the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harry Wflsnn and El wood wwu Frank Rusk and Miss ï¬lanchc Reid returned home on Saturday after months vacauon vislumz Hands in Tucson Arman1 and Mexico Mr Hurry Robbins accum panicd by Charles Robbins spent frlday 1n florontu Service in Baptist Church Sept 19 Sunday 10 um church 11 Evening service 730 HTOOIINU WEST 0R0 brings TORONTO PRICES to BARBIE INTRODUCING DELUXE AUTOMATIC DRYERS RAIN 0R SHINE DRY SUNSHINE FRESH IHNG Ton feature the Anal mm at he Orllua ms an Old Time Flddluyconlcst with en ma Roy Renwlnk of Brampton lookr flu prim leold King Port bichcoll was Round and Harold Morby Homlnzx mm third In tourth place wat Ed Le alve Drink Ind CharlesMor ern Toronto look ï¬lth Friday nllh square dance 35m Birthdly Congratulations to Mrs Cochrnne who cclcbmtnd her 35m birthday Mnndny4 Sept 13 Injured Ankle We are sorry to reparl Mn Collum hurl one ankle seriously when going down ceuar Mr Bulmer Buuved Mk Hurley spending the weekend at her home here Sympathy ls cxmnded to Mr and MrsM Bulmer 1n me dcalh ol his nthnr at Dunedin an Sat Many Attractions In Conjunction With Orillia Fair Mr and Mrs Ray Robson and Don and friend Joyce Robinson Alllslun were with Mr and Mrs Chnrlcs Campbell on Sunday st mum Enrol Over so St Patrick School opened with lime mums and an enrolment of over so M35 Egan principal is in charge of the scniun Mrs Qumsncilc the Juniors and Min Qumch has line 11 beginners 55 I1 Public School has 13 an the roll ankllzmlll Bell Bualnesi Prank Hnmul has sold ill gm ery lunolucountu and taxi busi ness Mr Uhapul from For Credit Entertain Com Raul By way final mum cele brauon Marleys entertained few Iricnds and the children the vlllagc corn tons on their lawn Sundaywvcnlng PHELPSTON HOLLY Rain or shim your clothes dvy nunhine fresh in the new lhglis Automatic Clothe Dryer Clothe ave gently tumbled through current of warm clean air and dried without fading Gentle treatment in oven the nest and most delicate fabrics Drlel ernger or Automatic washer load of wet clothas at one time REGULAR PRICE $32950 ONLY 31 OUR PRICE mpeullm Ithaca hm crowd to Community 0min Oflllhjguuq 5mm mm privcliiéd Art MIMI 119an In the CommunIly Cen uc huIIdlnl there wax very large and ouuundIng dkaay by Iocll nnIsls When The ExamIn er vIslted the duplay the lenlnr exhlbmr In mm at age was add mIrInz the art work and handl mm He was Alex Cuppag oI OrIIlIa lownshIp who In hh 94m yeah HI palnunu were mm stable which had been used an the Mcdonlc arm he had occu pIed In the MIllcr settlement and paIntIng qIa cottage on nchh bars arm Beside art work Mr Cuppnge had display 01 vnrlou types of birds he had Inshlnncd from wood and palnlcd In the proper ohms They naked men realistic but two the number Shawn had been made since he passed the age 93 Mr Cuppage also writes pnchy and produced poem wrh en an SepL 10 H154 In hand wllhuut trace nnsteadlncss The poem was entitled Rowing Dawn the Stream of Time The Inst 01 the ï¬ve verses reads In God blast realm nn mare to part When not too old to follow the plnw lonk up these hobbles Mr Cuppage staled slmply Vlllolls thlayl Tho maln upsulnvrnnm the Community Centrucomalnnd In sum dlsplnys work rlonc by Orlllla Hospital chonl the Hlslorl cal Soclnty dlsplay domesllc scl cnce and needlework stamp dls play and cummerclnl cxhlblls very lnlcrmtlng hlstnrlcal db plny whlrh won four Epcolal ï¬rst prizm was arrmgcd by Mrs Russell Reid 01 Rmhbum Mara onnship She wore an oldMme coslume and eat in an mulch racket in the midst of her special exhlblL Mm HEW display Includcd looycarold costume old pictures WE Mun and haregt 730m Farmmuu mm Ibfnï¬ comm Im highly up hcnfl And Pain and Sorrow be no mor Im lboking or flu hlcsicd shun And Ifallh and Love ï¬cflgn in my albums telegrams Untypc WALKA BLOCK AND SAVE TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET plc oldInnismrmerï¬wga by lrelblun Mn daugh UI orgqu Bun Hunts Ind My lgge bgnnehjuu and biker num uï¬uvu VCouuuta thhy In the dowmuln the Cent bulldlnz under the Headlch ware the 011111 Dhlrlct Culley lnedhiplnyo hamc pmjecls coll ccunn wooda Med and weeds lane exhibit 01 WNW the 195A wkmer as besk new man man he Collegiate Axrl cultural Trophy wu June Shaw 0n th mam floor 01 the Com munfly Centre than were exhibits by Orflfla Fish and Game Con Iervauon Club and Orfllia Polk Amwaan safely mslmcunn wllh pictures wracked vehicles There were numerous commer clal nruclw such can hooks lurnnces aluminum cqulpmem and pretabflcmcd lumbar Attracting great deal at in terest in the Armoury building were lwa smail classroams set up and with madam equipment the nthcr an aid tushioned type with wand burning stove double desks pail drinking water and Boys Own Paper or supplemen tary reading The largest linwcr display in the history at the air was shown also same excellent varieties of vegetables and nihnr produce Orillin oiflcc at the Unemployment Insurance Commission and other agencies and ï¬rms had exhibit in this building an Camus in display of Copacn processed bacon rnrcmes Tudhope of Huwkcslonc was nrs Irwin Clarke 01 Ora Station 2n Clifl Calsendan ol Stroud 3rd Char les Sprouu of Strand William Rudgcrsot Hawkesonc 5th Al bert Anderson Orlllla RR 61h Ken Gilchrist 0m Smlan 7th tlxndufcorge Andersnm Orlllin RR fhcvusual large display 01 van somcssmvnarone Cnmplelo with chest $04qu opul flock vaon $10710 Jewellers lay up at am ginrunny nu Lhe Armour name much Intuit dull the Mr In most dues the unit wgre Increased in number and huh qmuxy Pruldcnl or ï¬ne 10m mnull blr um yen wu Mawt Tud nopc armor Reeve Om Townshlp him Canning flrsl Vlccpruldent and Albert An derson Eccond empathian Ir wln McMAhun lekeslunq and John Dxlnkwlter Orfllll lownshlp are hanumy presidenrs The farming community well represented on the directorilé which Includes number 01 India The very active and amnion seci muntreasurer Percy Bacon Director Howard fluflnhn wnsa key assistant In the quiet during hi lair BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Ind nrden will wrought Iran work by Cuffmen CI or tea auntie CALLTEE EXAMINER FOB PRINTINGPHONE AND MACHINE C0 11 Mulcukr Bl PHONE 31 BARBIE WELDING $7995 Slcal Bus Fills Angles Elc For Sue 01mm mule We