Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1954, p. 7

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In PRIZE WINNERS in the Junior Farmers annual live stock Judging at Elmvaie recently werezback row leit to right Mel Strachan Mel Maudsley Dole Mlllér Bcv Raw In the live stock judging by Junior Farmers at Elm vale recently were left to right Garry SEEN iilleE are some at the successful young inrmers who took part In the annual North Sllncoe Junior Farmers livestock Judging competition at Elmvnie recently Leit to right Garry Orton Goldwater ANOTIIICIl lliilUl oi Junior Formerii who took port In the livestock Ilillullilz at Leit to right Elmvule ltit been here Mel hilitidhlcy iiliwkehione jildiul Dull Miller llIIIiiilIllt who tied or ten high jun senior judge hiin novice Junior judge Judge Bcv judge owlne Jlldlle the North Bil llluh hheep nun who ll Dlilc Miller ilrst pilicl Ili only Mel Struchlln Oro hlIzll Coilingwood Lose Seven Players Including Coach Owru Illllind filmThu it the Illluliilllnl ni mm In Ikry pluycll rnnnnnn In Ilir nmni tale on man who nanmix Inlllir lltlh ill lllvtill iii Ill inmlll IIIIIII hniinm will have no Irml nI Inna With at hm um iiulilmr Illnillil limit this yea with the Inw liirullir may turn tIIo very nn plralnlll mill IIIIIlill look iIItiIlIA lull new twain Iihn may tulle nnnn lluin nInI on coliInuWnnn Inm IIIyul lllry Mr nil nn Iliitcrriit than any lrtIllistllly like In vlillh vltl lliil Twit illttytllll llllr ntlll ll nltllicr up In in and our youth null min IhnnnInn lnr Iiin hm Iivc tummy hat nun the mnni on lilillrlrulllirts rim lilo Innhina at the my mum Tu Into lilo inllmvltig play hm urnnun an Inirirn llcllllt hlliln iiiisli tlio player and men iunl nnm lllluly ann Illlniell now In illlrtph WIIliP III will htmilr tile llVlIlIIy III III III mom Ilir tll cirlllilll FMIliili liayvllullebrlr tile lilllItcurlnl Miclice player in on his way to Scotland Willl lll will Iwiloriii iur lalrloy JIIII IIlil linnltt lllll III the nnnl on it mnina ilrlwhiiil in Iiir liiil inwn lillrl1llllliliili loop has nlm riuIIlIl Iur tIIi illol uni IAIIIIIIc mi in any inl llliiiiltllillliv Illtl Fawnii IIIiIIIliIr llrloliln player has rrlrlinl IraelIlIlI nhwlullneni nt imri mlil liiuliIwinnrr iil InlliIruin nor In lilyalioin nllil lin lnmna lrml inn mun lnhnny inhymn will Iiiwar In ill IIlilIIIIII III IirlI Illllv um winlnr Villi Illl tlvtllleIIIii Iii lalk Iirrlrr lhni lmn tho hhiyn hnihlm ih nnly nnr Ilnlrnroinnn Iain ianI lini my Inmnii inn Illilulion any way ynn limit III In lnnnI all llmcmlarnllnn lilmlll Frolillin llniirr hinr Iril Ire plIyrr out tor the season lollowllm his lilliollullnle Iirlllltiil ivw Wrrku nlu Flotilllc fell from hyrlvo will amt Illilvml lliriflilo Illtute oi llic llllll lrx lnilvtlls or new playcih nun Inuit llm lnlizlit line In tlli Incl Ilui the unhinymrni Illlinliull ii not an owl hm Inst ym The Junior IIIIinIIon mIIIII lnlrhlrr however the ltrvll rhlm hnva prsrlilwlly III wholl IMI Imam liliucl with the rep unn nl lollic lion Iiihtrnn who In now out the In limit llmtmn ll cumin to tail over the In unnumnuufluniiu North Simcoe Junior Iarmers livestock Judging at EImvaIe son and Iatll Bertram Front rowie1t to right Chauncey Bnrton Patsy Jones Don McGruth and Garry Orto Orton high novice judge Chduneey Bur ior judge Bev Rawson high udge and winner at the ONE Shield Chauncey Burton Foxmead higii Patsy Jones Vasey high girl Rnwson Vosey high senior Doll Mcflrnth president oi ilcoe Junior Iiiiiltrh Associa tion who WiLl high heel Judge lIlui Berl il ior hinll out Judge with Duck Season For Oritario Ilnluiin Ihnln nun Innuin ill nnrlnnni hm nnnnnnmi IliIII Iuai llllliltl will lrr nilowcll daily liiiilt DI tilllll lliltlli Tho WHKI xiuli lIuIll lnr all two ilaya bar The Inn liIniI tillll IIni Include lllltrnnrrr ann may not inclniir Inn nnno Ihnn nnn Wlilltllittls Flvo urnan In tnlii root and unlil lililrr lulu Wllrolit Inihu and Hum Wiillllllik my him an In ell lrllll Illy innn wanna In IllIt wlll Inn Nulilirln lliniiltt lirvl Ill Io llli lllllllll lliinIli iirpI In In Inn InnIhrIn IllIiirl ilrl In Inc rxlrpl Irv Cnnnly whm IlIn ntirlirasotl tor run Innn iht In llrc ii The Iinrtiiorii IIIIlllcl rlttil liultii ni on will lino rIIIInIliu Innh Iirnr Innilwin lillilloli lhrnuah Culti InIIr linpnskaslliil Illant null sinui innknnt In our White tita tinli In the rnutlwrn IilItIicI the Inn rnnnnIu IIII with nI MllIltolll lllsliiII anti SIIIWUF County writ trniirillsle unalhmytnu duties with tie retirement oi the velour lirl Westblwke Iu iivaatCnulwrr chariicd COLDWATER doth Birthday Fullyfour irlcnds called on Mrs Phoebe Quantrell ran Sept to congratulate her on her 80th binth day Fish Catches at Severn Walter Barton iirmilion ne compunieil by Eihcvcl of the same city was iishiniz nclu Bona vista in Gluurfster P001 the Severn River on Sunday atternoon when he caught Ilivlaound mus kcllunge measuring 527inches In length The Hamiltonians staying at Bill Pheasants cottage were using one Reg Bushs lIioot boots when Mr Barton pulled in the big one sixpound bass was reported caught in the Sevcrn on Saturday Require licenses Eor Twp Hunting Due Regulations Regulated townships in Lake Simcoe district are passing by laws Euniflimlng to the Game and Fisheics Act permlitlng greater powers at law cniorcement The bylaw covers appointment oi spec tiled individuals to sell township licenses or hunting pheasants taxes and rabbits within the mun icipaliiy Also set out are iceslu be residents and nonrrs Idents bciore and alter the open In at Ilie pheannt season and limits to the number at nature idem licenscssold in most cases ihis sat at 200 ior cach town ship Annough low town have reciprocal arrangemenis most instances separate license lg requirur in the township is expected that special Iownahln constables will be used to assist in cniorcemcnt oi the laws in ii number of areas With the Iimittd number oi licenses available ior nonres ldcnis many douiytic55 will he hunting north oi the regulated areas when only regular gun liccnscs are required Town ps in Ihc regulated area include Militia chumscth and Well Gwillinlbury in Slmcui County CENTRE VESPRA Gnlllcu rdlllnx Mr ilnll Mrs Sill Money nlili family Joined III Iillfliiy dinner at the home at Mr and Mrs it Manuirc on Sept II In cilnIlratu late Mrs liioilcysparenii Mr lind Mrs Itrihur Willi on the occasion lli their Kuldsll wcilllltig anniver snry Mllor Operation We were Vrry sorry In hrar thaI Mrs liclpil hall unliemono lil Ior opclatiun and wish tier wry speedy recovery llravy Fran Mr and Mrs Sill hlimy Clur tilCIE Clliiorll Ilrintl nlid Terry spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs lllIy Iiionry Sillitliiilflt lly woke Sluillay inurnlnil In had very mm mni hall ruiliell llir uanIIIiI Italll In Hrllnnl ilnek In le001 pnnln with linrlier nl St nihmhm in Irncii or mni niirtillnllcn III 11 Sovrn nI him Mr cntrrilli rlJiool lur ii that Iilnc Th ian children of other year not cmiilniI as yrt Home on Ilamiliun hiln ery ninnmo min Illliiiuu ork ihnhnn enurua Iimniilnn wni hnina Inc on work out nun Jnmm link Iiihihnm nnni unnnny wlllt lilr and Mn luiiail Cunnmn Communion lirrvlrr iIlliilny Sltll ID will lllllrk the tint cuiliilillllilili service to Iir iirlll In cinIi Chuicli since In tclvprn Ililt ioilr yrnrl new iiirvllo wlll lw tit two oclock will null nil ltil Mhnmc motor In Nlum mi air nnn Itlts mu Illvinlut lvtrr and Paul llintuivll In Innumn mi on iiiinlhy lirluutliu Inns IIer winirr nnnny nl Highway no In onlarin nnniy ham nt iiw tnwnrhlhq oi llama Mani ttulrali llyolk Illll iicalil west oi Iiigliwnyl GI null It still ll inwnntnlpy of Scitt tiriniilnc lichttlir Whitby and East Whit liy In lllirtiluu Cutme the Inwn hiu itallllizioti ntilitlnlho am the following cuIInllrvllulii llriIco lilliirrlu Elli Tarn Ilnl dimanll Iany llIlllIIi lilirun Krill Lollvtrtnii Lluculli Itllllille yax tlnrtnlk Ilalnnl irrl irlth WIIeIiIKv Welland Weiilnlloh Woolworth and Vork The control Ilulrlrl lncludcs orel not tlrtcd ill the other two districtI AH Illia An amazing expertmmt to dem onslmte the theory that the pre irontal lobe and the brain can and does radiate some unknown term at energy war rccenuy con ducted at Couchichinx Park Or this by Dr Roli Alexander 63 New chland phyiidari author and philosopher now living at Or Three cloud drilling over the town were apparently disintegrat ed in the domonslratlon The purpose at the cloud blast lng was to attract attention to Dr Alrxondersphilosophy about the brain which he calls creativi realism Ho hopcs that wide spread recognition oi the hereto iorc unused pult oi the brain will eventually bring about university research that wiil either prdvc or disprove his theory Elicrxy IIInsmlflion Alter choosing tarzet cloud tor everyone to watch he brouth his powers at energy transmission Into use by concentrailng on the cloud in about three minutes the cloud disappeared Alter momentary pause the spectators broke into applause Dr Alexander chosea second cloud ion was apparently disintegrated in about three minutes Mter explaining that the excr iion was iatilzuinz him he began on third and the argest cloud Though he did nt promise to blast it out of the airy he sue ceedcd as or as everyone could see cheral people claimedthey also watched other clouds in the sky and witnessed Dries oi similar size disappear Dr Alexander agreed that othcr clouds were probably helm broken up by atmospheric conditions but said he doubted ii any broke up as rapidly as his tarsct clouds This cloud blasting is not it unique power alone hold the doctor said Anyone can learn to do it Demonslrallon Theory lie said it was simply an exper imcnt to demonstrate his theory that the prelmntal lobe 01 thi brain can and does radiate sernr unknown torn oi energy that has never been measured by science although Ihe bioclccirie energy irnm the rest or the brain has been found by the use oi elec trodes its Dr Alexander theory and he has built philosophy around II that this sllcnt area is used by only very small portion oi Ihr human race But by cxcrciseshc has devised he says everyone can learn to use what he calls the Corn scious briiln This ability Dr Alexander says lnuirn release the subconscious part at the brain by which he saysocverynno lives In any dreams lor its Intended purposes oi conception and CICZI lion Conscious instead oi subcorn sclous living will reduce the no longernatural tensions in cvch human helm and in turn will oricnt man In his creation whal cvcr that creation may be consid ered Dr Alexander says Living by What he calls the consciousness will practically eliminate all the tears man has held over rnm earlier stage or his evolution the doctor stator Crcailnl ltnllsln Widespread advplion oi his my litlvc realism theory Dr Itch tinder believes will prove more neatrally Important to humanity Iliali Newtons laws oi gravity and lilnsirllls prlntiplo oi relativity But it will put an end to thc materialisllc existence oi today the doctor says He rvolvcli his theory Irum study oi lnliny relis lnIII all over the worl its well or many soprrsiiilnnr no hit Ihc past 40 years Icnnwn Icchnlcaily as piy ciillkilusis Illl power not no Ilillluvruul its hydrogen bombs Dr Alexander rays its the idcn Ihnts importani Iiut iiii as an Individual he and Just Iiripprncli to cotton rm to It clililniny it to he the blunt liien ill 20 cllrlurlrs It for his boilui that IlllaI can lie lulpllllltcll ln nlhnr peoples lirnins Dr Alexander clxllnlnl tiint pmpio wiili Inil Ina oi their lululoin iniiiill can be lrii only by him lnlilviliilal runaclniisnrxs ior photographers to record This AMAZING DEMONSTRATION BRAIN RADIATION To BLAST CLOUDS GIVEN BY DOCTOR be achieved beiorc this power an be realized and people at that ability will not be led it Ihcy nppme any Idea nor can they be lhipped into mars hates he said Investigated Force it was as child that the doctor irs became interested In lnve lflllnl tlltl forces by which appar ent miracles were brouliht abouL tic wastiom in remote commun lty on the North island at New Zculand and his only playmates were Maori children Through them he says he was able to wo has ihe curcs brought about in tribal medicincrnen Dr Alexander said that throughout his tile and travels in most parts oi the world he has searched for the scientllic explan atlon oi these tribal ieats and oth er miracles such as the cures achieved at Lourdes In France In indui he studied yoga which he iound too Inert bciorc going on to Tibet where he stayed tor year in lamascr OFFICERS ovanrans Penetltnguish ene built In 1828 or stone preacut and Im ported from England and bearing old mas DOMESTIC CAT TURNED WILD GREAT MENACE While patrollan his aretdurinll the several months Conservation Oiiicer Fred Marshall of Allirion has observed numerous socallcd house cals roaming around in rc Inolc Incoilon irrIrom any farm house or othzr dwelling iiere Is what he has to say about it it Is my opinion that the do mistic house cat which has turned wild or partially wild is one oi the worst oi the small predators in my patrol area Mop oi these cats are iound in old abandoned inrm andothcr such buildings They are cunning and diiilcult to Control Cats nrca menace to all snna birds small game birds small Ilame animals and their young They are more deadly than the native predators because they climb tier us well as Creep ll ently along the ground The cats are unnaturdi predators This him give them the advantage liver the fox owls crows etc in the work oi killing small Kaine ScntlInIntliiity helps put thous nnlls oi lhlte cut into the iieitl annually This Is how it works Wlnn the old farm cat has one oi her many litters the kind licori cti owner Iiitt cant alum II Inc lIIl cute little kitten killed Sllc iil he takes them out Into lh country and lets them ionic rhur ly niicr iIny have born weallCIl slirlI that they will brad tor the nearest house or term and till home lhcxc kliilns vcry mi nnm end no in Ititll home it it survive the Ilrs week they on illlily will brculnc the kill an or Iiulall game Ic wmn litI Ilitll ililows brcuihc Iiilnilry they will likely Iliill ii men it Innnnu mutiny hinh rmnll lul Intt ni ynunx rabbits in II low SUGGESTIONS Hill FARMERS Dont omit to treat our Sood all Whoot Wo cuggost CERESAN or GREEN CROSS Ion BUNT SMUT suumAiu Fall thot Fertilizer InApplorHomprau ond 6quort Bolkotc Ip Itock Till rail Gianni illive your garden reiuoc iIIiirt ll colnpnil pile wltil title oi ACm or COMIO Your Ililrlleu noil will he ereuily enriched Prepare your luwn now ior inll necllllm We liillmmt the following lcrltlizcrn HilillliliN HlillllIAIN MILOIIHANITI IlONlZ ItlEAinillllIl MANUllln your soil III linlll IIIII In home lriit Mom ihrn use nolne oi our No anu trims ilecrl ii ItiitiitliH new lliwn try our Iipccinl Mixture It Innk ea nII cxcrllrlit IiOtl iilllilillli linih lor Inii Illulttlliit expected Ill about ten Ilnyli liliowu IIIIII co llillrui PHONE 5000 Mr lions WiII Roar Thursday Night at Midhurst Park The Lions Club at Barrie will change location for the regular matting on lhursdzy night at eight oclock and will rear at Spring watcr lark whcre they plan rain weeks oi such living the Wild will have reclaimed them entirely They are no longer the cute little kittens They shun human lit log and are Just like miniature tigers ihcsc cats are more oi men are to the tarmac and suburban dweller than ui value They kill insect caiin birds cal unhntchcli eggs and many other lhinlls which would he oi more value to th iurmcrlhan the cats snrak hi the cats that are itI to roam Ill will Most of the public do not realize the damage these cats III to niir wildlife which In some way aiiroi them What would like In suggest is that all cat owners more carciul where they place the young or the King oi the Small Predators lZTIIE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT 15 195 IIGIQESS awed HMSfNancyiin Noiiaoagooa Buy lurcdogalhzryiih flutoffloSccrplmrelumod mnlml oFUpptr Great takes and fur trade in Britain fiesoral ofth first residents of penalongulshme hut purl in the Neliowoslgo engagement under LT Miller WmlchLoyol Navy curcd ioru large Mica irigatem arm Wonderbra SepLquG Matti Mr brouthoPencia as prize of war WSque iatir sunk iliglkneiongulrheneficy appliance withilie RushMoi agrcmni lawman the siner ships Sowvim onZIlluurlz MAIN WOOIMEN TABLET tend the story or the American ship Tigress on view at Penetanguishene ons trudelnsignln only building remaining or centuryold military post It now summer museum attracting many visitorsd or shine to meat at the pavilion Witter liim will be shown and later an orchestra will supply music for round and square about In pm SpeclLi permission hasbecn ré tire and that litz Ayres will Ilyullcomers gums included with dogs and CUIILO The no is not exorbitant and the meeting will also chum lor attendance New committees have been struck or the comth your and tin cdr their new prcsnient Mac ltiaoltuicy on year Is In slult with now oiilecrs vice presitieni Jack thlc past presi dent Osmond Rowe secretary Al Miillcan treasurer Don Cam eron dlrcciurs Charles Ilcnll Ari Webster iiay liorn llzlrold Darch Tall lwlsicr is Dr Terry Wood uer Drill Linn Tamer Jim Hancock Clayton Fox is Hoar editor will liarold Dnlch piillllslitr CANOII IN itillfKIIZS CAUIAILY lCil Maurice l4 Jubl 21 hi Vancouver plans an BOOmile solo canoe lilp through the Rockies from Calgary to Villi cauwr lie was hull seekinuJI sponsor or Ih trilllwhich he thiimalcs will lake two months nr Innrc were some THE WESTMINSTER IN THE WILDERNESS all drvlrlvl tun Iich In ioloolo and Montreal nawipnpm when Ollowu on thoicn aI Cunallut opitul to IE ONE OF SERIES PRESENTED BY BREWERS SINCE l7 Innanah and on humanmm humanity corn hat

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