Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1954, p. 4

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Wnlsnn Kerr and Mnrgarél Ann Ferris an both armcxly 01 Mans ieid and MILnde the Mansfield Public School and Mount Pleasant Sunday School and church They were married on Dec 1904 St Johns Parsonage Ax Milan by the Rev Ferguson Mm 11van near Mansfield rnr two years may moved Can Lot 14 Essa on Dec 13 um and lived here or almost 34 yrnrs They then mbvud to the Jncksun and Pullinrd mm Tossomnlio which they new live Mnny bonulilul gills mm It cnivtd lnchxdinn rhimslcnc 5M dqold wrist watch lovely large Wror mm the neighbor DLLhe shah and snvcnlh llqcs lovely blanket mm lhc members Burns Uniltd Church and cuflcu table and blankcthmn he cous lmv Admd mm were numuuus nlhcr gills Sunday Aug 29 was memor able occasion or Mr and Mrs Walsun Km at Allislon when all members at their mmuy warn home to EEIEbrale ncir golden ding anniversary Mr and Mrs Kerr are members of Burns United Church For many years Mr Kerr has been on the board of managers and also on he schonl board Mrs Ken is lilo member he WMS Burns Members he amily are Nor vnI at Evertu Mus Ross Pauan Komlecm c1 Alllslun Donald Evcrcll Fergus 01 Allistnn James Alliston and Mrs Km Campbell dossier uI SL Cam urincs There an 13 grand children lurcivinu II Un IUUI wrrr Mrs Husx Inunn MN Kc Cnmphrll Id Isubrl Kerr Thu hhll was crmrrd MRI hum1 wvlldlnn cakr and randlrs Baptism Thirteenth Grandchild Feature Fiftieth Anniversary Party of Mr and Mrs Kerr Amofig um lowers were so bmm mums lrnm lhc mm chumn huge basket mlxvd rcsrs 1111de and mums rum Mr and Mrs Woud and Mr and Mrs Currigan lovely baskcl gladinli from Mr and Mrs Lorne Buyers Mr and Mrs 11 and Mn and Mrs William Hen uursun and Mr and Mrs sum mm gmmu mm Mr and Mrs munn basket rum Mr and Mrs JuHruy mm mums 1mm Mr and Mrs wu llnm nuuznny mm many mm lowly nuwurs lrom ruiuuvLs and Irlrnds Inmfin In nu thrnoun lfilmrlhhlrluuirlmlhu Iuly ulyml Burl it Inul wnve pumnlm mlv Imwfiduy he lull unmml yum um pd Hm yuu die Mme 14m flnhh min In pnlirulm lllll In pry rm lmm yunl mumIlmllNuuSLmhlmmh Io Bank of Nova ScalIal Pouonal Saunlly Program Ron you Iavlnu llll your goal In roadlod Pujr moh ex Allistoh DiétricfCoupléCélébrate LGBlden Weddith Mi Vor Hm 96+ +imem We were Mrs Mabel Kerr Mrs W31 Iiam Mitchell Mrs RoberLchmc ndMrs James Ferris Edmonmn mum In he evening Mrs LllHnn Jack sun and Mrs Ethel Cpnnell pres xded at the ma Lablc Assxsunx were Mrs Donald Kerr Miss Edllh Kerr ammo Mrs James Km Mrs Fergus Km Clara Ferris Mrs Norman Baxler and Mrs Norval Km 1w hundred and 7D vlsilors placed mm names in the guest book Friends and rclatives called from Slayncr Shglburnc Mansv Held Everett lIakasiune Barrie Strand 1mm ngm Tommu Knulrby Vincland Station xmz any New Toronto Edmnnlon Axum Alllslnn and Bradtord the evening was the baptism the 13h grandcth Carol Marin dau ghler Mr and Mrs Donald Kerr by Rev James Shillon pre ceded by the singing 011 Ye Who Came That Babe To Lay by Mrs Siullz accompanied by Mrs Allan Carrignn lhe plnno Everyone Juineh In he singing must Be The Tie Thu Binds bring the uvcnjng close MIL AND MRS WATSON KERR Church in India Subjecf of New WMS Study Book Mrs Null MucDunnld was In churn uf lhu wuth sunIce Shh was Alumni by Mrs mu Mrs Millwnrd and Mrs mm In rc punw muuul The anlun He nn Gm The all achiHcs cf the W0 mcnx Misslonnry Socluy of Cal licr Siren United Church opened on Friday Sept 10 at pm 1n lhc lLclurc hull with Mrs Ma prusidcm In the chair Allcr he prnlng praylr and hymn the prcsldnnl welcode all back to bmy term Vannus rc pnru wcm givrn one at whlrh was of particular Interest Thlrlyslx mrlom vclLhing 22 pounds had lmLn sum In lxc Unlttd Chunh Ovurscns llvlicl Mrs my Armstrong gave briof mussIKE of curlsuun ilcwnrd sum umMore llu sum Chrisllan shrwardshlp has been mvmu um rum now on 1mm be lmnu um Just givlnu Me Is mm nml we are ruspbnslblu fur use all our laknls 0w can no In xnnn tHtcuvc smw mm In two way mu pnly more oncn umL mun urn mly and sucund mm murc carc Iully our church papers becumc mat nud India mm Canadian Vluwptlinl hy mum Mm MILn pulnhzl ml mm had nun mm yrnrs mm the may mun ludln and mm flun llrmtndunx cunnm mm mm ulnco How wv IIIIH Lm l0 lntu wllh mw mnnlry nbmu whlch mnny our um mmm Mm may MH hr Ills mm III Inlmxlurllull Mr Hrnnrfl rrmmlh II lm AKIN II In IVIIH and um mmmnm Lx um Ilnlmrd In 1m lnlmxlurllnll Mr umnm rrmlmh that lulu In rrvull ml mmmnm Lx um Ilnlmrd le Irvnhnlnn mu law Mr mm nm nml 1v nmvprchruslvr In In rrmIL In mumy Hm hrisllnn chum hm plllyrd much mum pm In rvvulnunu than 1m rnImmmLmL Mlmlunnry mm mu nul dmlun uu Ilphrnwl hut mm mall My mmnmuuu Frw ylutri in mm hm hm rnllrrly The now luinnlucld Allen llUNUflTERR lln llnlh um lhnlr UM Ilmlllll lrllnkelovurlulr VIIIP hit Hum haw nlmu ml ltn 1hr Imnuuulu an dnluud lur thllvlvul and Guy an put un IuMwn with Illln or Indoor lllh wallaI In mum INLNJJIHIIHMMIN Millers Holpot sllnly or he yrnr wnl wry luIly by MYL It The Church In As Christian church We be lieve that we have the mesaze ihai sets mLn rm and meets their most vital desires As Christians we cannot rewmiic the awful gap between our prosperity and the poverty or underprivileged innds Privilege implies rcspcnsibily prosperity stewardship Anulvrrury Nuva mm curmquva ermlnllhr mmlvrmuy urnlru on Humlny nm rlmuh wa Inmuny up rurnlnl wlm nwrn Itqu Iurnl uullvn nlnl ulnrllull mm Cuuul nl Mlllhunl llev ermvmll mum lml chm or Hm Humflnz Mm luklnu mmm nw Chum mm 1w 1m may removedham the preaching of the 6091121 Christw Are we then surprised that Asiatic nntinns now take us at our ward and demand that as mlions and peoples they shauld rexlly share what we have taught wns their rlzhtlul hmtngc In the first chapter at the study book we mad at the priceless htri age Briiain 121i India wheA her connection with India as ruler was severed in 1941 Beneficial as it was it nevurtheicss limlled In dias outlook and restricted indian cnionprise and now in many spLcls India hgs alréady become the leading nation in Asia What she does in he nexi few years will doinmine mom decisiveiy Ith wcticrn influence whether he re ng Asiaiic naiians and Africa remain iron or go into the Cam munist camp Indias foreign poiicy is nnii imperialisilc and proAsiatic but lime change in the ndmlnisiraiive seiup has followed her independ once The cauniry however as becomlng westernlzcd For mnw the film indusry me mondous Today Indla the sen und iaruust film producer in the world and the amazing growth the cinema influence in hat coun iry is one at he phenomena of the day Anuihcr example of the new slluailnn ls evident in radio com munlcnlian Whlk privately own radios are by no manna as com mun in Canada they do much every pari of Indian life Educa iicnai programs or 1hr home schnais and cniicgcs are daily Ica lurns Agricultural rumm ls another Held In whlch there has been are deal of menus repomd From cvnry radln smlon ln lndla dally message um given lhnl wlll be of mm to um Inrmcr Only about 43 per cent lhc cnunlrya arable land nnw under culeI lion and fund the number one problem bu this huflng Incklcd vigorously One contribuuan the dcvcltv on OK lndlns chum llal Inrtllilu reserves From the factory orlllllcr pmducnd In hr mm year is estimated to hnvc 1m nruvcd Indlus and supply by nod Dr an nddlllunnl seven million maple AlchlrbMmmx Nupllllu Amumlunuunw In Allnn Mo Nlllh and Laura Inllmx whl wrn mnrrlml Ill THnIly AIIIHHII Uhmxh Hunk In finmrdny rogrcsx in lrrlgnllnn rural camlrutlinn and In cdurnllnn ls unbnlilvablc bul prrhnp he runs pmxrnsslvc movu on me pan ht Imvcmflunh uf lndla was In ban unlouchablllly Now no per sun may he prumbucu 1mm any rlghu erlzmshlp or public Ire brcmlw hls cask need 01 mu TM mm dnrmu cxpcrlmml lhnl hr uovbrumtnl has made was the nutlnnnl clcclicnt whlth look ylnccm he lasinu day W51 and me upenth 152 MIIHDM vulcn Um lnrucst number cvnr ID Vulc In Any cuumry In the wurkl Wlfll In Um pull and how mm whom lhcy warned to Kuvern Inn The cnnpm mm wn Wmllll he nullsh mm In MIK ursl HI Ilullnl prohlrln no cum bvulcn ur cvm In lhv way In full nnlmlon hul Ulty an lar lnu lucqu and we nhuuld llnnll bohlnd num wm our moral mp pml nnd nl Cllrlllinnl wlm our pruyrrl It us nnmnhrr lhnt mm are Lrcu mm work which would chnnuu nu whulumh an lllry muhl mum pawn mmmi wn rfimilwnh hymn nml mmncnun by Um pnsl arm Upon prrscnlfillon lllkclynl Thu Legion any film up to II pm Hulunlny PM In monex will In re lundtd EDENVALE REFUND 0F TICKET MONEY Tho King and His Cour Mr and mi mine my returned mu mu Taronlo and Mann Dclicou and Mr Ind Mn Lau mcr Tarnmo visited Mr and Mn Mel Btu ngenllnu Mr Ind M11 Earle Buie nnd family sprnt Sunday with Hand in Thurnbury Pmenuuon to McIntym very large crowd manna It the township hill on Wednesday 101 prcxenlntion in Mr and Mrs Donald McIntyre and Mimlda who have sold their furm to Mr and Mr Vrlnsc first part of lhu evening was spent in dancing Brockwell acting chairman mlflqd the McIntyre to the plat tnnn Mr Bmckwell read the ad drus and they were presented with szwing stand cutie twin large minor electric lamp and TV table on behalf their fiend and neighbors Mr nnd Mrs Mc iniyre Ind Mireldn very titlineg iimnked ihc pmplc for their kind gills Lunclywas servcdr All had lolly time togciheri Helumed Missionary Miss Bessie MacMurthy relurn ed missionary from India will be speaking in the church hen on Friday nttcmonn at two oclock The wins are serving ten following the midiest Rally Day nnd Annivennry Sunday Souk 1913 Rally Sun day Anniversary servkes here win he on Sunday Oct MINI l1HMIllNUH IIUILNMW llC CPI will mum llnlllnu II dlll nul hIVE Imnly pay tor lank of Illnn hrw mlvml IIII pmhlfln Ivy 1mm qur hulxnps or In murlly Mr and Mrs James Lnughlln nt Iendod anniversary services Angus Sunday and visited Mrs Robert McCracken v12 Bowen and his mother Kingston visited lrlznds here leg days las wegk Mr and Mrs Honcywoad vhllad Ihelr sun and dauthrinlnw Mn and Mrs Dou as Day laslfrdda Wm Mims Manon Wood afar amine McQuay spent Sunday with Mrs John Gordon rd ANNIVEIHMRV llNCllF CREEK Thu Edm wreldy lwwwnpcr 01 um Inumvm Mhrfiu town NIIhlnltlI 53 yran pnbllxhhm hm mman Sunnidalé Coriiers éam Tomnlo Sp Squay with her parenu Miss Marlon Mumberson Barrie spent Thursday and Friday with her palems Mr an Mm Uwrence and family Nun spam Wednes gay ylm their cousin Miss Womenl lmlltule The regular monthly mealan nl lhe Womens minute was held at Mrs George Illchnrdsons Mld land fliursday cvenlng wllh mumqu and one vlsltnr present The meatlnz opened In lhe usual mnn er with the presldnnt Mrs Raw 1n the chair The secretary Mrs Carrulhersv rand several reports The Insurer gave an encouragan porn Flve dullau Wu damned to Midland all ulr and over $75 was collcclcd la he glvln he bllnd Mr Mc Clunz gave report an the work balm done on lhe new cmnmunlly hall Many thanks were cxprus ad ln all who had In xenuously glvnn thnlr time malcrlnlvclcu and helped ln to many ways Plnnx wcm made to have boom um lnlr In Midland Lunch win serv cd by the hnslss usslsted by Mrs Edna Carrulhcra and Mrs Nelson nvr wnt In rum Ind Iqmlw ml My mm rumbhml hull third My Mln hm Mul lmllanrl Blvou lulnlflj pruvldfll wullahlr mulk Iniosfi VII 10 Crnullnd WI Mn McClung dlslricl prul dcm of lhc WI leilcd Cmsslnnd Womens Insfllue on lhursdn Mr and Mn Frank lawn vlsll cd rlenda 1n Barrie Sundny Ncw Turner llere School opened Tuesday mnrnlnu wflh Mr Curl as the new cad cr W1 wlsh welcome Mr and Mn Grlgg to lhl communlly Mlmlhneoun Shawn mlscellnncou Ihawcr was held nl the home Mn Tunic rc ccmly In honor anwonnnLn Mcrlz brldctabc Shu reachrd mnny lavcly mus Gwcnncln thanked all In Mr uwn jovlnl wy Lunch was served loomMat Cunarnlulnllum lo Gwcnnclll Mtrlz and FAWnrd Woods who were murrcd 1n UH 005ml Hull Mllllnnd Snlurdny lulu WM numbrr mm hm nflcndcd Exhlbmun In Tnmnlu Mr and MIA Douxlnl Ind Run For Sunday wllh Mr and Mn Jncklr lmiu Lung punch Mn and Min Cnmvbcll Ind umndchlldmn Hrnmplnn mom Hunme with Irlcndn hue Vim Alunqnln Mk Mr and Mn Canumm dnuzluou Ind Adele llablm Ivcnl Bundny Aluunquln Cum nunvu mm Mr IIan cm Irlu and Lena KIHLIIIIUI lnHNIlriclldl firmSunday NEW iIJWELL WYEBRIDGE MOONSTONE Medume Coun cil mecung Sept passed gran 5150 tn Huronm Agricultumi Society fall 1311 at Coldwmer The ysual $10 prize far pail led calf was also authorized men Agrtculturc rnpruscnl 50 per cm of file cost wnrbln Spray powder and Inspec Inr salary Heavy Agenda Sept Medontg Council Meéting The township has received cheque for 3315 from me Secretary Treasurer Slum Run Orlllla asked for the cuslnmnry grant file East Sim cne Plowmms szsoclntlon and $25 was granted motlnn was passérl to pay 550 mm he cos the carcukers Inlury Orr Lake dam F103 pays the rcmnlndcr Propmal by Flo lhnl tenderJ be cnncd annually ror Orr Lake area garbage coll ectloh wns dclcrrcd another mfunga BACK TO SCHOOL ln sturdyshoes ls amlxsb nndjwlse parents wlll see that thelr youngsters havelthb proper sup port for the feet to carry them through Qlefilr actlve day Here are two Canadlan shoes designed specifically or back tuschoo wear Upper Utlp brogue 1n pbllshed cull well bum tor actlye feet Lower 21 twosimplmoccasln vamp szyevhlchhns perforated mm around thelvnmp XpSrovaVl was received or de bentures or me new twomom Ichoal at Warmimler Aruéwnemnm had cow Irilur ed loss at and Ar Jon had nnc sheep killed value 22 mcphnnn unemm Allan Burl xubmiucd his mnnlhly repnr and Colincll ordered 12 new elephants cave rum Gnnlnn presldcd and all Cuunclllurl were prvscnl Denuly Imvx Dnllun Jumey Vlclor Jaluulonc Waller Orr and Perry nrlmnxe unZu received men covnflng naps lo wk Thomas Ora wanted his phone remnvtd but lllll was not Ippmvcd he has only fulfilled lwu year 10yulr conlracl small account by Pclcr Naugh lon or car damage on Mudnnu road was not accepted an was no Gubmlllcd or long pcrlod Iflcr he nccldcnl blll Iur towing when Joy Mc Klnnnns car was Huck on he DruMedanlu mwn film was or wnrded In xho township Insurance nucnls he Ontario Flm MnrJhnl rc qucslcd lhn Lncnumxcment be given or cleanup mmpm and can nxniml Hm cunncrllcn wllh Flre FrcvonUon Week 010 her 3D ClurkTrcaxurur Huwnrd nubln Ion and Assmsor Juhn Drury wm to mend it Munlclpnl uIrl Irmrudlcnnl XHLUHHK nl Tub umn 5w Addlllonll Onnl An Iddlllunn umnl 50 mm Hill1 MMle flQUMlB PHONE 1mm On 2an nl 70 an lot whim Wonlhn ramml nmnmrn Iln whl Il tom modnu dmn 1m haw null mum pm out any llur Iudlu Advllor ma hrrvlu Mm wm quy Ihow ynu nllnple mrflmd nl rhulhu cm or yawn Are You Making Money Out Eggs II Impnmnl haw mlny uu your Imu In In to IN Fl Ind Vlnlvr IF CIUIKHIE IT lfll mrr In In lulu um nurrmlnu ynur mlklni or lnIug money Ilow Much cm Tn hoduu noun Are you pmduelnnuu or 20 15 mm lnrllrr rhrrk uul mule qu llme hem nu ulng In ply man ullun unlhlnl eh mum um um uul mlcr umll nmmtn rummnn may nun1mm nllIn In Inn ma mny Back ro School in Sturdy Shoes BARRIE FARM SUPPLY Hum ol In and Mu new nzrcc alllchment MlllHDMIX In lmlfluuy Lulu mum llolh New Erqpes and Knish thorough IA cup waltz bring ma bail and simmer cnvured 10 minutes Place in large sigeve lined with doume thickness ofmheesecluih Drain at juice Use Ljuice in making jelly use puipinimnklng butter Todayfg Recipes To prepare 1he tru stemnbouz young ltul1y rlpe pence Yield about 10 medium glasses curs grape juice cupk sugar willie liquid fruit mclin Mensurq grape jfiice mm in very large snuc npnn Add sugar in Juice in saucepan and mix well Plum over high heat and bring in boil stirring cnhsiamiy At once stir in bottled lnm pectin Then bring mu rdan boil and boil hard minme sinring consianiiy move lmm heal skim of loam with metal spoon and pour quick ly inla kisses Covzr jciiy at once with iVB inch hot pmmin lCNRInlmduces New iBaby Dishes OnTlalns FURan nvnr bllbyl nourish ment while lravelllng an mm 11 no longer problem an the Can ndlnn Natlnnnl Mums Ocean Limllvd speck sankc futur mu canned omist lnlanu hm bncn nnuguntcd on CNRI fumrul maritime lraln The mod Ir On sfraincd vnxiely gm In cludI carruu upinach pun and auplc sauce Iupply at most tauntd food In new flocked 1n Hm dlnIng cnr pnnlrlm may lo be warmed um mvcdwhm or Yleld Ibml medhun Izm mp pu pulp cup sugar boulu liquict fruit mun Remove cheeseclnlh and pu dralnod rull thmuzh sieve Mens urc Kmpc pufp Into Very large Iauccpan Add sugar to 1me ln sauccpan and 3mix wrllv Place over high henl bring to lull rollan bOIL and boil hmd mlmue stlr rlng constantly Remove 1mm heal and oncc 1111 In bottled mil pcctln Then stir and skim by turns Dry mlnulel £00 slightly to prevent Homing trult Ladle quickly mm glass Cover bullet once with 18 inch ho paramn the lluronln llhlurlc Sllu Ind Tourm moclnllcn wnl neelvtd by Mcdonlo Council Inward ex rpscsuof heslcrlc Mcmorlnl I1 inlfvlllcy mum JELLY ANDBUHER to um um mr Inn luln GMPEJELLY mum Elmm manna mmflmygsnn 5m 15 19549 For Parents Only Its hard enough to gel chu drcn on to bed n1 nlzhl any um in the yearbut dayflght saving me jun mkesa mohers Job 10 mm mm dilficulll Mm Brown combined to her neighbor who quit agreed with her Our Billy buys the musk nwlul crime comesand then tmdu 11mm among his Manda They certainly make poor bedMme read lnll Mrs 3mm ndmllled with sigh Enough slcup Is Important or owing childrenbut get all wnrn out worrying about it golngtahedrltual ls helpful for he small mudExciting plny alter supper must be avaldcd he playing quleuy molhcr should warn him when his bed lev hour ls appraachlng Well he will need lime anaemia mm to put Ms toys awaywa he can shed hls clothes wilh real speed Alter he has zone in the cunt Wadmd and brushul hls team he expect little tucking in time wlth mochen Thlx l3 wonderful wporlunlty to encourage chlldu lntercsl ln books Picture books or 11M 015 and plclme stary books for presohoal children are great source of qulot pleasure Mast chlldmn hale to me he end of Lhulr dayhut hey Ire In re luctant to go bed ll ls as soclaled wlth the fun 01 exploran ln the land of books Sometimes them are specific causu why child in having hum iime going to deep He may be mo exdted from listening to Iuspense ndio story or seeing an unsuitable movie at TV program or child or reading unfundesir Able comic bcuki Perhaps he has noi had ennuzh exercise in the flesh niror he my have had too mugh physical exercise and be Ion tire child who under Ono much parcnlnl pressure to excel In school studio or sport may be These two with vnlce ma nulnlom of parents Thm an to many anmtlom xnd dhlncllnm la hep bays and girls In wideawake rum mind Ion Ifler they filmId uleep ll night Children do vnry In the amoulfl of res they need But the walchful mothu can quick ly see by Mr chlldn appear Inc or by hll refill IAInga ununa that he not nan enquh ml Acllva growl chlldrzn of ten luv tremendauu Ippellles Illd 1mm of hunger may keep hlm Innn Ilumber 1th muk It nllM my be necu nry rum lhey an dluovn why thelr chlld unt sleep cu adju hln any l9 overcome Ir possible fills ohlutle In emun We at Eoulhv hmwuu1llulhu£nmun 145141 mm 51 Phone Danie em Eplenl Eleclllfl your cmley TV Dlllrlbnlun no happy In pmenl lhll uhzfluln of CULT menml hm Ilmtl weekly or the con nnlew of vlewen In mrrln Ind mum nun1m Nut mum no nilI4 luml In hm In we lay In mm ao mm ml lImII Excluslve mm Disldhnlm INTRODUCING THE REVOLUTIONARY ALL NEW CRDSLEY TABLE MODEL TELEVISION will CANT SLEEP CELTTV Chunilel9 Toronto WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 15 THURSDAY FRIDAY SEI By Nunéy Cleaiér In Ionic EPTEMBER 16 vrakelul He Is ayprohcnslve that he may not come up to his Inm Hy expectation for him Mother and fathers must team to accept thnlr children Bl they are If hill youngsters nre to have relax ediAhappy nultude It bed time TEMBER I7 1121 AN Engimt WANT Ap It parenz ls the worrying type this very conmglous nndn young worrlcr may be kept nwnke By nnxlnus thoughts Almost every child at some stage In hls life nlrald the dark molher wlll glve her child the chance to talk about his fears and will lake tlmv to reassure hlm this muy=be he very medlclnc for slgep he needs Last but nnl lull ll chlldn pnyen are help to the qule mlnd and reapelul hean whleh lnvlles slumber Parents Ill lhelr chlldren II they do MC We then religious lmlnlng Every chlld should feel he can talk his Loving Heavenly Father In Ill own words my llme ls well as say slim ple bedllme prayer Dr Alan Dame tumous dado the Quins once said wish every child could kneel and say his prayerscvnn at three Whm evcr nncs religion and whether one has strong convicuans or none at all it 15 only fair give mue children guide posts go by They need them Smd ham to Sunday School read Bible stories them and much them their prayers um Audmk contum um cl mm mo wmnn nu In From cnun mam um cl mm ww cmlm xun cm cm Inc While 30 Dunlap SI Bylhnne 2558 llers llvunflngand Fishing LICENSES We xixé authorized ls KEYS CUT WE DELIVER HKRbWAfis Phone 2556 we make all types or keys MOST COMIACI run 11 TELEVISION 5m mm mzwmnu WEIGHT ONLY 61 LBS Smnll ennufll lo handle lehl enough to carry Plume ml Wait

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