Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1954, p. 13

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The keen rivalry ishopnd by the BanSc distflcl Icnlorsnnbal exccutlvc will not cxplud on me diamdmL Fresidem Blll Garner smcd the emergency mteflng Tuesday evenhzz that both clubs should oxget pas proceedings and decide chlmplon sports manlike manner Professor Roy Shire took offence to the ban name Arena manager Wes Allsopp placed on Bobby Wallace the Protes surs comer bratns Allsopp barred Wallace from the buildlnk because he was causing too much 01 disturbance Ha said lhe teams owe it to their large contingent of an and the sport 01 soltbaxl In Barrie Interest Xn the series outcome has grown considerably over the laud The next two games are When theProlessorgleamcd of the action he refused to nppear here Tuesday or his bout against Hem Park who was anxious to tame the ruthless cunning pair The mack Panther wbslltulcd for the Professor and lmmcdlalely made hll with the wrestling fans who mended Tuesdays pro 055mm anllnnl 11 was hoped lhu Panther could make return ap pearance but prévlnus challenge bouts prevent it Irhrue more shows remain on UN local pro mat scene this season and next Weeks action is the cue to growing climax slandom nurman lag match hnlds the nature spotllght wlth the popular pnlr Chris Belkas and Bill Curry meeting the much halcd Hub Lar son and Dory Funk The bnu holds 60mlnutc limit th the first team cmming two 13115 the victors An attractive opening bnul brings logchhcr Frankie Hart Holland and Mike McGee new comer here from Cndnr Rapids Idaho art was here earlier In he mason and he Dukhman dynnmh hm nhis finch shnw saw Rocco Coluxnbo delta lhc FnnlhCln adian favorite hauls Paplncau with sudden drop kick tho 731 mark Paplxlcau was Jn the mldsl series 01 body alarm when Iloccn ten to the canvas and re lalialcd with surprlsc drop kick kncnklnz Papinciu unconscious mm the Frenchman rccovcnd the we shook hands Capacity Crowd Expecied Tonight AlliSton Arena wImur wlll mman nuunm rmm lmyzun nr Snmln In the 0m lemudlnlo mum mmn lhc Innr wm drup Julep mrdlnlc nunmum Humm hlnfllnluh lighl hack and mum nva lnnlum mwmh nnd dlchllnu we mu vlayul Scnlbulu Amm Tuu Ilny Herb Parks normauy clean cul pcrlcrmcr nppmnny had cure la same with UN Black Panther and suddenly turned lo every dlrly rick he know nullcx dldnl star unfll nllcr he first all had been awarded In Black Panther vlan disquallfim mm Imks bellcd Hu InnLhcr abuul with mnllmlnl mrcann blow to Hm lhronl and during breaks nn 1hr rnpts would show vicious mumll cruwd mumm1 In Mr In on Alum lulllflhl lur hr 14th Lune the best1m scvtn Onlnrln barrow Assurlnliml mum umuunumhlp lmlwccu Tn mulo Mulllnndd and Alllflell AUX mm Alum mm virgmy lutsdny Sean Arum or mm 11mqu can win nm mup llllr mum th um mlm mum gum lrluuuill The cams will try again tonight at 615 pm with Ban1e Legion as homg tegmx Although both Barrie Legion and Canadian General Elec tric were on hand at Queens ParkWednesday night rain prevented the Barrie district senior softball series rum resuming Meanwhile hiked between the two clubs still exists and anonymous letters are flooding the malls for various team members Weatherman Haunts Soilbull Sets Both Divisions Will Try Tanighl Professor Refuses Bout When Manager Barred From Arena 1112 3mm mmm nmnhsmj CAR MACH 1RAINSIINE N9 iiWY FREE PARKING Adults 015 Children ym mu mum STOC Every NIL pm CGE conch Bob Malliun is he an about revealing who he will send against the Legion Number With he first game now marked as the allImbartanl Legion are almost certain to send ace Harry Cause In the mound CGE had hoped fnr rlghlhander Leo La blne bu the brtmant hurlvr de parls today axAm Bosmn Bruin lrninlngcnmp at Hershey Pa knuc Io Lhe stomach The Pan her scored win with second all when he applied successful IBVCISC eMn lock on Parks Chris Beikas scored viclury aver the hilarious pleading Benny Trudel who spent most We boul hiding Hchind referee 19c Demp say and arguing with the ring siders Trudel won 11 first all with crab hold but Eulkas bounced back to clafim the Strand with an Alaskan jiggle reverse Nelson was used by Bclkas la claim lhe third and deciding all Kitchener Sign Lakehead Slar Balluk established In nrw Scaring rccord for mu Thunder Bay League last seasun wilh 35 goals and 51 as slsls or 85 0an in El games The previous season he placed second in lhc lcaguc scoring with 28 goals and 32 usisl Dr 60 point In 30 games The new Canuck nddllinn stand live ch nlnu Inches nnd wclghs 106 pounds slnrltd M5 hackly with POM Arthur South End flang crs In banlnm and mldacl rnnks bcfurc gruduaung Junior ranks with Fort William Columbus Canadians the youthful age yuan Skeet Tournament Receives Trophy expected draw the large crowds of the season at Park and mixed support undoubtedly will be given Kllchcncrwalerloa Canucks ol hc OHA Junlor race an nounced lhe signing of lorward sum Balluh an oulslamlng pm mm 1rnmFam Mllnlnm uanuk x5 him an outstanding golfer nml won the 0mm Junlur championship m1 summer HHCUIKITY HUN wmnson cm mm mm numun hm dcddrd um um and rarnlvu opcmlou muft mm $1000 bum mum damage any clly uwnul pmpcny Vfllkr Louie ut Orllllu lull du lmlrd runny the cxnrullvc ur mum mmpflillon ll wlll he awnrdtd In high gun In Hm num mnnlll Tn pustummp 5km luumn man Inml lnr hr Harrie Gun Club Srpl will haw an llddld Incunllve Ihil smxon les NIIIAN Cl IIFNHT UNTOM KHAN II VIHHJT SEDAN MOUTH MC MONAHCII RHIMN 01 WILL NATION WIN ON 11 l7lKRlIET VAN 11 RF mmml III INTERNATIONAL T0 IMVIUE TRUCK VMUHI TflN IX 17 Hllflli PLYMOUTH IUIYII fl PLYMnlnll Olllfl lfl PLYMOUTH IIIIAIIAII 55 Dunlop St 51 CONNIHI llllYKHill WINDNUH BARRIES FAVORITE USED CAR MARKET MID1N IlAlHU 51 llllIILlJl WINDNUR CHILme rumour mwo mum BARRIE MOUNT ST lOUIS lcngth 01 the final series with de endlnuhmnplon Bradlpni Friar lo lhc playntls hnanscven final was cslabllshcd but the ma gue due to the many postpone menu and latgness of the seam hope tn narruwdttu bestm live set Schunl has rcopcncd Wm Mu William Miller an 5mm Mn and Mr Gordon and Mr nml Mm Ant Gordon and lamlly Everett visllnd Sunday with Mrs Mxlsmwn lcacllln II Gowlld Mrs James Miller and Donna left or Coward whexjc Mrs Mlllcr ls engaged tenchlnz schooL Wellynd Weddlnx Mr and Mrs Frnwleynnd Teresa attended the Carver Frawlcy wedding at Welland on Saturday and spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Drury Bullnlm Vlslled Mnlhzr Here Sherman Brown Toronto and Russ Drown Temiskamlng have returned after spendlnu week with men mmhcr Mrs Brown Mrs Gabriel Bcnuchcsme and Diane Mrs Henry Landry Ipd Ellcbn spent week wnh Ihclr on chalce ll lantballer Blll Ray crafl but Malllon may elect vet eran hck Luke namhull who blazed such good performince ln the series upenlr 0r Lame Dam who posted palr of onehum durlnl the Susan Camp Borden In the south Shncoe scellon flght lime dur ing the ands the weatherman has caused postponemems Three glmes In succession me mm and dccldlng scrlns game has been rahicd out Feqnells Anol or try 7w night Fennafls The weatherman cumlnues in plague he smIflnnl series lwcen FennflllAIndflCfF lily Anna manager Wu Allupp announced today that liar an lccmaklnx is scheduled or Wednesday Ocl followinl the final prongInna wrntlln allowvhgre Tuudly 0c IceMaking Plans For Barrie Arena pe wlll be ready or the In publlc Ikll ln ulslnn Salurday Del print lo the openlnl 1th Flyen lnlnlng my 001 ll Opening éuinn or Barri 51mm Club bum or Mn moan 19 rmummu WINDHOII NEIIAN IIINTIAU KHAN IIUHK KHAN El wmm TON IAN Fill TON PAN MO TON PAN 11 lflllwmlllfil IIMIMIII cl prulu NFC HOUSEHOLD FINANCE ll Dvnlop NIn ucoud floor phone Mull ON on um lbwJul loamum 50 31000 on your own Ilunulwc No bubblc locurily modal Buyowe rcqulremcnll Full oneday nrvlco Sensible npaymcm plan Phone or come In today for quick Ilgmlum loan fanny good mason IIMIMIII cl prulu NFC WITH All PC lOAN GOELINGWOODS EDDIE BUSH cen tre inks the contract that Intakes him coach or GuelphBlitmores or the Ontario Hockey Association juniorflA race or the 195455 season Bush replaces Alile Pike who is serving oneyear suspension from the OHA pinned last season when he withdrew his club from the ice at Maple Leai Gardens in scheduled game The late pm 5pm brlnu lo gather Peggys Beauty Salon and Propane Gas on nllcys 12 Webb and Sun Igalnsl Jacksons Grlll nn alleys 34 and Lakeside Cabln mmlng the new llA an alleys 56 ladlel Town Mum The Barrle Ladlu wallng League scheduled to open Tucs dny evening at the local bowllng acadmy WM lZlenm cnlry me early 7pm shlll will have Coop opposlng noblnson Hard wnro on alloys le Culllgan mccllng Clarkn Clarke an alley 1H and Quecncllcs langllng wllh Vlau Motors an alloy 501 Hmnnn qun wiltLair at Grimshy Weekend Home Frnnccs Berimluilc ol Barrie Jcanncuc Km Turunla Yvonne King and Teresa Frawlcy Mld land spym the weekend nl lhclr home hem fonts Mr and Mrs neophuc Mlnnelnla Vkflon ML nnd Mu vmm Barr 55 PnuL Mlnncsixn and Mr and Mn Ed Barr Forcs4 Home are ult lnn MillanDan Bush carries remarkilble coaching record to Guelph as he piloted Coiling woac to ourJunior Cchgmplonshlps and two intermediate tmeslslnce re SPARES ffl Im clmvumm AN mu mmzmw TON TELEPHONE NERVICI BODY TRUCKS SPECIALS Bulk Bowlln STRIKES 182 Bradford Radiu will have real deal to do wllh 5min the nanem cl rpccch lnvCanada and ll behooch the radio announcer to be careful how he pmnounccs words and above all lo he carclul nut to =COOP Where Parking 25 Innlsfll St PHONE 2429 CEMENT THERE IS FRESH SUPPLY OF CAREFUL SPEECH Nanlnn kiuj Néws AT YOUR Is No Problem tlrlng from the professional scene As player Bush Was rugged highscorlng delenceman und reached the Nntlonal Lengue wlthDelmlt Red Wings and set scoring mark for defencemen In the Amgrlcan League whlle with Phllndelphla Accepting the Blltmore coaching p175 marks the return of Bush to the town yhere he got hls start as junior At lenquelph manager Roy Mason and right George Lasby presldent watch Bush atflx signature to contract Barrle SUPER LASTIC TIRES hAT EXTRA SAVINGS AND BIG TIHE ALLOWANCE 50045 61045 1340 1445 you can qunllly and hive he mcesnry uplcal and Inure dulre or llnanclal securlty Ihen wrllc nl once hr lnrther Inlormaclon ibo ul havlng your own buxlness rivan In Id dren and mm number to We are luokln Int rellahle parly mm or warmn In your ally who wunk to own and op erate chuln cl nuchlnu for chenex Tluua We wlll procura lnullum or you Ind Ml yuu up In huslnus Thu can handlzd In ynur Ipm llme and need nut Interfere wlth your praen employment ll ynu are not cmplnycd on Ellurday II can be handled In two or three hQun work nrl be hum up lnla my profitable nnd plmnl partml buslnm Physical condltlon or educullnn nu ma Importation Nu ulllng or Iollcllluz nu wallln or one month or ulx monlhu lo bullrl up the business your lncnme wlll slut It once Is not xebrlchqulck hnslnesa but Ihonld xlvc you lleady dependable lncume or yul your cub lnvutmlnl 5620 all lat 15 required wlllch lully scoured by cqulpmenl Ynur Inveulmcnl ls proleckd by repurchuu axreement war and dprsslunproobyalnesu1lllz 19100 pram can he made on Kleenex Tluué NEW LOW PRICES toeH own new mom GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Box Barrie Examiner ANDAID unwell Vllll HI no on NEW sun how you high Imam ymxnelf So now all the summer your mnmunlm proth nnd holiday cndJnd nu at back munlry prumber lln sum to norm II he proper time IO IespecLI 4h am of new yur spend cw minute thinking Grlnd Foxh EC Glmle BARRIE FARM 5U PPLY KILLING POWER than calhallo Acid HIE HOME OF IKE AND MIKE MARKET SQ PoWerful All Plirpose DISINFECTANT FOR usnm HOTELS RESTAURANTS outs mqus ON THE FARM neonomzns FULL KEY mid MICK SEIWIGE lurlwuluc IuruMl Human IIII Alk Wu you Mn flu pvnn so ms Exrznnmca 36 BAYFIELD 51 AT FIVE POINTS in max monxer IlAIlMLESS TO THE SKIN TIME TO CHECK WINTER NEEDS LUBRICANTS uRRYs KEYS GAS HOW AmiFreeze lliNlTlflN WIRING PHONE 2982

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