Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Mar 1954, p. 4

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fir 0155 yIESQN BUILDING Faststepping horses have becnv entered In Ihg harness racex to be held It Caldwnlnr Fair5¢PL All entries must be rmclved by run bmn sfifihifi 33513133 JOHN PATER CO ATTRACTIVE STONE WORK East Horses Fbr Huronia Fair at Coldwater Sept 14 l7 MULCASTER ST Modern Equipment Experienced suit Machines built to your spucliicnilan we did But youd be prised numb of ptople who do lam Ind dunch are good am if you need money yuu cm it Ion Weu grown to big organizldon now but Ihc mcn we lnve in our office lift ncms Cnnudn we think He puny well rainedTh trained to undmund ow to who up money problems in at wlay 50 gr you qua ALLISTON Ion th you should know um dun on mm In Iowa on mlny friend 1mm the second is xlm mus up to 31500 no lifslnsured far you flmlly prolenion II no at cost to you think Hum mum mike our lDln bum dell lhln you down mesmexanuinmnnuou why dun you drop Ir qu gage n1 Ml qtw nu bumflgh our doors Frankl wed gut ml neu Castle Sione ol Eunudu cuslnm mml molded nlnne orhome uwnm whn demlnd lha hm You know lot of people the first lime uhcy Corina Nilgnn Filwlce worry Ibout whuher or not its the right thing to do 11 quite true dill we dunl mike lmn Llime Ipxbody JOHN r9 NIAGARA Talks about HOW TO GET Friendly Loan Have Your Metal Work Done By EXPERTS BIIIIIIIE WELDING MIICIIIIIE I50 For Interior or Exlclior Home Beguty SOLE CONTRACTING AGENTS ulmoo nomlm Iolomo Mm Securan load alien hlngu on slmnge ablllllax The Angler Fhlr hm loclh will on Ion of hlnand princlplo Vorlicul lhoy map the pray than lower sllghlly Inward lormlng brbe lllal mukol crcapo diflicvll Theres Job In connccUon with mock car racing that never has many nmlicnnu In fact promot ers generally feel theyve been mused if they can gubmnm gcnf for this pamculnr pnsllion and kenp hlxn happy The spot under discurslon Is that handicapper or chief scorer at the fenderbending anlury you STOCK CAR HANDICAPPER TOUGH CHORE Allislon tallied twice in the ting lnnlnu and were never headed slnglu run In the 1mm and lwn more In me fourth completed the scoring Newmmknt munlcd single runs In thescmnd and hlnd inning and two In the fifth via Elliott Gfllsons triple but couldnt push ncrnss the equalizer AlllslanLegInn stayed In the hum for South Slmcae south dlv lslan laurel Friday with 54 VIC lnry over Newmarket County Tawnms in he lhlrd game of 1hr begunfive group finals New market The Cuunty Towncm load the ser lus two games rm one with the fourth gnme shied or Alllslon In Volurnn Keith Chnmler gnlned cred or he player victory scab crlng five hits over the brie live Inning mule Seven innings were unable to be played due to dark Among he outstandmg enlranll lhe ht hnrse show wnl be Lance Rumble Durham Um phrey Jarrau Ind Mann Pclcmaro Allision Narrow Deficit in Final Enules melved lnclud horse nwned by Jack Wnplcs Elmvale Elmer Husky Muslon Gerald Hawk and Garnet Hawke Cold waler Allen WIlker Alltnford George Bullock Ravenm Mr Walkers ham Nancy Pitch holds ho Goldwater truck necrd or mm or 1hmile Chute Martin hlr secular by San 1L 1113 in 533m 917m mum clan um rueroam All nets are mm heat on twa hegt basil PHONE 360 DIAL 3744 Ihrrc wln uvmd mlrmlnme In Unlml WA nnd WMS HMEHHI 1m Wulncmny nflrxnnnn Thr upcnlna duvullnnnl period was pm pared by WA WIHI Mr Huh win he Scrlnlum rcndlnu nnd mnuntnlnry lrnyrr by Mn lhynolda Vucnl Sulo by Mn Jrunto Mulhullnml WMS ml ulll wn umwrml by vcnw on 5ch nrdxlllp vnx mum have plcluw mm or Dwnkuflnvlnfl mernu 1n Oclulnr haltl 01 mm clulhllm Inr Karen be mtkrd Ill Nuvrmmr Mu Elmer Irnll Vuhlfllfllffll In huh nllrr mhrrhnlmu Inr lhn Uwrr mm Itlaullhll rilnlll Wlll vxxxrrxwd cunt Vlnllonl mom Visllnrs Included Mr nml Mrs Leonard Wu Ipndlm John nurlcluh Odmsn nl Wllsun Vlcnn ML and Mrs Jnmt an lhornn Toronto nl Vllllnm Lurns Mr and Mm Dollnc llllnflml Mr and McCurdy Mr and Mn Murnsnn Vnudhnm Mm Murphy and Thmmn Mrs Adams and MW Hulllnucr Torunlu wilh um um MIL mrdnn Wunlm Plum on Brflun Team On Snlurdny Nulwn and Bob Ransom wLrc nl Auburn ncnr Gudcrlch plnylnk uvcnllc 011A hastball with Boton cam who were dohnlld Auburn became the Onlnrlu chnmpluns nr the ne 0nd sumzsflvu year Thmo yrnr nxo IhLI team were mldxc 011A champions Prlnclnll Mlltns Mr and Mrs Carson and mm muvnd 1m week to Alhvnsl thro Mr Cnrsun has accepted lhc position principal he qur mmn school Trlp to Niagara Fill Mr and Mrs Gordon Mason and family nnd Mr and Mrs Dralc enjoyvd hullday nl Niagara Falls lnsk wcck AI Whitby Conftrtnca Rev Gnrdnn Wanlns nllcndcd he Evangelism Conference In Whitby Insl wank Mrs Wunlcsi and family Visllcd Tornnm lrlunds School Anln School commenced on tucsdny with Mrs Menard Marlin princi pal Mrs Laughecd lntermedlnle leaohelv and Miss Jenn Samscl Jun Ior teacher Miss Marian Webb has accepted the posmon of Interim remedial leather In three Barrie schools Cholr Bull Pmcllco The United Church choir have commenced practlslng for Ike an niversary services on Sunday Sept 20 CATTLE IDENTIFICATION An earmark slltm notch on one or boxh aura of mm fur ldentflidflllon FULLY GUARANTEED FREE INSURANCE Make Your Selection In The Socluulon of Our ROOM Specialists in Diamond Setting and Jewellery Restyling Free Estimates On top at um éinstcxn at buslness Sinclnlr keeps Irack the Carling palms race and can all you who Is the loader undwhcre the rcsl nre mumenh nilemhe concluslon the feature He also seems and times awry av only received one nnmplnint In three ymrs at the Na Highway truck Undoublcdly Um fintrhe has clmhl children helps to make Mm the undvrslanding Jun he is nu Wm Once the three qualifying an lned up Mn operate an slrlclmlnn Thnse who dont quall 1ry again In one at the con solnlion ramps and their poslllnns are reversed He the on when dedslon dupemi the palm alevery in every race Ind Ulux Xndlreckly an belting on who win whaL This call or net only the utmost In patknce but exceptional care and judgmentand at Plnecres Speedway the fan guy Mal Sinclair Haw Mai lot himseil inia hia particular niche in the counirys newest major icngue sport never has been deiinilniy established However premolars Norm Smith and Joe Cappy are mm anxious In makesure he remains more Sinclair holds ford aicp the east gmndaiand In fairly large tubbyahoie Hes an hand evnry Wednesday and Saiurdny evening at eight chimes checks the drivers in and proceed to piace them in ihree main mtegorieseiow mad mm and fast He then lines up the cm according In his complete chart on ihcir pint pprfnrmunces Lale arrivals are penalized ms nu newcomers by being placed In scratch uposmuns Thats why you sometimes sen slower cars In the rear smming mm BETTER VALUES think It must be mum in be driver medium or even man dont so awn unfll you haer lbaut the trial and tribula tion handluppef REEVES JEWELLERE PRIVATE DIAMOND lulled WA Ind WMH Strand activities Simcoc Counys Leading Watch and Diamond Merchants ESTABLISHED 1890 of Barrie lruhylerlan Servlra Service In he lrcsbylvrlnn Churm wlll be uld pm nn Sunday Svpl 12 wflh Sablmlh Schml winII lln minimr Ilev Mulr will he 1H chuxiv TIN Sacrumvnl Hf Cum mlmion wlll be olmlvud vmum vnnor Mm Wmlnm Jullnsmn runvnr mm cm wm ur Imclrl and MM Mr uml Mrs mm um mnml un ulhrr llvm ln nu mmmnnu mmqu plurva mu um TiredWeakMen get New Pepu 405060 OHS Grand Chlpter Mr Cnmpbnll Wuflhy Mulva If lnnlsfll Chnpur OHS lunvcn Tuusduy In nlund Grnml Chapter Oularln nl handnn Wlns Vlnlln Guld Mum Congralulnllbns to Ban Mulhol land whn won me gold medal as violinisl In 11 class at seven on Thursday Music Day the Ex hibluan Vlsll Aunt nn llolhlny land and Judy Gray spent lhc last weak thcir holiday with lhclr nunl Mrs Sulhurland Their nlhor and mother Mr nnd Mrs Ivnn Gmy am the week lmb th ML and Mrs Sutherlalld lllp In Camomla Mrs Hoslor ncynnn spcnl ow day with nlallvu and friends In Damn Ind Slmud Relurnlng to her harm in Flint Michigan on Sundan Mr and Mrs Han accummnlml her there and Vthd ruanVLs In Lamink Mrs Ilnml nMnmpnnltd Mm HUN in San DItgu Cnllfurnla IMCr In the luck Vlsll For Wllllam Mr and Ms Gourxc Lawson loll on Thursday night for FUHWH Ham V15 thulr daughter Doreen nnd sunlnlaw ML and Mrs crs by Mrs Rny Gaodlcllnw to the memory or he 1m Miss Mary Wicc lifelong member of the WMS The very interesting new study book The Church In Indln was lnlmducnd by Mrs Cummlnu MM Pratt and Mrs Gnndlullnw sncinl huur with luncn conclud ed the meeting Don Scat posted perfect four orour cvenlng to lead Amen Mllis Nhil assault on Ammmnui His batting spree druve new Iivn runs Dave Stephens and Hon Pant inx each with hits were other determining tnctuns In the final championship thrust Edema 002 0005 Anlen Mills 001 MSXli 14 Knnis nnly nllowcd seven hits Wilh Edsnvalcs Lorne Armslrcng and Art Maw lhe big Weapons Armshcng had twa hlLfi and four runs baflcd in while Maw had human and single or hm RBIs Edenvalc captured 21 from in lhe Ihird inning and wasnt uniii he fink HIM Anion ill on 10050 with their winning outburst scor ing five runs and adding another five in the sixth Edcnvaie tried hard to ovurcome lhc Lluflcit wllh fiverun raiiy in the seventh but fell short Ed Kanls who developed Inst as pitcher was easily the stalwart the mayor rnunds He was superb In pushlng Grenml out of the picture In two siralght scml final wlns and his work against Edenvale ln lhe innis was excel enL Twice in previous years Anten Mills were linens to Mldhurs In lsSZand Edenvale In 1953 This seasons mlc mush ktnrlfig four straight wins 1n playou compelb an utter Iinishlng second in the league standings climaxéd three successive seasnns In Lhn Vespm competilinn Amen Mi captured the Vespra Junhnr refmall chamaionshlp last mek alter knocking on the door or two prMous seasons They deluted Edmvale last years champions in the secnnd game 01 MI final at Anlgn Mills The new chumps won he series menu In Edenvnle 92 Anten Mills Win Vespra Championship MUGGS AND SKEETEK POGO momma Inhxic ails you nolhing exlm nl BLONDVIE ELSWORTH ECAUSE 35°53EEEE THETEA IS IN TNE QICEIN THERICEJAR me come 45 HOPE BLONDE WONT BE LATE FOR MBBIEEXABlmERLlBIDAY saw 10 AFYER PEOPLE ARE MARRIEDAS LONG AFYER PEOPLE ARE ISM THERE MARRIEDAS LONG SOME WAVOF STRAKGRYEN 1N6 WALL AEAIN AND START IN WOULD BE TO GET DWOPCE GET MARWED AGAIN AND START IN ALL oven TH OflLj WAY For Pickup la Dellvery D11 2411 By Wally Bishop By Chick Young Sul Wall Kely uleNl

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