Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1954, p. 4

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WM of toncarom Remand Mrs Lewis Dr Kcnnnth Lewisand Mrs Mlldrml Sellers Pcnnlangulshune were Sunday visitorawilh Mr and Mn Gmuu Whyuc Mrsfilra IJlmcr 1mm 15 vis Hlng htr sisters Miss Marion Fier 0n and Mrs chb Human QM Wallpr Thompsun and Ch renPor1 Hm spama cw days with Mrnna Mrs Thomas Maycs Vllflon In Vllllle Rccml vhflun with Mr and Mn Barry Jabb wcre Rev and MflS Lamb ThanMan Mr Ind Mrs Bert Harman and childnn Eugenia Falls spent the werkend WWI their parents Mr and Mrs Herb Harman and Mrs James Miller Mr and Mrs Alex Copeland and son Toronto spent the weekend with me forums parents Mr and Mrs Charles Copeland Conn almm Henry Come who celebmed quietly her Both blmhday 11 her home an Sal urday Sept 65 Collier SD IS AVAIIAAIIIJI AT DANIEEIIIIELI MUTOIIS THIS INSPEC TION WIIAI IIJT YUUIL CAII IN SIIAIE IOII FALL ANI WINT HII IHIIVINIL SIXTY ITEMS RECEIVE COMHLEIE SERVICE CHI20K IIAIIIJRY STAIITIIIK GENERATOR COMPRESSION FUEL PUMP OIL SYSIF WHEELS SUSPENSION KING IINfl HIIZIIIHN UICH QHIICK SHEET SHOW YOU XACIIAI WHAT IS HUN TO YOUR CAII TANK INCLUDED DANGERFIELD MOT0flS LTD mu mm lwnnllnl Inhhru Mouth hlnnnfllnlll uhflnwxl mlllnnny mmzflrmzz mn2mn 232 20 romm 602m 05 20 Gong xzoi 02 25 Arm IIY GI HAL MOTORS FOIL YOUR CAI wr Mu mmz MARKET ron GOOD QUAISITY nima LOGS mumst sumst mmsxa cm 0H HEATER 312995 leiVKOIJil OLDSMOIIILI CADILLAC II Mlkhl An lllra To Think About AntlAFrcue SAVE FULL SERVICE INSPECTION llIZIAIUZ NIIW Fl IIAIH DRIVING HIEH CALL MR IIAGAN VICE MANAGE PUWEII BLBWEH ou lny Only PLUS ALLHNMLE HARDWARE Allendad Funenl Mrs wmmz 1mm and Mar imic Mrs Orville Carlcr and Fred Tudor nucndud ihe luncral in Jamie of Mrs wiimoi Briggs an Wudmcxdhy Auu 25 Mrs Drlggs lived inr uan on Ihn ihirdcnn ccssion line of Innism and niinnd Conksluwn United Church Mrs qu NILMast and Miss Irene McMnstcr returned home at or spending work visulng rela tivcs in Gravcnhurxl Vlsllun rum mm Mxs Archer OriIlin is spending few days with Mr and Mrs Huc mr Smith Miss Gilly Kidd Orillin is vls fling rclalIvcs In he Vlllflgn or éw days Al Wmn Beach Misx Joan Wllsnn Is holldaylng at Wasagn Beach Le or Sulnlfllewln Robert Paterson who has been vleHnK his sister Margaret Paw son and brother Tom for several weeks has returned lohl home in Biggar Snsk Reluer mm Madllmes Rcvr and Mrs Kellngg and daughter Juan arrived home from Nova Senna after sfwnding several weeks hero Rev and Mrs Geurge Monrc and daughicr have arrived home after months stay In Prince Ed wnrd Island Macon Sou M1 and Mrs Eldon Ncilly and Mr and Mm Ben Murphy 1m by mcmr on Sunday on liveday trip 10 the Soo ncmss hc smug or Mackinac throughMichigan and heme by 5mm vlsnlnx In Taronlo Mr and MraSlanlcy Halbcrl spent several days in Toronto vlsIl mg rclnlivcs and taking ln he Exhibillun Mrs Thumns Gallup is vlsiHng requlivcsflin Slayncr Miss Glenna Aylcswonh In mum vLfiiting mmives Mn Ind Mn luck Finley and ohlldmn Huntsville were recent weekend gum of thc huerl par ent ML and Mn McMAs en Miss Ealriul Evans Toronto spent ht weekend with her par ents Mr and Mn EVIHL Vlfllln ll Cornwall Mr and Mn Grorgd Maya Ind Mr and Mrs Lorne Gallaughnr spent raw days in Cornwall vlsll nz lriunds and relatives Dr Carr Kudnncr ll gpendln week at bl home in Vlullnrn from Welcuma Mr and Mrs Kellogg of Phone 2487 Phone 2944 0H HEATER TOTAL YOU mm hralrr mu mu hm my In mm mm um Iuulw Hun mm llnrlml wmm Mr llmnr 1m WHAT HI 3151 $12995 Inlm Worlhlp sarvlce M15 Mary Parsons Toronto was the speaker at lolnt evening wor 5th service at me Anglican Church which Included the three churches on Sunday evening Sept at 730 ShlI BM the work of the Upper Canada Bible Soclnky and showed shdcs wms Meeung The AMcrnoDn Auxiliary DI the WMS 01 the United Chumh md an Aug 28 Mrs Willi Corrlgans with 14 membch prescnl Mrs Carr presided Wllll MH Cause secretary and MIL IL Glass at the piano The dcvollun 11 period was In charge 01 Mrs George Why and Mrs Mlllur Mrs Glns gave reading an Christian Cllilenshlp followed by discussion Correspondence was road which included lhank you notes for remembrance dunlng Ill ness 1ch new blankets which an Dr sale were an display Knit led arllclcs for bablcs wcrL rL ccivmi One quill or Sale was completed at committee menu on Aug 25 Moutlng clnscd with prayer by Mrs Carr or In mlsv sinnary Mlss Qulnn followed by doliclous plcnlc lunch Institute Meetln The September meeting at the Womens Institute was held an Thursday evening tn the Town Hall with 30 members In attend nnce Mrs Gordon Pnltnn pre sided wtth the secretary Mrs Lomun who read the correspond once Whlch Included letter mm the sLfiter Institute in Wales Thank you letters mm the 111 and shut lns The treasurer repuer that here were two items expend mxre during the past month These were new electch stove tor the hall kltchcnnnd lhwpllntlng at lhls years programs The reslfln atton Mtg Audrey Mapes as treasurer was read and accepted Mrs Broley was appolnted to thts posuton An Invitation ta vlsit necton Institute on the even lng bl Septt ll wus acceptcdl Mm ll man and Mrs Cnrr were nppolntcd the transpurtntlnn ccmmlttcc The Institute wlll use thelr booth at the all falr un Sept l7 Ind requested all mem bers tn donntc pt sandwt hes or Mrs donnlc pics sandwiches or cash The lnslllulc cxhlbll lhls year wlll be Plans or Kitchen Wllh the followan commlllcc make prcpnmllcns Mrs Pullnn Mrs Dmlcy Mrsv ll Smth and Mrs II Glass request to Lxhlbll the flcnlnn Fnlr was al so rccclvcd Mrs Cuusc rend nn Interesting m1va me sum nnnual Mu Walker and Mrs ltxwmm were In clunch of llm pmgmm un mmmunlly flcllvlllcs and public rclnllom wlllrh wn Irpcntd with mm by Mn ucm Ice Grnhnm ucclgmpnnlcd by Mrs Smllh III lhn plant Mrs qunmn xnvr nn Inlrrrsllnn mmr on mmm rvcnu Howe QC llurrlc wns lhr NINClJl sxwaktr wllnv muml wan th fan Wr Du In Our lllfilllu llmr llc Sild we mun mlucnlu uunclvr mud mornmny our lulsurc hvmrx well In wvrklnu lmun an wllll llm nulnufilulun ul The ale Mn Wllmlfl fill Wellcslcy mmpmlv Tnmnlo on Monday Aux 23 1954 Mabel Jllson beloved wife ofrwflmnt Brius muther 01 Gerald and Jack Jllson and Msrflyn Briggs Funeral sexwk was IQ SQ Mat lhews Presbtycrian Church In lament Pine Hill Cmntcry The theMlclnel Olukcy Minknae Olaskey passed away hls home in Essa Township on Friday Aug 27 1554 husband of Mary Kowalchuk father of Anne Peter John and Ruth In his 67th year Funeral service was an Mnndny the home at his sun John at pm Interment Thom lon Unioni Cmnclnry Velma visitor wflh I21 Bay Kellogg and um Among those who mendzd Illa Toronto Exhlblunn Inn wed wen Ben Column Ind mm Fldden Funk Fldler MI Ind Mn Harold McKflllcln Ind tons Mn GnumMnfAmeHiM Mn Donnelly Gurlu Copeland l1 cnnflncd lo hhhnmz thin pan week thruush Ines Mr and Mn Alpine Cause Bnnflord were Sunday callers on Mm Cause and Mr Ina Mb Couu UMIIJTIT Attend IN $14936 905 11an Zn nnUunnl IVIlk walled by more than 15000 per mm mmuullx puwrr machinery ull mlulLI have more luinlru hnurS Such annni Inns us the Womens llLllulc mxl rum in many nrllvlllcs In mImm wurk an mwnum ruc lvr In prunnfllm zuml Nth nmum Ill Ilmnbcru He said lhrrc Lmuvr mnununlllcx bleIK uvcrnrgnnlzNL lhnt some chills Imam dupllunlu mvlm Tu nvum this awful cmmmmlly plunnlnfl 15 um ry nu lurlrlm mm whlnh hrlp my hr 1crlml nu lc puxlnuM rducullun drmuuunl NRHUIHHH nml Um HHKUH OI rvrrIMlnn wm lnnul lnxlniv Im Aflvr Xlu plllumu ul 2nd Mn Queen llw rmumluru In ml wwrd ml nunm Imuuuu Tu mummy cvrnllll Am 2n Mu II Minnw rMIIhmml nl nu vnjuynlflv mu In hmmr ul llcx luunlnvr Dunn whom nur rhmv rry Ilnllywvmd umk plmv ml Salunlny SIHL The hmm wn ulrmruud wllh vmk mm plmv unlny sum The hmm wn Ilrmruled wllh vmk mm umm ulmnun uml hr mm vh in qu rlmh crulerrul lull mnk lnpm was wuHuI uvr Ivy Mn any mummu mm Hu mm nlnl Mn mm munu wm Mumnlrl nlul mm mm 2m 1m ml Ilmmllu Vrlnwu rm mum Audity nml Hrll Hanr away lhn EXPIRED PATENT An nxphcd patent can be cx Ended only by special act Congress FRONT ROW left to right Don Pee wce Hodges John McDowell Peter Robin son Bruce Dangerfield Hugh Currie Centre row Bob Rumble John Snso Chnrles Sendon John 8150 MRS RUMBLE Indies president 15 seen here handing over the 0111 Brown llrluvr my mm mmlnn mu rllnlnluphvr Hui up In um mmluwr IllMn In mm mm lull Illlnmullun Ilmul lulum yuu wnnl NOTE The flame Exumlnur Phone 2414 IAIIK VlhllATlON Gblf Club Pfqéenlaliqn Io Junior Champion mum Audity nml IUNI luldm gnu FOLLOW the CROWDS SAVE AS NEVER BEFOREH TWISS GIEANTIC SALE CUISINE JUBILEEH EVERY ITEM on SALE HARRY TWISS OF STOCK SUITS OVERCOATS TOPCOATS JACKETS PANTS ETC STORE WIDE BARGAIN Trophy to the new Junior champion Peter Robinson Jeny Murphy Back row Eddie chlck club prolcsslgnnl Andy Dymcnt Gnry Palmer Mlchncl Murphy Mark Fisher and Ronny Knighln NOW GOING AT EULL BLAST Cunenl Amunn THY AN EXAMINER WANT AI Abqu thousand pcrscns nru cmpluycd In um cmnm n1 mu 1n lndunry on Grant 51 1qu Nunhwcsl rmnm In he llrsl slx months Ul ID Canndlun Jmporled goods in hc value 01 $2Q5l000000 and lmnnru exceeded exports by 15900300 NOT 0001 BUSINESS MANY COLD THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY SE 1951 The SL uwrence Rive hmd name whrn Juquu 0mm sought shelter In ml In In the rlvtrl much on the day the cmvalnl 5am Lawrence the Home Ike Mike Market Square Banjo hadrnums llvlllg roam dlnlnx mum klkhcn bulhrnnm Cod moistreet mm mm laxtsuowner musl scll 32 lilGllBTIIEET LOOKING McKwAnn ROYALT HEARING AID Now sells for POWERFUL DISINFEETHNT mun mm SUPPLY This is print cut or 310 is made pay xich because he Minislry of Finance has climinalcd 01 aka lax on hearing aids and accexsmics We an passing on Io you mmcdialcly he saving xcsultin from put dccnrcascd cos of doing busincssl Th emcicnt smartlystylcdRoyalT ix Zeniths latest ind mtest advance in its constant crusadc for better hcnr in ll low cost It is pnclsionbutll of Ihc fincsl matcrinix Ivailablr This remarkable instruminl opaam or an the month on one tiny It battery No tubes no battery You mnl buy bum liming ald at any prlm Just 131 any Zenith owncrl Each chilh Healing Ald backed by 10Day Monty Back Guannlee OneYear Wxiucn Pans Wanamy and Flwa Service Plan Deuilx will be umishcd on requcfi Colo Iodvy lo lm dmmlmlionl Mtg hearlng EXCEPTIONAL BUY NEW HOME CALDWELL llllllli STORE ALLPURPOSE new low price Zenths Translsor CLIFF BROWN mm CORNER OWEN DUNLOl EAST GS PHONE 65 FULL mien 59500 FOR SALE REALTOR BARRIE The Shim Lnme measure 3051 mm the pedal1 hand on to the torch CAR RACES RAlN gSHINE N9 7lIWY FREE PARKLNG Adults él°° Childer Wu WITH VALENYS STOC alds Evcry SA 120 pm PHONE 2073

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