mun usx Unulgm El Ben Londons llmed voice wt wound up like mndlllher clockby handby men three time weak Plumbing Supplies mm Basins Bathlubs Showers Sinks Pressure Syslums Sump Pumps Copper Galvm1nd Pipe lengs Em COTKAQES CABINS MOTEIS HOMES JOHNSON PLUNmING SUPPHES smamsvmw PHONE 52 Open Mon Wed zYour Guarantee 0F OUTSTANDING VALUE IN Qualify Diamonds SEEHEAR Write or me catalogue at CODRINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL on FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 10 pm AUTHORIZED AGENT BARRIE ELMVALE DISTRICT mm you an You my no freighl Evenlnga llll pm SHOP 54 SOPHIA $125 or WHLLWIN ELECTBIC ALSO CLIFF BAIKIIOWS EV SHEA ROY ROGERS PRIVATE DIAMOND ROOM JEWELLERE mum E580 BURNER DEALER LONDON NEWS REEL 20 MINUTE DOCUMENTED SOUND FILM 01 THE LONDON CHUSADE SPONSORED BY COLLIER ST BAPTIST TI AND TWENTIES Simcoe Countys CHoice for WEDDING RECEPTIONS BANQUETS DINNER PARTIES SMALL CONVENTIONS Ideally sllunhd or any gamer lng pcuculul nnd dlznlflcd The Hum 01 home cooked meals pra pnred and served under your ex pcrlcnccd host Tho Howells Spaciou lawns ample parking mam Ind bnnulllul Iccnery CarnduffSpeersr Nuptials are Held In Toronto Church Mm Muriel Midge Spears daughter 01 Mr Ind Mn Lune Spur of Ivy wu mirdcd on Sat urday Aug II 1954 twothirty nclock in the anemonn in Lu slde Uniled Church It Toronlu to Sydney Camdufl of Tomnlu son of Mruand Mrs Rabat Carndufl Ballast Nnrlhcm Ireland Rev Roy Hicks pcflonned the marriage cemnnny Wedding music was played by the church organist who also compnnicd the sbioisi Miss Heicn Pidruchney oi Tannin in 1hr singing Wedding Hymn and Ill Walk Beside Ynu during the signing of the regimen Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing gown at while nylon over tatinta with portrait neckline cmbroiderkd with 1in OK the valley pilibox headdress held her ï¬ngertip veil and she was carrying styled bou quet oi whitu shnsta poms and An ll Hum In lnllllltll In Mu hmuq Indlvlllunlly nunml oulpm quan mm mm mm Imp on Wuuluy um nnryur putMu unlml why mum at BILLY GRAHAM Phone 3230 Banlo uh on Baskets oi white Klndloii and rink munu decorated the church Wedding music was pinycd by Mrs Corbett who aiso accom panied the soloist Mrs Cooper Given in marriage by her bra lhur John Fraser oi Baiilmorc lhu bride was wcarinz goWn ivory brocadnd satin styled with swccihcnri neckline Her finger tip veil was caught in an ivory satin cap trimmed with pearls She wore single sirnnd ni pearls the slit of the groom and carried an arm bouquet oi talisman roses Mls Joan Lewis ni North Bay wns was bridesmaid and Miss Frlancl nly wn lmommn Themherg were Ncn Fraser and Harold uhnspx stenhlnofl with while orchid The matron of honor Mm Wfl Hun Davey at Tommi liter of 11 may and wax1nququ St Johns Unncd Church Elm valc was hc sullan or lnvciy wedding at noon on Thursday September 2nd 1951 when Mlas Grace an Frnser younger daughler Revl and Mrs James Macdnncll Fraser of Thornloe was narrled to Harvflc Duncan McKin lny younger son or Mrs McKsn lay and the lulchuncnn McKnlny of Colllnzwood Township The double rinl marrlage ceremony was performed bythc brides mn Al the reception that followcd the mmhur ol the brlde won dress powder blue crepe wllh rhlncsmnn lrim The grooms mnlher who Hm received was powder blue Crepe wllh lane 1th Tomntu nine of the bride were unlined nuke in turquoise blue crylllelle halt comb ltnnh trocn flylcd wflh pom1H nuckunn They turned flyled bouquetl ol shasu daisy paln1 dumuy fest Ind adhered Carnations The flower Kill Mia Jean Wil son of landlord nlcc the bï¬dt was zowned In white cry ualcfln and was carrying bou quet ol dumnry roses Ind leather ed carnadons reception followed at the Pnlnce Arthur Hnuse Tomnto thrcï¬hc moflwr thevbride re eived in mauve crepe wearing whit accessories and comze of buunnfly roses with feathcmd carnation The gmmnlzaum Mr Garret North Bay who melvedln the absence of his mmher was wearing patterned fllk dress in brown with Chartreuse hat and tars yellow roses and mm emd carnnuons ï¬le yo couple Imelvcd saw and tnlcgmms good wlshcx ram the grooms relauvns In Ire land Walter Conkle ol Toronh was noomunan and the ushers were van Speers Ivy bmhher nlthe bqlde and Jack mm Tomnga Lenvlng 6n Weddingth in New York Slate the bride was wcarlng sufl dress powdér blue llncn with whlle acccporlcs and white orchid Corsage On their return Mr and Mrs Carn dufl will be makinglhelr home In Father of Bride Officiares at Elmvale Wedding aroma IMPERIAL llMITED uhth yuul unml HI ImI quu Oil ulp pun nun Ind Ilnuvlv nmluuu Inlhlu mu llnlu RES I93 BAYFIELD 5T Parents Wedding Annivgrsary Date Chosen by Bride In senmony on Saturday September 19 1h 2521 In nlvemry of her parcnu wedding dry Min Fume Anne Bonur elder daughter Mr Ind Mm Wilbur Homer Burk became lh bride 01 Ralph Anderson Webb younger sen Mn and Mn Hilliard Webb Revcrend Brenn otflchted at the double ring ceremony In sewn plnk and while zlldiofl and clndles In Central Unltcd Church Barrier Warren MncLenn played the wedding music and accompanied Ihe sulobl Mm Marlon Pickles who sang The Weddlng Prayer and through The Years lecn ln marriage by her nth er the bride wore waltz lunnh own team white chantllly type lace and tullel The sklrt natured starpointed lace yoke about the hips wlth matching petal shaped hemllnel The struplms lace bodlce was topped by jacket lace wlth long pointed sleeve and tlny rnandarln collar Her shoul derlength vell was held by cor nnut pearl and brilllnnts She carrlcd cascndc banquet nl tawny gald role wlth whltu shastq mums and cm OutnIown guests came com anrlc Bmccbrldgc Cullingwood Thornlou Toronto ï¬avenn Dundns Espnnola OrilLla Thum hu Nnflh Bay and Beaverlndgc Albnrta Rev Arthur Reynolds minister at the church was master of car emonies The toast to the bride was proposed byflev Donald Fraser oi Bemrludge Alberta and Francis McKinlay responded to his toast In the bridesmaidr Herbert Gould 01 Ravennn propos ed the toast to the mothers Tel egrams were read iram Mr and Mrs Marshall Ottawa and from Dr Murray and Mrs Fraser Regina Lcnvlnu on weddan trip to Eastern Ontario the bride was wearing navy princess style rock oi silk and woul wlih navy hat nnd newssorics and yellow rhoriic cunt On their re turn Mr and Mrs McKinlny will bcmaklng their home in Havana The maid honor was Miss Barbara BunscrwsLfler the bride and the bridesmaid was Miss 51w PM 1691 cm SLOallAul wATiTHuI Imula0n rm up will an an nly mim Izlunugu or nmnlmuyull upplp Imllin Im ynu imull on IHOIAM A5 mm Inulrpm an mum inlununinx may Ilqumluu mm dunng In ML WM Immr Ilmr ou in IIunugu mm quurmmmn nut In CONSTANT Slwuï¬ wilanlr Frunuimume supply hul uppl my rm nnn carngé of red Meet can roses On their return the couple wlll bcAmnklnz mm hochln 35m Far wedlng rip to Ottawa and paint can bride changed In navy princess style dress with MW and whllp acccgsorlcs and nlunn Saskatchewan Bracebrldge St Davids Owan Sound Slayncr Orlllln and Mineslnx The cake was cut wllh the knlfc used to cut the weddlng cake on lhu occasion cl flu brides parems wedding day and also her greml grnndparcnts inlden and dlamund wedding annlvcrsirlcs Lorraine Evans Slzyncr They were gnwncd alike in waltz length trusses at net and lace over tall eta with matching lncn balmcs in xhnde lime green and mauve They wore matching henddrczses anu white glavesnnd aha The lower girl Karen Miles cnusin at the bride wore an ankle length Jras ul lemon yellow taiiuta with matching headdrcflmand whltn glove and shot5 All attendants nrriurl crescentshaped bouquets ui crenm and white shasta mums and iern the recepunn whlch muowcd her home the mother at the bride récciveu her guests in dress navy crepe wlm white lace Mmmlng and navy and whlm acccmorlcs She had colsage of ved mm She was Isslsml by the groom mother In rnynl blue drcu with navy murmurch and Corsage nlnk roses Thu gmomn brother Cccll Webb was gracmsrnan and lhc ushers were Douglas Calhrae 01 Owen Sound and Edmund Cul ham Slayner MISS GEORGINA daugh er 01 Min and Mm Jamos Rix RR Barrie was Inwng the graduates oi he Toronto Western Hospital School 01 Nursing who received heir diplomas in the graduation exercise at Convoca ilnn Hall University oi Toronio ymicrday She is graduate of ihe Barrie District Collegiate ln stliuie Ashley Crippcn aï¬vmmmmmmmm 1954 Graduate CANADAS NEW BANK NOTES will begin Io replace the prom luuo this monlh 10 now nolol will be put lnlo lrculullon from Ilme to llma wom and tolled norm of the old iuuo are wllhdrawn It will thus be some llmo bolero the now now havo complololy replaced the old Bank will have llmllod quanllly lor distribution In lhu lnlvoduclory porlod AI you come into pouunlon ol lho novv nolos you will be aware of number of now foalum In amoral 0h nlw dnlnn ll hm omulp and IMI Ilmpllzlly tonlvlbuln 10 will loconnlvlnn cl Ihn vulloun dlnomlnullonl Il nllo mulm ll callu In dllllnnulih acnulnl nblc horn on nllompl lovgny 0th hungn Indud lhc plnzlng pamull Onon Ellxnhlh vluhl hand dd no In lhll pollllon Ihn unnvuvlnu pnmull wlll no In lubIotl lo II wuur hem ll comlcnl hiding no lluaunh lhv unln allunvlml quul whlth appear on II had pumll cl Ihn pmlnl luuu an now pland by mgmvlnnl mm pholonmpm vmluuu typu cl Cunadlnn ounlvylldc nolu mi pvlnlod by now womqu whldl nlvu Ilm dlulmllv hol In colova lb vavloul dlnomlnullunl on oppmllmnloly lhl mm ul ul punnl hvl do uumlnullon wlll Ihnw Ihu than on an Inch mm ululII ham Ill mmblnullun ol lwo oloun pvlnlod In 0V lhc cum 10 and olhu dung luau mud to lmpvovn Iho uppnmnu cl Conudau wmnzy CANADAS NEW BANK NOTES Otllcllh Spencer Division Benny Bram Ltd announced that the Ptnehng plan will clns down SepL or an lncluflnfle pcriod Penptang Plant To Close den Business Drop Thu mov will mean immediate Jun 11 cmphycc with exccp lion al lgw who will be carried or man period to clean up var ious odd 1an Inch as inventories Ind ynarend sillcmenu Commenting on he decishm manager Flugcrzld said general lack of business was bEhlnd 1th demian Polntlllz out the downward hand 01 one item which for many years ha been the backbone at the Pen elunz plant ML Fnger gave flANfllllflN NAIIflNfllEXIIIBIIIflN Exlllbltlun passengers lrnvelllng on regular buses wlll transferint Tor onto Bus Tomlnnl to buses runnlng Into the Grounds Tickets and Information at Barrio Bus Terminal 73 Collier Sl PHONE 5571 August 28th to September 1m Except Sunday Reduced Round Fave Trip if 5365 For Childrens rates see your Agent IncludesExhibition admlsflon and bus trans direct Into and from the Grounds LEAVE mum LEAVE TORONTO 845 am 1115pm Ilzuru indlcalin tremendnul ENTERTAINMENT MECCA am In Iain m1 wood Bummer Centreln Ntw York Xingu Cu the lumen privatelyown ed busn2n Igd culemhmien munu ffllE BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT 1954 um um rnwuuu my AN Exam wmAnVcemF In the United scam lo louln yin VIII tounhdolllna and lo nduu tell cl pmduqlon Mun pwpll Mk 1m no tom Ipnlul munnl dlltlnnuhhlnu nunulnl bunk nnlu ham wunkrhllfl 1h umwu ll ml mo on nun many mamulnle and In om hlnullunIu many Ihul lull duulpllon could be anullng and would only Iulp than who mlghv ulllmpl lo tounmhll TI bi mnunl ol dllllnnullhlng annulu banII no Iromwlplmdnulo hulmpluv namllyeompuvo wlpund non Ildthy Ildc wllh on Imown In In nunulnl Evan Imull vmlullunlmo on al whlth mlahl In nnllu abln by lllullwllhlunlly umbhula wnduu an willy dllllnnullhabln dllhnnu In numul appMann had no look good human II IHIInl uullnmnnlhlp luhlnd lhlm In you tam lnln peuoulon of Ike new bank nulu Iludy lhom Io hum umlllnv wllh Ihclv annual appnnmnu WI wlll holp how on Canndnl moll lmpvflunl luclllllu yow tummy Daylight Time lllll KEY um MEI SERVICE OVER gowns EXPERIENCE 36 BAYFIELD ST AT FIVE POINTS BARBIE BIIS TERMINAL PHONE 5571 FOR URRYS KEYS