Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1954, p. 8

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Miss Palrlcia route spent the mums Mn Houghlnn Mr find Mrs Lcmmm enjoyed law days holiday last week Inklng mnmr trip around he Blue Wnlcr lllullway Mrs Wesley Hindle and daugh Frances mu on motor vaca un thls week Mrs Alkinson UIH Mr Shari USA are cnluyinu Muskukm 11 ion During Week Mum Sunday visitor at Mr Ind Mn Goulm were Mr and Mn quyd Blown Ind dnulhlc Glcmhfand Gordon McCutchcu mum and MrstFrank Garvln ol Cgumnes arm lucxlx this rSvltek with Mr and Mrs 821th Fridaygunsu Mr and Mr Donnell were Mr nnd Mr Fcrfls Donnell Mlss Louise Dun ncll undMiss Elsie anrlc all Tomato Mr Kengclh Cable and daugh lcn oLTnmnla are Spending few da Vlslllng cm humv Mr hm Mrs anmnn Misa Rngcrs oI lnrunlowns rccpm weekend guest or Miss Haz el Arnold last Sunday visitors of Mrs wukxnmn were Mrs Handy and Miss Mallhcwx annnlru Mrs Enrl Payne or Orlllla was vlsllm on Thursday with her slscr Mrs Arthur Ilnnscn and Mr Hansen Fred Tudor Onkvlllv spent he weckund with his daughler and sunlnlnw ML and Mn vnl Caflcr M1 Mlss BESle Hunlrr nurse 1m Iralnlnz at the Royal Victoria Ilospilul Barrie span Sniundny wllh her parcms Mn and 115 Torrance Human Mrs Leigh ntcmumm spend Ing few days with her cuusin Mn Donnell and Mr Don ncll Enjnyln Mum Trip Mr and Mrs Frank Fuller cn loycd rccrnl mulor rip throuxh Nnrlhem Ontario and Manitoulin Inlan Miss Zella Brolluy spent last weekend 1n mum and Malmn vlgllinxlflcps an glagves Viallnrs lrmn Innlpeg Mr and Mrs Mnrlcy Allen not Jenn Curler who have boon residing In Wlnnlpug have been Islllnu Hm lallcrs parcnIs Mr and Mrs Caner They Ion nus Mnslwcck or Clinlun vhum Mr Mic wlll lnkqi cam 11 the Rad School mm Mr and Mrs Marwoud are spending several days holiday at Huntsville and ulllcr minis norlh lorlIDnver Vluflnr munadore McMinnn Im now meux manager the flew of comma In Muskvkn Hnughlnm Tm wcckund wilh her and Mrs John and her bru nt Pillsburx hullday In WATCH IIIMC luTR ILVlillWMlli DIAMOND vaup In om Mr and Mrs Charles Juvgm Chmlo Jr and Gallrnrrivcd home Salurday aflor spending low daysbwnh Irlends and MRIqu in Ottawa Royal Bank qulmnwn who hn been mllcvlng mammar ol the Royal Bank bmchv nl Bccton cailcd xeveml Unit on Mend Kn the vlflazn Mn McMillan cxpccll lo lem shortlyr for Kinda whcrche will rolltvn th bank manager Ihcre fArnvcd In Ergkhnd Mrs Coullnn rrlvnd home lastflurgdny in England Illu vmpngmcr mm Mu mama Conn and Mr Couus or ghrcc manlhs Henry Davis who hnsbcencon lncd to his home through Hlncss far several months now nblc to by out Tn Under Oficrallon Max Walsh Is DnllLnt in To runln General Hospital where he will undergo nmajar operallon lloml Frum Vaullnn Miss Audrey Dcnnnll wha has had posillnn nl Parry Sound is spending two weeks vacation with her parentv Mr and Mrs Dcrmou hetero commencing her nurses training course SL Juscphs Hospital Torontni Allended Funeral ML and Mrfi Arnold tendcd lhn luncral at lhc lallcrx brotherlnlaw McCallv Tornmo whn died suddenly at the Tommo General Hospital on Tuqsdfl Aug 21 The service was held hc Kllkcnny Funeral Home Emma nn Friday Aug 27 and inlcrmnm Jflonm Plcns am Cumclery Toronto Amlvenuy Service The Prcsbylcrlun Church will hold huIr nnnlversary service an Sunday Sept 26 WW Ihc Rm Wllllam mm of he Chlnuln lqnd Mhslon the sprxlal weak or Further details will lollow lam Birth Congratulation In Mr and Mrs McKcunt Cooksmwn nn Lhc blrlh daughlcr on Sun dhy Aug 15 II lhé Elmira Hus pnnl Om Cnnxratulauam to Mr and ML Loo Harrison Coakslown an the hhlh an dnuuhler at lhc New mmkcl Hospital on Thursday Ant mmamunuj Lynn Mans 15 or Coukslnwn was lnsLmlly killed on Thursday Aug ID when the car In whkh she was passcnlcr wcm uu uI In New York Mrs WlllInm Riley accompnnlcd by Mr ind Mrs Wnllcr Wright mm Aurora It by plane or New York where my arc vlsl In JanHVD Im few weeks hlu JEWELLERS MODE COUNTYS LEADING JI AND DIAMOND MIJWIIANIH figment wail HINCIZ IRDO control an concussiun mud In Essa Township few miles mm Coolcsmfivn The driver the car RogerRowe Cooksmwn Sunlech seven shock Dnu Wu son also 01 Conkslnwn and own er the car Is in Barrie hospital suHerIng with broken limb nuts and shock Lynn was the young est daughter of Charles and Phyl lls Jevons sister 01 Charles and Gail She was rcsung Hughes Funeral Home until 11 Zlmq Sal urdny Aug 21 thence to Cooks lawn United Church Hr Service at pm lnlcrmcm Alllslun Un lnn Cemetery 0Ni TWO THREE STYLES in Canadian shdes to school wear Left onestrap shoc with buckle and shawl tongue with perforated vamp Centre twostrap shoe with braid trim over vump Right tqustrap shue with periorated vamp and buckle closing Hty Mum Where did you whcn yml cleaned up Shoes for School Wear This Funny Worli Icre did you put my hubl cleaned up MIL uqu Vlslua Daughter Mrs Goodhanrl 0f Bnmc spent the weekend wilh her dau gmcr Mrs Kcnneih Crawford and Mr Crawford Miss Marjorie Wilkinson Red Cross nrxanizer relurncd home mccnuy antr spending twowccks vacnllun with her mother Mrs Vllkinson Mrs Jack Kldd and son David at Toronln are spending week with Mr and Mrs mu Mr and Mrs William Lawrcruc nt Tnmnmv spcnt Sahirflay at lhnlr hflmg In Inwn mun Autowlml MIer mm mm In Cluldmn wlll PAY FOR Ill $400 Wank 6500 UllllllN AIVHHVIND MANIIZII Son Of Early Simcoe County Pioneer Dies Frederick Carson wellknown mldem Vu prz Township Fredcrlck Carson passed nwzy at the Royal Victoria Hnwlul Bank on Sunday Aug 22 1954 in 86 year For SOV enl mumh during his last Illness had been slaying wnll his we 81 49 Eccles Strum Barrie HE had previously llved on the old homestead lot 17 conusslon iv ra where he had mved in Mr Canon was the youngcsi WI the late Robun Carson une 01 the any plnnccrs 1n sxmm Colmly His wife Annie Henrisenv pygdcneased him by 21 years gm is survived by our sons Ed win Toronto Howard Hughunden All Earl and Ewan RE Eur rle nncl one daughter Mrs Gram Janus Edna Ottawa Funeral Service Hold For McCorkindalo Dies In 78th Year Funeral Home or Johri William McCorklndale who died at Ma home 33 Berczy Slrccl Barrie on Sflurdny Aug 14 Mr McCork lndale had suffered mm pcmlfious nnemh Born Guelph on SepL 1876 the deceased lived 1n Elem and West Collinxwuod before com ing Barrie He had resided here sinca 1010 He was the son at the The tuners scmee at me Lloyd and Steeklcy Funornl Home Bar Ne was conducted by Rev JS Vals Mlncslng Interment was in Barrie Union Ccmcmy Pall bearers were six nephews Dllver and Irvlng Carson Edwln and Ros Richardson Charles Alex ander and Carson Knupp There were numbcr hcauu ful floral tributes Funeral AP ruuw Inwn mm are our nrmy lnrhnnn chumu 1mm Skirt Sweafer TIME AT STRANSMANS Ilcrcs to the glrl who wins the prize or populurny And ouch all youll Ind hLr choosing fashions ut Serumnns Lhnl make her look her prcltlcsl Nothing ordinary about these skirts and swcnlcrs be sum to choose from our Iomous colloc Youll nnod Mon lncludlng swcnbers by lhrmllzll Um lmphltcd Dalkcilh Lamca Grandmcw plums unbnrdlncn suvicu was held Mon lfl 1954 at the Jenncu huhdluda nml nclmol yuu lwccdn nr tordumyn nkrln SHOP TBDHY n1 STRANSMHNS no dont lmnumln grey lnnnrln Early Monday fnmnlng Aug 10 1954 Mrs Willrcd Sluwarl 01 LC roy passed away In the Run Viclorla Hospital Earflc The dc ceased had sullcrcd stroke monlh bum but or some time her rlcnd hoped or her rcchA Eorn Ellen May Cross on NW 1882 Nanlyr she was HIE daughter at Charles and Martha Cross but 20 Concession Innis Tuwnshlp and allended Nanlyr Public School She be eana tannin member of Central filh Llnc Presbyterian Chumh and choir until the churchwa closed and then became an active worker After her marrlagn tn Wilfred Sluwut ol lnnlsfll Tawnshlp on May 25 1010 she wen with her husband his farm Wroncy 5lh Concession ol lnnlslll Huh way and look nn ncflve pan Churchill Mourns Passing Mrs Wilfred Stewart Dies ln72nd Year or mm sccond mime mflmlcd in her death Jew later Nanlyr Citg In In lumllun dare bush1m or runny yum the In Corldnmle was member the Prsbylnmn Church Ind lup porw 01 the Carmenlive party belongcgi to non the Th unenl service conduct ed by Rev Mr Smith Plllbcarcn were Partrhduc Partridge Brennan Corbett Map In Ind Rowe interment was In Barrie Union Cemetexy ErinMae and Mr and Mn Wagner Colungwood and McCorklndzlc lilo Mm MMh Ind 1401111 BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT 95413 sham Omit Order Among Lhasa mending the un cral were McCurHHdale and Mrs Motoxadxidale Mr and ms Madnandale ma Aiéiiwald Mean mu one finer rs Mamznd Pamldtc of Calling wood Mn MLCorldndalc Wu pre dbceascd by IIIB wile the late Sarah Ann Partridge In th One sun Mack 01 Barrie survlvcs ITS SW11 In 1W WW The Kitten by Glanayr wmcy Methodist cfluxch mm wnlt vol you and many other cul days In Churchill Unfled ChurchInd wal In oilch lie WMS Ind WA Ind Wl Idler llvlnl an the lam over 32 years she Ind her husband rullrcd to betray and 00k part In village Ind commun lly ntflvlllu She In otflccr In the newlyorganued W1 um conunucd her obbzaflum as member at the Churchill cnngrc gnuon The uncrnl service was held at her late home on Wednesday Aug 13 and was conducted by her pastor Rev sanders Interment was In the familyplut In ntral6th Line Cemetery In ntslll Mrs Stewart will be grgatly missed by her mnny friends quicl retiring dlspngitlonshc was invinz and alfcctionatcwilc and mnihcr laithlullyfllllng her duties in her home and com munity She was predeceased few years no by one son Wallace our lnolhcrsiv William Allanv lio bcrt Wilson of Nanter Nur man Chulvhiliv Arnoill Nantyr and three sisters Libby Janet and Caroline Busich her husipand and one son Mac she caves to mourn her passingv tour bromch and two sisierl Jnhn Crassv Ed ward of Winnipeg Lewis or New Westminster Mrs Raid Susan Slmud Hun Wallace Cross Ed monton Alberta and Mrs Gar field Gordon Birdie Ponlicux The pall bearers were Bert and Russell Crass Hamld Bald Stew nn Donnelly Vurol Slcwnn and Harvey Stewart Flnwnr bearers Were 13 GrosePclcr Lens James Elliot Douglas field How ard Morris and Walter Crlsp neighbors or the deceased and Allan Allan Todd Robert Sln clalrRubcn Lucas Charles Lucas Russell Slownrl Harvey ODcll Wllllam Rlchnrdsun and Allhur Watson members Churchill Unllqd Chumh Beéuutul lower banked the casket paylnz silent tdbuh ol esteem to the place held In he hands of her Hands Amonx lhcm were alluring mm balmy Ends Lclroy WMS and Lelrfly WI and Church Unllml Church IN LIVEWIRE FASHIONS FOR THE TEENBEER Twnnlyflve Ind prays and Hands friend aumdinndhc uncral were torn Tnmnlo Barrie Rica mond HiiL Waikclwn Paniny Coalfitawn ThoranBaia Oak viile Sutlon Strand Ngwmarkel Sholburnc Churchill Winnipeg and CmWn mlL TM hasnt been much or sum mer Ton much mung3t enough sun or hot weather haw made it had oxv cannpcfl pauplc on vaca uon farmers gardnncrs Only garden and arm pests flourish and are happy BUY WITH CONFIDENCE at DungerlieldMolors LIMITED Elmene Countyl Linen Dealer uszn 91m DMEION Prodvcod 5y lmpurlal Tobacco Company of Canada llmllad as public Mao aluminum 311nm ml 1952 Chevrolet Ion Express len new spare never uud Pcroku tom HullcUn 13000 POOR SUMMER MILES ONLY additional wreath wen from relatich

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