Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1954, p. 3

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$5 My BM PLHNING MILL LTD PHONE 2496 BARRIE Alr condillunlnx can oHLr ruliv from hay mm mm mm resplm my njlmcnls mman prumlncnl nlr mnhuunmg author My New at Mlnnuupwllsv Honcywcll chulamr Cummny and chalrman he held research cornmlflcc at me Nuuunnl Warm Mr mum and Alr Condmuning Amclminn says Mr cundltlunlng nol cum ur such aixmcnn by nnrrlng ml the hamqu pullum and dug will mm in NHch Ihc main nu he Ium and rcsplralory mum Mr Nmsull sn II lulunu mpllrvn um ulr Lmululnnilm alm Wrong Ideas About Air Conditioning ml numbed garage is can struclcd as specified the cannul lng porch or brcczcway can cnsliy be used as firs lunr laundry The hmscwlfn will appmcinln the convenient access In the yard mm lhls first floor laundry Conveniently located bulwcon thckltchen and the den or dinlng room the brmklas arm ncluully is mum npan is Mme cnnugh to serve as gcnuml dinner arm and Measuring 45x26 Ihc house rc quires ESrot 10L Cubagc the house is 22300 1cm mum 10 gauge ls 4200 rm the ham bulldcrso drains dcmchcd gur agu can bu built In place of um yachcd one specified in the accom pflhying plan such In armnac mom should or course he made with the cuntmclor before any act ual bulldlng is smrlcd 22300 4200 IL 45x26 Cuban House Gang Dlmenslons Slmpk lnndscnplnu ls mos suit able for this mouse as intricate ar 0mm planting will detract from rather than add In the oven all nppnmncu this ranch Up home Atlmnlive exterior coloring Including mulliAcolorcd rowing nnd decorative 1mm entryway can help gnnllyu lo cnhantn hr exterior of th Ashlcy and give mare lndlvidual ngpcnrancc th ynu umh mu Ilmlnx nun Iuul my ylm pl unyan In mnplm lhr ll Inll lurpllrd wllll uhml qunIlIIy min um um lulllrlrnl mm qulllly pnlm fur Imu pllmtr Iml lflllIHI tnnl lull ynu In WM IIIIII wim hnm wllltll lo rlumw Your cxu drxcrvcs gum housing Yum home tlnxcrvcs an nllmuuvc acrvlculhlc Amine LOOK AT THIS BUILDING ANII IINI OUT look after your Eur Trim Modern Ranch Design Boom Six Bednmms Three Closels Berry AllSteel Garage Door CALL US NOW AND INQUIIIH AHOUT mm IMHY TERM ANI LOW lIHCliH HOW MUCH YOU MN HAVE ON THIS ILANING MILL Precut Garage Trim Modern Ranch Design wltllthc nvnlullmmry 151 illYllllNH Slllulfil THE ASHLEY FEATURE HOMEOF THE WEEK lhu dlflmncc 1n mpcmurc uvcn excessive may be uncom follubfl but will harm Um nurmully healthy person However hul onduur lrmpcmlurrs will cuusc heavy swcuuna that lcnvc lnolsluc 1n he clulflllln whlch may lcrrMc It possibilliy CM when cmnrlng nn lmprnncrly nlr cnnLulluncd mun vclmnic rnrvlrul syslmus will nulnmlll nu more lhnn lfiduxnc Another lhmry thnl the change between nlr cundlllonod nrmis and uulduur lompcrmuru Is hnrmlu lo the body L1 no borne out lch ply tools In the summer and wnrms In he winter True uh cundlllnn mg regulates hc alr umpumuxe the humldily assures prayer vcn llluliunnnd clrculfllion nnd clmns filo alt Plunly storage area 19 pruvld ed In The Ashley Each of the mrcc bedrooms has spacmus clolhcs closet more Is also lam linun cluscl centrally localnd near lhu bcdmams and the bathroom spacious coal closet opening in the living mom and good sized broom clcscl in he hrmkmEl mom Kllchen tasks are easy and pleas ant for the housowflc who lives In The Ashley bemusc the working counters cabincls cupboards and nppllanccs are so placed lhat An abundance windows pru pery plnccd lhroughnul huhousc mpmvcs bnth Ihc cxtnnar and in tcrior appmlflnms of The Ash Icy The many windows also help to give the huusc mlcrior brig and chuerlul appcarancc can be planned and dccnmlcd as sudh ynu prefer to use the dxl2 nun ur dmmg mum as mm cr guest room hm hm not um he mlmkun um ml in mm mu nlr rmull llnnluu In m4 luxury mm Inu ulhllrls llilvl lmpmwd llwlr Iuullnnvul mm mm Lml sum IIHX IIIHIHHUII wlll HI IHHrr much nu hun mm mm my Mum The 1114 Irf ll huuu HHl Hm mummy lhv unll xcquirwl MI mm llu mum ml Tim lhcury Ihn nlIL wlnan unlt ls suflklcnl cnul rune house Ls mm mm wlnduw um wlll m1 mm mm wall and parllnlly cuol am ndJncLnl mm de pundan uII xm Ilr circulnhun chmn nlr mlullliumrx unns would be nuumd 001 an tn Um mum Thrsc nulls wnuld hnvv he xlrnlruicnlly sllunlud mummi nul mo hulm Ilu There an physiological unm untls between men wnmcn Ind childrun is Wu age unmunccs mm mnke lmpussibln to saw an mm temptrnlurc nll fluent surveys have Indlcntud um most huuscwlvcs pronr temperature lmlwoon 70 drum and lcgrus Anulhcr mkmmcptlvn Is lhal the pxcpcr inside mmpcmmrc ranges mm 70 dcgrocs 71 dc mes Acmully very nw mi Annual mum syslvms an dcslunA rd vldc lndmr lLmpLrulurcs luw as the eminence between Inside and sup sldc lcmpcmlurrs to minimize Ihis HSmean Blueprlnls munm Cumplclu plans and specificalions for 1M5 house and all otherHnmu the Week designs are available moderate cos For plan pricu erc lathe Home Building Edilur The Barrie Examiner cm and enclose self addressed 3c amped envexcpe Allow scvun to no days or re ply the laundry ls located on the first cur 01 The Anhlcy only the healing planl must be ln=lallcd ln the basement thls should be placed under the living mum The r94 malning basement arm can be used as hes sulls the needs the 2m ily llving in his modern ranch style hcmc everything ts withln easy rvach Thus he huuscwirccnn save her previous lime and 5st mm her work dune um much murc quick ly Shop 54 Sophia Ru I93 Hayfield SO Dependable Elecllical Work lor nulllmllnl nml lmlunlrlnl Vlrln llqmlr Wnrk limiting Ilquru IN OIL BURNERS SALES Cr SERVICE PHONE 3230 WALLWIN ELECTRICAL CONTMCTOHS nprmUIU mme hnnu Allnmluzxali Safe Eulm cull IN lMIKGlZ FOOD AT BUSY STATIONFIylng Ol Hlor Nancy Taylor at lmnnln clucks the bullet Lnblc In Uv nlrnunx mm ItoU Slnllnn Cllnlun Onl with Illum Scruvxml LlLHc nl Ccnlrullu NCO In charge of Ihu An 105th nlllcxr nL lhr slutlon FO Iuylor ls rum In In mrulplnnnmu or us mnny us 1000 qucurn nluuuu nnd nlrwmnon durum the busy nummvr months The dccom ch ng ll was explained wasdonc nummallcally on he scwlng machlncl These slllchus rcqulm no spcclnl skill to sew on newaulomnllc sewing needle machlnc which wlll be avallnbln ln sewing Ccnlrcs this alll Tth are produced wllhaul atlachmcnls by the slmnlc user Hnn on the machine head rasmun dlsc which has the slllrh rnqulrcd The new machlnr docs slralght slllchlng as ellizivnlly as embroldcryl The an surch produced by mm msz disc was used war learned lnr he comm Enld Land cooling sySltms Is ound l0 avar anu about slx dollars per mnnlh over moruih season Canadian designers are nut the only ones who create original stylus from idea they find nghl around mm The lalns Cun adlan fispirnd lnshlon mm uomns ram sewing cc lrcs They are cxciling because ny Numnn who saw can chose palnrn and work out Ideas like these hexsell stunning twopiece lnunglng outfil has just been made in the color comblnatlon that looks so smart an the famous Canndlnn Mounties The top is scarlet IM pants are navy blue and 12 trim is gnld when adaman an IdLlI ike this said its creator sewing ex pcrL you will get the box re suu by not trying to carry out Ian many details of the original in irallcn You do nanum same lh too lmllflch shL HM We lcnkcd or pallurn wilh mandarin slch lackm bcv Cause Wanted easy feminine lines he wldc sleeve and no bunon clusing are comfortable lur lounging The little sland up neckline allnws Just dash he milltary air which Is curled oul th restraint by Ihc grmi Orna ncnlnl smching sun braid The panlswcrc L41 plain and snug rman Io conlm wilh he loose dcqoratcd ackc Shopper for 1900 Airmen af Clinton ml mm In wmnlhl Id wk ruwmm eumu Canada Rich In Ideas for Home Dressmakers AND MMIIINI Mululer HI III IININK l1 Ill Yflllll UNI BRHHIE WELDINE mm um nu mum llmlo lle nu ma London lmIXdy wllh III pnmln Mr um Mm Ill fltml Nlun Hm mrnmd hullw the YWCA Imul lhuly lvlnl lnr cauple mm uluwn ViIIM Mill mmlr lelumuu nwl ll nu hvlhlny vIlh MI Al Jnlmlnnn and vam Mm IIHI Ilnhnhun hul Illvlnl wlh lmml Dumry ol Allnmlnlo Mr mm Mu Warm mm mm Imyl and mm min Hum Ill rfllhf Alllnlrnlll wua tn Vlllluu WI ML Iml Mll mm at mum In mm Mm nynmp Amulruuu pnullm lrw mm on hulhlny wuh MI uml Wllllnm Dm my nl Allnmlulv nrrrul Vhlluu Ilarvny erhllvhm Wu lmrul VIIHnr Wllll Mu Illx Ihunl Ilmy dmn mun Due llllmll 5w lhmy tulllul Then there ylcrc simpler Idols oumncd Snnw might suggnsl tho Icicle sulch ln wth Whoa could suggest Ihc arrowhead sxllch 1n anlL The colors and dcflgns he Brillsh Columbla totem urnlsh Ideas and lhcro insplr lion In quilu with he laminar Icnvcs and Ilnwen our grand mmhrrs usnd lo make rows of automatic ornamnnlnl silichlnl in slmilar roiors The Calgary Stampede suggesis spans separaics with ombrnldcry shqwlng Wcsium influence An evening dress wiih nn Elizabeth In ciiccl crnaled by embroidery mlght bo inspirud by he Shakes pcare Festival Slratford0nv tarloi low 01 those suggested were the blue handwovcn skirts Quebec wllh moi dccnratlve rows designs In gay colors This idea could be easily carrlcd nut by We MI mm the Idea 511 Canadian themes or orlglnal ncls when We saw how many exciting combinations unm mental slllchcs we Could an an the new automatic mucnlnc the sewing ccnuc expert cmunucd And there are just as nmny ox ciung Canadian motlfs or colors and cmbraidcry Ing lhraughaut This was bord ered on either sldc with ban ner nnd Sclld Scallnp dLsL During the summer nurses oi the Slmcnc mumy Hehlth Unit hayc been able to concentrate on ilme visiting more the most cl fecuve health wonk may be ac complished In her close relation ship with families the nurse can utter heallh supervision guidance andbcducatlnn on an individualized has By adapting thc best uvdllablc sclenlllic lnlonnnlinn with prac tical suggcsuons or daily practice goodhealhh hahiu nurses have helped families to recognlie health needs and meet heso needs During the mumh of July 1376 home and olflce visits were made Home Visiting Stressed In Summer Months Al YWCA jump CARLEY vfllllflnll Mun rim Tummy ML um Mn Ind 51mm Nympalhy Slncvn xynummy ls xlmdml to he Inmlly Mlu um Kml Sunday um mm Peltrlmrouxh Mn and Mrs Holly nclunm nml nunuy lflulbumnuh mcnl lhv wcnkmul wun Mn Ind Mrv Jnmux Helnnucr Kmln lhls wuck lllx mm busy will hlx mmmnu Mo Tu Tumult Mr mm Mu hvnrnv Plrll MH llmvrrl lu Tonmlu whtlv III ht mmcd work Achlcvemml Day June Mlur nllcndrd he Gnrdrn Club Achlnwmcnl Day Craig hursl 1m Friday AI lieaverlofi Mr and MIL anwloy vli llnd Mclhlo Bramlon lax Vlsllul Slslrr Mm Myrlln KcrlmL anonm went few days wnh her sister Mrs Sld Clnrkr Home Frum Trlp Dale Mlllcr has returned humc Hm five day trip hruuuh the Slalom sponsored by he Coop Cornch Unlvcrsny Ithaca New York In name nemuy Donna Miller spem low days wllh Mr and Mrs Jnck Millwnrd Enrrlc Holldly AI Illlflllo MIL Cunslanl Kim fix an hall dny with Mend al BuUulu NY Turnnto Vlsllon Mn and Mrs Gabriel Beau chcsnc and Dlann anonto sum the weekend WHh Mr and Mrs Thuophllu King Vlslkd SIS Slslcr John Baplisle Sl In scphs Convcnl Toronm Slstcr Anaslnsla Hoiy Cross Convcni Menucal spent cw days with lhelr slsler Mm Edgar Eclnnger Redeemale School The Dunlap Palm and Sprayinu 1re rcdccorallng the Inside of Mount St Louis school 0n Vacatlnn Donna Millcr left Thursday 101 weeks vacallun with trlcngs at Euualn NY 0n Trip To Wu Donnie Clark and Don 91le lcn Monday Io mnlnr lo the West In helping individuals where 111 nus was concern five nonvcom munimblc dlsuasc vislts were made and 33 acute communicable dis ac Wle were madn In two lamlllcs nurses gave as slslancc ln mcnlal hcnllh prob lems Hnalth supervlslon was law an to Lhrcc children ln lnlanl boarding homes and 33 vlslls were made to ramllics where soclal and health problems rmulrcd anon llan MOUNT ST LOUIS under the family health scrvlcus the public health nurses In lhcso 100 lnmllics were Contacch nr he HrsL llmc Ulls ynar Vlsiu in cluded heahh supervision at 112 newborn lnfaan n7 inlanls undu one year no prayth children 5H adulu Mi expnctanl molhcls and H7 new mothers TIIE BARRIE EXQMINER MONDAY AUGUST 30 1954 Drawers ofler annlhcr mcans stoma and like shelves Ihey are mus usvlul they are adapkd In he shtickx in he slamd In them Most drawers with1hr omnplion of those used tor cm 510ng Farm Kitchens and Utility Rooms DRAWE RS $331331 132dcé$°°xi $125233 Shallcrw drawers which permit the storage of one layu ol arliEl are Drawers allerannlhcr mcans usuallyvmmn mmmry stoma and like shelvrs lhov ma ALI Tlll XAMINEIK HIINHNU IIIHNK II EQUIPMENI Iuhl ll nullunlzcll uan of llunlhu uml mun Llccnnu The Insln an of ng trays wil make dmwers more usoful and convenient Small articles can he stared ln thuse shullnw trays while the bulle part of the drawer Is used for the storage of larger ar ticles Sliding trays may he made In slide from mm to back or 1mm sick to side he drawer They should be made narrower than To save space the dishpan dish Awlmr and brushes may be hung on hadJ in vertical drawer he low die sink mum drawer Inside the range will hold uflnnfi used pans and covcxs This type at unit will bring bulky equipment wllhin May reach of the worker VERTICAL DRAWEES BEING TRAYS IN DMWEES HOMELY HUMOR buy ull my mlcriul rum Imuls Sluurd le CLARKE FLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT run an prnlrululul ullnlnhlnx uh unr nnuuplrlr rlIylnAuw Illa Ilenlll qullpmfnl NA llmn INI mum Iml your llnnvl him Iml mm lumlnh lqulnmenl nulul mm lmlvurllnm UKAWCK wun SLIDING tux IIPWPFP 935W DRAWER WITH llll lllZNlAl ILAN INCLUDES ZIWTIHNG YOU 148 BMW T0 III7M FY THOSE OLD FLOORS IF YOU IN IT YOUIlHlILP WITH ILUH ILOOIL FUNDING linlllMliNl PHONE YOUR RESERVATIONS DrIVc out town or qulckrr xrrvlcu mm mm llnnlr on Ilwy nr plume cullcct lemul 5012 VERTICAL DRAWERS £le SHERRI Limilcd PAINSWICK DIVIDED DRAWERS Divisinns In both deep and Shai lnw dmwcxs will keep articles in ordcr The parllons need be only high cnpugh to prevent utensils nipping out at plac They may be fixed or mnova 1e Remov uble dividers can be held in place by clans Insicncd in the side 01 the dmwers or by grooves cut into Lhe idea the drawch sec din gram bul wire onehalt as long to po access the contents in the bmlmn of flu drawer as the tray is sllppcd mm side lo side or rum back to 1mm Mu lmlld lhe mu quillly Inc ltclrd lhe gmxgth ollhc grower nd only from Mock and wlulcvcr In makrllli Aprclllly Ind be 11 ERIK4L ylm

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