BIiItlllES SUMMER PLAYGROUND LEADERS whose hard work made this years program sponsored by the recreation committee one of the most successful in past years In the back row left to rlght are Pat Eoyes Bruee Poppleton Mary Jackson Jim Muir Pat Hamilton Roy Ma lililANldN MAURICE NlrrelnllllCN makes trophy pres entation at the Kiwanis Field Day events which marked days top winnerr the close of playground activities ior the children of Harrie PATTY MIilis IIrIIIIIlIy IliaIIlIIyII her ilrnt prize belt and Norman Houthwrmd shown the lnIliIIII IIhiIid that won him II llrnl prize in llll fill and anIliII diviIIlIIn llIIyIIrIIIInIl event were postponed lIIIIn WIIiIlIzalny due to lll weather NIIlis INIII llIr llll IIiILII rluIIIl Hltllfl lat anIIIIIy IIIII2IIHI In IIIIIIIIIn III IIVII NOTE lltlIIrrl lry Funny linmlmr Ill IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII am In iIII III III IIInanny nu lullllrlr In InIy IIIIIIII rill lllll IIIlanIIIllnII nhoul Illa plrlurr you mnl Phone 2414 The Barrie Examiner l2lllll llMiltllI lIXAMINIZli WIZI rIInIn III ll DAY All 25 ll ILH III1NAII Till Ulilllll IIIIIIM IIInaln Inn llll III Iwn lllHlIlllH Illll illll III III yraI IIIIIII nwIy lwII yInIr MlNlllilTl Mllllfl InIIIInnIIIy Inn Ervatmalullly III nnnnIII lllIl In In awrnzr Irnnnnnnny Mr Innmnry arr Imil rillrlnl IlIr IIInIIIInI II Inn Inr IIIIIn IIIInn In In IIIIIInIIy In IAIIII IlIIlr IIrrrrIIIarn Inilal lmm lllll in lllm and to ml ways III lilllllllï¬ III IIIIIIIIIII lllV IIIInnIIIr llllltll llIIIr way nIlIInIIQ Unit HIIIllIlrIIIIl lIIIi IlllllM RELATION IIInny InIIInIII Ilrtlllln nv rIIIIIIk llIII IIoIIIrly mots Ill Ellilil will MlIile Irvlllnu liIr lmilI Ivl wider Him Employ who are unnnnnly mm In IIIIII Innnn lnv will do lreilrr wmk and will ImmnIIIIIIIIy wln pIIIIlwlll or Mr employ lIy tlwlr lilllllll IIl whiney supervisor of the summer program for the town Mary Morren Ken OConnor Juan Smith Bob Thompson and Kathleen Thompson In the front row left to right are Joan Sarjeant Ann Harris Lois Keast Thelma Hill Lenore Bowman Catherine Coleman and Frances Wiidman took first prize as the biggest dog in the Kiwanis Playground Day events at Queens last Friday ailernoon The trophy l5 being awarded to the mo LIBRARY NEWS ovouoxx 0w lallrrn III in Tiger lly Sinn wIII llIirlIIr II my rnIannI and illllllulllIrUNIkllIK lIIIIIk on on man III many an IIImm II nIIIIIInnr III the UnIvaIy nI IalilIIIIIia was lIIIrrI In man and in llXIly rlliirIleIl there In revisit places where In InIII IIvIII nn buy nnII yIIIIIn man and In IIIIIr lllllll wlIIlllir Ir IIIIl llIl lllrriliir IIIIn IyInIIII III IIIIIIIIII an In Ixxwdlllun In LIIliILl nInnnnnII Inr AnIIrIInn IIIIISIIIIIII II If II InaIIy nI the plum Wlllil lll hurl lived and also do IIIIIIII IIIIIrrsIInIr Iravvlllnu III Nlllvll III IIII IaIIIIn III ull Ullllily llul IlIaIIuIIl had he IIrIIIIity lwcmnr IIIIII Imlilira IIIId AIInIIlclIIII Il ilII Writ were lire llllr lIrplrI Ii IIIIVlllnlllin nI illt KIlplr that much III llll IInIIII l1 ulvrn up In man man IInIIIIrII IInII IIIIII II III II llllil II the now rIIIInIIrnu and luwnnrrl LnrlIIIe Kane WIlIlImaII IllviIleII countries oi bulls and laklslnn The auillnr spends much ilmn in lle IIIIy vIIInIIII particularly III Pakistan and iinds llIni nllhrulull not very or may nnn nnnIInr ihr lnlIIIlrllnnln II each village lIII nil IIlilIrInt in llKll speech cus toms and ways Ill life Mr Fleicll in my IIIkIn wIIII ililx Hillllilt lirullllx nnII IIII rIIIIIIIm IIIIIIrIInII llllili arr IIIIIIIriKnt llw mil lIIitr IIIIInI In lliL IIIIIIII lle IIIII nI nnn group II lallI nIIII lining laklxinnn border with AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII rnIy nnII Mtllil InvI Inr llIIir Killlt lrIIIn lire Inn III III In Innn lliv IIIlllllll boy is IIIIIIIIII IIII IISK nI IIrIIrnn IIIInII nrn IIII nnIy InyI lllry kmth and III Inn Inn III In III II IxnIIIIII In en ti unnII Inurksmau IIIIIInIII IIII Killl lilo lIIilIIIII IIIII IInIIIIucd nnII InnIII nnII llll urllIlirl Willi II mm lIaiu lrlilliilllly fllfllrll II wrnny IIIIIIIIIIIIIII llIIIIlnlIlII In Inn IIIIIIIIII Iltfllil the menu am In lllVllr anI In IIll III III IInnnn wllllt IInIIIIInII IIII IIIIIIII nI IIInInIn IIIIIInI anI In Illuw run lllOll luIIIIl nnrn nI IIII llIiilIlillInlliIlI In In IInnwn In an 30 Blast at Smer program aetiviti liltOCK STREET llIAYGliOUNl which took top honors in the arts and crafts section at the llillllllll Kiwanis Play TENYEAltOLD Betty Petersen lelt took the first prize for the best decorated bicycle in the playground day events and her sister Linda seven tied for iirst place in the best decorated doll carriage class ground day marked the close 01 summer es in the town I11 team ground Day events entered an excellent miniature scene in the contests CRAIGHURST At Home lien Jamn llIaIlIIIan in mending sumo IiInI III iii home new llerrnl Vlullnrn liiln Domiin Frillllllll Iii 01k villiI wrn ll Ntnl visitor with Mr and lilrl ClIarlIl XIllsmvnn Min IIIIIy IIrIIIIIy III liarrle is vlslllnx liir InIII Mn rer IIIIIIIIIIIIII Mr nnII MrIL Murray IIIIInIInII IIIIII IInnIIy lIlIIl IIIrII IInrnIII Mllrl III and IIIIIIIIIIIr nI Sniltlmln vlsilul Mr nIIdMrI lI arr IzIsI wlllL In TIIrnIIIa IIoIpIIII Sorry In rInan IIIII InIIn iilv NIIII is In rnInnIn annual or perth IIIIsl says Mr llrlrh rrl in erllr lIIll HVllfll rlInIIlrn diullulng IIII IllIlIIlIIII nr lnk IIIIIn iiil UIliiiry nI llll lillllliIIlI IInII IIIIIIII wInIn llll urrul IIInn IIIr nI lllIIIlIrI Inn InInIII IIIIIIrInn Innrn Iiruurrulvr IInIn InIIIII II nIllIIlllII llil IIInIIIInI InIIIII Ililiri IIIIIn IIII IIInIIIII IInII Iw lIll llii IIInnII nI IIIIIIIIIIII nm lMIl IInII an limllll vrIy IIIIIIIIIII IInm III the Inn IIIIIIII InIIIn In InnInI llinl rIIInIIIIIIIluII II lIHMIllIIZ my IIrVIIIrIIi and mi llrlIrIl n4an nnI IIIIIIII In an In nnnInIr IIIInI InnII Ann llnztnIllll an livpml IIII IIIIWII nnw NI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Innn llII llrlliml IIIIIIII ill Ilull IInInnInnII lIIIlNI with IIIIII anan ilu ltlwlll nI lllr rnnnnnn III rally MI Flrlrllrr wrliM llmr II In IInnIa llIni InIIInI mm In nIIIIII flllllll wIImInII mInnI mm 11a ram lllllrlllvlll Inn InnIInInI wIInIu InInnIn ynanIn IInn were Innn iWitl lire lliilll lm nI ImIII In lit NnIIII AIIIMA irm lnnllrlllll IIIIII wIIIIII IIIIIIII II Inr IwrnIyIwn IIIIIIIIIIII InIIII IInnI II In wIII lllIl Iwn Irnnni InnI IIIIIu mm mm In rInIIII IIIII llllmly MsnmrIl IIIlIllnll In In IIIInIIInnIII IIIIuInI wIIIIII mm mm In IIIIrII IIIIIIIIInI lllllllr In AIII IrCIIllIIIIIKI recovery In lrandnralllen NillIi nn WI IIIIII II IImInInInIIIIII nIIIIII Inn 11IIIrnIny Il Inn IIInnI er InnInn nIorI lnrxn unllltrllit am all lIIIll happy IVtlllnfl willl II llllillillill IInnII lill lIIIIIe ll uIIIIrl lln IIruIIen Arm Sorry In rIpurl lilrs JIIIIII llrIIwu II III IInrrII IIanIIIIII IIII IrrlIIII mm Innkan anII IIInay IIInnIIIn Mr and Mrs am Crnln IIIiIl lIIrIIIly Illllnllld IIII IIInIIIy HIllI Inn III IIIIIIInn nn Sunday ArlIIIIr Innwn III lInnir mvllll lad wIIk willi IIII nrnnannnnu IIIII annInn fllltl MrI IIInIIy Inna Friday yIIIIInII In lLIIrII Ilmll IIIIInnIn anm In llriiy Iannn IIIIInI IrnnI Qilltll llIIIVIINIIy nIIIr inklqu II IIInnnIr Innm IIIII ltilrtll ItIIInnII nr llIIIllI liay Inna irw IIyI with Mr IIIIII Mrs HunII IzannIII um on Numlly lilr IIIII IiIrII IIIIIIII Nmnn ill InrnIn vIIIIIII Mr nnII IIIIr lrIvrun IIIIIwIII IIIIII Mr llIIIl IIIII Tlilillifllllmlulllll nn anniny STEELES CORNERS Tnmnln Vihiiurx Mr and Mrs ll Dale and Cl ifCll IInnnI IM sIInIIIIy wIIII Mr IIul Mrs lllrsl Hairs John and llnIIIIie Iirt lilllIlIlllllK or erk with lilili grandparents III in sundry Mrs liltlmlll IInII tlerrnnl nI luroIIlII ilitlll Sunny with illl CInnnn InInIIInIl in Varallan Mr and Mrs AIIIlrIw lloll nllIl IlIIlIlrIII lIIrIInlIr arr IIerIlluanIt with Mr and Mn IZIIIIxl Hell and JulIII Vlllll Friend Omur Sutherland rIvIIIi Sunday wlilI lIiIIIIlIIIl lluIIIII Lake VIIIIIIIII IIuIIIIIIarnnIII IInIInIn IIIIII Iany lllel III Mnnn III IIII IIrI IIIIIInn lllLir urnlltlpm is run IInIII Mr IrIIIl Mll NIIIA nnnI IIIva nnII AII Hunday vnIInI In mm In NnnnIn NIIny and Mn run vIIIIII on day wan InInII IIIIIIy III mm mm Ina lrlllilwirk We got quick loan at HFCso can you ssossooslooo your on IIIIIIIIO WlIal IIIIkiI and my my to pay lIiIII malls IrIIain lIIIy IiIc IiIIIIgI you nwl and waIIIl No lIaIIlIalIlc mulily IKrIlrIi Money till your Mn Iigaalurr lip III 14 mail Itpay llIIIIIo III mum in Inlay for lnl friendly oIIeinny IcIviIcl lililiSEHli ll HllAllliE Dunlap IIIWeII rand floor phonl 5519 IAIIII our oquI anon II mum II ham III Am ml um as randy4 ityr Ms mm IIIAVEI RELAXED AND CAREFREE EXHIBITIO AUGUSl 2710 SEPIEMBER ll FARE AND ONEHALF FOR IIIE ROUND TRIP Good going llIer Mom 76 to Sulwduy 5Ilnmlmr llnciIIIvo IIIIIIIIII llmilSuilemim is Iliumll rm my man udmdasoaunwrnunum €333