llavln or some time been an nvlrl reader at lhc type 01 newv Daim story where the hero hard bitten fast working nowsnï¬n who constantly scoop the other papen at gun point working far into the weekend it has always been some thing 01 black to ambition to realize that the newshcn was miss ing that one little prop that made male re utterreally look like rnpmtcr TQM pipe in the earner of his mnuth So its not Sum to be chic that weve taken up smoking this diamondstudded bit at nonsense Its unallnmlpt i0 louk auihcntic in the public eye loTHE BAMIB EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUG 25 195 Aside from all this ulterin m0 Iivc the time hala pipe can really be enloycd Is alter dinner In restaurant never at home what waste of effect Walt until the last cup of afterdinner wife has been set before you Then wilha helpless feminine air pull out the bl at foolishness look around va guely tor something lu mm up with and watch the handsome wail crs crowd nmumi The woman 1n the Montreal store where his mue number was pur chased lncldcnlally is coal black with Hnybmculc rhincsmncs confidnd ghnllhcy were selling like hot cakes For daytime lhcy wpre showing allracuvn Mule briar bowls with only scattering of rhineston es and slim black stems but Inr evening and dress wear the Map lnnllon New York pipe chlgnerS had run wild There were pipes lhmv were really bejewcllcd no just glittering Del lcalcly threaded with gold and spat lercd wllh somiprécinus stones In all colors they were he most gla morous accessories of Ihc your IIpes fur females are no n1 lhn Montreal has offer however This visit we decided no rua tourist and we hm never enjoyed lhc city THAT MILLIONS CAN END THE NEED FOR lAXATIVES mum my meguhnly mum ho ouranuulnxwulllunuluualdlly Ln mutinme umly ol the prob Irm Tm Alum Hm nun hr lllml nlmmm unr of llerIILIlilY in lurk hull In hr dirt nvl hllrll lhi hr taut 1hr nlmlmn mun mum iu uuml le In lhu thug Hun lull in yuu um um mm the mm nmllrnl Itinur mtr Iln pm ru 1th nmn yhnei1 ulnugrfngy Nnr am my Iravm lnr dc rllminK he Imbxlunl um lunh n1lmilvzilllunrunu an nllrr Alllrlllrr in lhc vnin In um um pulhm pill llln mm ul uting clid Onn mm rxrmmlu mluvll Mum hulk nr rurlalvln xrllulm luidl nulmnlly and lulmally lhr lllylhmlc mu ruol rlimlvmliml Iw nun010w hulluï¬ahwm Nun mummm muluuy myplhu unumu MI pmlm llrmplrlv hnlr luau uuh mum um any In 1mm Il rflnliuum Hu mum nu mm Km Ml IlutuHuethIlhulimyrlnl lhmlflnlim All Nun 1th Im INTENUH HF MUN In nu alum MI Ma MINI1 ImHl lllrvlly lumva an In line mun Im Man 11 Min rural itlul In mulnu mum 850010 40 For being hostess In ham for me evenlnx APPLY BOX Th Barrie Examiner ATTENTION HOUSEWWES ï¬nd relief from conmpation this safe natural waywithout the Injurlom fleets of repeater laxative use NEW PROOF NATURAL Make ya 11 1m yuur mnrc than inelng 12 from the deck 01 lzoldcn coach and prowllng along Shcnbmoke Street just tn gaze ln he sharp vllndowsl Down through the old Frcnch quartcr looklnE up the narrow streets that rlse one side to the mountaln up and down SL Catharlncx Street gazlng at all the tnmlllar bulldings subway or no subway Montreal is the nne clly WI have visllcd In Canada that has true cosmapollt an nlr and that busy undercurrent at oxcltement at great big tow ln all raspcpts One lllllc duwnslails caling spal that has wnndcrlul Mmusphcrc al the and A7 hot day is the Tour Eiflvl where couple from Mar Unique entertain alternately cu he piano singing so French Songs from about ï¬vethirty nclock on Inside its cool four walls gather cusmmcrs who appear In be he dnlly variety silling mm 1an mile ables and chzuing wllh the waiters Up In mac department 01 one of lhe big dnnurtmont slums young sales clcrk brighlunnd up when he wrotc down Barrie nmil mg address He had been stationed at Camp Bordon with air force and knew the town fairly well no mcallcd dance mu hm in par ticular bu also recalled that the Emric girls theyre not very mundlyx All the Limo we were in Quebec we made nummls to cruss nvflr tn Levis on the lorry so we could come back lhe same way and En Vlslnn Quebec as it had uncc bun forms cily viewed by oulsidnrs from lhl river Every me we won toiled and wuld nnly imagim the way had looked the Invndlng Enzlish and um mamudlng Indians ln lmr nurl US rnlnlr will know mull Ixmrl um mu ivm nnr Hume nl All mu anly our urnk IIIrv urlr llllllirll clinkullynud in Vm uilh mu ulldr lwlmr during Ilul allur Hwy Ih Alllllmu Mm lrnmmlmlrll In In mm Iynmmllc thml nulm Hlmllcd In Imam Imllml mnmh III LOWUP AN an 77 wnrgulully nlur llmllln lmuiul mugmm humn nu hr um Imul nu lmrmlrI me munighl mm mummy lnmLIxr Wlmu mph to Illruy pmludl lmlyhmlr In Um hulim uhn urnr Imruv nl IIuy mm Illrir IIFKNHH mnu in my lm nnluu Irrr ulrmlul Inmd human mu Illry 1m unnllymaEIhrinmnlilinumm ylvu Hulqu nu um Ialr wwwmi 41mm hm Iu ml nul Ilu mn HunIIIva MUlll 1x MVI 1M II In mluml ml lam nln ym mm mum lml ml mm mu mum nvrmf All mu nunan ml Hm yum IMIIHI Sfl The mural ulmmap All run In thal ll mum lw mm All Hun plan In luth mil um um uniIN um maimlu Imlllllul luluim My ml yuul Annllur flmr alesmfln nm LA PIPE At ï¬ve oclock thh Iflzrncon the mens section of the 8am Cnunlry Club will be cnlcrulnml the ladlcs with nlnehole two ball luursnmc allowed by wflencr and earn roast Ticket may be obtain ed lmnl the home committee Jack Npmn and mu Bell or tram um prq shpp be clutt Men Enfertaining Ladies at Country Club This Evening nzlng how your root wear out on holidays dlmlcd us not loo our mcuy lo the narrowest sweet 01 vehicles in Narlh Amollca and we looked at Sous 10 Fan in lhe Eassc Ville wllh some scepticism dlrl nl look much narrower than all the little slrccls we had climbed down In by means at lhc little mcl ll Asfliflysl At Ihé meeting at the ladies liqn the club house an Manda evening report were given by the various committees in charge last weeks most successtul Simcoe County Ladics Tournamem held in Barrie The presidcni Mn Donald Rumble made special vale of thanks in ail who had helped make the ipurnamunt succeu This coming Saturday evenxng at he munlry club them willvhe crnzbagc party starllng at nine oclock Pgizes will be given out durluglhc evening On Hm las nmmingz we discov cred Um mislukc we had managed in make wilhthc help of the friend ly Qunbccknr All the lime he had been thinking 01 Sous 1c Cap when the vmslxinp docs ham from wjndows Icrnss the way and when would he ï¬ght sqimcze Im pcdcsmnn and vehicle In pass each ulhur And an old Quebec City Iricnd shnwud us nnulhcr sight that we in managed In mlss on our hi and miss walks umund the city the Talon Vaults The ï¬rst Camdlan hrlswery bull in will according la mu muc book let pruscnkd to all Vishnu recalls the history Now France as muth as any the glorious nrinls Inside lho thick stone walls bulll in the days Inlendnnl Jenn nlun whusc long curls we remem ber from he hislory book here is treasure house of planner relics and the We guide in buckled shoes and long green stockings nnd brooches compluls the illusmn at return days 01 almost three CC lurics ago Evcn aflur over wch back in English omrio we sun hnvu tendency Ihink In Frcnrh ad jcctivifls uluun Quebec an um much over more than struggled nut laboriously paltry words 1mu scmcncus whun it came to conver sim in bilingual lashion The lamp ungc problem can become very dil ncun Auwcver and it confuses you sufliclvnlly you will not only Imgel all he Frcnch youve ever learned youll forget all your Eng lish Our lravclllng tnmnanlon walked ink 11 Ian Irrnch department share and when he lmrwnlkcr ask rd hrr in perfect Enullsh WM she wanlcd shc helplmsly shrugged hcr shoulders and naked nmund mm Icnlly or an inlcrprclor Thu ï¬rst mmmurcinl mclmrd lll Hrilixh Cnlumblaï¬ Okanaxnn Val ky was planlcd by Lord Aburdcrn whllo guvnnuhgcncml OI Canada nm clly biwmnlpcg via lxlcor mm 137 VIHII HLUE mumms START ID OHICI In1 hum CATERING ASSISTANTS Lme help wllh conï¬rm or umlng Also nnnnl Ir marrlrrl women min um recrpllnm or banquet Ap IIY BAYSTAIRS LODGE Hum 5m to mummm OKANAGAN VALLEY WOULDNT HAVE ANY PART OF lT Aml ncilhcr wunlxl my Dad llc lumw IIIo valur of mu company min In looking unu In Nate llc wuuhln he Wilhmll So many wiw mm UlIlly My on he tlpuicmc Ind wulirflliml oh nun mmpmy Wliu Inc lumklu Ilmlnl Hurpvim Im Ymu hmily coming wmc pm of mm minimum STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION THE REV AND MRS HOWARD EDWARD GREEN whose re cent August nuptials were held in St James Anglican Church in Oriiiin The bride is the iormer Mabel Jean MoArthur daughter of Mr and Mrs Gilbert John McArthur oi Oriilia and the groom is the sun or Mr and Mrsi Arthur Green of Barrie Aitcr awndding trip to the East Coast they will be making their home in Tommi Educafion Theme Of Dalston WI August Program The mealan upcncd wilh the Inslitulc Odo olInwud laythe mm Slnwnrl Called The my call was answered by naming lhu monlh your blrlhday amï¬ birthstone WOmens Institutés Dalstan Womens Insï¬lulc met the home Mrs WnllwIn nn me cvrnlng of Aug 12 There were 10 members and 51 vlsllnrs present was dchcLl Hull bake 51m would be held Each member responsible or two dnlnrs worll baklml The mono Children nl today are the citizens or mmormw was prepared by Mrs Unborn and in her msLncc was mm by Mrs 1me Jr Mrs wnuam was appointed as convcncr In hvp the National Sanltarlum Unll amnz wilh lhrcu nssislnnb MKS Forbes Mn Brawn and Mrs WMsan Mrs Handy Jr was nppoinlcd Mrs Handy Jr was nppoinlcd nx sercnrylrcasurnr or Um Inalndcr Ihc year In place Mrs Form5 who hu rcslgncd Thu maker for he evunln Mrs Max Crnlu avc In lnlcnsl mu paper on 12 cnuon muow ed by qucsllnnnnlrc and d1 Thu maker for the Mrs Max Crnlu avc an mu paper on lemon ed by qucsllnnnnlrc cusshm Lunchwas suvod by Mrs mem and Mrs Andy Sr Thv mung closed wnn um Anglican Clergyrhgn and Bride IIAMH DWKI Id Dunk Ink The next mmllng will bc held at the home Mrs Wright on Sept 10 Tea hoslnsscs will be Mrs Wright and Mrs Coward national nnlhcm Various Foods Topic of Hollows Institute Address Thu regular meeting DI llnllvw ancns Insllluto was held on Wednesday ovcnlnn Aug 18 the home 0LMIL Bowdcn WWI 15 members and qur visnors wasan Mrs Rumble HIE 1109 Idem was In lhc chair The roll call Sumclhlng learned mm my uranmnlhcr was 1m Interesting onc Mrs Ray Smhh cmnmnnlcd on the mono mmh mmlr lmmm wv lnlvu mmmcd nu wuth umka nu Ihrxl wululvrfu tlnckm ulvrx nu mummme lu mlxl mu to our Ilml rlulululs wnu ulmuly knlyw hum lhv ushulhahhm min mlr huym uhmln In vmnm 1mm ur hr wnrld TIusu mum ImM url rummullva hy Hm lrn dillmml cmllunru 11w lurk IVmnl lu rnnnny Mmlr In NH nhmll 111M nml mumnmh nny nlmlLIr chm rrluillnfl Inrr mm Inm hilly warnnlrul lluulrr mm run llllxnlmu lunualn uur prltr mm In wu mum 1th mum nlln Immy nu up your um mmplm pm ml mu In with ml mHML TulumIN UUIHUN ulll null your riml yml mm IIy In pnu mm My rim tunm mum mm llmmylllrk unlre yuu nut nIHIuI Wu arr ru mud um llmrly mum nuulv gum whrn fulk lmku mm hwum Inn mum mmlm Hi um um wr numm mm nu EXIHA mm or mm In mw mummll 41 COLIN my plwluml umlnlnln llw nlnfl Inlrr mm mum yuu nu unmuy nunm marm mum lllm truly ml my jun um phu ywur um fluvk nr pm Thu ulfrr wnl mm SEND NO MONEY WE WILL ALLOW YOU BLACK FOREST IMPORTING C0 IIIS AMAZING All TUNA HIVIII LIMITED CUCKOO CLOCK No MATTER WHAT ITS CONDITION As DEPOSIT ON GENUINE IMPORTED BLACK FOREST 11 but WWIIIon or amor mw Lo do My Vlnrk lupubly welL It will decided to uni wnrk an Irflclu or sale 01 work be held me time Kn November Alï¬e the bushes neuron the mating was ï¬rmed over to Mn Vernon historical rescurch Ind curreni event Convener MIL Velnon Introduced the weaker Mn Fraser of Churchfll who gave mm lnleruflnl mm on various food and the mum at lhclr origin Ind peculiarhlts Follmvinl um Mn Presser had canlest scrambled namcx n1 countrch previously mentioned In her ulk which made It ail lhc more lnlgresllnt TM was won by Mrs Art Wright aflcrjying with Mn Wrrghl Mm fumble thanked Mrs Prusscr or her services and pre sealed he wllh small gm 00 Alter the me ng was closed with the nationaf anthem an auc llnn sale was held at articles brought by Lhe mama5 which reflle the sallslamory sum 01 $1017 Last Frlday evening Aug 20 nlnn ï¬red but happy girls wcndcd moh way home to all long hik es of swimming In the bay and of wondcrtul meals they had prepared lhcrï¬scivus These ghls wha are from Cains Cornerx district had just spam week at Birchwood Cn bins Wasaga Beach The highlighl oi the program was swimming and water saieiy under the leadership of Miss Joan iiicks ceriiiied Red Cross insiruciori The other activities the camp war directed by Miss Durecn WyanL Clarksburz These neiiviiics includ ed cooking games hikes and hand lcraiis ThE girls especially enjoy ed ihcir singsang on the beach which closed each day All this was made msslbh by the Cains Corncr Womens Inslllul ln computation with the Simcoc County necrcnllon Snviqc Cains Corners Girls Epioy Camp At Wasaga Beach Guthrie lnstifute Hopes to Compile Tweedsmuir Book Mm Robert Campbell look charge of the August mecllnz ol Guthrlc WUmen Inslllulg the home Mm Jamcs Caldwell Minutes of the prcvlous mccllng were read by lhc secretaryl Mrs Dr Cameron resume was also read at the successlul lrlp lo Guelph and many thanks were conveyed to Mrs IL Campbell for manazlng lhe arrangements VCurrEspEndcnce was Had mm 1050 rcmcmhcrcd whlie sick and 1mm moth new habits Mrs Pcarsall gave rcport an 1b current Home and Coun nnnjulnc Mm George Cnmpbcllwlshcd to give up her historical convcncr shlp Mrs William Campbell was mxpolntui II the position cal Rim ahswured by an item or the hlslory book N01 11 very good remnse was oblnln TORONH OLD ALARM CHICK FOR YOUR Mu Gen Campbell introde ed 1h Ipnker Hui Gnnt Met Arthur wellknown himriln Wuhan Mn McAthur it no muler la Guthrie but with her personality and makinl milky she always hu mmelhinl inter estin in reiafe It in to be hoped that with her encounument Ind everynnen Ibliiiy ih brunch will be able to cumiie Neednnuir hisiory book at Guthrie Anyone having information wax Ilkld lp myd it to Mrs William CImpbgli edlhhopgdfllgmanbcnww dq pens wither Limp First the WP mus unlhr prewar bank that will vwnhslmd hf paging 01 111112 The cqwnplel ed book are priceless and must be handlod as such Many grave and glorious event may be recorded IOur tambcnrers deserve re cord of he activities Doni or get that he happening n1 ioday are lht histories of wmomwx Mm MtAflhur read items rum capy The Orflfln Packet printed In 1900 Half of house was for rent on From Street far 3400 month anyone snndlnz an Item be sure and state correct date and Snlflals per wgme win mcuuny be rccdv McArthur melr appmliiuo hafldclng Fast SlnIcoe WI wll lose very valuable worker when MIL Mc Arthur and her amlly move to Lindsay no the beginning 01 xhoul Mmshmcnu were served by Mrs Campbell nnd Mrs Mrs Caldwell Lpnrted on the glrls garden club lclllng he members mat Dorothy Ann Camp bell Mamlyn Campbell and DI anc Mason had completed lhelr lhrcc year course GodSave The Queen brought the mccung lo close Cerebral Palsy Centre Described To WI Members The August meeting of Cains Corners Womens Insulmc was held at the home Mrs Hume Gilpin wlm hc vicepresidan Mrs Frank McNivcn 1n the chjr The mccung waded with me Ode follnwod by the Mary Slew arl Collect loll call was an Mrs Newton Besse thanked Mrs or your old lountnln or llalllolnl lcn o1 nllmvm leul Tnnmln munL Urnllrmrn hm rnrlmlu1 my um um halln1 dvpmu mm mm mm rumu Imk wllh III Hnu murme mxly llr nuh my Purina Huh 11 mn um In My nu qu nun unly mu rII mullp mun Fund Impall Cm NAME ADMITS CITY IKXET OFFICE unumlaml um um my muva wl um um ullnnrl MVI NM IUIHN 1mm CANADAS BESI sauna W596i EINle Wimpmm SPECIAL TRADEIN COUPON ARE everyone showed on by hearty uulanlud errvvrl Din mm lhc llHIhhHlflk ulnkul run llnrul mun lhlx nulhrullrnlly lrxlulml mmlrr due In ulwlrnl mnuuuuy lmmhnrvnl uy lmnuul lllnrk Fuxrl MnIlrr Cnrvru wlth lrllcnlv ltlnll II lrpuvsrnln vuIthlI liHIHI In lny hum Accumlr dqmmumn Ilrrlilvm mmll movruwnl lnmlwmlri Ml llw mum Hum rnlhrb nu wvlglll nml pnululum Will Inn Illrumr Nu llunw lmlny uhmIM Imwllh uul Cuvkm Clmk uml hm In ynur upl mlhluhy In uwn nun llm um mm InwvIl mkr vvrr mud ONLY $l L95 CUCKOOS Tm noun HALF mum lllMlllHl llUlYu lilllYUATlHNH rmnmmm ONLYsl 195 and Guamnloud Forever MB AND MRS ROBERT AYCLIFEE iakc pleasuli In an nounulng the engagement of their only daugmer Margaret Elizabeth to Eric 10th Garrett second Eld as son of Mr and Mis Reginald Garren The marriage wiii take place Saturday Scpt 25 954 in three oclnck in the atlnrnoon in Trinity Anglican Grurch Current cvgnu byMlS McQuq The speaker or the cvcnlng was Mrs Column Humillnn who showed ï¬lm on the work of the Ccrdbml Palsy Centre in Ham Hum which was enjoyed by every one She told how the cotan is organized and cans for disabled children swnrcd by 1a mtmbcrs and nine visllors allnwcdby bhc minutes vote thanks was mm by Mrs mrdml to lhn committee cuncmnlng the bus trip The mceung was then turned chr In Mm William McQuay community activities and publc relations Convener The menu was given by Mrs Dickinson He that can have patiencecan have what he will God Save the Queen was sung and dalmy lunch was Served by the hotcsses There was discuï¬lon of What display in the booth the Cu Mnflwood Fair he cammsuuc to be Mrs Knlser Mrs Law rence and MmD Mdmyru Ccr rcspondcnzlc was read lllUVIHlTH will Ivr MPrllllly lvlumllvl BrideElect were reviewed 53