Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1954, p. 2

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Good Flower Show Considering the month dry weather and lhe march oi the army worm very splendid dis play at flowers was seen at the flower show sponsored by the Womens Institute in the commonl lty hall here on Thursday Aug 19 The doors opened to the phone nt 730p1m After all had viewch the ilowers short program in which the lnstilule president Mrs John Cowan thanked all who had shown rlowors and all who had worked so hard to make it suc cess also Mr Fendley ot Barrie tor taking time to Judge the flow ors Also all who had donated prizes Mrs Fox sung vory anoyabll solo while Mr Fox spoke on soil and conservation and an perennial northrs Mrs Campbell expremd thanks loMr and Mrs Fox lor their talk and solo and also ior their splendid display which had as hack gmund stroud WI in red florets on green backgrounds which caught the nyc oi ovoryono as they enter ed the hall lull aeeount the prize winners will be lound in later paper GTIIE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUG 25 195 Church Scrvlcc The Prcsbylcrian scrvitc was in charge ni Dunald Campbell on Aug 22 winn he dulivurcd splen did address on Faith taking his text rum SL MthLws gnspci The service next Sunday at 930 am will be In charge of Ken Gray with Diinald Campbell ak ixig llw Mr and Mrs 1mm and Jackie Rev Muir will rclurn on Sopl 12 whvn lhc service wlll be mm at which lhc Sacrament 01 Culmnuniun wlll be hcldl mu won View 1030 Nun um Bx 1043 v1 4cunld Inn 1m Human Tnuth 1200 Nm mum scum nd mu v30 bmmuumu VCuhrulV CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 Inm nu ma flhuvulnl ma rmnnl run um Nu um unmeham mm In cunmn nun ann um llnuml un nmn um um mmunu Munm Clock New 00 Nm Hanna Men as him Imkn Idm mum Mwn no Bnnr Roundup 1n mu llrndlhn no The mm mm on rmum run an nu mm mm ma Mumml mum 130 rm muonij 7e Cnmc fin mud wmnunu am Nail nuaunu 015 BM 4530 He can nunuln Baud nynumu mm mum gm llcgdllpu nan mm on and Eu mum 3nd 145147 Dunlap SI Phono Barrio 6442 In Urlllln Al Went HI South In manna Mu Ila alum rm mu nmm yullr runIr rv nhunmtm mm pmem III nrllulnlt ul JHFI lmgflmn lllrrc Ilmrl lrrkly at Ihl tun vrnlrnM nl vlrwrn In llanlo Iml murch 66 Kw 21 TELEVISION SPECIAL 17 TELEVISION NIIW Ln MODEM llllll All LUW Mi NIIW HIM MODICI lllllill AH IMW AN Exclusive CHUSLEY TV Dlslrlhnloxs EPLETTS ELECTRIE V15 3mm nativities CELTTV Channel9 Toronto WEDNESDAY AUGUST 25 Parents Gcnrgc Madar wllh Mn and Mr THURSDAY AUGUST 26 FRIDAY ini fien ni Hnnyu mm 11 Vltvn tonld mo Thu thhlm Town 1200 my any na wmm 12 as am on ma Lugrhmn mu Lm inahInn Tln ynux mm rm The mum 130 nm Blellun Bhn flu Dun uuun mun nu um mumm nauhl mu 11mm ug on 13 mm mm mwunv ms hm rucum Ln nuonl mum no Em rum Yupmlu mu Vbullan vmeuu H5 wmmr rumn no mu ramst Onllrlfl sun gm an mm Mum no anlq Mun 36 Illnun um Conn mm on Iwnxl nn man infiniti 15 gm sum um 19 Ijuu 1g In Bani UGUST 27 Vlsmn Aunt Ulllu Wendy Lackje Barrie has been spending few days with he nuM Mrs Hughes Mr and Mrs Willmfl Hughes and Edgar Garald Harvey Ind Karen 01 mm land Lake lrrlvnd from Saskatoon Sask at lh home 01 Mrs MaeFar lancl parents Mr and Mrs Camlheill Munday Aug 16 and Mrs Campbell aucompanlcd by Mr and Mrs James Menard drove the MacFarlams to Ottawa on Saturday V15 Mac larlane and called on Revfr and Mrs Slnclalr and Mix Dorothy Sinclalr Mrs Purvls Earle and Kenneth Bcdford NS Mrs Hendcrv sun and childrun Mrs Rulhvcn Mr and Mrs Gordon Gil mum and Shlrlcy Alliston Mrs Graham Small 1ch or Tuesday by mm Brlllsh Col umbln vssn hm son Rcy Play neecon Slmud juvenile ball cam playct amns Benton here on Tuesday evening They have won onu saw and have fled in two prwious cn counters This Is plnynfl finals the trophy donated tn the winning team jn Soth Simcoc my nr unclnn Bob and will Ransom and Irving Nelson won at Wilmx LakL on Monday evening to play ODA ball with the Demon um Finish Harvest Some 01 our local farmers in lshcd harvest Inst wcck Rcuims mm llnllday Miss Marilyn 1mich has ru mmcd to her hnmc In Palnswlck After three wcuks nuudny mm her grandparents here Mr and In udlu Yvuu 15 Nl qunhm no chum pygm litAICI spun man Tudlnl run 11 no Nun me ha mu hutcth um VIrIHan Vulruu mu rum warm wmmr Paraul um am On 11 11an 1mm M31311 sin MumI 1le pm 1mm Pun nan um sktllnn snow was Mm Mamlnl vmme rmfxun Th1 Vdur Bin lnr Tlu no Wunur ramu rm on ma nn am mo mn llnmm num us rum Mum mvum rum In 131nm Mu Mum mm as mum 229 179 Phano 1M Mr and Mrs Brine Mr and Mrs MHkr of Woodham Mrs David Ponncr Gerald and David of Calgary were recent Visllars with Ilev and Mrs WanlIJs the parsonage Miss Harry To mm with Miss Juan cha Mr and Mrs Eric Mcrcier and daugh ter Thurman Pnhncrn Mrs Browning Toronto with her sister Mrs mu Rev and MN Madden Kelvin Mr and Mrs Plowrlghl Mneing al El mcr Pratts Mr And Mrs Earle formerly Shlrlcy Webb T0 mum with lricnds hare Vlllll InInna Mr Ind Mm Normgn Willwuzh by and Wesley And Mrs ROM Slcvcnson mum flu latter hul band In Mullen hospital Inst week WA Ind WMB Mecth The United WA and WMS WHI ma non Wednesday anemoon Suit In the church schoolrucm at oclock Out Iloxplhl Mrs Charla Robertson returned home mm 1hr Toronto General ospflaL mernving nicely Mrs unnox Black CALL THE EXAMINEII FOB PRINTING PHONE Z114 Wulkors made lorlunntc purchase or better dresses forglrls nnd now pass the saving on to you Velqus coulurnys spuns and cottons size to 11 Reg $266 10 5905 now $223 and $740 11H mrmzn umn fllnml ruul lulurm Navy vllll um and Wm Jtufll 369 SCHOOL BLAZERS Recent Vlfltnn TRAVELLERSSAMPLE SALE GIRLS BELIEVE IT OR NOT 1lnll 498 HEIILII WA Meetln Thc WA will moot Xn he chumh hall Thursday evening Aug 26 at 8115 pm All ladies are cordlally invited Mr and Mrs Fisher Ronnie and theirmolhcr Mr Fisher at Feltcrlaw Vlsllcd Mr and Mr Frank Comer and mnin nn Sun day Terry Corner returned La Pellcrlnw fur hondays Wllh his grandparans hora Mr Ind Wits Dell Ind children Oshawa spent therwcekcnd with Lhe Intlcrl parents Mr and Mrs Thommn Return to Peltrbornnxh Mr and Mn nnnk Ros Domx my and Karen at Pmurborough spent the weekend with Mm Wal ler Corner Sr Mn Corner and granddaughter Elaine rcturnlng to Pctcnbumugh with them for Visit 0n llollday Mr and Mrs Les Paul and Lth dren and Mrs Susan Paul have been spcmung holiday at waver Icy Congratulnlicfis 531 and Mrs Ernest Baxter an the birth of their second daughter at the Womens College Hospllal anonm New York walnu Mls Bertha Glbbnns New York has bean visiuu her brother nund Gibhnns Ind lamlly man 70 OFF To Sankalchewnn Atkinson and suns John DRESSES NYLON SNIIW SUITS GIRLS WINTER COATS and EMT SETS LAYAWAY SALE OF LAYAWAY SALE OF Congratnlnllnns la ParenL CASH TO IDENTIFY IS CLOTIIIIH Al er LIZHH N0 NHWINU ILM OUIL OIL Ell NOW NOT T00 EMILY STUBDY LINED Rent Visltoru lEFROY NAMES Vrly ilunly mmllly Jrillv In $3M llml mm mu 1m THE mm KIN ANI SHRTS TO MATCH DEIOHII SHOP AT WHLKERS P03 CHILDRENS WEAR BEAUTIFUL NEW THINGS FORBACK TO SCHOOL Recent Vlsllora Mrs Fréd BudonHamlltun Mrs Wall Trigger and Judy visited Mrs Gconze Davis and Mrs Brnlcy lnsLwBLk Mrs Claude Banting and Mrs Thomas Lynn attended the Nelson Young weddlng Sn Toronla and spam the weekend at the home Mr and Mrs Harry Baku Inn Ind Don hive motored nut to Sushichew Out Holplhl Al Davis now home rum the posplaL nlvthouzh tardineng his bed Initwo moi wech warns that All will man be In better health Missal Mary Gwen and Shelli nelve and Mend wen home or Ihc weekend and sperm Sunday will he Crdzhlon wines at Pene ung 5mm anenl Mr and Mrl Thomas Lee nt landed the funeral of Mr Leesle lur Mrséidllh Jones an Monday Aug Recent vlsflors at he home at Mm Lennax Haber and Maud Kcown MraEva Allan Mrs 01 Chapman Crane and Mrs Roy Cornish Port Perry Rev and Mrs Dew Mlmlco and Mr and Mrs Knuwn and am Hy Ninth mumy Brenda Bantlng nclcbmcd her nlnlh birthday by having 13 her guests the little girls of her own rm pretty You mny buy these on our luynwny nlnn you wish Priced sum to $095 Better Quality Economy Prices Theres pretty It WJIIHHK or the Hcfinol nle Wnlkrrs 1115 mr ovrry budget Ind they nro JEANS MOTHERS DO WELL TO VISIT WALKERS FOR BACK TO SCHOOL TOGS BETTER CLOTHES AT LOWER PRICES AT WALKERS Home fur Weekend Attend Weddlng llw lhu IVY GREY FLANNEL or PLAID SLREKS WILL IIOLI ANY ITEM IN OUII CIIILDIIIENS SECTION HAVE IT LAID ASIDE THEN IAY LITTLE EACH WEEK 71W 51 Nuw In In lllm In My uy hlhlrrul uluw mm lluyu or um um nx 1w Nylrm wad Irvvllml hhrlc rmv 1qu mum uullml Knflm llnhm xlmrly knfl wml mm and nnklru lluuhlv 1mm Thnruuh my nwlnl hur rhw wt me nHvr yuu Ivunullnll vl mm lnw rm luw nnw mm wmm ml nr yum Ell lrlyn mull mum lum llm runl hivl 1way mun you yrmly Iluy IEO the district The menisci was spent by playing sums Ind dellclmn Euapcr served lo the children with Ill the good things Brand received many um Mr and Mrs Genmlll To ronto ipcnl cnuple at day at their holiday with Mr and Mn JennclL 0n llolldly Miss Lonalnc Jams 1mm is on holiday at the home of her uncle and aunt Mr and Mn Jenna Mrs by ML Friday lngton Sympathy Exlenderl The sympathy at Ms community is extended Mrs Cecil Spears and relatives in In passing of her stsxcr Mrs My Bain Sunday Manon Mr and Mrs Alonzo Halncs gunwdalc and Mn and Mrs Hart bewls Tornnm spent Sunday wxlh Mr and Mrs Harry naming and amlc are houaiiymlga the home Mrs Symths mother Mrs mm Davis Tomm Mr and Mrs Arthur coxwarm and Coannh spent um weekend in Tornnlo with friends TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD Ethel Vlsllols Mr and Mrs Dave Bulmnn and Marvin Braden Egbert were guests of Mn and Mrs Spdcrs on Sunday llday Mrs Ely Symth Unda Iva whiln Um lrlrcllun It mul TM urlnl mm or qnnluy xlnckn William Mr plnm Wlml llsmnclu lrlcrd $19 In WW 0n Motor Ttlp Elsie Davis amompanlnd and Mg Orvul Arnold left an male hip to Wuh TIIF 1le KIN figmffifi Newton Robinspn DAINTY SKIRTS 0n Ilollday Mk Anne Robinson Ix on holl day Mr and Mn Danmlls cottagc air Guide camp Wyevale to week Vlsllon It Lallan ML and Mrs Glen Allen vlsfled at Ralph Allens collage Big Day Pnlnl on Sunday anonlo Vlslkxls Mr and Mrs Pratt Toronto were guests 01 Mr ahd Mr Farn last week Cookslown Mr and Mrs Gordnn Halbcrl and mmny spent Sunday with Mr ind Mrs Arthur Cooper Cooks luwn Mrs Duug Stewart and lamlly vislkd at wheauLy last week camp or Wm ls Marga Hilbert Ill Weekmd visum Visitor during the weekend CHARM HER HEART DRESSES FULL HEY and LOCK SERVICE In 98 to 2995 ax I995 to 2695 DEPOSIT ovm so ms EXPERIENCE 36 BAYFIELD ST AT FIVE POINTS FOR BACK TO THAT WILL SCHOOL 99 Ihlnly Illllv wlm mm Num mm lrIul mm $2M with Muilceson Ind MIL AllIn Smith were Mr And Mn Morrison Fishn Ul Saskatoon Mr Ind MKI Curdan Slaplfl MI and Mn Bert Staple Ind lamlly Mr and Mn Wilbert SW12 Ind Bot Emllh of Toronto Miss Betty finer Bullllo v15 ltcd Mn flusscll Rowe last week For The Lilllo Mun nadlo two lane mmon ma Ivory whlu mu Um um arm Innsmxulun min on WITH mmmum mmth FINN WALKIMN BUY WTH CONFIDENCE cl DungerfieldMolols 233 finADFOBD 81 D11 ll 49 DODGE SEDAN LIMITED Elmcae Countyg mun Dnler 11520 cm omnon DAUGHTERS AWAY T0 COLLEGE THIS FALL FOR URRYS vR KEYS mlmul llwn wmmfi mm Mr mark at mm pnnll nrkru Al mthan Hm Walkru FIX hr mu fur

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