Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1954, p. 1

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Jr Program Ends fiFor Playground nWith Field Day Girls Sonball AccuracyDoro thy Shncffcr Sandra nakvucomc Donnie Rnlclilfe Glrls Dismncc ThrowDorolhy ShaLflcr Ruby Dclaney Durnun Shacflor 259 INNISlll ST Sanbali Dlstanio ThmwMark Dcseeve Haron Kemp Arnold Neil Foalball Distance ThrowPaul Smilh Barry Kishaw Harald Ramp Softball Accuracy ThrowHar olg Kmpchn Carlsun Hm TricksNancy Bush Mary Wooden Peter Langley Dog llacHohn Craig Pelcr Langley Barbara Jenkins OPEN EVENTS Fcnlhall Accuracy ThrownArn Nd Dennis Tascunna Juhn COOP Smalles Ca in heslnul Brent Osnchuck Patty Quinn Slrungcst PelINer Elliol Mary ILISILH Barbara Ohcslnul Hop Step an JumpMnnlyn Burdeue SL Vlncenl U112 Lenuus Gunn Slreel Evium Ricci Shear Park Ammoon Pragram lel Shaw Best Dressed cm or DogNancy Bush Barbara Jenkins Kay Schimmens niggcsl DogBarry Klrshnw Barbara Jenkins Chris Hurlibcsv Smallest DogKay Scmmmcns Nancy Bush Sylvia Gable Individual Champions Junior girls Gail Bloomfield Queens Park imarmediale girls Barbara KRshner St Vincnnl seniorvgirls Marilyn Burdclle St VlnnnnL NOVELTY EVENTS Girls Relay RaceGum Slrenl McBride Merrick Lentius St Vincent Morrison Kashmr Bur dEMe Queens Park Bloomfield Mgss Wamm Thats right Just l0 low of 01 wonderful savings of up to St Vincent Sylvia Synnott Queens Park Darla Knshnur Shear Park Brliad Jumanrllyn Eurdeun SI vmcem Evmna Rxch Shear pagm Kashncr Shear Park High JumpBarbara Kashncr St VIncem Elain Withers Shear Park Ulla Lenuus Gunn Siren Senlor Girls 75Yard Dashquln Kashncr Shear Park Marilyn Burdens St Vincent EViHnn mch Shear Park Buys 11 and Yard DamBarbara Kashncr SL Vincent Ulle Lnnllus Gunn Street Romany McBride Gunn Street Hop Step and JumpU110 Len Ilus Gunn Siren Barbara Kash ner SL Vincent Pat DAmbrosslo Shgar Pink 24 MONTHS Confirmed lrom page one Vincent Park Ulla Lemma Gunn SlrceL 21 CONSOLE GE 21 MEEEMODEL s26900 LATEST JUST under Silllball TO MY Whom Pavklng II No Pmblnm UP TO IUKHIIJUI $17001 REGULAR $16900 down on any of our bland new big name Television sets ARMY CADETS OplGlN The Royal Canadian Army cadet organization stems mm the drill associations formed In school and cullugcs during and alter lh US CW War Senior Boya Sommll Champions Shnnr Park Parks Tclhbr Ball Champion Richard Agnew St Vincent Hark Parks Croquet ChampionJohn McCann St Vincent Senior Girls Softball Champions s¢ Vincent Park Junior Boys SulLball Champions Qucuns park Senior Béys Novelty Evem TryphyHflmld Kemp gunn SL 12st Horscside cfiimplfin George Buonpan shm Pam Janior Boys Novelty Even Truphy Norman Soulhwaod Brock sum Junior hxrls TrophyNancy Pa rk Senior Girls Novelty Events TrgphyUga Loam Gunn suan Mr and Mré Bowlienmm callers Mr and Mrs Waller Wilsons Alllslun Sunday evenmg ThrowJohn Pclleflel Don Amuse nag Thumg Vn vmung amnamumer M155 Joan Vernon has been vas iLing her grandmulhnr Mrs liam Vernon In Toronto Margaret and Elimbexh Carr were vismnz at Mr and Mrs Russ Mallhrws last week Mrfémd Mu Gauge Can And Son Donald musmn at Mr and Mrs llaunsomu Mrs James wfuicsme Néwlon Rdblnson nlsa ML and Mrs Hounsamcs Weekend Vlallors Mr and Mrs NorVal Young DovalLw spent he weekend Mrs Hounsomp Aur Aux Ant Aug After plwam weekend the wutheg bruuxlu nume thinx amount on Mandy whlch mm mm Ind plea um bill In chin three mundcnlnnm will heavy raln tame Illdlnx around mm northweu and lined for 10 12 um and Mn Tuesday Wu warm Ind lulmld mi nnl Ibo 80 F0 WI llrly huvy In pakheaion llilhwny 90 Mt nlhl and eariy today nmpentures were Warm Today Mostly Sunny Fog last Night HOLLOWS early $25000 Novcny Event Beach Queens PHONE 2429 ugh an Firs General Menlln The mooning hold Darrin In me office of the Ontario Duparl mun of Agriculture on Munday Aug 23 was he first genrral much Qullc number of cnunch have had worklng aruunlmuun far same Lime notably be early pu mm gmwm the melnglon area and lhc seed puLaln growers Nurlh Simeon The charter or incorppmlon has Just recently been approved by minister at agriculture Hon Thomas and smps are nuw being taken to mmplele lhv organizauon of branches In every pmth grow ing area in lhe pruvlncc and Is planned hm mccllngs be held as soon as possible 11 In to do that lub Some of the ubjccuves are to ancuumge and assist in the estab lishmenl or local branches in 0n Enriowhh parilculnr attonllon to treas suitable for specialized po talD production to encourage im pravcmcnt or productlnn and mar kellng by stressing such important matters as land use soil fertiliw drainage irrlgation suitable var leties seed and sand bed prepara tlcn cultlvalion and annual dusl lng and such practlcus which and to lower productlnn cost antlyei produce high qualily Impnrlant new An Important mm is pmmullun of properly rcgulatud and cam trolled marketingrpmgmm or po atoms In Ontarln There is also the advcnflsing and pmmullng oi sales encournglng the establish ment of central warehouses either prlvatn or mUpnmilvz to stare grade wash peel or process and package potatoes accordlng 10 modern methods to rccummond and nominal research and cduca ilonnl work throughout the pra Vincc or Wider knowledge in gen Lrfll and or disseminating market information between markets and branches gin Endeavor la obtain lor nmducurs costs at produclidn and to determine reasonable margin of profit based upon Cfllnlcnqy of npcrallon and to assist and stab ilize market prices under Edornl and pruvlnclal marketing acts and lo work closely with provincial potnla organizations ward the betterment of the industry secur ing closer relationship with retail and wholesale channels 01 trade or other nrganlzations in cannectiun WiLh the lncrlnsing of demand and I0 Enlarge not returns to growers The Ontario Polam Growers As odallun was organized early in 954 in primary phrpuse bnlnz the rganiznunn punk growers fur the Improvement puma pro lucllfln and marketing In Ontarin ONTARIO POTATO GROWEBS ASSOCIATION HOLD FIRST GENERAL MEETING IN TOWN MANW6513éii665ifi6fi GE 17 Table Model ADDISON 17 Table Model RCA Victor 17 CONSOLE ADMIRAL 21 CONSOLE Wll INDOHH RCA Victor 21 CONSOLE Wllll IIUOIIH and up to 24 months to pay Listed below are just Early potato umwm Tcalizcd mm prices hmughoulthu market ing season In 1m pncos Increas ed subslunllnlly ln midseason which Is unusual According to um airmors oi the Onlario Fulalo Giuwers Aocia liun headed by Harold Willnn Lnamlnmon as prasidrai polnlo gruwcrs in Ontario who are lar male to have polalabs to SDI for his season are likely to be in the money The quesiian nan is where are he pulaloes in coma lirmn uniii the main crop is ready aner general harvesting in 0cm ber Supplies in E580 and Kcnl counlles an now oxhausteii In York Ontario Slmcoc and Dilli lurin counties very few early and Intermediate varieties wen planls ed his year due Io extremely low pnccs recent years and shortage of arm labor All available sup plies in these localiiics are fail running uul Polalv growing in backyard gardens is nm as popu lar as low years ago and lhese local supllc are now almost gone rur this your Marsh paiamu an available and these gmwers an prnulliiing collective Conlmllcd orderly marketing 11 sci prices Producllnn Ftures 0n the basis 01 cunditkzns to date the Domininn bureau of stu stir9 has recently Issued figures In wnncoflan with this years po atv pmducuun whlch Is now tare cast at 55 millinn bushels as com pared to G7 mnuon bushels in 1952 when practically all pomues were finally required to supply the mar ket This 15 an anticipated de crease of 13 per ccnl In the USA the pmspccuvu crap per cent smaller than lnsl yearv or 16 per cent less than the 194352 average Except for the short 195 crup producitun this your ts tnv dicalcd to be the smallest In 15 years decrease in pmdumgn IhIs year is forecast In recent press release by he OPGA which gives the crop situation at present Present were dlrécmrs Cuppagz Coldwmer Howard Har per Goodwnod Clflmrd Smllh Ridgelown RR Harold Linton Slralhroy Stewart Page de panament representative at Barrie Hamid Willard Lenmlnglon who Si president Gnodln Ontario Department of Agriculture Tn mum suretary directors Homer McMnhon Allith Harry Gow man Brnnflnrd and Haber Irwin Hornlngs Mllls Summing up the potato suuauon In the bnard dlrcclara slnEE the orzamzafloq Int spring lhcugh numcruux execullve meet lngx have sincevbeen he 24 MONTHS IHHILMI 311900 IHZOULAIL 351900 MIC ILA 31mm mzuumusnmm REGULAR 9905 TO PAY UP TO When lhc Ontario schnols cur riculum was rcvisnd in 1935 she was appointed by the department one the advisory Committee Mm Rndmunfls nppDinlmenl as policy pnd program chairman an Ihu Bartle Rmrcalian Committee wns made by lawn cnuncil in 105 Some her early work in MS connection Included assisflng in the organilzallon of figure skaung class es which led to Ihe formalism of the Barrie Skating Club P1 or animtlon of Samrdny morning art all lnformaflnn in date slmngly suxucsls that firm prlcus can be malntnlncd lhrounhuul the scasnn if orderly marketing nmcfisnd Thcn appears Io be satislnclury market far he prnductr and sulflclcm supply for he consum Fur six years she laugh at sum mer schools under the doparlmnnl of education and for Ihrce summers directed course Mr leachors at Queens University and OCE Many of the teachers in loan schools were caught by Mrs Redmond Alarmur school tehchcr Mrs Rodmond was gruduale of the Unlverslty Toronto nnd Hm OM nrio College Educallhn Shu laugh physical educallnn and art lnxhoals Weslon Hamilton and Toronla and supplemenlcd her leather training with coursc at Columbia University In New York and summer nbrond skid in at the Alllancu Francaisc in Paris vmuy Inlemsied In children and their wwam she had bcun mnsx active in home and school circles and served 115 year as Presldcnt me Codringlon Home and School Associnuon The late Mrs Redmond was well knmvn bnlh in the lawn and In the province for her Interest in re crcntlonal work She was program committee chairman of lhe Banl Rmreauun CDmmHIce and dir cclor of the Ontario Recreatlonnl Amnclnunn One of Barries best known wo men In publié life she le be really missed by WIqu circle of lrlcnds and acquaintances whom she had come In know during ul must eizhLyears resmence In gown She was um wile oI lhe man user the Barrie branch the Metropolitan Lily Insurance Cu Mr Redmund ls president of he K1 wnm Club of Earrie Funeral servlca was held an Mon day Aug 23 1954 the Lloyd and Slackley Funeral Hume In Barrie for Mm Hnrrll Redmond Who dled at Toronto General Hospltal on Friday Aug 20 mm an illness at several months Funeral Service Held Monday MrsRedmond DOWN $32000 8299M $32900 a17900 819900 38 MYFIELD 5T Among the many flnml Iributus were those from the Darrlc Skating C1ub the Barrie nrcreation Cum mitten the Art Sketch Gmup the Barrie Theatre Guild playground supervisors and LIlildrcn held wanis Club the Ladlcsluxiliary la the Kivnnls Club Cudringtun Home and School Amfcialion Cal llcr Strlnl United Church the wo mnn Harbnrd the Barrie district 5m Insurance runroscntalives Me Iropalltan Valerans Assaciallun Eastern Ontario Mnnngcrs Assoc ntiun Wusturn Omarin Mann rs Association hm Canadian cm Amialian the Metropolitan Life Insurance C0 DcLuxc Taxi 1nd Dr Lockhant and officers LYIL Kingsway LambtunUnited Church Among lhe relatives and friends Rev Laws of Collier Street Church conducted Ihc LSD pm fun era servim assisted by the brathur the deceased Rev Ralph Wil llnms Wlm also acled pallbear er along with his five brolhers In lcrmunl was at 345 pm ln he lamlly plat In Park Lawn Ccmelury Toronto Beside hm husband she is sur vlved by one son Michael 14 and six bmlhcrs DrClaudu Wil liams Gcnrgeluwn Dr Armur Williams and Dr Percy Williams Hamlltnn Eerlrnm 1L Williams Rev Ralph Wllllnms and Dr Harold Wllllnms Toronto clmu for cmldrenand mm 111 my showing lar senior clllum and an Improved lummLr play und pmgqam wum ancestry Mu Red mond was the armor Edythe May Williams Shayu born In Redford Quebec whlrc her hither the late Col Geme Willlnml wax muuhuEd ma mlnmer She was educated in Quebec Win nipeg Hamlan nud Tornnto The deceased was mcmbvr Callkr Street United Church In Barrie TWO PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE DHVENPURTS smtml 85995 SIMMONS MHTTRESSES We need room for our fall slack coming in so make room on both our main floor and second floor Ihls lwuullrul sullu 20mlqu double armor dmwcr chmMl nnd lmukcnsc bul rcnulnr $255 value How uflcreu vn $0000 genuine 3m Walnut Bedroom Suite SPACESAVING lllZHUlAMI 31950 AUGUST FURNITURE SALE Mnny ulhrr Iprrlnl nut mlvrrllud anrh ullr wlullows SPRING FILLED CASH or rERMS unendinzlhc uneml were many from Georgetown Hamlllun Tn onto Pcterbumugh Olmwn Wind sor Huntsville Brammridxe Grav unhurst omnm Midland Newv markcl and Aumm FlSzLand Mrs naymund East on and family or Beverley mus North York accompanied by Mrs Annie ann Tnmnw were gum Mgs mun 33 Park sewn on Sunday Among the recent guests at Hay slalm Ludgc have been Dr and Mrs Rcbed Tindall and Mr and Mrs George Scotland Miss Shawn Mr and Mrs JohnrA Galanskl Maiden Conn are the gumts Mrand Mrs Reid their name onCnmcr Struck uvmuuldu on New Jersoywcr iUng his mo ther Mrs Wlscmannnd slslem Mrs Jusfln and Mrs Hart Mr and Mrs Harold Darch and son1 have rcturnéd from vaca tion in Jasper Ban Glacier and Ycllnwsmnc National Parks Harvey Knapp has returned in home In Toronto alter vim wllh hLi num Mm Knapp Mr nndr Mrs New Jersoywcm mgr Mrs Wlsc Mrs Jusfln and Mrs Warncnnd daughter Mary Jane Pittsburgh P2 are vmung M1 and Mry George Clark Brndlnrd Slmet mmun son Robert have returned via Slates from El willlnm THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SI MH Mnsan and HOLLYWOOD $3395 PM MDT COUCH IARRIE 3995 11 queman ol Featured nfiun rrlozc Ilcuulurr $22950 You save 36000 SNYDER prze CHESTERFIELD SUITE Covered with red wool lrlczc Lovely Lawson styl mg 322 $19950 he HOME FURNISHINGS slashing prices to or showrooms drawer drawer drawer The engagement announced at Rmh Alicia Adam elder daugh ter 01 Mr and Mn Leighlun Ad nmx MineSInz lo Slanky Robert Swords son Mm Swarm Ol lnwa the marriage In take plan an Sept at 10 mm In St Fl rlck Church Ottawa Seal at University City Mimuri Miss Kathleen Richards mid Miss Agnes Keene Toronto Mr Ind Mrs Rcbert Slromc of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Bnris Hnmbourg of Tomnio Dimer guess have In ciuded Dr and Mrs CiSuddEn and Mr and Mrs Haaington ol Dundnlk Market Squar mm the nu trialsnon ur lmubln and nvnld 1mm In Turkeys Chlckens ENGAGEMENTS CHESTS UNPMNTED SAVE £000 s19500 Dont Fool wilh BLHCKHEHD THE HOME OF IKE MIKE mmnu luxan SUPPLY PHONE 2343 M74 $1695 qum 443 81 AD my $1995 $2L95 $2395 25 ML5 BinIo

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