Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Mar 1954, p. 2

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Dunlap Mrs George Moore has return ed horn2 alter snendlng two weeks with her nlco Mini Myra Reid al Hawkeslunc ir and Mrs Albert Penman spent day In Toronto with Mr and Mrs um Crawford Maslér an erne spcm wek in Bradford wilh Rev and Mrs Jackson and family WI Matting The August meeting was held at Mrsr Garfield Burtons with good mendanne of members and seven ladies from the collages Th study was well given by Mrs perm and Mrsr Crawlord Prayers were lcd by Mrs Graham and Mrs Crawford Plnns were made for pictures Vtu be shnwn inlhe church on Aug zom 830 pm The minulus were read and bushes discussed aflcr which the hoslcss served dell clous lunch MissCaihcrine Ferric is home utter weeks holiday Gravcn hurs thMiss Cheryl Richard SA RATHBUN lranspurl In Speclll Tanks Distribution commences 2man the end May with lhc fiah be lng transported special tanks disigncu for 1h purpose and de livered by 1mck to he selccmd stmam Many miles are errvullcd in dlstribuMon and each suitable stmam receivm air quota en suing tutu flshin Tm mrlng porqu now re ceiving their annual cleaning and in August wmc 65000 to 70000 lingofling nu rmivcd from Dmnnmcnt at lands and Forest fish hakchzry and placed in the lhme rearing ponds in Spring wam Pmk The ponds having plenmul supply cold spring water are ldeal or the purpose Carequ leedlngmnd nllenliun show resuns In rapid growth 04 the young Ish During their development mm the vfingtrllng stage In ycnrllngsuge hey mm EMC of interest and delight to he many visitors to IE Park 65000 Speckled Beauties Are iDistributed in Simcoe Cpunty Distribution yearling lpeckied traulylrom the rearing pond Mldhum Forts Sintiun has now been templeth and approximately 05000 mkicd beauties each xix In eizhi inchu in length have been Planted in selected streams in Simcoe and neighboring caumies first Egch year around 69 Collier SI ORO STATION MOOSE BARN DANCE SUN LIFE ASSURANCE C0 Phone 2772 BARBIE DRIVERCHE 10 LTD DRAW FOB s10000 BIIND Orange Hall Allandale New Car Reasonable Rates RENT DANCING FROM 830 til 1200 AS PRIVATE AS YOUR OWN Door Prize Picnic Ham Donutud by lnnllfll Packon Admlsslon $100 per couple ron Phone 6151 1000 MUHIC IIY Tllli SCOTTISH AMIIIJIHH SATURDAY AUGUST 21 0n flag displnyl we fuel that me unslun 0K dLsplnylng 10 5an nnd Slrlnos Is am that not ap predated by Amerinnn visitors moshol whom would he nstanth rd In nml Canadlnn cnslzns lylng In lhclr taunlry American vhllv lug Cunade do not expect to set HILh an flying In fills luunm and except or cxlmurdlnnry ucca ainns no Canndlun should dllxllny th Unueq smug ACAR Cunmluhtinns To Parents Congratulntlu to Mr and Mrs Albert Cundnll nee Helen Bax ter an the nrrival of son Aug 16 In Toronlu hospllnl also to sm and Mrs Ernes Baxterlor daughter on Aug lhytlsl Annlvernry Remember the anniversary su vice on Aug 22 In the Dupllsl Church Rev Ilcnd crson Gull armor pastor mm wil be the sncokcn Special music Everybody welcome The Mrs wnma Slewnrl ch sympathy is extended wn m1 Stewart and Iamlly 01 L5 tmy In lhc passing Mr Slew an Monday The flVlTllfll lnx pakl he no my rm new passenger car In Canada Iml yunr was 24 Mr and Mrs Flnhyson and mmny Toronto Mr and NM Howard Sudhury Mn Stewart at Toronto and Stewart are visitor with Mr and Mrs Robert Stewart Relum To Ncw Ilnuuwlck LAC and Mrs Gordon Rune and children rammed Chm ham New Brunswick last week lnkinx Susan Ruflen with them or holiday Mrs anal Miss Crossluy and Miss Guadman at Toronto are spending few days with Mrs Hullish ML and Mrs IL to spam few mnlhur Ihis week Flrc Damn Run On Tuesday mornng lhl call sounded as the home 01 Everett Cook was lound to be an tire The nelxhbor women curried pails ol water and had it our before the fire department nrlchd but 100 was considerable damage he tool fin Broken Arm Plc Ronald VTromblLy at King stun 15 home for hqndyyun abmkun arm andVMrs Scill mama spam the weekend with Mr and Mrs Marina Ether umauuans are the new handle or geese ducks pheasant elc sterilizing In mdlncs for the new occupanbcpetkled ram ln 1h Knurlan mu Thse unruly ymmnlerx which over carelul ly wlll respond raprldly till they too are ready to trail ln helr na tural muma delight to the an and challenge to he angler Flwm Ire Allncllon Oncot the maln allmcllon of Sprinanler Park the present time Mcotdhlz Meflwen Adam son superlnlendem of Mldlhursl onqu staklon the deer en closure where two new lawns are cavofllngr These are the ou sprng at the nallve whileullcd dear aniwere bum memly An unfortunate accldam at birth mulled In broken leg or one of ma lawns bulmreml doctor In by he attendant remmd me 101 to nnrmal NHX1 TO MY COACH DEPOSIT BELLE EWART Hnrllmd Nb Observe Rennie Toron dny with his lhc qurnamcm clrcull du ng in past monlh wnn lhe Insurance Clly nlfalrJlI playnfl wllh Earl Sllwnrt and shared third place at brim with Many Furuol Slew nn and rurgul an un nmnng those tummllltd fur IE Laban mm again Nm cliglblu for he momy zylnco he Hut full spawn out If he mnnlqur ranks Gene Llulor nlmlhtr mnlwdlr or The Laban 0pm Trophy Ihnugh um share purse Lllllcr urncd pm nmr wlnnlnu he US Amateur 1m your He llctl for srcund plncc Un us Open and was runnnr up in the Molur Clly IVrnl UL will one he first nxurvn Jnlncu III lllc Luhnll LId mlnlnlcr HISTORY PRESERVED Hs hlcu lhul It Inmmn Illan Cnnxldlnn Muunlcd lollcu Ventl SI Ilucll bllnu prrsvrvcd on Inn lhtl mmc drclsllm tuuhl llul have bun llkcn fur lllu um nu Allnnllc lfllan Arhnumr Illu luncnburu Imuremxmuprlsé Wllllnm Hunlh human he Vnllm Army Wm 11 Mrlhmlm Hub ToskI he bnnlnmwelghl swinger rum New JLIJEy whu Med Shully Mnyflvld or slxlh place In last years LabalLOpnn ls about 512000 up an the game lhls sca Liun Tulk and Mnylllld arc bum cmnmlllmLJur Hm Lab1H cvenl nualn From Wllluughby Ohio where Mlddlecufl Sensutlomuy lelt the lnurnam loccnlly PGA Tourn amenl anagra Rny OBrien ad vised Murray that All hi how on the circull are cermlnly lank Ing forward being In Ln brfll even at Tornnlol Middle cofl llHEd lu take home anyol the Laban purse nt Summnrlca L15 ycar but he hm been consistently gelling share of the prlxc money from virtually every Icumamcm HMS season Till he quk the Mn Hnr City Open rmnuy the gaming dcnfist from Tenncvjuu had not wnn ournamcm nut he had placed well enough up in all of them count $13224 money Win nlngs 10 date The $5000 first place Laban money wuuid vu Mlddlccolt pretty cerlnlniy In top five this ycar no mallet who wlns what else lhu ml the sea syn Doug Ford last years Laban winnur has assured he ls definite ly out try agnn Dave Doug lns whuwan the Canadian Open uu Scarboros course last season Wll deflnilcly he hack lD Ky that mum again In the Lnbnlk event DDuglIs and Tummyflnll shared Mlh plaw momy in Hm 1053 Mb ball Opnll Boll whn stnrlnd his has hot pact on Bu Locke and Thomson will be up against laugh fieldmohany lhe best ever asscmmm on Cary adlan touvscwhcxf lhc my mum ampm pruresstnnals Ive oil at Scarbum for he thnlt 0pm Tro phyand the $5000 first plum mollly that zoos with El In addi lian tn Middlncafl Harrison and Turncsn olhcr top winner his mason Including Bob Toskl Ted Km Jack Burke Jerry Barber Imd Tummy Boll have already scrvdd place in the llelrL All these Lnbrm cnlrIes have around or buler than 310000 winning to data this season to wave they mean business AJ In as know now both Penr Thomson and Bobby Locke will be here Int the LabauOpcn Murray said Mler camspunqence wiill the British Opun winner and runnerup Thnmson 00k sew th place money In the Laban toumn mentjasl year Lucite who missed Canadas biggest gull event hm sensun will be making his first bid or major uiicc the 326500 Lgbntl puma 0n the basis ni past pcriurmannos the warm big tuurnnmnnls the fabulous Snulh African is sure but at good mare of hu prize money Snead and lodge Play Open Afieq Canada Cup Event Ken Murray CPGA prondent and Lana tournamtnl manager announced at he mm lime tna¢ Cary Mlddlecofl up money wln ner to date an the pro circuit Dutch Harmon and Jim Turnesn me among dozen or more top pros definitely commillcd In the second Inniml Laban event FUIINIIEU HALVATIUN AllMl Peter Thnmlon and Bobby Locke who flnhhed onMwo In me mum Open wlll be In Tor onln thI month to join theworld lop gallon In The Laban Open to he played Scarboro Aug 23 28 up mm HANDNEW and bumlllul Ihr um Mku Hrnuks Nudln mm mm Fuur pallrrm whil ml 1mm Hm hr Inn myulnr innhrflhlrry mum nnwlnx mlnr lrnmrr ummu In urml lnrvltlrnl ur all bmm Invhlonu firm mu ynur my nthI ml TWENTYFIVE WNW In why Im lhls palm 12man um nul bu nrcwlclll Thu Hurrle Rxnmlnen Hnuuhnlvl Arll DQDL 60 anl SlWu Ianm In IrInI plainly NAME AIHHIHEH IATHIIIN NUMHHII rHE WILSON aunmm PM flu liq IMIIII nm 50 lnthv In lply Murrrrizrd ml Iun laws In mnw yum smaller This hrlrlonm bounty any cnuuxh for brulnncr lrI cruchctl Ilxmnpplr In cluncu arm clnnllnu HEMdark lg be used inslead kn descrlb spectators that ass chairs around and generally cause an unseemly performance that certainly reflect nn credit an those who pay in sec Ihesu matches Twice witth recent weeks wrestling much has been turned limo an angry brawl the Non andn Recreation Cenlm Tu us appears that all he publichy giv en the wresum Involved should In the ccnlml dishCL formerly called the rimthem area the sea son runs 1mm Sept 18 lo Dlt l5 compared Sept laNav 17 Jul year INCOMES INEUFFICIENT Pmonnl lncumc taxes will pro vide only about nne qunrtLr at Ihn federal governments revenue lhls year 1n the mhm¢1md arm rly called the Hudson area the amsontor ducks geese rails c0015 galllmxlcs wocdcock and leson mIpe will exlmd Irom Sept In geese wm béOcL zinmfal mc us lvc mom longer than the Nov 2Dcc 31 last yefu Nov In the southern arm it wlll run from Oct to em 15 compared to on 3Doc year ago In max Co 1y me open season fur Pawex boat have been hanan mm the mnrshlnnd purl for sum llme But under the new regulnuom hunter can use wwer mm If he detaches he mm un from the cmn when he hll the hunting area The ban on pawn beak is lmed completely in the Northwest Ten1criu and the Yukon Mngthomng season which may bring mam Lnlayment in the duck hunter 115 all will up ply togkbcc Qmmd Sasknlqhe wan Albertawanti Britishcalum Ma Hefe mm the dick season dutcs tor Dntmjn MTAWA CWThe govern menl bu decidod to extend the duck hunting season mm mm at mm and western Canada this ya to chase llngcflnl bird nul neflhern area before Lhe Mn er reezrupx New regulations outlining the 19 zhoallng dammong wflh number ma were annnunm ed by lht useumel department For the most purl wllh the excep tion 01 season dnlm hey allow the 1953 rules Duck Hunting Season Longer will pay yaur bills NIAGARA OAN oqnaua Easy to Crdghef BUDGET YUUR PA YMENTS JOHN NIAGARA Swoosh UNnULY SiECTATORS 10 31500 CENT In 12man um Thu Hurrle Arll DepL 7166 BLONDIE ELSWORTH MUGGS AND SKEETER POGO flinch luhrlc finish tom you nolhing em ul we uur wimp5 nmw vou mam my new ma NILSEBVICE THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST 20 195 Bill 11 Fofilclnp Dellvery Wally BMW By Chick Young Wall Kelly Sui NYMIN

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