The blnw 01 Toppen ace Ilghl haqdcr Jan Huflmnn lave CGE the bestanlve scmlflnnlul1a three games in one and sen them win ing ano Lhe Barrie dimcl senior sonbnll ï¬nals against delendlng group ghamplons Ban1e Leghm nal drive screa mur lu ï¬ghtcentre ï¬eld with one male aboard came tuner Edgar had battled Immn 31 deficl t0 knot the mun in the ï¬fth inning CGEs sunsauonnl aslbnller Bill Raycrufl rked brilflnnfly 1hloughaul Iho tensionpacked It nudhls males produced ï¬ne de CHSIVL game in supporl Cec Cooks tworun homer In the top or the seventh and ï¬nal Inning last nlght brokem 33 deadlock and gave Can admn General Electric in 53 victory over Edgar RCAF Top pers at Edgar 5m The bestInscven series Ks slnled to open at Queens Park Thursday night and will likely lullaw mu line Monday Wednesday and Friday evenings mm hm Edgar took the ï¬rst flmnug bulCGE cut loose on Hull mzm In he third for three runs and Cec Cooks Homer PdwersJCGE IntoSenior SOftbalI Finals St Kitts Hand Aces 92 Loss Series Opener Harrie Greer Aces dropped 92 ducisiun to St thlrlnos 13 night Queens Park In Ih its gamo the bestInï¬lch FWSU pliynff series mm my NA The trams return Cult nrlnus or the second game at the on Saqujlay Tea SL ts binned brilliant ball nULr the ï¬rst inning um ing the Ace back on Ive rm and lhrnwmg eight consecutive CQXOIQSS Innings She had trouble ilh her control in lhc early Irnmcs but grew stronger as he gnmu progressed delhy Miller worked the route or the Aces allowed 10 mm but was lburrun mm In ning that broke up ughuypmy contest The visitors nulscur ml th Acts 3Z Sn the HI session and it romainul um way an lhe 11H when KIM connected or three hits behind II walk and an wmr Thcy coumcd one run In each the scvenlh nnd eighm lo commute the sec nz nnw an and ovnk with three hm ouch paced St Catharines Henslve whllc Norris had pain uric and Fem Camp hcll with two nplnco am Dorian Imkcr wilh one accounted in rip Mu Souih Simcoe Best Oppose NHL AllStars llnnup for the 50th Slmcoc sunball team which will Intr Gus Montsons nllvsul nL Yvnnolls Frldny nlzht Aug 27 was unnaunud OVLI he WuekcmL lluycxs will be drawn 1mm Ihrcc lmms Fonnclls Bradlnrd and Camp Durdln RCAF Proceeds cl name so Aha leagues mcd LHI fund Mrlm ulk Hum lists below lvnms are huler by lnlllals mm TEAM Blake Consume Ken Tupnn IUND THAM Stmnnn and lnnr Gilruy Van lb lrmlcnm 2b Shwlu Burnbrae Stables Make Showing at Melbourne Races lrlkL rt Mann urho lcum Wll Ix AH Imlmn Eh in un kl 3b Lu Gum Kncoshnw Ennluu mm 11 Lord cl cu humu hum Mn Shop nmmmu mum1 CUMWIllr and Icruml In mm r1hmxnu ncnr Lcmlnn Onl In uk Lzlwrcnrl Dtvlnu mch both ruI If lClL idr nu cum win he mu Cnmp nurdcn and Jutk lluuhm Fennnlb lh nnlg Junk Ml 84 lead Huffman banempty homer In the 11m sillled the Tower an their cnmabuk attempt and they puihed annmernn homein the llethrtanoLQlg game can ouuleld eplally Cec Conk and ND Bowen turned in mewocular ï¬elding permmama The challengersphowcver will be without the urvlcea Lac La blue for pm ï¬nals The are right hander has rélurned to his home Haneybury prior to thelï¬nstnn Bruin pigseason taming camp Conflnued from page one miller nlne pounds as his £011 or he grlsï¬nl an extremely fair deal County Mills Are Reduced Number Still Operating Second Phna During um second phase steam powered mills were erected in the growing urban centres than be ing three in Barrie Some oi these have remained in operation until the present day convening in electric or diesel wan Last the Barrie mills as me Beach mill which burnetl several years Nzo The Copeland mlll in Elm vale conilnucs to operate using both steam and dlml pow nomva of the West cm grain Industry dealt severe blaw go many rural mllls Fall when alone would nol pmduce quad quality of flour requiring mlxlure OI spring wheat bring ll up slanaard Weslem comp eminn with cheap land betlm quality and better yields virtually ended spring when culuvalloï¬ ln the easl Thus mnlem were low ed to Import whom by rhll and mm 100 1mm rnll llnes wére gradually ame gum business ground In 10 mllla today is Western gnfln enm int Kn mm the Bay ports by Today the small mlll appear In have enlered lhlrd phase one lhrn mlghl be termed Incl1mm plmsls or the mllllnx flour has all but vanlshed Thls branch of the lmtuslry ls almost com pletely In he hands of companles opcrnllng on nullunul scale orcover he terms bmn and shorts urn scarcely heard The mndflm term ls feed balanced mixed lead me unc Llnn of the smnll mlll being chop zmln Ind mix ll wllh un lrml rood concentrates suppllud by the Dlslrlcl Cooperallvcs or by such companlcs us Purlnn and Shurialn Thr conrsuncss lhn shop and the mod mlxlurc an all sclenmlcally lauded for vnrluus types at poullry nnd slugk This type buslntss has maul lnlo nxflsence lhe diesel puwvrod chopping rm such as the Tracty ml at Minnsing and he now Cumming mill in Barrle Llllla Dlfllcully Meanwhile the wnlcrpowcr nuns which survived earlier rials have found llulc dmlcully in non vnrung lo nus modLrn nlm Otcu slonnlly me or flood brlnxs dls aster and conslrucuun cosu mnk mg rcplncLmLnl imprncglcnbln mm dlsnmmau 1m Ourrln mm at Nullnwn and Hanan mm on the Nnflnwasaln fllvvr norm at Baxter known as the Fishery bolh mu Inch 1m whnn flnodi washed out Ihclr dam The lnlnswlck mlll Mano due In vnrlely ol causes and flu Fltmm 1min at Allmun slls Idle The ownu wnlerpuwur mlll wllh mum lumny ol wnlrr whh suund machinery bulldan and dnm however mummy hnmy llln llXJ Mr Duvhll nblnlmd srtnml money wllh Admlrnl Vnn tlnrkinu 215 Inr th mllo In lhx flxlql hunt Admlrul Vnn will comm In UII London erllln Vnh Soul lï¬lh In the 3year Iulurny $1000 um whlrh will no name Cnnmlnn mum mum ln cum Hulll Ihyllh llnmk nlnl Admlr nl Vun Wt rnlxul land lrnlmll Culllwnltr 1er mulnrr Ml lul Inlml er llnl nm Ipnnu Ivuvlmz cull Johnny Vnn llu cull wlu HINI on bulllm llorcnlly Mm Shrppnrau urumldauumcr Mary Jane Devlnr WM In rnnrur hllrhlnz nnd hunky Jnhnny Vnn Mn Slwlmunl lwu mm hnrrJ pr um and Unlvly 0mm ml lrulmlr ur Humth mm mun lllwkr power bill non911mm And while such conduiunl remain thew mills will conunun to ghee he munlryslde remrinl picture camel tom an exuminnuan of toni ac Hve mills 1n the Barrie district jail at which are beingopean by Ian Iounwlng In High taman molxteps tact um lndkalesdm LhElHe miller ll good We Most nunherly in the Hawke mne mill apexmed by Clark Crawford under the original name or Crawlurd and Son was tonnerly sheath powered mill located two mile 1er Eisl 0m where it produced flour lead and shingles in 1925 when the previous Hawkestone mill bum cd the Orwdord purchased ihai site and imnsierred their mill it Typical equipment in the mill includes grinder crusher nnd lwa mixers and requires avstnii oi twn or three operate it This mill grinds 50 to 75 cars at We lem grain in year all broug in by rail and unloaded by puwer nuger Water Supply Good The mm supply ls goud except for occasional brief dry spell Kn summer However with dam and Hume closed at niihL me pond ï¬lls up sumlciamly lo meet the next dayls needs At present our beaver dam on the upper stream have been caus In some annoyance but have not caused my work stoppagel The mm at Hillsdale operated by Jack Rumble hm also been having beaver traubk and prns peas are or busy autumn for lhe lame wardens who look alter such things The Hillsdah mil located an the upper reaches 01 Ihc Sturgeon River has for pan oi Ihls sum mer been upcrnung an auxiliary tractor power became at low water levels The mill was met operated by the Momrove family and later the Dymenl lamlly whn In lurn snld 68 yearsngo lo Joseph Rumble He was sumccdcd as owner by son John Sr rather 01 the prcscnl operator The mill has the distinction 01 being lhu only rural district ml 51 pro ducIng our nch spring turning out qunnuly of lhe pastry van EK Ralph Rumble nnolher son of Joseph Rumble has served all his me as mlllcr with the flrm Dpcraflng exclusively on water pawer humlll of H110 Utopia oomle apnnlcnlarly plu turcsquu sculnm its consislcnl walcr supply 1mm Dear Cuck provldlnx sparkling wmerflll Hrs Eslablllhed man named Edmundson ï¬rst established the mill later selling it James Splnk Seventyfive years 1120 It was purchased by John and Richard Bell the lat ter cvunlunlly nssumlnx complem tomml In 1900 It was complclrly destroyed by me but was re bum lmmndiauly Harold Be the present owner 01 the mill look the business over lrom his lalhcr In 1925 by coin chitmu the same your In which he llnwkoslcnc mill changed hands The Umpla mlll has nn 351011 dam 21 um letL of mlnmrcfll cnmmo and touMaut slucl flumL so In conï¬ne the whole lnslallnliun hnvlnu nn uppcamnm nun permanence mm Ulnpin Imd Inwknslonc mm mum 24inrh mam lur blm wanrwhocl nlan wlh bulkde am by wrucï¬ all How water may cm on wmn lllu mlll no monthly Ncw mun Mm The New muu mm In um um mm the others has nbzmdou wnlorpuwor and um aim pawn uxchxslvcly mn lhuuuh Ilrnmul supply of wnur nvnllv ublv nm mcd Iur cxlmxvr mm the Hmno nml dnm mud um convmmu advisable IrrlKulnrHy runu wm lhu nmonvmuyhm danllvr lwxn flush Numb hm 1mm pmmun Tho uwnrr Knuwlu lKfllll mm 20 no yrnrl mm lwmlnch so In lhl 1mm Xuvvl wllhln hallhum WM HKnnlcd II dull Klr man In rccvnl mu rise nlx Inchrl ln lflllll lulu um um uncmnlnuu lhr mrsrm Ilflm wM built in 10M and hi mvvr hwn wnnlnd uul mnuuly Imam um ylwu lnmrr Ihr puml um Wnl chaired mm II duurll Wllh ulumm hr In whlrh Wlll nu duwn nl Ice lcvnl lhn ullowllll wlnln rlw ï¬x 1m llrvp tun wmr nl mun Klmwlllnx mu Inml Imnlfll nu Caulll tunI wmm In by mum in me Mlh nlrxlll nl futmore Mr Knuwlu IIIII llml lhr mll Mr Knuqu wu um lhr mm wnl hum In 11w hy lwu ynunl fkulnmrll llnlnVl Hay and llnhrvl lnllnn IIwc Arr um MW Mnth Inmlmml Luv IIIIII lmnuwrll num MM 1n mum map Immtm fullmw me Iuw an whru lhry Irlnl 1an purvle mun mm mm lmunlwd mm Hmllnml Thu Hwy Cam In How Low Mnmu rrM uml nu llw 1mm way mw mlll wn mm mvum Iry mm wmu wlm hm mum mm Hum by Jun um 11 mm yum In W7qu mme mm rorvlulml 1mm vlm wlm wII lunrodml mu wim Iun lvlmllnr ml Ilurlu mlghl rum mm mdl mHlI II II HIHHNEH mm on lhn heldwllm hr Coklwulu fllver ll Cnulxun ur the llunlllun mm on IM Mall luv ll Hm Hum inflict ll lo uy um II thy II lqn way at whun Hut vulemmwu mlll mm xllnd ln Blmmu Counly him from mum rum va mell rrM and Lu Awafded Annually Co Mbst Valuable Jim BARRJE LADIES Softball Trophy to be awarded an nually for the ï¬rst time this season to the most valuable piayerto her team in the Barrie district group is expected to seen tight battle in the voting Managers and coaches of each team have onevote but are not allowed to select any mem ber of theirown entry while sportswriters in each centre are given one open vote TheVioting will take brace in the very near iuture as playoffgames do not count in the judging of the most voiuabiefl LEGION CRACKS THE TENSION WITH TWO OUT ATMINESING Mincsinz snuball Itam will have gmd causc to remember what can happen afler two are out allow lng chious blg hrd nning in the game played at Mlnnsing last Friday nluhl Union the smoke of he nnlnl cleared ï¬ve run had crossed the plate which win more lhan Cause needed to post Ms lllrd successive win and take me mm llnul series In the uric 01 me Burrlc suflhlll phyofls mum will now sll out unm um CGEEdzar series complélnd cm lead the 0ch 21 and mum end it with vlcmry auxdgamo mum In Fridays game Legion oak an early antrun lead Glenn had koublv wuh his control ti numb wth ths rams lo on base as result walksnnd drove Kellie humc with double In the lhki Pnpp and lHnls flied out 10 open Lhu Inning and then he mu 01 In Perry and Hnrdncre hll succtsslvn doublcs Cause and Gambia allowed wlm slnulcs Thompson hit double and Wnnnmkur and Kettle came Ihmughwilh singles brfurc Pam came up to 11x oul again nnd he Inning Mlncslng scum lhclr lbne fun Um ourm on In single by Glen Adams Ind 11 double byll Adams hunk nlldcll single runs In lhc luurfll and Ulh Innings lu nuke the ï¬nal score HI IIHY will lwo double Mld single win the hatch man or Ihglon Thmnpmn lmd double and slmflu while Pvpp had two ulnxlu mm will on base our mes In VI lrlxn lu lhc plulc ml double lwu walks and MI CHM Cnusc wu In mp um mumng Minvslnu in mm 1mg ONE OF AI SERIES PRESENIED IIV IAEGXONKcme 5s Pom rf mm 312 Perry 11 Hardacre Conic Gcfucln 2b1lmmpsun cf Wanamaker MlNESINGWln Downey Glen Adams Adams 55 Miles Glenn Wen Dawney ab 11 Adams Enemy Dumlnrd and Chappell McCartney c1 Aces Open Set Against Dixons Thursday Night Darrluh Greer AclL open the bcsl nI roe sum a1 uyn mic against Nuwmdrï¬Ã©lgikurss In Barrie dixitricl ladim snllball action Thursday night in Newmnr kct Thu second game he surlcs ls slnlcd Ur QULLnï¬ Park nuxl Tumday Ornlla and Elmvnlc tried ulstarl their scmHinnl sol Monday nlghl in Orlllla but HID was called an nccuunl DI darknms will Elm Vale lumm 5V4 CHRYCII PARTS CALL FRENCH MOTORS Juuus cm uvnlng at mum Phone 5971 75 BRADFORD ST For genuine Barrie Plyen will have to shoot the workJ lnnlzht Newmlrkcl 11 they hop to my In the hunt or Suuh Slmcoe baseball champ lonmp hung The 1th divhlan eemXflnal series stands at two game Ipiece nndthmflflh Ind decldln Cantu xlaled or the leagueleader home pnrk The winner will oppose Mitten in the south divmon group Hm Deciding Game South Division At Newmarket Newmarkel cnme ram behind or 96 victory in Newmarkc Friday but iheFiyer pushed cross my runJ in he seventh and iinni inning Saturday at Agricultural Park far 64 victory and to force mm and iinai game Manager George Bounhey ex pected throw Ervine Groh against the Redmen tonight whlle he humesteadeu will erly count er th veteran Ken Brougham Catcher Gem52 Ranch was the star at the luurthymeetlng Saturday us his twnrun single in the mvn enth broke 44 deadlock to give pitcher Bill Elsan an important playotl triumph Bobby Thomp sons baseempty hnmer in the third fled the game 33 ï¬ller New marknt had scnmpered or trin In the first BALL EXAMINER F01 BINTING PHONE ll JUST MORE TERRIFIC SALE DAYS Just more days lake advantage Graham and Fleming big Clmralue Sale New murchandlsa helm added dally to make this great shoppan event Our swck must be reduced lo makL mom for Full merchandise so we have sinshcd Ihe prices or qulck clearance Buy durlng lho next three days and save up to 50 on your purchase Behw nudism only my he hundwds at bargains Inc lo the drisllai luluullun we nnnut ubepl Hum or refunds mi muchandlsn Ilurlnz Ihls nut ulc CUSHION COVERS app 18 18 29c ea for $100 13 24 squnms of drapery and upholslcry mm Idem forcushlun covm app 24 24 39 ea for 100 READY MADE llflflPES Heres real buy an randy made dmpvs m1 drape 11 wlde length llnch ulmlcd hmdqus and hooks Samn primed mum on good quality cotton and rayon backlng Houn lur um pnlr CLEARING ONE mc 995 YARD GOODS uunu prlnln plum and er mmlclnuu mvvuy cullum 30 lo um yum Ch rlna ulm mlru anu Lynhv Ilnln mm lrlnlrd rum Iluy mu mum nml mm 10 am 41 wmm Mum nm yml Unr Inkr clulh km vl L5 ynnl Null llvnpny lulu WM Illflnlur In ynld um Hwy an vnr Ir DRAPERY FABRlCS GRAHAM FLEMING 1519 Dunlop St Our onllm stock at Spring and Fall man and cnnl 3111 210 EX 10 12h MX ullmls Ilrunlnr In 12 ï¬nlln or allun mvcrlnm llllplfld null plains FIRST QUALITY FORM RUBBER PILLOWS Wnul Tammi Ilnluwlu IIDINIIIHHIL nlphll whlv Illfl 01M Ivmlnu ml KllllllES GIRLS COATS COAT SETS L98 yard 39 yard 98c yavd 100 yard and 1mm rlmmhmy llum wldv HvuuLIr 21m BARBIE WEDNESDAY AUG 25 1954 Rummage 512 Frxday Aug It pmhnl Central United Church Sunday School Enum Ampiceaol Yunlnr WA EBEBFW Mixed dancingevery Friday Pine Crest mum nonh 01 Bar rio on Highway 21 at 7rnfle soulh of Elmvalc Music by Hep lonu Admhslnn Eng 9mm Danclng 1mm 930 it Thornton Orange Ila Friday Aug 13 Benuys Orchesna Lunch counter Sponsored by LOL No 10 Ad mLulon 50 9298 Earrle nnd Vennn Horticultur alSacietys tour at the Gardens at Barrie and Vmpm 20 Gardens list ed Sunday August 29 Bus lenvcs Wellington Hotel Corner at 130 pm returning between and pm Tickets $100 No can al lowed on our For rcsorvntluns phone Mrs Ball 3353 or M13 Gable 4543 9899 At least 1000000000 acres of the earths surlnce ls forested with about 5000000000 unrcs this re maining largely unexplurcd PLENTY OF TERRITORY Skirts hbuscs sweaters drusscs Our cnllrc stock ladlus Summlr WLnr all reduced flu They in Price and wm cluqim our Inlirv stuck Ur xmulrs um mm summer gnnlly ru ductl mu mk I1 nuw Ur luck sulumul SII ZlquHu IOIllnlny nlllnmx rvlkhhnm llltnl Hm Irllulllv unl navay In vallllllh Pure Linen Tea Towels CUSHIONS luu le Illmkl IIIIvIIHmI uluvul mthn nllvn lllm Mb lml Ilu IKlldl and Imle Imnr Inli Pure Wool Blankets NUMDAH RUGS CHILDRENS WEI CLEARING ONE PRICE mmlr mummy uman mum on lmlqmmul or my llm flll hm Ti Hill an ITINII LADIES WEAR 69c and 98 each Dr Charles Cam whn has been In xenon practice at Cask luwn far the past 15 years has opened pradlce In anneshcsia In Kitchener HI jnmlly will follow him that clly mar disposal 01 their Cookszn propeny Doctdr leaving qukstown After 15 Yeai Period TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD $1500 each til2 on lo 12 IllT BBYSIINS Phone 3345 22 DUNLOP STREET WEST PHONE 4562 ICE CREAM CANDY 298 goth 49¢ each EOR HOLIDAYS Week 01 Hug30 CLOSED hwy1 in urnllnm an Iuéom SEPT LUNCH AT 698m mull Ill 15m IMIIHK llnllmnl