I14 VCJAYCEES WILL 5ssPONSOR MARCH OF DIMES HERE Fire Destf9ys LCottagos onLBig Bgy Poiï¬f Rqéd Themmc Junior Chamber 01 Comment has undcrlnkcn spon puorshlp of the 195 campalen oi the Canadian March Dimes At meeting hed at the hem of Campaign Chairman Peter Kay Wednesday night was decided to put the drive on during the week 01 mg no jscp LAWRENCE BEECH mm second mgunnmexry 9m door canvass during the week and will wind up the campaign for ands In aid DI he battle against pollo with mg days nn Friday eve ning and Saturday The pussibilily at taking over rm drive In ruturc years Win1 dis cusscd and it was decided mat the projecl might be undertaken on year to your basis so long In no honclnd cummilmtnls are made Innkfll Fire Brigade turned out to ï¬ght he blazn hut bythc me they were called lhn llamas were beyond Conlrul and the ï¬remen conccnlratcd on keeping the up 1mm spreading to nearby manages FLOATING SAWMILL NANAIMO BC CPIA floflunfl sawmill designed lo cut lbwgrade log unm for lumber manutncture has begun plcducuun here It wlll be used chicny tor pulp The Hunting when 15 lb two sections caeh 72 feet lung and 13 feet wide Fire on Wednesdh mnminl completely dostmyed 41m nur rnnm collage 01 NapolcanDumam an the Big Bay Point mad The outbrcnk occurred shortly or the 1amin mu home around The Dumunl familypln which thcre urct0ur children lust every thing In the ï¬re and Red Cross officials In Darrin mm In hclr assistance leading Students Upper School BDCI Results 90th YearNo 93 anti immill 1mm JOAN MUIllSON lnls vcundl lhlnl INDIAN TOMLINMW Hull Ihllvll tlnllll uh Irmnll lhlnl AN mmnnum mudAh motuutuNu TAIT rm Hrnlull mm MARILYN IIAHIITI TEHIW smwnmur nms sceumls 5min row or am AND comm on sumo Since 1864 lumcd By th Th polnl had Ila plcnlcs via ruwbouLund canoe buck 1n Fred Umnl day but llu undergrowth mu very mm uldcr cedar and mnlm Gllcud also whllc as and munmch grand mu ullu hmvcn wllh IE walflfll lzhcr lnvcl lhcn Then Illllc duubl lhnl me In tenth now the park undi residunllul nrcn WLJ tamed by wuh 01 me uch nugmcnlrd by lhc brcnklnu beaver dam jml ll Ehml dslnmc llan In lhc gully Rich nu wnu hmuum duwn In this way bill when ubdlvldlnu ham quuuuly was muvcd dawn 1mm um mum mum and 4h swmnpy mm num lur nll 110m mm low Hm cm cm um lhe bcuch lul xumc rcusun the MI III Int wul nul pmhcd NH llmc mm ll was until 1020 ml lhc lull 0m lnuchcr cumlll Chur 14 Punch vhlum lwrc lhuk up the pmxmxlllun nnu xnld nhuul Ihrrc mumm nu prhpuly uml ll hill crown nlrï¬dlly lnlu ml ull yczlr lnuulchmlfl Inumung lyncumenu TIII Iluml hnl brcn nrrtxvlcll wllluml cmulnrnl lull whh ll vuum lrlm lllnl ll Mlungrtl lu 5mm Iluu uur Inn mlny may he Innm4er up loarll Ihn he lnlc iconic II ltn whmc uon Mnmlcc 10m luu rnlrml lulu plrlnruhlp wnn Mr Jmllce Slewlll II nnhm Iwu plulmcr Iran flrml llmlv rnd whc Itnlclllllu IIIL llllrn 01 mm mm urupmy mm mm nllnu dummle ulvhuu hluury ulum urn In Orion um llw mm npnvl hnm llm mm urcllnn mm mm lylu Hwn rlrr Mqnnr One the bay shards masl pap ular spots Mlnnls Point whluh IS JP beyond the East mm Enr re on lhc souh of Allandalu side Kunpcnlult has been known 10 lvtry school boy or genera Mam hackpbclarc was nubdlv idld about 1910 under the super vlslpg ul uxécsluot the Jam Henry Strnlhy because of the lrtnfl ï¬shing In Whhkcy Creek Whip ran through the property In wundertng channel whlch was Hm thanxedwnd straightened Io llhe present cuuluc Wm ucavcr Club mgruup boys nuw comldcmbly 1m in lumber llfld armed lhc Dcnvcl Qamn bcfnchnlx and Ihcir cook hnusc which stand Just south the prcscm pavilion wms muvcd back later lo the flex lutu cash un um beach Ill uhl lullllrr IIrInr rvldrnlly Ind llIlu InImII In ml mm and nqu II In It mm ym In LomIml nun ul In lvr uu nmul mm mm In Am 1050 0mm Emuu II lwllllmhury Imullll II Inn Imm nIn In AuumI Ml In Dalllrlwlfllfry mt Ilaulc rullnwlllfl Illm Wu mum mum Ln fir whu mm hr pm pelli unlll June an WI HIM lIv Wmllm fox IM WIlllm hw rull whu IHIIH wnollru Inlll jun mull In illl null Hm ll wu mun mm lmm llw MINI Ind unan WMUI WII Ulrll umlh nf llw lmk IMMIan PHI me all Hum wn VIII nn Iunl In wllh ulthflmltul and rubhlulvnu Inn llllll of va IIwa vluprlly nur 0mm Ind 0n In In par m1 lmr Mdhy tumMy hunghl mt mm in mlll hul In tle In in null hul III II IIBL III Jnhu IL Mn 01 bran lhe awnr III mm ll pIul In In thlhy Imw dnuud ll Ml mm hp IN look chug 01 411 Hllll Ind LIONS CLUB MEMBERSnre hard at won atpresentmaklng their ilnnl preparations iiortheir Carnival which will be held in the Mann grounds on Aug 18 19 and 20 Every thlng pointgto this years eventhclng the most succgssiul evcr operated and than wpli b03numerous attractions to suit all hgcs Wednesduy evening will see nrparnde INTERESTING BACKGROUND TOAHISTORY MINETS POINT lions Club Members Prepare for Carnival prt Week In mu mum wnw scinull Irmat runhm htfla lhc work subdlvldlng which was mommy and Ummughly planned bonklcl mum at he time was most nltraclivc good wharf was hum on Ihc Wm bcach bul had been badly damaged by the winter pressureand when Mr Pouchcr look over he had nnulne erected but farther snum and by side Ihc creek moulh 1th was removedmm yanlaqwand or the pnvlllun baa service the me lhwd of uslng light landlna rc movcd each nulumn was adapted and worked out successmllx The present Bayslahs Ludgr south west at the mm was ml lnnlly Ihc summer hum he Jenninxu amlly at Toronto where Mr Jennings was proprlclor one of the large dolly newspanvrs and the name WES because all and stairway whlnh ltd he beach at the Iron he properly and tormud shun out In Hm nolnl ll wns nul fur the canon puhlla but the members of lhe Braver Club who used blcyclrs wnlknd or nnddkd duwn camp had he prlvllcgc uslng ll uavc much llmv lnscnd or Kolnu mum by In may mad Imd acruxs um creek 0211 alnzlc plnnk which lmmcd no obstacle cvrn an bike If he lrip was mndu lhrnuuh lhc 2TH yllHL The me year In whlch um Club slamd was mmlbiy mm nnll lhr rnnkhuusc llm an bulldan used wm mum and bulll by Allwl Mun who Is buck mum Ill munHun Wu nap on nunIll mrcllul nl mun rll on Wrdrlmhy um um Mlu Muy Mum Mm Irven munu him wlll ravry Ilufl tlnlxtrununr qulI Ilm lnmlnlmrul nunMuir mule Retires as Clerk Innisfil Township After 25 Years Hy IULN All mum lllan 21 yurn Mrvlrf Allan ha err rd III rinkIrr lIInIII lu mlllp Louurll Mr Alln wlm pm no pmme MIMI lwul mme mum many Mum em unmmud In an munMp Iv Ilm pm quum Mum thll Ihp nymlnlmnt at lerrfuor M7 Allin wlll Um Ilnl II will IIIII In In LIan anally through town to the Arena grounds lot the opening the carnival and on the follow ing evening there will he kiddies parade through mwnSeen here working on one or the booths for the carnival are ion to right Noel Stephenson carnival chairman Art Webster publicity chairman and Ray Horn in charge or construction BARRIE ONTARIO CANéDA FRIDAY AUGUST l3 I954 The coukhomc was bum sec Hunnl arm and lakcn down and erected Ill lllc lucallun II had lame doors nn each sidc lo be ranked up by hlnum ul flu an and um nn uwnlnx wlwn buppmlcd by knl pales The bulldlm was far kllchcn purpum only large wnH lcnl 25 by 12 armed lhc nhflDllll mumm and the acusun nm 1mm May lo cnry Novmh lur blll nu altape wen Illlownd ln th kllclmn nw qu flvr wm Mm nt 10th My Dymrnl lhlnlu Cum um lul uuu ull mu but wllh mlhv hr man wmhl wur llu tum mum nwuy whrn nll mo mmnhrxu plmxllfllly wmhl wur llu mp lucllvd nwuy whrn nll mo mcmhrxu plwnnly wru luuml In IIUurvI mm mm mu no Mum lnjny mum Mmmwr Hu old up Humll Humnchl nnd EmImmm Arlmlmuu mo cluh nml lwn Ixuluhrrn n1 mmum Lumn lunnvll In n1 Lulm Hnmhm um Dulluu wmn nll mm when puppl umwx 1m lhr milll now the 11mm Ms brother Carrol whu was one ugh original Club momma Urlglml Member LiIll Cunul urlglnzll mull hm wlm wuxc duk blur Hw wllh while Imuvur ml he lm wvm Ahmm Hulncx who 10 llrrlc numy your uuu mk Cul vrll JUElllh Gilchrist Huluh Mumy Fwd nnd WIIllOr Ihll Unlmlli IIpll Mcindi Frnl Hranv Elnlmrsnn Alm Armin hmlnn Mrckinu FILle Slnnlly Ind Hume llnmslluhl and Tim Vllllrln mm Iumnnmd lhr dull Wmmlllllvll lm nml wm mnlrll ml um nm on um Imnr mr Lu my Illun hul whm Jmnr IImclur nude IM Illldrx In llw MIC II lnlI RI rnnwlnu nl llml lmhlln wlu rllmllmlml and fluh hm mum in mm nm mud nwvr lul nu Ilw mulll um ur Ihr urvk win hm hm punhuml hy mun lll nml llw um umkhuuw mum lhr uumny nu skMt vln lln mp mall and lhv uml Iumun wm llw Ilmky rum llam Um law Alvln wk ns um mun mwrr null llw wllulr lull Ilmvlnu huhllul In mu hmlh mu TIIMI mun Nummrr day wrvr rnfuywl Hill lUIfl wlml llll dw llAlIl In IHIIM lumvmr cullfllu Immlml Hull Iuhnnu Ilul If rluh lulle ml and lullhwul lluI mun example th vvvy cw mm 11m rnukhuuw mu mm In mo 11 ul Hm um mnth wm FHIIH nvltlllllml nu Illlluly my lwlwwn um nu ma lnnm mum my nnldnl rum and lung Ad In wm flul law In the wulwm wmld pmvldlnl lur nu lleI lubmlllul Ilmlnlu Band Concert AI Fair Grounds Sunday Night Banln LIlllcnl and will play cancert vn Sunrhy ev ening Au cummenclnx at an an Agricultural run on Essa Hind Thls will he undlr lhc Hoolflllhls with the him summed an Imeball Ieldhere nmpla mom lot mun In flu much and Ind 1150 Inr hundnd of can park mud will mm he mlblc In all In your lulu ma may the muxlc Th tullowlnx Sunday Aug 22 H1 mun wlll min be at 5L Vlnccnl mm Last ï¬nn days mum wu ll Queenl run Examituér IIGNKVCII LAW St al 149 Maple Alva builder self Caldwell 20 Perry St 12 nnd Queen st thunder nln Grnnl Broadway Ave Toronto at Wolllnglun SL East Aylclllngs uulder sell Gra canM SL VInccmStarvaapicr 5L builder sell Fred Norris 38 Wellington SI at Sunnmalc mad bundcr 13 Hindu 60 Cook 51 Minnlkin 20 Mary St 50 um 52 Cumberland 5L thunder lilkcy Shanty Day Out 1L Marlon 15 Equnln SL at 21 Ruse SL builder self Ar rhlc Gavin ZIZCodrlnï¬lon SL 11 szlor SI buildcr so Gur IUII Im Toronto SL 18 2010 and 32 Qucln St thunder sklh Russ Wallwin rm Barrie len 10 Thompson ma Peel Bathroom builder Clark Trivblc Flnrcnce 51 convan old th Iplh thunder IL way Mld hum Ont McKenzie 92 51 rm nglc dwelling mild IPICM BflrHFSprimz Service Gowan SL construct Ioadinu plnllnrm llurlubicsc 43 vac 51 conslrucl addllion lu dwelllnz Garvey m1 Can strum shop at Dmdford SL bulldcr IL Slrulhcrs Hf Drury lane Earl erhurdson 18 Hnlgnm SL mnvcrl dwelllm lu duplex builder IL Mungcr 100 Willlam SH Emma l9 Dundunald convcrl dwelllng al 50 lllgh 5L Aparbnunls builder Al Smifll 15 In his monthly Lallslical review at the building position in lawn Mr Blair nmcs also that the Human Augusl will be ahead the same nonlh lasi year nunng July 10534an were 32 permits issued lDlalllm $599450 Lust mnnlh more were 70 plth issued to value at $329530 prcscnling durease this 1qu 01 $269920 However Lth dwreasc ls axplaincd due lo the act that in July 1953 work an the DcVilbiss ada Dry plants amounted to During lhc past month there more 34 new dwelllng MrmiLs issued amounting la 5305500 In July 1953 there were 11 new permits lssuerL lolallhug 935500 an Increase this year of mum lDleIing pcrmns from the Star at the year also Shaw an Increase 15 compared wilh me same period last yum From Jan July 11 last year there were 7l new dwell ng permits issued totalling $5204 300 This ycar1nr the same palInd mm wen 117 pcnnns Issued to Enlling $1031883V an Increase n1 $11800 Alwgclllcr than were 212 gnrmils Issued from Jun lo Jlfly ll IBM umnunling ln 51574546 This yea in the same period there was mlal of 321 pcrmils Issued mmounlin to 530968 dccmase $37578 Details at permits lire Dwellings Austin Bowman 19 Bowman Ave at 20 Bawman Avc builder 5811 and McKnlght IZG hok at 137 Ml Cook 5L fhuilder self Trajan 189 Cal llur St at 108 Donald SL builder mu Longlln 53 St Vinccm SL 133 Punclang 5L bulldcr sum link 3M Codrlnglun BuildingPermit Figure For 1954 Should Exceed $3000000 Total For 1953 Says Planning Board According to presan Indications there is strong possi aiiity that this younwiil exceed last years figure or $3000 00 in building permits according to Biair secretary Iieasurer of the Town Planning Board Division Caucus For Kiwanians Midhurst Park Iluulr Mwaumu lel um um anluy mvmuwflrr IllV MM luml luv orraxlun lwllu my mml mm in Mr lllvlllml lvl It mum In nnmlmll Ilmlmml nvvvrnmr or um Inf Alwr lnh runnul mum The uucu will hrld In mvlllml Al WM nu lulMcIuI lilluwr Mlmvlnl II 005 an WHm Coukuwuod Hmlrnmlljmvnwf hr the mm your will in l1nn la ya Illhl plan JIMMY Cl 54 séphia St launder sun Mime 158 Dunlap St at 57 Napier SL mulldar Veilch Waxslay Sm Wright Orillia at 126 Pennlang SI builder Spring 23 DagleB1rric 124 Pcnelang SL bullden Spring Ruthcï¬fard 88 Cadrm lun St Ducklworlh St bulki Spring Munphuy 24 Wellington St at H4 Dundohald SL hundcr Homer 86 Hal gate St Wulfcndcn 90 Cumberland SI at 2w Toronto SL1 abundgr 52H Robinsan am Mary at 114 Cadrinzlun SL buildér HI and McKnight 126 ook SLRM Dwellings Tnml 905 mmlrs nr Alleraliuns Misses Young 25 Herczy SL Convert dwel lings to duplex Cbulldcn len 19 Thompson Ellinn 62 Tillln SL construct sun porrh and wlnduw Henson 109 Human Ave msmngln pm dwelling Baxter 4251 Codrinnlon SL cnnslruct addillun to dwelling Gluten 50 Dunlop St barriv cade Jones 39 Grove St and vcrandah and lnsul brick dwelling Hobbs 21 Henry 5L copstrucl chimney Collxs 110 Maple Ava addnlnn Io dwelllng Pom Ccnhc 5L rcplnslcr wall ncavis Mulcaslcr SL reshinglc part dwellinm Davlc Albert 51 addlllon Io dwelling Mrs Kcndrlck anv an SL apply Insul brlck In llwlll mg and shop tbulldLr Skrypny chuk 59 Guwan SH Symcs 52 Pool 51 Bathroom and rcpulrs builder Clark Trivblc Flnrcnce 51 convan old th lo Wu Ibulldcr IL vacy Mld hum Ont McKenzie 92 May SL rcthnglc dwelling Timid IPlflmlf BflrPlFSprinz Service Gowan SL construct loadan plnllnrm llurlublcsc 43 vac SL conslrucl addllion lu dwelllnz Garvey m1 Can strum shop at Dmdlord SL bulldcr Slrulhcrs Hr Dr ry lane Earl mm dson 18 Ha to Sign vehicles Mn Wilklns 147 Pcnclanz SL Hur lubicsc 45 vac 5L West Total $4700 NHISIL MIIB COOPER DAVID 100er SENIOR MAJOR INNERCOUPE New Officer Appoinied To Salvafion ArmyCitadel Here To Succeed Sr Maiér Millsr nlnlflfllhfllmv Army Cllukl under mm nummml In he prim xl flmlnr Hm and Mn JIIMI Coop who wIm Inl the EM on July IN Ivul wlm wet um Vlfllml luv Illrvuxh lhe mum at July Mums mm ayIr my mum Anny Sm Majm In Mullhn If bun In nonvials Neytw 9M hpynl In Garage Mpgn Anna mm clu 1Lwa Int Iunm Innn maulant EchEn Vlalevmén aerial 70 per ml InmL W530 Worsley Sty Ill113k bflck will builder Muedlth CHM Mc Lean 25 Comer 5L Wpllr mo garage lbufldcr1lm EM Worslcy Squgl sumo Hnr Mainsty the Queen hu gm dousiy approvcd tho Ippomtmcnti 01 Her Royal Highnm heDuch ass of Kent ColmcllmChlcbal the Essex and Kcm Scofllshtwlv Ma it was announced Mufhy Defence Minlsm mlpho pamp ney Duchess of tht ColonelinChiéf EssexKent rRegAt Her huahand me Duke Kent was ColuncllnCllld lhg Kgul RcllmenL lhn Canadlan Army Mllllal the Essex Sculllsh and he Kmï¬negl mcnl wen Imzllamated to om one xchmcnl The Duchus of Keniwfllvlsfl her new rulmunt lo Icflflm um durlml hef tmmmmnkh Canada She Ind hetdauzh lnr Princes Mcxmdli VIII cm at the mm me dlnn Nauonal Exhlblllo Auxust 28 Ihcn Vlsfl nlhzr We om 0n larlu tcnlrc lncludlnflvWlndsor hcadqunrlcxs or the E551 and Kent Smubh Sigur dc Mahonnwvt tauner been tmhmuw in the mo and 1m gnvemur Manual clllnume trying lo dew mm In obscurlly 1n nch In 10764 Turn pm right please TImuMllul Cnllqr II In been mmnlulnmd Icu In 39 Ann 11 yap prying chum lluWlonlrhl I4 Hm1 point In mmvnkm billHa am In Iho pm yen melon rum Mn Cooper Im Omar Im unnumr mm Mind llfldmto mm hnm In arm Ikwml 1m duo hold Ion mun Ml yup 54 Weather Clears Pleasant Today Sunny Warmer Val11M weakn bu pre vailed or 11mm whim kmperalures wen unml ln uudy mnlmnlulyll lo August 11 wlth In In Mn 73 and law 51 but lbleak came on Wedmuyywuh drop to 82 Inln iuuvy film came occulomlly all wgek hnl Ihls momlnx the Mn luv clnrcd 1m Ihc prom In waxmar and my day Aur All All Aug Ant Temperatures were FOUND MOWAL noun wznusswr and mom Lbur 56 flash m1 3111 mm nailivc 01 Regina whowas raised in Vancouver ind campicud his cducaflmx in 70 onto Joined McCoiivanlcnac 21 years ago in Monlmzii no member 01 the Lions Club of Bar rie amt was one of the Mmch 371 lhe3Banlc Skating ClubV the ï¬rst secretary and also carnival cyairmap He leave by ai or thc West on Sunday Mr Whyte and Iaxt will allow in two weEks Mrs Whym has been very active in the recyeauoml me the com munilxuswlmmxng less exam iner flatmates in ï¬gure skating PM physkal training donl1uow Thm an old paying that no on Indbpennblu butnlbeliavvamn ich are gnln to he cw rallcvcd male around thls emu when Jnnh returns on Monday Iron he holiday wum zone manager enlean Bay area cHhe Mc CallFrontenac 011 Company since banding in Barrie ram Ottawa in May 1850 who has been promot thnpomon provincial Mgnzflgr Alberta and Northern Sukatwwan at Calgary He 13 sucvcedgd in an area by Hal Rob lnlson mm Toromo vw longtwnhm cullcaguc whu nvlrllbly nunu lo wungle us alnumcnlz which take him away tar hp cmlrcday leaving mo in the lurch nodal edllorI have been Having one heck lmu rcccnfly maid bring concernedwllh alhcr mm more banning lhe mnlev speclu reporter we hnvu been tmhmuw in the mo cx CIIIQE mqsx trygng lqducrlhe In wllh mlml lhlvullnn Anny fIMI mud plnyn Ill hnmmm Ian II Cutpm hum Ur Mu nr 3mm 1m plum mu man Ilm hand and It IWHlII In Illnk till Illnlï¬ Clllu um nml Mu Cmrwr my um hum ml Jlmmny uwnM whlll Unvld II lwflnflh llllly vi the In 1mm llm Loopll lum two noun Jimmy ll yum Iml Dvll min Mly In funk IV ivon comma lormlnl mm mlnl Imclllilml Mn ur llmc Ml Ippvmuw lhllle ï¬n MW Cm wt held max at mum am In pm mmlvm In MI pmonl nnk nun In yum yum My ullpn Anny Goes to Calgary lip Vlng nlly hnvq 5qu Thu Last Column l4 Pages2 Sections What D6 YOU Think By reconv TAYLOR