Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1954, p. 1

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1r mix 113 BABEIE EXAMIhIéIt WEDNESDAY AUG ll 10 UPPER scnooi RESULTS BDCI Continued irom page onei thl GleasonEC Gram Trig Phys Fr Fr IDlplomai Karen GrayDC But Lot 3MI Fr Fr VLMIBY Harrism EL IIlst Lot Fr Fr Marylln HaslettEC EL IIist not Zool Lat Lat CIZ Fr Fr Diploma Donald HerséyEL Phys ChemzlthlLathlFri Fr tDiploma Donna KdlphAnEL EC Alg Geom Trill Zool Chem Fr Diploinaif Ronald RoastAll not 21101 Diploma nnnnrt L1v1ngstunsc 3f Fr Carol Macbonald1rlg atrlcla McConnAlfi Guam Trig Lat LaIC in Fr 1191 lama Donald niinitinnonEc liist Aigcdcom Trig Phys My cMoHInEC EL 11 Aianrnc 1muniasjoimns11rm n1 Alp Geom an Phys 511p WA rr DaitunMachli 11 11151 A1 Gcoinlj Tr Phys Chum IItDipIonia Bryan MctcaitEcic EL A11 Gerini Trig Phys Fr 51iliyMossEc E11 list chma But Zeal Ciiun 1rA 11 Diploma Joan MurisonESI 11 11151 Bot Z001 Chem int 1111 Fr Fr 11 1111111111111 Kenneth OConnurFC 111 A11 Count Trig Phys Diploma Chem rr Fr Diploma Julie OwensEC 11 111st Ir rr Joan 111111121 thrlmo PearsonEC EL Ilist Guam not Zool cntni lr Diploma Juan PooleEC 11 inst 11111 m1 111 r1 101p1om11 Drum luppictonEC 11 Alp 61111111 2411 Phys Clitill Fr Fr iDIplOmII 01111111 PriestPhys Chem Fr William RichardsEC Gem fl Phys Client Fr 111111111 licuurlsuiiEC 11 nitngmiituwoEc Shirley RupertEC EL Eat It lr Fr tDlplomat Turrriiiru Sen luluEC EL A111 111111111 Trig Phys cti11n1 rr 1Dipi1nnn1 wnn 11 EC learn Fr 111111 1111111scc El 111st LI 11 Lat Lot 111 iiipimnni 11115111111 SiuiilcltIIC rug 5811111 Hot Chem Fr Fr Ii iDililiimni Myi 111 SyiinultEC EL 11111111 mi Fr Fr Jncnnuiinc 11111 cc 11 A111 111m Trig Phys Chnn 111 Fr 21Dipinmo1 1111111 1111ii1nr1111EC EL IIiSl not It 711111 Lat Lot 11 rr tDiplcma 111111111 ViixgnEC 11 Alg 61111111 111 Phys 201111111 Fr Diploma FcaliivV Channel Toronto 11 Epletts Electric your Crosley TV Distributors are happy to prescnl thin Iclildtlle can lrugralris 111m tums weekly or the con ventratb or virwm in Barrie no 111111111 WEDNESDAY AUGUST to Weather 45 1mm 711I 011111 Lot Lot Robert wniqugc EL My Frank WylieEC EL Hist A11 Gecfn Tng Phys Chem tDipluma Patricia WiigarEC EL John WoodsEC EL lIIst Chem Lat Lat Fr Fr Diploma The iolluwinq candidates from Grade XII passed the Gradu XIII Examination in Music David Armstrong Margaret VJuhnstun an McClymunt Julic McKenzie John Mathia sun Jim Muir Alireil Iticci 1110111 11 1111 Aardvark 1113a 11111 11111 Show iioo 1119 rv Nciu 11111 wsirrn 111111 iinn11111 at the 1111111111111 11 can rriuulon New 100 itiodrn Potts no Ltvtiil 11110 cmsrond no apart in lime THURSDAY AUGUST 12 1111111111111 Concert 11111 1111111 1v Theatre 10 111 Iliuintrd 51111111 111111 11c 11111111111 News 111u1 ure ivmeninunn turii 1111111 Icara tun erthu old can Television New no reiulou Time 715 Junior Bonito cion no letnr oa Chaplin riirn irstivn1 FRIDAYAUGUST13 aou 1n1111111y i1n Action 1111 lam 0111111111111 111110 11111111 p111ntnunn 11111 M1111 1111 11o11 c111 Tllcvtrlon 11111 11 111 11mm Thetie 1111111 1111 111mm ii 11 to wtlihir tits can Tcievliian Nails 7110 My noun Livinr ooo 11min An 1120 Films Prom Britain SPECIAL 17 11111111511111 NEW 19 MODEL PRICED AS LOW AS 21 TELEVISION NEW 1954 MODELS IMCED Art LOW AS I79 Exclusive EIIOSLEY TII Distributors In Barrio 115147 Ililalop St Phone limit 6442 In Orillla at West St South Phone 1552 in Midland 11 1111 ltlng 111ml lhana all SPECIAL OFFER Joan Sarjcant Beverluy West man Arrangements Now Under Way Annual Coldvvater Fair Continucd lrom page one ICI lad by Midland Boys Band The parade will be Judged oc cordlng to graded and ungrndcd schools Graded schools will include pub lie schools oi liillsdair Waubau shone Victoria Ilarbor Iiirt lIC Nicnli and Culdwatcr iingrndcd schools 1111111111 all 111111 public schuols 1n the town ships at Matchedash Toy Mcdunte 111111 N11th Orilllii All schools are 1111111111111 111 carry ldcntiiicatlon liannlrs Thur will in prices 1111 test dccurntcd bicycini 111mm dull oarriaucs nn1 childs wnatin drawn by tho owner The will he 11 1111111 511111111 11111111111 uItLr the parade disbands hionooy alturnbuiis Ilnlurtk iii clinic drawing match 1111 heavy tiIIIIIS 111111111 Inrinris 11111111 1111v1n11 1111111111 11111 111111111111111111 day 1111 11111111 Iur 111111111111 411 C1111 cunt 13 warren 111 at drnvennurst at 1611 Is sopn osvhe check over the list or band masters attending the Canadian Bandmust the weekend secretary at Monday evening there will be small admission charge tor can ccrt in the rink provided by Mid land Hoys Band and other entry tainmnnt Tuosday Sept It the grounds open at1nann Big attraction the second day will be the traclt evcrits ieaturing last harness horses in the 225 and 223 classss and Iréevforall The light horses show wili again he prominent feature stage show is planned or Mannings ilall Tucsday night Outstandingc mpctltlnn is on tlcipatud in theltuilowing classrs Horses cattle sheep swine grain Iield produce ruits and garden produce dalry reduce domestic science maple and honcypro ducts cram plants and flown nccdlccrait and the Institute ex hihits Many special prlzus hnvu hecn donntcd by Inns and Individuals Oiters tor this years fair nrc President It Orton Body Is vicepresident Reeve AndrewDun lop Coidwatur 211d vicccpraidcnt George Gmham Eady secertary trcasurcr Chester Martin Cold water Committee hcalrmcn are licovy horsrs Orton light horses Mel Wylcy cattle Percy Hrimagc rhuup and swin Gcnmc Graham grain vegetables iruits Josupn GratriX Ilowurs John Skellon nLtdIccraIt Mrs 11 Lane dairy produce Mrs Elliy havering honey and maple pruducts Mrs II IiiIii domtstlt science Mrs II Reid ciatts hirs Carmnn liab l11soii machinury Frank Souics Schuul lair Dr Hughes school parade II EpILtt man ngcinent Orton tinnnce George Giuliani races Ircd iimwn drawing iiialch Etlcy Lov oriliit publicity Lorne IAtInrby zidvrrtlsiiig Urtuli iiudltliis wlnmnnnv an 100 rim Illldltnu Ia mm 11m 015 nnuru 11 111 Nm non 11111111111 nuno ioo Iiurtuu 1n upmi HIM 1115 11111111111 11111111 1111 1112111 711111111 111111111 unn 111 11mman 1111 and no 11m Io my IIIIhI1t1LI 11111 1min 111 no nm lliutnl voo 111111 111111111111 11111 11111111 11 11111110111 in on 111 11111 1211 no var111111 is wmim no 111111 Ina 1111 up Maine 111 vs 1111 1111111111111 1111 1111111 in View ioao 11m nnmu IIHI in v1 111n1111 1130111 in Towh 111111 111111 ilvuil mom and wuiur 121111 IIIn 1111 1111 111 mu 1111111111 McCLARY WASHER 11111111111111 1111 111111 11 in 111 1111n1y wiunm 1111111111r11 Inr 1111111111 n1 Mrvlrr IIIAIt IIIIAIIAN 900 And Your ltl Vntticr 11m 1111 111111 1111 man 111 111 111111 nnnoi r1111 111111in 11111111111111 11111 Autiuxtnhti lr1vril WtianI vao cmumnniu Cuiirrit 11 11 1111 111111 11 at County 1111 111111111 111 111 14 11M 11111111n 71111 11111111111 10 int111111 Iia ltml 11 11111111 110 11111 5111 IraAunt and Hum 111111111 clad wanton lupul =zzxg1== 11 an 1111 111m qzu 111 molten an 111 nnrninl nmiiu 111111111 11 71111111 SS GESESSSSSZS$ fq nutwins 11 1111 mi 1116 Itlntl it in IMIIII any on it 10 iluund Up Tim 111111 rim 111111111111 1111 v1 49 17 nirn 1111 111n111n11 loo 1011 11111111111 111nm munsnav HI inc ruin knelt 2o runinn T111 111 Vuar 1111111 1111 run in 1111111 1111111 1111 11 11111 to union 1h mnnu 111 111111 111 11m Martin ttlnu iiiniiilahin in 1111 11111111111 CKBB PROGRAMSDIAL i230 nupnv Al in sun on no mu Iiuditnu and 111 111111 immi 11 11 111 Clue to 11m 11m 11min Int Vlitriiu 1711111111 Iolunt 111 IAdlrI 111nm mm 11111111 as Itl Neiniiaor Jo Ilaiind uu Tlml min 11111 11111111 12111 111 rim 11111 11111111 Inn Ill 1mm in an 111m in linen III and 14992 ==1=u 1111 11111211 1111111111 ram11 111 11 11 1111 1111 1111 1111111 7111 nu 1111 111 11 111 1111 111 Larilu mm 11111111 12111 11111111 11 11111111n Iiicits 11141 him Mllltt 111111111 No 111111 141111 to mind on 1110111111 111 111mm 111 tilt 3i Duniop St Phone 243i 315 tintuninyl Also Elimin TICKEtit AND IN Bun Tormldal Tho CrashCountry Sconlc Route IIIELPII IIIICIIEIIEII STIIIITIOIIII Vltt Orniiucviltu 111111 lirttiur LcAvs BARRIE pm it 111 Monday ltoihinyn iiiitiiiAritm Ar Phone 55 GRAY COACH LINES 11 l11in andhirt nose or New ers Assaciatiod convention at Barrie during With him is Robertson unworthypnt Indian Viliage Be ievécl Oldest 1Yei Uncovered tCantinued lrom page one we do not know that IIIIS is Hur onsite Certainly Its Indian occus pants lived many years beiom the natlvcs desctibed so fully by Chnmplaln Sogard and the Jesuits 1These may have been the ancestors oi the Huron or perhaps some ciher race at lndians as yet un idcniiiicd Their pottery has no handles and we have found none in the pinchnce pipes common to the Huron culture Located on lot III conccssian lot le the site is owned by Oliver forget who made It available to the university Two doccii students at the Stimmcr School of Indian Archeology have just completed study otthc site 1irst drawn to Mr Jurya attention by Tushinghum curator at Huronia Museum Midland Artiiacls from site will be givcn to ituronla Museum Iqllawlng study this win tcr at the Univcrslty of Western Ontario The village site looks northeast ovcr Wyc Lake and the Wye River on which Fort Ste Marie and the Martyrs Shrine are located iiy the source at the spring crock which runs down into Wye Lake have bccn uncovered largo reluse dumps in which many 11111 torts have been found Wu have round nut1y complete pot in pieces in lhesc thrun to tour icet deep dumps Mr Iury stated It Lane 41ml II Hamilton The School lair as In former years is again expected to pro vide one of thehlxucst features of the IBM toil fiIIDW at Coldwatcr INDEPENDENT YOUNOBTIZII HALIFAX ICItluuhycarnld Chcryl Dininaii pullout nt the iIilliIrtnu lirisitltnl hurc drew riiiiLklvs us she unlttttii 11 Int Not Hltn liuiiilir llnr11ld Cmiiiiilly 111111111111 1111 iicrinlsilnii 111 1111111 1101 up at 11 lnLtIIIIi ut the Muri IIIIIL Fond Council FIRST IANNHIY Tiic Iliiit known tnilnrry Iii Cali niln wait built In mm QIILIILC about sunwonruv sudrssrro PATTERNS OAIES AIITIIIT HllllLIIZit OZ Dunlap St ENGAGEMENTS Manna Mrs Struthon oi Edgar announce the enugemeat or their daughter Donn Isobel to moanntan Booth can of Mn Caddy at Toronto and the late 1111111 Edmund Booth the mqrim to take place Saturday August 18 It three 11111 to the united Church Eds 92 Sale at homemade baiting at Barrie MarkedSaturday morning Aug 14 Auspices Crown Hill United Womens Association 92 Born dance at McKenzie tarm miles cant or Allistan on Highway E9 Friday Allg 13 Piaxtnnr Orchestra Admission 50c 92 Dancing iroin 9430 at Thornton Orange Hall Friday Aug 11 Beattya Orchestra Lunch counter Sponsored by LOL Na 16 Ad mission soc 121111 Mixed dancing ovary Friday Pine Crest milks north at Bar ric on Highway 27 or miles market wish to announce the en gagement n1 their youngtut daugh ter Mary Ella Waulscy to David DavlcJ son at Mr and Mrs David Davies at Lars ngeies Caiitornia 111 marriage to take place In Zion Presbyterian church Anna on August It at three pm In Milk in peanut man cream Cream in milk riscn to the Iurtnce becach ltiJ camporcd at tnitritt fllmll drops of oil and lit that am lighter than water and the rest or the component at milk ILUNCH AT 111111511115 Miss Lorna Cadinux at North Bay was in Barrie tor the week end to attend thcannunl Cadet 81111 at CompBorden and while hen was the gucst or Anne Marie Hargreaves Among passengers sailing on board thcSS Atlantic from Q11 bec tor Southampton on Tuesday Aug wore Mr and Mrs Brooks with Angela and David Passengersxsalling from Qurhec an the SS ttantlo on July17 tor Southampton Included Ivor Robert Mrs Morrison anyneid 31 is visiting lxcr daughter Mitt Ralph Dunn ogemu Saskatchewan Ian Whytc and Philip Rowe are at Camp Onondaga MIndentor the August term to the let Mr and Mrs Frank Cauchmiln Barrienond thcir two grandsons Harold and Larry Ayerst Capreol were weekend guest with Mr and Mrs William Eradzhaw Erin Ont Dr Heppleston VS and Mrs Hcppicston returned tcfior onto utter spending week with the family here Mrs Fred Martin Cundlcs had as her guests Thursday at last week for atternnon luncheon her cousins Mrs Goodtellow Mrs Robertson Mrs Lucas Mis Mary Gaodicltaw Mrs Frank Dut cher and Mrs Dutchsrl niece Joan Mr and Min Herb Young Bah rte were guests of Mrs Fred Martin Candies on Sunday Mr and Mrs Roman at ttndcd thc BrennanDonovan wad ding in St Judes Church Oak ville on Saturday August GE Staff4 Member IAItIIIiI MALONEY line at the senior mcmbvrs ut the Dollar room stall lit the Illirrle qukl oi the Canadian theroi Elrctrlc Co Ltd adjusts air compressor to al low greater ilow for producing air timlt CGE NewJ lInniiIiiu to rcdccorlitc Wallpaper 1111a what It tutu11 to Ilnttcr cvrry room with tmh invitin nt lltottplltrc to 111111 color rind air air at Ipnciounnru whcrrvnr iiccrlcri711111c no 111111 riiomn horn with In lrctloii oi the Intrnt pitt tcriil IIIIIIIIIICB MIIIIIOItiI Phone 3270 sEuth Elmvale toms Admission 500 hawthorn so annm1m1n1uu miiv ICE CREAM CANDY 22 111111110 sum was 11110111 1562 Music by Hep OZIIWF fizp WELSH LEAK Mount Snowdon in wales high est paint in England and Wales has an altitude 113560 test Mini Cosh IRA EEYINI DR ROABTINO PMDRESSED zit3111111 45C MAPLE LEAF SMOKED COOKED 1101111 51101111111115 111199 LEAN MEAT FRESH SPRING or LitMii 111101115 M11111 innunions DEVON 111mm 111 PKG 69° BIIEIIIIFIISIIIIIEOII FACIAL TISSUE CERTO 111111111 116201 noqu or SANITARY NAIKINS METAL JAIL lionix 711c iiiiios 1112 LYNN 1111111 CREAM 1o 01 133 215 0111 29c OATTUHO BROKEN SALAD NEW tiANlth INTEIILEAVEI Itichmello Cheese Slices FINE QUALITY IIICIIMELIA CltEAhtY Salad Dressing 1102111137 12021111 65 YORK HIICY SIEIIIAI1t BOLOGNA 120251111 33 CLAIIKS IN 10MATO HAUCII HIIIITItld BEIIIIS with POIIII 10m 33 AYLMEII FANCY iiIIZCIItLI IIIIIII EOEIITIIIL 25c DANDY FEATUIIIZI IIOWIZB HIIZUIAIJ JELLY BEIIIIS mm 1m 25 MCIAAIIENH LEMON LIME IIIANIIII 11 oz itOITLli 25c PKG at 11 PIIIIEII MIXES Grin11111 Iuili UNTAIIIII NO FIIIZENTtINII PEIIEIIES INTAIIIII IIIInfill EELEIIY thIMIIt NO HTAItlill iiiirutiiuoiy Priced 15c cannons Now Law 111111 111le oNrAiiio illtTEtotiPES Individually Prlcod OWN AND IIITItATIII IW INIMINION IITOIIIR IIIIITIII Vntur timllvil Thur1111 Friday and itntunlny A1111 It II it Inn11 nun1111 111111111 101 11 1wumm1ts

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