€135 90th YearN0 92 Plan Unique lour PolalorDay Holland Marsh Sumclhinz unique in agricultural ï¬eld days wlll be held an Thur5 day Aug 12 whnn the Polnln Gmwura RUDD he Omarlo Sun and pr Improvement Asso clntlun holds the third annual Pu lulu Fluid DJy ul Elfldford Marsh Two other unusqu lualuru at the occnslnn will be the tact um more will hr no Spbtflua and duspllo um vm mm be cov cred rm wilkin Cnukbum Agricultural fleprrscnlallve for York County and Kcllh Mtnulr Suulh SlmcnrV clmlrmnn and mprclury In charge have nrmnucd lur tractordrawn Vlhklus llIkL the when over luur of HIL marsh area brlcl slin le be made nl Each Import In polnl and qunlmcd nmchls will make the nccmsnry explana Uonx Tlu hmr wlllch wlll cnn sumo NIHr or four hours will In rlutlc Human and packing planls th wnhr cunlml uyskm and var ious arms in Illc EICIK Modern pkmllnu musing sprnylng and Krmlhu rquhnnvnt will he on dis mu vLILlcs wlll Icnvu hc plu nlc nrnuml nrcil on Highway Nu II our he hrltlgu every 15 mlnulLJ Mr am 5mm 7m llvnllun wu mm you Ihc lamL Three Cs Safety Advice To Drivers lh hm Cs nun cnurb My nml Lnlnllmn mm an the purl 0K lmlh lllvrn und Icriul Halls wlll lNqu he dram lull nu lhc nlrucls and Muhwnyx ol Omqu nvlr cluh hulldny week nd ll Onlnrln Salrly Lumm lnvlms Amd 0n pnsl mum UH IAnum rhllmnlu lhal mmc mrlllruu will In he llvn Ill In urnplr ln Onlarln lurlnz Hm mIdmnmwr hnlldnn Umnu umlmlxll uml muml mu nllk Ur xlmln nxra mum hum lhllfmnlnu wcrlmul nmmm maxunn mv mu numuurr mum Hm mm um nml Inng ln and rum rvrry lrmrl mm provilltr wlll JAmnud wllh vaullnxmu TOBACCO FARMERS in the Everecc dlsbilch werekeenly Interested ln recent degnonstratlon of new mechanical tobacco harvester the Silent Flame The machlne whlch has been called the greatest development slhce tobncco llmr uprnl on Ilunulvlu your lllp new wmnl my Mr llrynuhlm Ila 1mg you In 11le your erlthmI um nu mm wmmm rumm 9qu Hme um llm Inn Inr mad or lvnllir rmuunum uII mum Illrn pill kl Hm cnuxc lvl unun mumnu mlmn nul Annllwr lmpuvlnnl mm lum nwr Iulgllwny Mullllrl Ialllu our ï¬lm mm II II Mr llllrlnl Arrlflmll In dellnllflly Im Innerer ll mulmlll lulu wr cnullnm lu uvncvnm llllgur hr In mm ulu Iman mum on July 10 lulu Ilhl driv NI will Illvr yllllllll IIH mm uruulun nml mm ImA purlaully wl unmt back an Hwy uhwvvr Um num 1mm Lulurn ml mm mm mm In mu ml um In any ll lwlnn ul Ilt mvy 1m lur ml ml Ilvrlrh your up mum111 Cut yum wee hy lo mllvu nu hm OJW tumult Sawing TOWN 01 3mm AND coum or smcon 7000 ncrcs are undcr cul wflh II many lhrcn ya bclnu nkcn on sun uqu ulnlul whm Sin 1864 nllhll Aimp In Tobacco HarvesIer Demonstralion at Everett Farm JIM WALES suntcd In the mnchlnc is given descrlntlun of one or the mechnnlcnl parts the Lobncco harvester by John Ross reprqscntlng Ross Snlcs Company Slmcoc who handle the new equipment The Arrangements Now Under Way Annual Coldwater Fair nu lnr In an fulllwuvr nun ran wm mum 1m work wm Nu dmmmunu Hm llsls Iur nu mnw Cnlrlwuhr un SIIIL mm I4 urme nnrl supplulrw mu oxmmuun Mrpplnu up mm Imlnm unsun Mr Ms lm mmny pummu wmllwr ml luauum nva nqud 10 prlsrnlllu ulmuhh auricul mm mm NWxlnhumnl mum mmmv pmuhm MM mun llu puth am In llrrmml um mm mm qu mmm hllly urnmur 1mm lluy AIL llvrwrw Ilnlrfl Mr Orlun WIN vulvrirlllul umumum In rhnrun all lrpnrhnrnu Ml DIM In lullvlllm HIP Aluy um wlll Mi mluluclul om Imlly um um um nuuum 11m mm mmwy lulm mm In and mm NIhqlulnImul 1mm MHIUWHL My Mum mldl lixhlhlluxw Im MmVI HIM ull rnlly 1M rlhlhll lawn thuwn In lhl link IllllllHHfl KM uqun Mr mm llw mum III In lr1llhlf Ihrrllr Mull Ivlvlwn nnl Inlvr llmu ll um Hal wpl II Hvrnhlk ru lflrs mml Ir HIMI Iw Inhl llum to am lnmhlv mm 10 nwu le WM mum um llu hlllwnlrr wmur Ithmvl mum mum at 110pm me len Mg MM mu Um rm mw Row Ir Ilnpulnn au lnul belwa ynu luv Ihe nr nhud 11mm an lh9 lye Mm In ynur luvvva Inlunr mm lur mm wrll Mm lumlnl um nvnld nlmlp Illvl ny almnlnn nun lllllI um puma Iveod qu 101 mm mun mum mama mum55 nTuI Ehriéarriï¬ï¬xamitwr growing begun was shown on the tdbacco armm Burns Wales Reeve of Tossorontln Township group or Inter ested spectators are seen watching the machine operation mm who hm mum 1mm luhl murm lmtlmllnu Hm mm qmlllly Ilmmr munumm DIpIIamm Slnndlnus mum mg Hu hllnwlnu Ichwlulr Hm Clam llmmn 71101 Wund CL Hunnrs 1mm Clnsx llunuxa 1304 Cmm UPPER SCHOOL RESULTS BDCI 00475 lell 10 ID Murmur AlhnumnFE Isl 701 Fr Murlvlvlnv Ayullllrr any In nquym HI 1w Ln 31r2 LJIWHIK III MK lrIL lllyn flum 1an IV Fr Fr implmnm ml HmyrlukHI TWO BREAKINS TOWN STORES THIEVES FOILED lvm uuupmx um Innk um mum In Hm m1 um um mnmlnl 1m um um Mtunnl Imuy mu mmmm lunle nuuwm Im on Ily mm mun Wlulln mum um ImMo wlwu um mm mm Iuk munu mul urv Mm um In pm mml mm mm mm mm lmmrdhlvly nu an Amurrnlly um thlnn mun Ml In llw Ipnlmml 1M1 Inah Lllvr In Mu mnmlnl mm Pr won mlllnl III mim rIINlI mind lawn Hwy Mann III In mlk fllmr In mIIIII Tl Mn llllnlrm Ml Vul lull lvrm luvrnl oym Am llw mm an Wm Hwy mm ï¬n Inylhlnr win Im ale Ihlth me wt mqu mu BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY AUGUST I954 machine is operated by crew or seven It works In the old and with lhls comple ment Ilvnnn hnrvosl up to 150 sticks of lo bncco an hour Ilhl Mu Allen nuurquwn Dlnloxnn Imnr UnwnmnIZU HI nm VI mu man v1 Fr mphmun Luwvrn nnry 47 Mu 1mm TIM nmm Hmwnlry 4c Mg 1mm II lrlu IM fl Chm In 1lplnulm Junv lhnmklllilx 11L HI lvuk hmuwm TM hyl Fr Thnmru nwh nm Am In mun Jnuu lmnn Id WHIH llul I=I Al mm um um rum Tm rm Hmml Wllllnm Funyr Eng um Im 1va 711 HiMnmaw Iltllr umnm Alu an mu Ihyu Aluhvy 0mm nm 7m Jr tlyiphunnL mun put mum Kuv lhnmklllr Dnl nu 11m ml 11 It Ah US Foresters Visil Angus and Midhurst Today 0n Tuuday morning Aug 10 Home 40 American lurcslcrs mm olghl States and the District of Calumbla were welcomed In On larin the Provincial Fortst Tree Nuraury as William The Onlarlo Department Lands and Forms have arranged the var which included Inspccuon of lbs 51 Wllllams Nursery Sla lion and the Normandalv Hnlch cry Tuesdny anemuvn my in by maker or Barrie Today program include vlsll 10 the Seed Exuacflon Flam loca lcd nl Angus lunch Sprlngwata at Park and durfhg the uflcmoon lour 01 10 MIdhursl Tm Nurs cryï¬lauon Nearly Drowned Child Found In Water at Beach mwm Thin evening the visitors will be guests in irnvincc al dinner at Ciansmcns Ledge on the shores Lake Simcuckuoulh at Barrie tThursdays program wlll hegln wlthfu tour or am or the oldest Slmcm Cuunty plantalluns known tht llcndrlc Form Whllc there thn turcstcrs wlll have chanca to observe the ï¬ne plnc stands that have recently been thlnncd lnr pulpwnud At noon lunch wlll he served at Rlchmond Ill en ruulu tn the next port at call thc Suuhcn1 nuucarch Station near anlc During the ultcrnonn thI Vvlsltor will havo chance to ob serve thu lruv breeding plantlung and nursery wlld lllu habllat Im provement artus and varlou lab nratarlcr whlch In carrying on speclal research on problems lntcd to all phrast ol lormry and wlld lllc management Davld Lanny the 21month nld son Mr Illfl Mn Joseph Lugcstn Church Street Toron to wu nnlued lo Enyll Vla torla Ilmpllal hue Monay aflmmon sue beln neatly drowned he wu found no flnwn In lhlee all 01 waler In hkn Slmonn It Ballydnwn Bench Mn Molly Edmontla mm from Toronto and Bullcy Aln ley braum ha chlhl Ishan lnw yards rum the collage iluuc Ills math Ind two oflm chlldrm are on II llnlly Afllflc lzl resplnllnn llnmtdllnly clrrlul out helore the palr were Joned by Barker John Banneu Id Funk Brooks Ill 01 Tarnnlo Thu llva worked or nearly hour unlll pollen Irrlvcrl The tour was arranged by union ncl the Dlvlslun Rcloramuon nndumnrk me ï¬rst time um so large gmup ol oreslnu from he Umlod Stale have vlnllcd Ontario lo ohaurvc progrm In arcslry mu lcu umumood the RV chlldl con dlllon was nqud Ir uy Km WALm Hulnewhll hcslllmlly must nd ml having bran nwny durluu Hm pus wrck Nex lunr they Just my dlsdfllnlully Whnl mun And upuXonllcully lhc wrllvr musl nfluln vflcr uplan nlinn hm Wu WIEII rum mdny 1n Tumult my meyear mm mm hm bum mu 01 um dulch ol prrxhlcnls ht Canadian wcckly puu my mm In the annual nwrflnpx he provlnclnl lllle hum lhc hm one look plum ml thl Hrmlmmuuh Snaknmml an Aug mm Hm lrlp In cmn Inny wllh mlr nnnunnl managing llllltlur Wllllnm Trltrr vlu CNH Th lnlnnl wag yescged Her Nuw Im ItInllvly not nllrlnpl nm In uxllly mmlhrr rxprlw nc mum Iyy Inmvhlfl um aner ml ur wvrr nw 1mm cn rnIIuhI whlxh Illlllllll be of lelvsL ulnrwhw man the 10m my uad kn urliclu whlch mm Hull wrlllnu mlumn wnv uno why In ï¬lvlnu vrnl lu llw hum llw wrllrr 1th Jutlfnul llul mun why mm nu wrllrr qulh numhrr nllluulhlu Wlllllvl Imuml Allnndnlu vr Hunlc Al Inn um on NIL Cnuuwnlul nll ulmm ul wu urlmk lu Hu nmlnlnu tun luv wry Innut mum rnwrlrllrm huuld kmw Iw lmw and In you 1m Thu uuw luwll um livl Iy llw mldvlln lhv nluhl II ll um hr Iunnu Xrlllnl Ilnp HIM hllhl ml lumzamnumml mny 1w my or mm Hul nu Mm tmln Nnulul In lhv Wvlh Ur WIul EM up or uuullluunml and mind wu wrw III lnuy lklvlnl lhmr CNN Mk vanilla Clfl mm III ur mllr at and munum ulung hmldw wu the nppudllnn MW7 IMIIIIIIMII um ul erllmul nlmu NAM it Lume m1 mumml hr in rmluln Inlmnn unly tfl mm mm hmmll Rudhury ml rn mm 4er Hum my nllhl mm Emma 11 mu num nnlnh up In VnMuuver nl mm In mm llmv hm numb In they luv Tacoma mm um willed down Ind Tum lo pull me plum Tho Middlpggm GOLDEN JUBLEE VIhln Juurnul 1qu mlumnlnu yuu may have vher Inll Necessary Police Action Will Be curb Tojliast Driving On The Speedways In Barrie Signs are no good to stdpjspeeding on Bartlea streets There is onlyone way oi stopping theée people and that is by police taking the necessary action commented Aldennan Pï¬ddlson at Monday nights meeting oi Town Council brie discussion followed when people were going home mm the Alderman Harry Michie said that factories it might be possible in his ward live there were three he pointed out to try and work mudmnvs Duniop Street West some arrangement with ih brlct dlscusston followed when Alderman Harry Michte said that In his ward live there were three speedways Dunlnp Street West Bradlord Street and Tillin StreeL suéngccd um speed trap signs mlgm be put up or those running to the 30 mm an hnur speed runu Another idea he pm onward the conslderatmn the traflic cam mute was that smnclhlng might be dune about the very heavy name at Bradlord Sven and Dunlap was ham hour and at pm when LEISURE TIME COMMITTEE NOWIIN POSITION PROCEED WITHSURVEY TOWN NEEDS meellng to he held Lomnrruw nlgm ln the Depart ment of Agrlculturc boardroom Colller Street many weeks of organlzaclon research and plannlng by the Lelsure Tlme Survey Commltheé wlll result in the shark of careful person wpersun survey to gnther answer to some questions of con cern to all people ln Bnrrlc and dlscrlct rIn brlcl the survey sucks tn as that semble data which wll rnvcal 0pm what our cilllcns nuw do In their leisure lime what nddiï¬unal things they would like In do what additional ucililics such as bulldlng my arms it they nra dcsircd whnl support wnuld beflvcn to any project im pmving cxflsung lacilitlcs or dc veloplng new ones The committee war organizm three months ago by group of Intercswd cmzcns wxlh Gmdnn PM as chahmun Subcummlucu chairman In Jim Gilmore and Carl JenntlL number wellknown Barrie cillznn are Idcnmlud wnh lhhprylm man whom are Mull Conny Slawart Page dual Gltnn 151 Ross Turnbull Burl ldJJack Gable Help Pfltfxfl mmrwnda Culbcn George Frickb Jr Jlrn Malgm Rcberla Gilbank and Gordon Put tenmn Purpose the meellng on Thurs day nlght to vrovlde lull lnlurm nllun or all lnlervlewcrs than who wlll be calling lrom house to house uklng dawn hcnclunl an swer suppllcd by clllzuns hllln dard prlnled queslhnnnlrn has been developed and produced Eanh lnlcrvilzwcr wlll be huleild wllll kit and duscrlpflon ol the hnmcs he or me huJ la Vlsll Each lnlcrvluwcr wlll he coached lo sim ply nsk qumlonx and nol lo sug gcsl npy anuwcrx W111 nul be poulble lu Inlrr vlnw every dlllcn In Barrie and dlxlrch llkuvnr the tmnmlch Ask hill when nn lnlLrlewDr calls your home yuu cnopcmle lully by nnswunnu um quulinn nnlrc Only In mu way lean lhc pnv 1m be successlul In dlscnvrrlnlt whnl Danlc pwplc In amoral nn dolnx ln allure um um whul lhclr Umughln And dosirrn me Im the lulurc ML le pomu om We nu nilumwlnu wn um disch Tm survey wlll mm In prncllcul wny determine mwhl dlmuon he cluzcnl wlsh ln rnvrl luwnrds numnxlon chh wlll mm n11 nuts occupnlhmx lurnmr oval and mmmmm mt Inlnrvlawcrwlu be mm nu of 20 humus In nplcsrnhlllvr mm In Hnnlv nml Allimdulo nus LOAD lnuln Farm Forum group who tank In £0 mu Ontario Mul eununl Collcuo Guelph are sum now may you mowa by the RM Rowe Mom Farm Forum Group Visit Agricultural College um um oxuu an mm mm munu Aldcrman WHllams chair man of hc traflic committee said lhat these Hum were under com slderntinn at the present time and they were on the next schedule of work uun mum its to have the laggered lu gry and cut down the raffle prob lcm that complete HDSSSQEUOn omnmn can be married MILHing In ihw specdwnysf PROF WILF JURY TO MAKE SURVEY HERE NEXT YEAR dclailad urvey palm of llljlnrlcal lnlcrul nmund unr ric wlll be cnby Prof am and Mn wnma qu durn Ihc month of September 1055 Dcnnlln plum were made or much mmy mcellng 01 lb Chamber at Commmn held llul nlmn In lhc Chamber cammcrce rooms lhr Chamber sponsor the acIlvMy The InclllflK wu Attended by Prolmor Jury nnw onlnnnd In zuchrulonlczfl work II No mu unc v1 Midland DIG thr ncnr Dunlrunm Mr Jury also ucllnq lhu development at hlslnrl val cum nruund Punulnngmshcnc Thu mcclln wnl pmldcd am by Ralph Snulgrovu lmldcnl llmln um urvcy ll hoped in lnmll xxally the landing and rnulr NineMlle Inrlnxe mm which was um mnln supply llm lvr Hrlllsh mllllnry and nnvul Mlnlylldlmrnu lllc moulh the Nuuuwuriuzn lewr nl Penmdw Imhmv mm Mptklnnc nlnndx Variable Again Shade and Shine Possible Showers The walk llarled wllh shaw rn an Sundny evenlnx In plenum day and has con Ilnuul varlable um Ind Ihula wilh umwm Today fluted wllh the amt vuler but the pummel Is Im clearing Inlet llld psulhly cnnlcr lunperh tures contlnue In um 10 brack probably nund wllh no hrcak ye Ilnce July 29 TamperInna Aug Aug Aug Aug early MONDAY WEDNESDAY 3nd FRIDAY at Mulu mnmn Damn mumlmn Um Baum mnlnm 1mm rurum wnnl nluns ml the double ulp 5c Ilngl cdpy Ali Paddiwn said that mar were other mm in town which were Just the same Police action was an mat would stop the weeding andthey had esumaled in helr budget £th year or motorcycle or this sort duly They now had he machine ahnuld not be very hard in calch about 20 spenders day he added an Haber ESmllh remarked that he had made palm recenfly driving mm hls home on Cnl lingwuad She to his attic at 30 sald AClhal speed mm just log Illflzzing pan me all the wayfl he Believe Indian Village Oldest Yet Uncovered new chapter 1n the history 01 in Canadian Indian may be un coveml an arm six milei south n1 Midland nhere wlllrid Jury curator at the Musaum Indlnn Arche UIogy and Pinneer Ute at the Unl versity of Western Ontario has found conclusive evldence complclelypalllsaded village 400 feet long by 200 th19 con structed long before the Us while men came to Huronia Fnr the ï¬rst Mme we have opponunlty to uncover 1n Ihis part 11 Mario substantial prehistoric Indian site which is relauvuly un dismrbcd explained archeolugist Jury has only been sunlace plow ed Ind seven 10 inch down in lhe sand loam carbonized wand has been cxvcllcmly prwcrved the mos ideal in have ever had lha opportunity to work Mn Juy Ide¢ l4 PagesZ Sections Already uncovered are mm min 500 Ice in Me post mulds dlcnllng exicnslvu palmIdes evi dence of unique proï¬ccwd cn Hanna salehjnd well suppoan northuaatlcomer hat may hnvu been okom bastion ne Lot mum in nddlunn Mr Jury hu pruvcd Lhm In nounsHI lmflnns aparlment dwellingswith their ï¬lm the plLS and large Ln plt contnlmng blg stones nnd chunks clay whlch appears to have been bake oven for pottery Mun than 3150 armncls havn an ar bun taken mm the site Ior cataloguing by ha unlvcrsky Thc pottery rlm shred dww many Sngonlou pallnms said Mr Jury and same Incorparnle human face cuminthe llrsl efï¬gy pol cry laund In 13 part at OM41th 0m 1va was made with two mull human ace ornnmnnu perhaps ushlonod by the same nrlen who made the allle pOL ll known gvncrnlly hn he mil came Ilshme ncm the mean mm lhu Danie Ianncry caullnuId alum Sunnldnle Ilmd to Shlrlvy Anne nnll Lcfllln Sllcuh to wiml nlonu lhn brow he Mlxudlu Valley ID Wlllow Crack llnnl 1m nlllnu In par of nu xhorcllno MB out Mnry ln prnvldc nddillunnl mum space Wm bfl OVlr Ur mlhrr Invnlluuuun Then LI not lhc lllghllsl nvl dencc Eumpenn cunt1d cnn llnued he nmhcologbl Indeed 1Tum to pull Iwo please