Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1954, p. 6

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ummunmnmnmhuummmmtmu HI An untry llsl from nlmont 30 mmntrlc ulllllnlcd In the limplrc Omnm um Cum monwcnllh Iulcmllml wlll brlnu tomsuwr In lrlcndly but keen cumpcllllon men nml woman Ilhlclcn mmly ol whom wlll dllfvr In longucl and color hul ull cl whmn wlll be bound together by lhnl lnlnlmlblu llu lhnl llnks lhc Commonwcullh wltll the Crown Commonwealth cumrndcthp 1n sport I5 me maencn of the m1le Empire 0mm und never hm there been It better opportun lLy to dcmonslrulc thln than more will be um 1054 0mm 1n Vnncuuvur July 30 to August The British Empire Games Ynnr devotion to duty and that or on other volunteers In the Ground Observer Corps throughout the country will plnyn vllol role In our sconrlly You and thousandé at others who volun teer In the Ground Observer Corps through out the country wnl be the eyes and cars at the Air Force and thus you will suppie mentthe early Wornlng Rndor Network Your reports may constitute the first wnrn 1m rm enemy oppxooch The Aircraft Flush Message you send 1n may put tnto nctlnn forces thut wlll snve whole city from deatructlon At the very Ienst your reports wlll help keep truck at the enemys plnnes so that the defence ngulnst them can be stunted and the targets In their puths warned To stand guard at these 1001 holes we must hpve conscientious and capable civil inns who are sufficiently patriotic and will ing to donate it little at their time to the snieguurdtng oi their country That Is why your cuuperntion and time are new re quired To set up such 11 warning system we have erected mnny rndar stations and are contin unlly enlarglng and improvlng on the sys tem Stlll rndnr has llmlted range and it ls Impossible and uncconomlcnl to have complete radar coverage Due to the llmitn tlons of radar there are bound to be many gap In the network through which flights of hostile aircraft may enter undetected and strike unexpectedly There 15 mun probablllty tumlng an enemy nlr attack completely However 11 our warning devlces are adequate we can destroy or at least turn back large per centage at his bombers and thereby reduce the devastntlon which the balance may cause The problem then ls ndequate warn lngl The fact that we as member of the United Nations may be in position to hit sucn an enemy equally as hard as he may hit us should not stop an enemy attack It may he that we have iar more atomic bombs greater number oi long range bombers taster and more eiilelent fighters and it may be that our production potential is greater than that of any possible enemy Such an enemy may decide to take des perate gamble end it he does he will en deavor to catch us unprepared and strike the first devastating blow mm which it will most certainly be diiiicult to recover To counteroe this we must be prepared to word oi th blow and in position to striizc back immediately and with terriiic power How best can we do this Never bclure have no many nutlnmx brcn For the first time In our history potential enemy has the power to mike devastating ntthcks on any part of our rnuntry single plane carrying nn atomic bomb can now destroy an entire industrial area It better to wear out than to rust out Blshop mchnrd Cumberland we are ln dangerous posltlon In these days or suite ant lawlessness we as one or the UN members stand asn bulwark of freedom but as on lndlvldual country we cannot stand alone though our present In dustrlnl productlonvls 1n posluon to tum she tlde of uggresslon and we are on essent m1 spoke ln the wheel industry It ls therefore up to us to maintain vlgllnnce Ir press release entitled Facts Not Fantasy which has Just been released by the Ground Observer Corps Detachment in Bunle great emphasis has been laid on the posltlon which we as members of the Uplted Nations and ourselves today Facts Not Fantasy WEDNESIMY JULY 28 1954 mummy Ixullruu In mu nlmu an mrunry IHL inmrnnc III dwulmwl mlul lllvt Umuuhl um Um pmlflmi wm cnmxmuMn dvll urrvku In null lhrruluu mud lnr Minn hrrnuw wr Hm lllll ruelvlnl Ilml Irllcr wry numlh mldrrwd In nu mnu mumrr nulmuzh rlflhl dlllrrrlll pan hlvn luld lllflrufllm xlnr ml llllm IIII nlulnll full 10 In Hal nlll mu hut Um Wlhvwlwfl ll 0M 11m wrllcr wnl rrrrlnry nmmmrmwm Lllmr mumn mnnlhly Imumu In mlr nlmu cum inmrnnc In mum lll Summcrildn vnumufmnncm Mull rum xuvcrnmcnl deparlmcnln the mum at nll mwspnnlr olflcu hm un our 1mm pnxu lndny npmduce In plclure Iurm wmn mmhl bu drscrlbvll uvrrmmm publlrlly mum crazy 11 mum 1mm Hm uwmumn uf Nnrllmrn nlm and DH ldcnllrnlly adilrlmc¢ and all cunlnlnlnx Hm Mme lllcrnlurl far In am cnnccrncd Mr anncr find our national unlhcm ll God Save NH Queen th ever Cnnndn ll played do no cnllr Inlu II We already have lugUm nld Unlon Jnrk II has wnvrd fur ynfln mmde nr junHy hmllcn nnd nl Um decent nnd gun He askcd his audience to endorse rcsclullon to put an end to sopnmllonisl nclIcs he polluted nut hm we cant call oursrlvu Dnmlnlan any more Theyve Inkcn Ihe Rnynl of lhc mnll boxes theyve lakcn the Crown on me nlr forte badkw Thcyvn xlvcn Cnnndlnn governorgeneral Now they wanl us to have disllncllvc Cnllndlnn flag he sald Stnyner Sun In mum address hclore crowd several hnusand ham to culchrnlc he Baltic lhu laym on Salurdny REV Downer MPP for Duflcrln Slmcoc urged Ms llslcncrs Io alronzly oppose lhe movemem that was lnklng Cnnadn out the mum Cnmmonweullh How Ridiculous OPINIONS 0F OTHERS Hits AT Now the 1954 Games are at hand and lf conditions are Invornble they may be re corded as not only the largest but the best to date World record holders in several events notably the mlle run are competlng and marks that may stand or many years may be set As no man ls born rm artist 50 no man ls born 1m angler Nine of the major cuuntries or the Em pire competed then with Britain herseli supplying our of these representing Eng land Scotland Ireland and Wales London wasthe Venue of the 1934 Games when wpmen athletes were included ior the iirst time Australian athletes came to the fore in 1938 when the games were held in Sydney Australia and Australlans agaln pruved themselves the Commonwealths leading athletic nation when the Games were resumed after wartime lapse at Auckland New Zealand in 1950 Cnnndu host to the largest Empire Games ever staged also was host to the first of the modern games in Hamilton in 1930 spe cial Empire celebration in London in 1911 during the reign King George includ ed small numberat athletic events but the real pioneering games were those at Hamilton In addmon to the visiting athletes and omelals thousands of visitors rem other parts ntCanndn and from the United states will flock t9 Vancouver tor the Games This will be big boost for the Pacific coast city and some of the good effects or the influx are bound to be reflected on Canada as WhDIIL Canada and especially the city at Van couver cannot help but banth tom the influx of alhleles from around the globe Dlflerences may arise as they inevitably do at such major sports eventsl but they are negligible compared with the Irlendshlps that wlll he cemented durlng the week long program linked in Commonwealth competition and it is iitting that among the spectators watching the athletes perform will be the Duke of Edlnburgh the husband of the Commonwealths Queen Separation Trend mmmrntrd mun Iznnk Walton rlqh In 1m null lruprfluulf Mnmlnx III Gvnuany In Ihn drumInn yrm DI llum Thr vllful rllmux ul Hull rvfl rnlmvnlull Ihmkul lhn run IEJCIILu HM wurhl 11w NMI lrnlllu Ivrn ulnrlrd In llmr Arl hnlm Mu rmrlly luwnull lhl llwy mu mun mm llnmmnIl In Germany Ider 1le mp Jaws wm llsphvd mlnmlly Ilul lhvy hrrnme mu mum ur mum and mucnum nmy wm vcntcu hum Imxlnu wm lhr mum Inprrlor mumum we Arynu rum wm llnnlhh chwvr HIHur mnllellm erl mo Culluulnlv huyn nnd mm when Hwy 1me wmu War II uflrn mmuun Xlwlr Innnln nhnul lhu mun whlvh 1m up lhls rum lruvllr Thu Imrrlblr mum of um Jutllcn nm wlld on nnlluunl Irnlr cnnnul he muunmml yuumul mum man In he lump or mm pumlln nllvr lodny Lnfl Chrlshlm In mlnuou Can ndlall sthuulnmml lushad searching lur Infurlmlllon uban Christmas custom hunk mnny chlIdnn nskrd DMCII or Gcnnnu or 1111qu chlld Ilmul Ohrlllmn in hh lmnuIllnd TM Inlvrmlnullnx chlldrun Ulrllll cultures ha uxally mnch nun nnllonnl cduaatluunl Mr hm drslruycd mly prlhxdhv mwnru Imle wllrre purrnu nnd wader hch cumme wulrnml Hui nvwrnm and rumhasim um commend nblr uHHlmltn The Word prejudice ls llnkcd wllh the vow IreJudge ur p153 Judge men on an individual bvturc 1n qulry has been made The old Bril lsh lrudlllon ma man Is cun lldcrcd lnnoccnl unless hr prev en In In vxullly Any alnnlndud prrsun tnn son the lolly ur lumpllm group persons and lammm him all uccurdlnu to flulr race 13 unly llm lgnunlnl llllll he bluoltd who hold lrrruncllvtd up lnlunx or person wllhuul Sllulclllll mounds Lets resolve banish ram pm Judlcc If we fathers and mothers wauld really work on lhl lmporlnm Ivb we could nccumpllsh wonders Wc knnw lhalno mum is ever bum wllh anuganlsu rulings awards anynne ulsr who dmm mm him in rzlcc Scicnllsl nfllrm Ihnt than 13 no such Mpg lnsflncllvc prejudice Observers nl nurscry schuols ind nu nnupnlhy no car or wllhdrawal lhc pan me boy or glrl mward another small younxslcl who dmvr from him in calor Travel an exccucm way to break downnce projudicn The French Canadian buy and girls are very much like us one Ontario collulnlc student Whn had visited Quebec 1215 summer report Ed to his family the first film he was hnme He had spent momh workan and grying Io ImprOVe his French under the Inlerprovinclal V1511 Plan Did ynu Ihlnk they would he very different his lulhcr asked LelsBunishBucePreiudice For Parenh Only mm Mat ma Inklqu By Nancy Cleaver Travel hnlp to Increase undu slnndlng bolwccn Individuals ll you are lmvclllnz In Europe how much you would npprcclntc bnlng nlerlalncd ln the home nnllvc there Than no method of show an nowcu or somelhlnxof our Canndlnn wny lllfc than by helm helpllnlzlo Why not invite an Canadlan couple and thclr chlldnn lo share meal undu your Ion llospllallty nclghbourllncs la slmnzcr ln strange land help treat llmng and unified Cln ndn They are the Ilmngcsl known farm conquer the dlscasc 01pm udlcu An outstanding example or me enriching lnflucncc Genhlc Jewish rIendsMp was Hm the Kama wriler Willa Gather and the amlly of Yehudi Menuhin Ihe great violinlsL here not some Individual or some Inmlly in your communuy nnuthcr race whom you can flmw same lllllc practical act 01 nelghbourllncs There Is no ban way to pracllxc the mend ann whlch dosimy prejudlcr chlxh people Thousands at Jews were cxtermlnnted vhousands fled to other lands The State 01 Israel which Is recognized by the ninja fly at muons conunues be flor cely resented by the Arabs 25 On nmmOZ IE Gm 512 vaaZROEU Om 2Zx mIZZOZ 109 BHYFIELII STREET Imlglnol My clln lu you In lh9hnlrl llwno Numbori wm lltmnln The flame THURSDAY JULY 29 copywrlfihlt ARE PLEASE T0 ANNOUNCE 11 PENINO 0N OF THEIR NEW OFFICHJ AT At both meeting made Mu same smument That What lhc summcr residents need 15 two top rnscnlallvcs alcclnd Innisfll Council before proceeding torDch 01 Municipal Affairs know that ynu can get some whcrc wllh he Munlclpnl Board Jr the propu prnccdurc Iu roll nwcd for had In pleasure at decision from III Bonrdun municipal mnunr uclwmd In my lnvor In I952 dld no say In quoted Toi lnkv nvcr he buslnlzu any cauncll or luwnshlp Thankan you was Invited lo the ralepnycrs meaning in Leonards Beach Com munny all Sunday July 11 by Mn Farrah because my allend ante on my nwn hchnit at Innbfll Councll muellnxChurcthl quly To The nation The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir do not apprcclnl bclnz mis qunled on serious munlcipal husl ncss Claims Misquote lnnisfil Notes Special Meeting LMAY 11 uummss 1m Strand July 17 Wininf Threequartch at the attacking Drce were RAF In bombers But the Sabres mm the Canadian base Gm Tenquln In France and Zweihruccknn and Baden1n Ger many did their best to ge wllhin me dolunccs The nlzack operated south of Scouand to the west at England1rnm line drawn mugth south frnmthc Mp of Norway mm Alr Marshal Sir Dermal Boyle Commander ln Chlcl RAF Flghler Command sald that on the delance sldc great strldcs had been mad ln radar thlnk we probably lave the but early warning radan lp the war he declared The object of the air exErclsfl code mm Dividendwns to lusl Ihe oflecflvcncss Britains nlr defence system More than 70000 men and wumun Iuok part It last cd lhrec days and mu second phnso will like place next weekend Canadians North Luffnnhflm mok waxlime conditlons Juli 11 The wnrking gay was from In the murning to 10 at night Sabre flew rum dawn In dusk Sabre Jets Incenuy delivered to Canadas three fighter wlngs on the continent parflcipalud In huge attack on Bram Other Canadian Sabres Irom No Fighter Wing based at Nurth Luflcnhnm helped the deluncc The RCAF wok an importarit pm In the largest alr exercise In lhn slnce he war rThe latest Thursday program this year to have an evening square dance anbmuns and cmnpemions Bolh schnol children updr adult classes dancers will be seencmnpcung for prizes The feature will be show bya professional servo dancers who demonstrate their Three Days Sutton Fair Horse Show Air Exercise August t5 and optn5 th lint at Central Ontario mm the annual Sutton Fak and Horse Shaw with manynth action Sutlnn Show Lt nne the land an airs of Ontario despite having an early dale whlch lam he run in cnnjunctlon summer acflvny with he hursc show Thzres In Why packed 11110 three days of program at Sutton spectamr cant set everynhing but most items of the 5th centre nn he track or Infield in mm of grand stand in um allcmnnns or even lugs Guaranteed Service on Dcllvcry or llckup Onlus 1N BY THURSDAY NOON JULY 29 READY SATUR DAY JULY 31 COttys Cleaners In order that the stall may enjoy weeks Inlldays THE PLANT WILL BE CLOSED AUG to AUG VACATION mu In hum We 60f M0126 THAN IN MY COCK NM TN 334 GUARANIHD MUS CIRTIFICMESI Aullmriml Iuvcummt for mm fund Shun um5 ycm JMX ymly lntcmr payable luILymly In five ycm $11124 lccumulum to $50000 Wrill 4r rlmnphxv VAIr STERLING TRUSTS CLOSING OFFICE OPEN FOR CALLS SATURDAY AUGUST Phone 2885 YHE Friday nrogrnm is wnen5nttou Fair becomes truly Hum Show mm noon start at JumpingWehta nnd Equestrian display in the Show ring In first of the twoday race card of trotters and pace with more than hall the Light Hume and Pony classes being Judged between race card events Alsu there 15 ihc thrill ol Steeplechase race which shows the Jumping hurse in mgde going over the mileexient course Friday evening opens first show of evening grandsiand entertaim mm In bc rnpcaind again Satur day eveningi Saturday program at Sullgn has Judging of all livestock classes In beat or dairyculc hogs sheep us well as heavy horse exhibits madn in scvuml Spats on the gmundsas the full program at ICES Jumpmg home evenu light horse judging ls going on before the grandstand lhundny Minimum and evénlnz also has judging of all Home Dept Art Ind Childrens classes Allover the zmunds the Mldwny and only tainmant natures Ir ln lull wlnz 115m They dim enter the 0ng mIon belnl professionals but will be distincfly warm seeing Wait 11 Hughs Hardware Your One Stop Stovc 80 Dunlgp St Ph 2556 WE DELIVER PARCELS GIFT WRAPPED la MAILEI AT NO EXTRA COST OTHER THAN POST AGE Aulhorhed Isaum nrnunung mu mum Unenxts mum emu mm Inna KEYS cuT While WGHS unnnvnnm INCLUSIVE

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