Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1954, p. 5

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3+2 In In an nnvlnl Mme Sulnnmn wm ulrl In nnxlc nng wllhh runhlwl Mm In Hilflk llu lunuunur lxlnh nml hrnlh Thv rmllmll Amman nnlurnllxl Klulmll Immnz lrhnml In dllplllnlv Hulnnmus lull wllhmfl flavovoIzMorouoowu Klle N00MONfl KING Ivy Kmuml Imam set as me Joli701167070 IllIMIIMMMI Roxy Theatre STARTING THIS MONDAY MGM PRESENTS ITS FIRST GREAT CINEMASCOPE PRODUCTION gr Ill IHJNMH II DIM 1115 Evenings Adults 75¢ Madnees Adults 500 Children all times 25 All Taxes Included For MovinMcrryGoRound Tum in CKBB at 540 pm Daily THUR Ffll SAT CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 230 pm GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT vs 5Hows AT 650 It pm PLUS CARTOON COMEDY SHIVER MY TIMBEHS LATEST wnnmsn maws mam MHLCBMSIJNS LAST TIMES TONIEHT WED HIGHWAY DRAGNET LOOPHOLE lnsumnru Annoy WEDNESDAY THURSDAY IRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOWSA1URDAY 230 pm EVENING sHows START AT 550 91m THE MOTION PICTURE EVERYONE MUST SEE HOUSE cums FIRST WITHjfi BEST IN BARBIE In orlhr um um bchuvlour uu mm mm Imlmulu umlrr nh ¢rvunun may mmmmry mm uxul Dr Lunnz nuuw lhrm mum on ulmvll 11 mum Mar Inn unuuw In um 1mm humu lmhl nu nne um Qvllck um Hm wlmlnw nw mm In ml of mum lhry my 0qu lhr ler IIn ern munkry my llylnx In In qu mum nmmvununcm Dr mum Irrh Imme mm by mm mu lrnrnnl nnlmul mummy and by urlullnn nmmmm ml luvv wnu rum luuI haw IIrvulnle fur Mm HuImlllum Ml rxlwrlnwuh huw hml uurxywulwlly nlmnln mum Ily lmllullllu Hu mum that nmllwr munmd Iunkw hu wnl an In wrlnndv mnllv n1 mun Iml Ilvlrklhujx In rum Mm hrJr nmlhIr nml mm xluy lu rlrc lllllrd wily mumu wlm rnnw mum rmwl In on All lvmr null mmrkhu rou ununmly In llw nrl ul Iravllnu MI llmr lmvml In vnlrr Thu Minn Mm Umth HIIH mnl kmyw lhal llm 511ml Irunlml man Irrluwhvl unruly mny mum wmluu hls Ihrulv um yuuuu Inullulln mouan IV nlhllvrr by hur all lmls Hm llmn hy le Ilmlrllllluv supernaluml am by nclunlly mmu llu plilylypm lo Ihc mung uncnnnucd wlld crullmns lmldcnlnlly umlmry ppm mm In In mhr Hm luhnvlnllr Anyulm wlm Xnvu mm um um mm wlll Nuuy HM mum and rhalmlnily wnum mcmlnl Hm nxmuuuu uml rxprrlrmrs Knurml Luxrnn whmn Jullan mm luu gm Mm ur own bwly and mm hlI Humluml mm chtamllnl Iulmnh Tlll IAINUIIHII TI IIHIIU AN 11 UNIth lly mu TM II Annlhrr Inmk Ill Inlul amnlour lllluullil Sub IIINI An Darmllnn Inln llnmflm llr valnny MI lumk MINIu many 1h plump awl wnurlrr hll urnu ut 1m mm MIMI hum SEE IT Esmmmv mm DANCERS OF THE DEEP FOX NEWS THUR FRI SAT llw hm um inkln llu pluylypm lo Ihc mme mIdcnmxy cmflmry lo pnyulnr uplulun mm In runslzlcrnblc hmly ol rcllnhlr evldxncc nunw Hm mnmu many do chw ml Mr Lrylcllu ma nary muan whl nlmrd la 1ka whvn lhc wulrh mmrlni nlnhllnu nlu hrcnmr mm he m1 nu wlnh In Im cullul 1m llw Mr Ilka mnn nrr mum Nu ulrnllshl who mw llw mu mum much Ihr nmr hmk an murmur vlll mrnlly llw 1mm nlr vaurlw mu um um um wnr nm mm Mark 5mm Jru pm Hrlwllrll llm Cnluulln mum Wlnu mun Lu mum lunk pm In lvlrnllw mum qul mumlmm Immtl In Fman mm Gummy wm NIlve In nu ab larki mm mman llm mwlhln mum tum lulu Hm umllnrnl Alr VlrrMnuhnl mum runwmn finlllhurL mu Hum mu llrlvlnllt mm IHIIIUIII nllrmlml In Illhllmlhllml unlmrnu lem rhym mm mm nan mmuy MACK ALI HlLIiH WILF HTODD AF IN ll XKIICIH um llrmmhl inxlfimlfn mm lhnl vml All IIIVNNH Hmnu HI mm uwm Hvlm mm 95 mm 2H HIUllT CMTR VINmIIllMlHIIlH SUITS IN 5mm READY mum YOU WAIT SPORT On he same night motorist driving over the bridge niicr leav ing the pavilinn had been troubl ed by the strong headlight of an appmzching car and turning right to the printmead in rant the coiiagcs lacing Minets Creek had struck large tnrmer bridge timber the only prntnction on the pageox the culvert and his car had dmppcd inio hole lcfl by the erosinn 01 gmch The vehicle was badly damaged but thedrlvcr escaped injury The Ilmber had been siruck last year by another metal15¢ knocked all the Fridge and although partly broken it was replaced by the luw truck at the time and nothing iurthcr had been done to praich this danger ous and busy spot lnnisiil police invesiigaied No admission tuc has ever been phargcd at the park and Ii is pat ronized by many Barrie residcnls but so no pniicc proimiinn has hum arranged by the OFF The rcspnnslbiiiiy is placed upan me innisili paiicc iorce three rezuiar nfiiccrs with some addi lionai summer nssislanis in is large area including Bciic Ewari Min Point hI 6m more popullr than ever durinl the past weel bolh at the bench Ind for Friday and Satuxday nlght dancer but notwithstanding the crowd on Saturday about ll pm so pcrsonvwlth knowledge or te phones Ind their lnrtallatlonhyund cl the More hours at the paint took the opportunity alter the store had closed evidently to cut the wire lnslde the booth pull the phone all the wall remove the money and leave the phone und aliachments on the ilaorihe store watchdog has been trained not to bark at those wing th telephone and so gave no warn ing Although he had averted In breakin hack in the wring by driving away thelinlrudnrs The haul entlrely in silver would be considerable at the husy phone Newly pnslcd to the RCAMC LLCol Galloway 0BR whn mum the CD3 vacancy rur mcrly held by Maor IL Andor son DSO Mr and Mrs Claude Swllzur and children of Willuwdalc cailed an relauvcs gm Sajugaya Mn aha Mrs Kmnbcl New lnnbmok spent lhc weekend Cnmons Miss Jukephlnu Cumming Tor onln is on mum mg week wuh Ms AnnnManddcn LCOL Galloway nrrlvcd the RCAMC on 19 July from his armor pnsunz fin lxurca when he was DC No Cdn Field Ambul Inca Minels Phone Booth Robbed Also Accident Mr and Mrs spent Ihl weekend wllh Mr and Mrs Thorn lon at Newmarknl when lhey have new baby daughten IECOL MLIJHVAY HIE nrw ihlrl lmlmrlnr HUANG NEW CHIEF INSTRUCTOR FOR RCAMC SGHOOE Mrnn lml lnyl Wu 55 Dunlop mule quny guyhm APTO The l3 or mnre years person amends ln schnnl are perhaps the mast lmpananhycars hls llle Editor Karen Gray thoughllully re llccu ln her edilarlal onvlhc open lug pages overtones Hun he makes hls lrlcnds learns to accept londcrshlp dlscl pllnc and Ms responsiblllllcs He shauld also learn to accept nlhcr race nnd creedslns well hls BDCI Yearbook Overlones Conlains lnleresling 0uine Of Events During School Year Allmctivuiy bound with cover lhai is aimost solid while his year with simple cover design in the other school colom red and black the 195354 overtones has both in keriaus and light momenu in MI message to the students Principal Bowman reflect on he worid labor market in which young panadian graduates must now com pole while on the allowing pagu there arcing composite picturcs at the gayest social aptivitius and the hrigifltsl moments oi un dur an flic schnol year that is just own The world needs and want us But more than that the warm needs and wants men and women who have heencducalcd get along wllh other people who knew he worlds problem and Me prepared In try to solve 12m and who will be goud and loyal clllzens The distinguished graduate chos nn or special place of honor this year Is Dr Florence Quinlan slslam pmfcssnr physics at the University 01 Tumnlo whose war termed an inspiration to every one V£DNESDTY JULY 28 1954 Jusfi before the end Ihe school Year he Barrie DianKc Collegiate Institute annual yearbnnk Over lnncs came on The Examiner press and In 1m 83 page com plete record schdol ovum aver Ihn paslyenr The 29 members 01 the teaching stall at the milcglntc have half pictures on the sucnnd pan the schonl magazine while the cane gintc 1601 Is the subject one the prominent photographs lit the bcnlnnlng 01 the record ofrthc schoul year The schools active camera club has alsn uuppllcd pho tographs all the academic and Commercial graduates of 1954 alarm with group pictures thexthocl Living ln Earth with M1 Wife and two children LLCol Gallu way expressed hls snllslncllnn ln bclng 111th to the School in CI and We all extend uur warmest welcomv to the new Chic ln suuclur Leaving me RCAMC to be Chic Instructor at lhu new Medl cal Joln Trainan Centre In Tor onlo Mnior Anderson DSO Major Andcngn cnmc In me RCAMC In Dcc l0 flll h1 cn vacancy nllcr scrvlm mm 25 Can Field Ambulance In Koren During Ills stay In Camp Borden Major Anderson bccamc we known and Ilknd not only by RCAMC personnel bul by lemon ncl In all nlllcr colp as well vAn nrllcnl nlhlclc Maw Anderson has rcpcalcdly scl retards In mum cvnnu held In Cnmv Burden Al the rcccnt mull mutt Major An daman 50 brilliant cUmlll to nu my km by svlllnn new record In If Dlscus Shot PM and Ham lncr throw shallcrlnl nwn Ircvluuu rtcunh To Major Ind Mrs Andrrstm and lhvlr umlly we my 11 value an Rundbyu and he mm at every umu In Turnnlu In In mvrrnl weeks of lnltrlm bclwflll Mulnr Amlcmml dupnrl um and LLCul mlluwnyn an vnl Major Luscnmbu 51 nclcd cum lnslmclor Mr hill whlrh ruulvl have well chnulic mmn mm nIIu Fth wnymimw my sun Allmills llmu JungInf max EIg Elli Vlfldl In cum imuucmr ruulvl mm mm NHL so Hmlll Eh flarriv Examiner inr chnulic HIM nu unyunr Thmuglmul Overtonw mum the work at lustudemyslau and lalcnmd BDCIms The work at Henry conlcsl wlnners are cal umd land the page also lncludc reports from every form ln the vyork nl lhc young class repeltom 50m 01 he studean shnw thum sclvcs to be blllngual wltb one page Un Pcu dc Franczlu de vnlcd completely In French essays There are phulograph of the Overtones stall the prlze wlnnem at commencement last years head buy and head glrL laud Cock burn and Ann Hams the wlnner at the Blll Laklng Memurlal Tru phy Leslie Glllesple the senlur loulball team the Boys Athletic Suelety the Tudhope track team the junlur and senlcr boys basket ball team the Junlcr football team the curllnz club the Glrls Athlelle Snciely the Thompsnn track team the senler and lunlor girls basketball teams the BBC cheerleaders the sludenu eouncll the French club the current events club the Key Club the library eluh thecamem club 1805 the xchnnl band and he glee club and the lorm reporlcrs complete report on cnmmcnce mnnt activities and the special as semblies at the year 15 followed by review 01 social activitim in leaSithu mas graduatinn dance initiation the rugby dance the commencement dance the French club party the Christmas dance Collegiate Capers the KJC Hard Times dance the BBC skating party andlthc libyary club ten dance groups and organxtalions the major activitim 195354 term Highlights of be mum spans events the yearUm cadre In lpcclion the Iontball season the athletic soclctics Bctivlliu the Tudhnnc mccl field day and range evcnIs he baskcrhall season the curling season Ihe Thompson track and field meet frnm which he BDCI girls emerged vlulorlous last year Ihc volleyball tournament noonhour ncfivlfluonll share he mag131nm new scctlnn Every schcnl nrgnnizafinnhc smdcnts cnuncll Ihc lhrary club In KLy Club the current events club Le Ccrcln Francnls HIL carn un club sayam fully ropnrlnd on and here are special pages de VOMd In he schools two oumand mg musical gruupsthc band and the EMS élulifThe hundh fclllvrll honors and the glue cluhn presen allon HMS Plnafom were among lhc years hlgmlghti The stall he 10135 Overlonc Every school smdcnts cnuncll In 1911 Club club Lo Ccrcln The stall 01 he 10135 Overlonc consisted nl Knmn Gmy edllorln chm Lnrna Cunnlnuham secre My Asslumnl Milan Paul Bury sluk buys alhlclici Joan Smllh glrls athletics Terry Scawrlghl nsscmbllns Audrny Hullynrd su clal Lesley Hanks school orgam lzations andcxchangc Erin Lun slmd pholngrnnhy Lnnnre How man an Douglas Tomllnmn arm news Juhn Wands nlumnl and Pnl lrcbblc bmlnrss manager SL1 Advlsnrs Ehlnholm And UrydgLs llllml Curk burn plmtnumphy and Norman Synnull and Mclnlyrl businms and lcrmnncnl Sm Reporlars Cnlhcrllm Coleman Carolyn Payne Sue Wulls and Joanne ucynuIdL and all Mr and Mrs Dawes and dnughlcr Jane Palmbore spent weeks holidays wilh Mrs Dawu parents Mr and Mm Downcr Jum and Linda Ludlow Toronto nrc holidaying mend her Mn 1m 51 Midlafid Emmi lng some time with her daughter Mm Elalr Mm Mlnnlc Crnlghcnd vulc ing Mr and Mrs Dtfinkwine Toronto Mrs Wlsmer Wm hnslcss in the Ladlcs Guild on Wednesday evening 30000 TREES WERE PRUNED IN COUNTY FORESTS Scots Finn runlnl in Slmcce Cnumy forest as been cmnvlclcd or the current snasun lecordlnz lo reporu 1mm Zane Forester Don Scott With dry warm wcalhcr cnnllnu 1m and mounling hnurd Urn pal mls have been lncrcnlvd and warn hm Issued to vbsorve all precau llnnn nzninsl Hm Over 30000 recs wen trcalcd some far 12 In lime mhnu tar he mlrd lme Mlny hr Irm will be nady lnr Culling durlng lluc all of 1055 Olhcr Job underway In he Sim cocDurmin Zone Include swing at 10x cut last wlnlnr at me Dr pnruncnla mlll ul Angus culllvnl mg hrcnunnh nhucndrlc Drury nnd Wlldmnn Forest and Icnclng opcmtlons Janna Wham MUSA thoU FRI SAT +fififiéufiv IMPERIAL TONIGHT THUR STARTS ZiSHOWS INIGIVITLY MRO SLICK FROM PUMKIN CHICK COIDH DINA MIOIIII ALAN YOUNU Pl DUI NEXT KIIIIIIEH NIIIIIT AIIOIIRT II Inch llchI hIIlI VIII Ulla In IIIUCHN TD qumy III mm mm In yum nla whn lmy mmh mtuu mm kunHIIIIm un Tuwlny nu Thundly NIlIlI VIII In nlmlmrd Held 11 VIII lvo IIan man nlmv On Anqu II The Menlo my be um II WYEBRIDGE NOW PLAYING FIRST HON THEATRES TORONTO BICYCLE DRAW Aug 17 Lullrd lull null nl Birth In Concmlon lutwuln blfllwu ll And hlfluvly FLEMING FEATHER lafllVllllll llfifllllhll W0 HTIILINH HAYDEN AHLEI WHELAN HURON CARTOON NEWS SectirdgiziPdges to 16 daylng al lhe home of Min Mc Intosh Mm Marshall and Mrs Gordon of Timmln spent several days with Mr and Mrs Eddie Mcwab lers Mr and Mrs nmfl spent the former mom MrLC Hall and sun Ruben 01 Windsor Vlech hc farmers bro ther Hnward Luinmis Mia and famlly on Thursday Mrs Welland Uxbledge had been renewing acquaintance here An albumin Inkphone exchange which wlllczrry 100 calls L1 now being filled in the new 22000ton Cunardor Saxonla which will up crate between Britain nd Canada Sta F111 For Inlurnnce at ALL KINDS Pl Bunion BL Phone 5201 TELEPHONES FBI UNIill STEVENSDN INSURANCE JULY 303 LY 2829 Itcllhamv Tor wnckcnd with tho

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