WAWWL NATO neronoullcnl experts it seems were anxious to repluce humnn pilots 1n oertgln type aircroft with instruments and serve mechanlsms Scott Crossfleld nn Amencnn pnot who has flown the Doqglos Skyrocket no 1327 mph uttereq this rejoinder Where he asked can you ï¬nd nnomer nonlinear servemechanism welghlng only 150 pounds andhnvlng grant udnptablllty that can is produced so cheaply by com pletely unskilled lobar Subsidized Exports ITS Man That Matters Will science ultimately supersede man to create robot society An incident which occurred at recent meeting nirsclentr lsts and pilots oi the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ns reported by The New York Times suggeststhut even modern technol ogy will never entlrely elimlnate or subyu gate mun Test pllot Crossfleld scored point for humanity His remark makeswne ponder For pollclcnl as well as Lcchnlcnl scientists are constantw seeklhg to replace man With system of mnehlnc Socialists pnmcu inrly are wont to forget the words of the French philosopher Pierre Churron uttered more than 300 years ago The true science and the true study or man stud Chanon ls man The socalled twuprlcc system for agrl cultural products recently adopted by the Unlted States 15 certain to have unpleasant rcpercusslons for counlrles such as Can ada whose trade relles henvlly on the ex No mnn can be patriot on an empty stomach nuu mm Wu port market or arm products Cnnndhms may therefore be orgiven for looking with mlsglvlng on the Unlted States Govern ments decision to offer butter wheat maize barley unts rye cheese and Uther surplus items directly to foreign buyers at prices substantially lower than those pre vnmng on the domestic market It ls loregéne conclusion that such trade pollclcs wlll have depresslng etlcct onwurld prices Nor can lt be denled that the Elsenhower Admlnlstmtlpns declslon to Nsort to the twoprlce pollcy lnmgrlcultuml products rests on polltlcnl rather than eco nomlc conslderntlons Always rlsc rm the tablevwllh an appetite and you wlll ncvnr dawn without one Wlllnm Penn What is not so clearly recognized how ever is that xesort to the twoprice system is in eiiect dellberntepolicy decision to subsidize exports practice whlch has properly been condemned at more than one of the several conferences on the General Agreement on anliis and Trade It dli irrs not at all in principle from dumping The Secret Ballot The General Agreement on anlfls and Tradc seems has now become Mule more than scrap of pnper to which Washlng ton Intends to pay scum heed In the employeremployee relutlunshlp there ls nnthlng whlch so vitally nflects the ludlvldunl employee as the loss ms pay when he is culled on strike In such nn lm nortxmt dcclslon he should hnve opportun lty lo express his lrce chelee by secret bnl lnt held under government nusplces Such were the words used by President Alsunhowcr In hls Message to Congress last unumry They um wordswhlch lulu on npcclnl mcnnlng for Canndlnnx mdny Inc od or the nccund llme wlthln vnry cw yum with the Incl or strike vole nun upvrutlng rull employers whlch Inny result In pumlynln of the nullonn mll trmmport tvm blu many Cnnmllnns ll mny come ulrnrlsc L0 lcnm that run workcrn do not enjoy lh prlvllvuu Room lmllnt In mutter no vllnlly nflccllng lhvlr llvrllhoud nnd the nnuonnl lnlcrrnL Yet mnny un lonn have recognized the desslmblllly of mu rmch bnlloL recent New York Confor mmu curd mlrvry shown lhnL Amnu l5 mllllon Inomlwm pl nu nnuonul nnd Inter nullnnnlunlonnnnfl prr cent are covered ACloss Newspaper Published Monday Wednesday Friday In Th Wllmn llulhllnl Im oum Hquun Hum Onlulo Camd Mm 11m uuuur nxlmmm 1mm WALD Prelldrnt IIHIHCKx Vlulruldrnt mvm mutinymun MM mm um mu mm mm ummm Amun AverIr N9 Inld ABC Clnuhllon Mmu fldln Mar ll 6542 mmmom hi ADVANCE IV min bumI unuu lain ma mum mun mam nn um um um um um oun mu mm IO 112 inimiï¬iï¬xahtiï¬Ã©ï¬‚i Wllllam Cowper Brnnn MONDAY JULY 26 195 by union copstflutlons which require secret strike vote Canadas textile industry is engaged in the biggest fight of its life the fight to survive says Paul Deacon in The Financial Post its tight strangely incongruous against the backdrop oi an otherwise boom ing Canadian economy Business generally in good shape many textile manuiacturers particularly in the primary industry are closing plants chopping or eliminating div idends struggling to iind ways to keep irom going underr This isnt just matter oi iew small inefficient operations running into trouble Some or the biggest producers in the business have been sharing in the distress It isnt matter either of con sumer demand dwindling to nothing He tail sales of clothing and other textile goods have been at good level by any normal standard but imported goods have gained such share of the market that when consumer buys inbric or clothing chances are one in two the fabric has beenmode outside the country The primary textile industry until fairly recently employed 100 000 poidwages and salaries of more than $200 mililons year and had gross value of production of $850 millions The sec biiuarylndustry which makeScloth into clothing employed as many as the primary industry and paid slmilar Wages with gross annual output worth $750 millionsr No individual could be confronted with gruver decision than that which the non operating employees of Canadas railways now time That decision in axialth whe ther or not to pnrniyze rail transport Indy by the same token thenational economy to enforce their demands If the decision is to strike countless thousands oi em ioyeesih industriesnflected by the strike will be temporarilywithoutemployment roll tieup oi evenia tew dnys duration Will set on chain reaction or economic conse quences which will last for weeks Surely Canadas nonopernting mil em ployees faced With nnlssue of such gravity are entiticd tothe time or rciicction and the protection of privacy in their expression of views which the secret ballot uione can afford Dare to be true nothing needs lie mun which needs In most grows twu thereby Textile Industry Hurt He that would gavem others ï¬rst should be the master of himself Phlllp Mnsslngcr OPINIONS OF OTHERS Oshnwn TimesGazelle Nnnupcrnung mnployccn cl Canndlnn mllronds hr the sucond timein our ybnrs have bun taking 11 strike vote Cnunulnm everywhere are nsklnx lhlchlvu whether hls mum lhnt nlsu or the 51min Mme In our yum nnnrchy to prevail and vital rnll lmnsporL onicnllnl l0 lhc hmcllnnlnl he nallunnl nconomy ls nncc again In be 1m nlynd mm pwphi knuw um me members me unnvupcrnllxn mll unllmn nrc akin sirlkc VD lmrnuse lhclr labor bums havemdnred man In do Tiny know um um whnuvtr me uulcomr ha vulc Umusamm mu emplnym and um nmlllon dn wish Mllkl YN dtnlcxl the pro tullun of flu sccnllmllu learinn xeprlsal 1mm ho unlml lrnlkw and he Inn at lhclr uhiun card and ID Mvelihuod Ihny nil conform lhnunnflx wlll vnh mlurlamln unwllunnly for work Aluvnnxc Nunupcmllng union bums In prmlnx wuxr dumuxuls on ma rnllwny which they cannot mcul Thusr LIImantis IIHuulJNI II Irlnuc buncnkl lnlul mnrr Ihnn 360000900 yrnr Thv CNN nlnnl qr hr yvur jun maul hld nlrplu unly quarur mllllnn Slllcc mun lhnn hull of he nun uxmrulmfl rmnluyeu lnvnlvcll In rant db vulv mu CNll vmplnym thlr demand 11 um would man dvflrll or an publiclyowned mllwny nlmr umm mum tqual more man no mllllnn yrnr Effect of Rail Strike llvru wrrv ll pnmlblc ll ï¬nd lhl him In mrnl Illrh Ilrmnmll lluoulll Illlhfr lrcluhl rules cm nnmlc mmqurmn would dlxnnlruun Cmmdlnn Knml would mmuzh Um hluh Hhl mullnlm rrnllrxwl ovtn llul rlvnIWHlIVl II lhry now III world nmlkrh Ullnmpluylncm In hnlullry wuuld he nlurnvnlrd rlmln Indian Illmlwus rcn nmnlc rumcuurncn would be luuthrd mu wnuld nurr rvrlymm mu mm rnlorcc nunmm wllhh 1n lhrulwlvrs In nrllllrr lulllnrd nnr un nlvll nl helm mfl vxupl nl llu with IMmpluy mull Mul rmnlrmlc anarchy ll mlhlnknhlv Dnnucra brcrd mm mm mm more unn ucrn 11mm mclmm Unxlcr um Innn IIv It mnncx ulna mm MVHI 01 MANN muiuu 1le lï¬l Ill HAM loom Dunnum George Herbcit never thought of old new papers as play mnlcrinl bul last Saturday my two 1m boys had marvellous time making news paper Incpee with Mclypln and pole and ust lllllc help 1mm their dad nnc mother told Irlcnd hung on Io ML 01 card board or headband and cmwns mr our small Iryfl Sllvcr paper all hocolalc bar and silver loll In boxes also came in handy have large canon for scrap whlch ex tract mm the garbage and keep the stunroom source 01 pl material Her friend replied thnk ll start an emergency lun shell the Hrs mother sald For Parents Only Play material for child ls erum hul do not lhlnk of lus In Iums ul lays bought In slate 1A llltlc ynunnslcr should not have llo work wth loo small ohjccls by cause hr Ends caslnr to use his large muscles llmn hls small anus Acllvc ouldoor plny ls esscnllul luuim may mum But on dpy when weather ls very bad or Very hot or when chlld mus be runllncd In house Inn than or moLhcr 10 have sumo new play suxucsllnns In n1mos every humu more an nnlcles wth whlch sum boy or girl can huvc good llmc ellhur playan wan IImch or other chll arm Here pcnvlflal may mn lcrinlcluum pcxx spools colored bullona cardboard sham boxes or nnxc cmlnn nr bumr bum mg bunker and haw munsurmz spoons and mrasnrlnu cups and Llnply In can 01 dlMercnl slzcs coum mm must be lakm than use plnylhlngs Audi In Cans havn nu rnuxh cdgu nr lhul harm ful palm will not he htwed nr Uny elmcu llkc mull button pinned chlldn mum and nwnllowrd 0r dlnnry not wrlnl clulhrn pox can be lltrllhml or bully l0 lumdlc boy nr ulrl can have Hind Hint mnkluu cluum home wllh chum pm 1lxmu cure uround IX Colored bullunx if un 10 Iran by one 1mm am cnlnnlncr lu nnnlhrr Thry can also bu Ilnmx on hlulfl mm and ileum ur Iownvun Ann lncc hand and mm for mm huflonmnn The lnluhl cnlmï¬l dilltrcnl HIE meMMIIM rum nn flood Inn uul lmldrI nnolmr Thr In Muieriul lot Play an kid Plea on Behalfjof The Industry By Nancy Cleaver mny be paiqlcd and nllracllvc col ored llluslrzflions rum magazines pnslcd on them nest at cans ol umerenl silos can ho hum Ink tower with tin which contnlncd bub load on the top and lnrnc sheï¬nmnm Hn at the base Making scmp books using blunt sclssor and llnurandwaar pasie nn newspapers spread on the kit chcn mblc can be In 01 fun or ï¬ll 101k Dont be too fussy about the way my cut out the eluted plclures mm old Journals L01 than moan their own avionrilm Perhaps they will ask you to make up sxory about pussy or dog whose piclure appears on me am page An old mall order caLA loiuv can asn pmvldc and times dolng pretend Shoppink whole gardln can qulckly be Flamed 170m sud mmlouuc plus mun make believe Old Iell ha contrasting color can be washed and cutup in dimr cn mulbshapcd pieces or flannel board plctum or designs An nl rndlvc homemade board can be made cheaply by culling square 11 ancient dylng one half grccn for urns and he olhcr blue or he sky Those then sewn ozvlher nlonz Lhc harlmn and piece beaver hunrd or very lmnvy cardboard In DVCILd wilh his mahrlnl The 01 ohm wlll nnl drop of when pluc cd nn lhls Ilnnolcflc surlacr Mummy whnl can LI now How many mothers of small ch drm nrc mnlrumrd wth III chl qucallon sWLml mu day nyl nnd ulrl wlml bn busy my am eager expmmcm wllh mm In munn knuwhm how cxpon Alvc mnny maymlngs arc um nun when IMF children purxuc lmn Iur rush smziuxllnnx or Inlcrullnn maqu Fvw of Ulrm rcnllln how many urdlnnry Hllrllu In the kitchen and around he huuso may In con vLrlNI IMO play mnlrrlnl or We Mld Tnkv hmk map mnlnlnl you now ml nml mvm nny pluslllln mu play mnlvrlnl An humanity Fun smu haml wnrk mus mumy Ilnrrllnm lho pm mum for luck nr umupaA mm unusual lnny pm pm mu MuHK mm mnmm Mum Xnn nl Um rml of lrylng dayl mpyrlmm Vusprn Townshlp Council has ac cepcd the lender of the Norlhland Grading and Eath Moving Ca Toronto or the cuulng dawn mu just soulh Mn an the cmh concesslnn or Vcspra Vespra Bylaw To Sell Phorie System To Bell Telephone This road which run ï¬uuth mm Mlncflng has been designa led by 1hr Ontario Dbparlmcm Highway as development rand lndlcnllnx um grams wlll be pnld to he township or hxï¬nxlng m3 marl up to required slamhrd Such 1mm have already been ap provud subject In the ullpulnuun mm the one hill upproximalcly 70000 cu yds be cut away The Nurlhlnnd companys price for the work was mm per cu yd xur enrlh romnval and 30 cam or rank There were 22 un der submlllcd wim prices runglng Irum 4n mu cent to earth and scaling as high as or rock However there mm lndlcallon um any rack yin be cnroumcrud The tenders were considered the rnxulnr meeting councll whlch wok place In Mldhursl all on Monday mumlng July 19 wlm Reeve Roy mckllng prcfldlng ll had been dccidLd ul prch nus mccilnii that council would purchusu No 2l2 SDhorscvowcr dnlxcl calcrplllar grailcr lt lull pruvlnclril subsldy could lie oli mlnnd luply lrom mi dlpnll mum ndvhcd council ilm only pur lliil nubxldy could lie urnnlcd wllh the result um ncllon on inc pun chase was lltllHLlL The luwm undrr that of II LtMny and Sun Wu ncccnlrd fur crushing nnd hauling 1vaV NIL quulnllun bvlnu 15 crnu per cu yxl mu Iuadlng luwnship Hunks cvnls 1m cu yd mulan wnI puma lnslrutnnu he Clerk prepare bylaw in mm nnd cunlrul lhc pmklnu munn and um mu same xMrmnnuul delanzs wmuu lhu low an Vesxlrn The rlcrk was lurlhrr lmlnlrlvrl draw up hyluw rcuulnlu Ihu subdivillan or Innd nnll 1m unlc 1an wllhln UH mwumlp Carrulhcmwna uppninlvd mo nnlllnn Wm Immclvr or um um xuuxnn An Inluullnx byan wnx Armluccd prnvldlnu fur llm 110 mo Vum Munlclpxll Irlnpllnnc Synrxn lhr mu Tcleplmm Com pnny lhc snlr to Include all flu nleunn nmnlnlnu mum nml pm pmy Tho lrnnmcnllun mum ll be cumulrlml Me In mm mm tall lur Hm mumsalon um mm mm 111 Inmun wu nlw Inwmwd durum Im mmHnu um mm mm at mun mu hrrn fly vaI Wnlhlr Hy urux lhv yvnr In lmrlnw we um rnnnm Wrrr rlmlml 15 mm hrml Immth my and mm wlll mm mm lhh uwnlllnn Illllo you Mn lulu nullIn Henlu MM Dunlld Timmyv lm lman err ImNdlyln leI Mr Illle II nlwlnl nulllln Wllllr Thn uwnshhv mum Inn mnymu mulpulrnl wlllmul lululdy mu durlnu mu nuw yrnu lrru um 1m uwhllw 1m qu mt MIme 41 mm Mu Hurley khnmllm ml mm luvllzlulnl nm rul ll nwlr Tumulu In Imll vlnylnl wllh Mllllnlnl llilllit Mu Wllevn luvlldlylnx wllll Iur IIIIVIIIIN Mn CIIHIQ Hullml mm In him nln Mu mm mm llrlllvm rum Tnmnln VuaIlmI 14mm lumen mu Ivhmml 1mm allrr Ipnmlhm Iwo wrrkn vnrnlhm wm Tnmlllu Irlrnlh MN Illvm Jvhn army vlIllng In IHlslmrlh Dunlld nulll vhllllm My Mn Smith MIDHURST The Inner part of Junenw wo educationl bodlu In succenlve canvemlam beautiful Bizwln Inn Lakeot Bays It bath at which lha MW Barrie wau well rcprcsenlcd Flu at these in session mm June 24 la 28 was the Convcnflon the Ontario madman 01 School Buslnnxs omduls This was attended by HFL1 buslneu administrator or he Banla ms lrlct Colloglate lnslflute Board and GeorgeVLongslnlte buslnu administrator or the Barrie Public School Board The former was accompanied by Mrs Felt local Delegates At Bigwin Inn For Conventions From June 27 30 here 011 chd the Cunvcmlon On tario Urban and Rural Truslnes Asocgggx which was allended by no In an eight delegnles Item the Barrie boards Representlng the BDCI Board were George Johnston Grifï¬n Hiflln snn Mumberson and Blair all accompanied by their wives MncLamn and Dohsnn wlthhclt wives in at Innï¬nnpe amiMrs Ivan Clemmens represented mu Pubhc Scï¬oal Eonrd Both convenuonu hoard outslnnd in addresses by leading personal Mes In the educational fltld the former being addressed by Chre Mudcud Wmdsor Superintendent Schools on the subject Shall WE PrnvIdn Goad Meal and by 11 Bonnie Assistant Super intendent n1 Elementary and Sec undary Educajion or Ontario whusu subject was Trends in Ed ucnllan The trustncs cnnycnllon heard scholarly address by Dr Althouse enmlud The Role the School Truflun In Ontario nnd an nflLrdlnnur addrms by Dr Marcus Lung Prctgssor OLPhH nsophyUnlvcrslly Toronto an the subject Things Thu Matter The Iaunr Convention alsu spent consldcrnblc Hmc In panel dis leon under me heading Thu Trustee nnd Current Trends In Ed ucauonl Ihnrc shc mended hc Chcsler mdge service on spcnl um weekend wm Gravcnhurst lrlcnds Sunday visitors Mr And Mrs Fred Cuokes were John Clack and Mr and Mrs Fred Cnnkc Jr Mr and Mm Cnuus Jac queline and Donna Rublnsan vikilcd Mr and Mrs Conni Cookstown on Sunday WA Men At Sunday School On Aug the rcgularWA will meet at the Sunday School room Devotional Mrs Adamsun Roll call vacrh rqm he Bible Program Mrs Mason Picnic lunch on the church lawn Everyone curd lnlly lnviled 51mm County swimming mm under the dlrccllon mum Co Icy got an to blg sun In me ow Creek just back 01 Varcoes gravel pm On Tuesday more were um ma chlldrnn 15 molhcrs nnd hrcc Instructmscs an the 10h Rental nlnud rnpldy1 Sixty seven ml of shopsnllcd shoe or 67 sallan mm Shnmokln PROFESSIONAL DIRECTRY ARMSTRONG MIcLAIlEN CD can In ACCOUNVANVI Callhr EL Ium 01 You Taronu um mumy Allnnbol In new Ian lamm Co on ma unmum III rum lmfllnmlnl Irv tunmun munMn rmm mm Mm nu Me rm Ian evmou uv voun In luau Mel ullnl Pvmnllnl In uh nu ma II ADOLEY ruuuu AMUNTANT mun ARTHUR POWELL munnnxn ACCOUNTANT WITH wnzrnnNmm no IIIIVIMKHIHH Dunlll am am vrflnimmlnï¬a nuuuloi Amman us And onuAmAnnmh AND HANAOIMKNT mumrun Cuulhd 7mm Meow nu Tammu Ind num om wnwn nulmm rm ome Mum rmunun m1 lulldfll nmur NIIDMAM cu mum unu um ulmurrnmr om mm mum 5m mm LICENBID ï¬wan Lxcmum uumcuM Avmron HERBERT IAVIUUSACO mman mun nu IIIZMHN vmnnunml m1 numm um Ian RODHIIT ll KNIT FLO mmumunr LIFE INSURANCE cliinniuin Accommm IAMUIL 011 CA IINIIIL IIAIIIIDN inmlll II All ACCOUNTANTS Ann GILBERT mm IIAIUHHVDNV HMMINO Swimming Cline VETERINARY OPTOMETRY TONGUE TEST 7A unmnmn ornmrnum um an 4m uh In Plan lolunher Improve Cald waler all air were dscussed at mu attended dlrmors meeting chnlrcd by President Albert The dlrzclon Ire concentratan an Improvements the lrnunds and other yrepamflon or the an null show Sept 13 and 14 and dccldLd 19 drop me draw rm prize this year Cbldiuélei Gféup Plan Improvemems Annual Féll Fair ton Midland Boys Band will again be engaged to lead the parade and put on concert Monday nlghL Jimmy Ferrin will be asked presents stage show Tuesday night 13 Hughes was reappoth edichalgmnn 0y uhnqlnfnn The drawmntch cnmmlnee le be nsked ln prpvlde an alterna tlveJcalumJ no cumpclxllon rnn bc urranled £rlzc money wnl be higherIor needlccran and 11ch Revl sloxu ln nncdlccmn class are b0 lng dealt with by MEIG ll Lane Mrs Wl Bulbeck and Mrs Gill Implement agent Allan VByprs Atherley has arranged for free use 01 Johxl Deere Co puhlh nd dresssystem bmh days The turue is longest living backbonéd cremure on earth nowi Conlufllnl mm 10 Monay 5L Ion II nun nu ml mull ml ml In human 1ch no mun 3mm AIHWI mum 5n WWW my Hour Im mu Ham nu nu CunlquulY rmmm an mu unnum Mmlun mum um 21 lmvhl NamHum not run nulllbilIvIll nu ma TIp IIIIVMII mun um mum unnu mun mun um IIIVILDII WWII ll llflYflON llMT prruun pnpnmu Inl Hill AtllllllNfl ll0 IL llllK DJ lxuzmn or cmmyrnumu 11 am nun ml LONG uvma pununi DANCING LESSONS GLQIWIONI unqm mqu mumnl 00 Allan IMNCINO AUAIIKMI WHEN Wright Brothm ï¬rst took all at Kitty Hawk ï¬fty years can weightcsavinl nlumlnum wax already in on the act Their tiny engine had tinglc cast aluminum crankcam and cylinder block Aluminum has been growing with the air cmft industry ever since Now xtmng aluminum alloys ma helping to combat th huts and rpm orlumrsanic fliuhl ups Alcat busicr lhnn cvcr sup plyan hlurninum Im Cnnldlal busy nircmlt plants and Vathu metals users looking lat light nm and strength at mo liun cl thcptic that the Wtiuhl Brother paid Aluminum ank vworémad no amount now Wlllml II In Imn AnnInn noun mm ovum on Ium 1mm omu nmuu Onluln ELIOVI um In xi AT Infbinic nfo mm JMIEH Vlrmll IHL Doctor ur tmnnrmvnu Avwlnmu nle nu nunlu In MUSIC LESSONS CHIROPRACTOR mum ln mm Ind 11mm JOHN OIION ILA COWAN COWAN OSTEOPATHY HMITII Md AN na llklllr to 10 WAN LEGAL 1min on