Conï¬rmed mm page ï¬ne mm the ralllng Ill 01 Snuh SimCDC Born In Londnn England Canon Chapcrlln was student at lhe Uni versity of Durham ï¬n 1907 when word was received that the Island DI Jamaica had been devastated by an earthquake He was one number n1 students hf answer he call In go out to the colony and as Sis In the rchabllilauon while In lshing their mlnlng or he mm lsiry at St Peters College Ihnri an ufliHaic the Unlvcrslly oi Durham In case was move that was mud to shape llw whole Nurse his life Dr hum he chose to rcmaln NORMA LOCKE charming songstress with the Mart Ken ney Grahestra which will play for dunce at Barrie Arena on Friduy evehlng this week under auspices of the Kiwanis Club Mart Kenney appeared here one year ago during thr Old Home Week centennial celebrations and big crowd greeted his outstanding musical group on that occasion It is anticipated the present engagement will also prove ex ccedingiy popular NEW RECTOR Al COOKSTOWN FROM JAMAICA number ni years he was charged wiiii inc minisiry oi dot on siaiinns imvciiing cnnsinniiy imm mission In mission usuniiy sniiing am at six each marnlng the me his departure or Canada be near his son in To onto Canon Chflpcrlln Wfll Arc deacon mo County If Middl sex and Helm of Die parish of Mnndcvillc In no cunlml plzllcnu Halon the Island 1000100 above 02 lcch Durlllg hls ycals in Jamalca ll xncs wllhout sayan lhal Cllrlon Chnpcrlln saw tremendous dovclcp mom In lllE Island socllllly lndul rlnlly nnd commcmlally as well ln pupulnllon dusulbb ll as land vnrluly and anlasl wll It cllmnle ranzinl from lhe steam lnl consul nmu nnd valleys lo the oven and pleasant modcrllllnn lhc uplands and lu maple ol dc cldcdly cusmnpnllmn origin 01 lhvse some 86 numcnl nrc chml lhc rcmulndcr bring made up Eu lnllllllls Chlncso Syrlnllsl Spnnlnrds Jaws llllll olllcrs chlctlv Ilrllllll nr Weslcln Elllnn Mall 01 lhrsc wore rmrmtnlld he Mnlldcvlllu purlsh llunh cllnll In lllrnllng Ille lnck Mel slKrrn llnn lllllcrllcy has brcn mluml lm llmn In par mu Wllllc lmlllin My llmlslnml lm moanused mm Hu ilnlul lnlnlly lllllcndllll Crown Colony my clmu lo ah poll 01 Comp union Clumrrlln 1x married he Urmcr ClIIln Imnn whn wIII mm In Jmnnlcn Ilnlluhlrr ww rnImrlIK omrlnl mranIIrIl llrr uer mu mnrriml wm 1w dlllllrrn Hwn In Tumult mm Mu hnprrllnl hlnllwr mm mm Mr unrrlin pm llInnsnIvIs Mug mar Hum Iavmmmly hnprrunl Wllll their lltw Ilmlir MIII Link lulvwnrtl nm nrmlnu II lrlvmlshlm nnwclnllnnl In um lHIlllLL With Mart Kehney Ar Barrie Arena wing mm MONDAY 1qu as last Cnnllnucd mm pile one Inlllcr ll mlulll be dubbed lndls Creilun ll seems at ll wctkly wrcslllng mulch 19 Menu one xpcclnlur became so erlled and lnccmcd he cllmbcd up on rlng apron and slugged or all pun plL he Great Tuna The latter was busy at the lime Along wllh smaller BOOpound brother ham mcrlnu poor mug TVSpound Tlm omy Gcnlmgcn bul lurnfll Mlhls uncxpcclcd assault and looked the local opponent In lhc cyc Thls Wu nboul all he lhllcr could Hlflnll and he Ind but rnpldly ln lhc dlrccllun lhl nearest 1le llaw over lllnio wrcxllon mny be en Dmlcs In Klu rlng but they slnnd luxullwr nulsldv Awnlllnu lllc unscheduled sluumr ln lllu lonr Way WA nnullmr cl lllu buys 200pnumlcr phu who had betn curllcr unungm In preliminary bmu Thl lmmhm nlsn dullwrcd DnL blnw nml llu Mldlnnd mun la rclnlcd 511ml llll Unuan lwo day 1n Anllrcwn llusplllll Inlcr he pnld $251Ilulcmll lx cum and llu nmfllslmlc mam1y muurk rd nm lakluu vl lhc manor ln mm own hands by xwlnlum can nul be wmlnnml Amvnl thfly mm mm Inlur um clue mm Frnnruln and he hul mm nuxl mm th ml Column Irlday Mum1y zmuun or Mlmlr nlllru during the wnmur lnu um Mr Tnylur rm Hxnmhur luu nlrvmly tankl Unmwa ml lhu mm mlhlrcl um INIIIK hlrllvu yuur plrnullll hulldny III llnwu All mall 11 Inl hmul mmr Jmlrnnllxllc nllrhllulL Fl HI nll llln Dllxhunl Chmnlrlr lull lmnl flumu and MW Inuul llm Inlluwllll lrm whlch he First Column Anather btaullful week clnx mm mud Sundzy Just IIqu winner and trial an outdoor lunches and picnic and with very mue Jlumldlly all week lulu would he benellclal and mu nny possibllfly bush flras huljucsuay brought the unly uruuamlorm ol um week Wm nuvy raln Warmer Today Mosin Sunny And Summery July 21 July 25 July 26 Tempcralures we early Inl lumlnhl llllrhllulL Fltnl Chnmlrlt Ullle um an Miss June Radormacher of To omo was weekend guest Mr Land Mrs Galbraith at their cuunke Tollendn Major and Mrs Dnuzias Grant iandrchiidren Tuny and Barbara iare visiting Mn Granls partMs Mr and MH Genrge Graceyi MajorVGrant at he Canadian Army Pay Corps has béen sla Hand in indianapoiis Innthe past In mfllflhg on ï¬nance course wilil the Unilcd Slates Army and nflLr his present luriouï¬h will be located at Kingston Mn and Mn Harry Hnncack and Inn Genld returned home In wzek from vacnllon molar trip to Kenuur They unvellzdthere vlu the present Canldlnn rout north on Hixhwayll to Cochrane and hen west to Fun Arthurr The return trip was le the Unmd Slams em Milwaukee and than by terry across Lake Mich lzan and Lake Huron to Samla Mrs Alax Clark 01 Capreol wax visiting her sisterlnlaw Mn Clark Peel Siren1 while Mayor Clark was Camp Pelawawa last week with the Grey Ind Slmcu Foreman Mn Merrlck lpen 1m week In Toronto with Mr and Mn Halvie Merrick Ind Mr Ind Mu wall Merrick nnd Mn AGmse IronIn Gardenml r0565 12 lusclous moms in two aparkling shades 01 red one greenrcsh as you just picked them No cm hroldcry simply mm on sheet plllow cases cloIhLl napkin youll have me bcaulllul expen slvelnokinx llncm youve drcnm Washable Easy Iron on PHI 1cm Includes 12 mot two each of the folkme nlzcs lxll4x44x56lÂ¥xx lnchcs Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS In coins or his pnucm sump cun nol be ncccplcd to The Darrlu Examiner Household All Dept 00 Front St West Toronto Ont lrinl plnlnly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER la suw cmbroldcr cmchclHannl cd rlih In the Alice Brook Needlecraft Donkl Plus many mare path In send for In cluding Km Ideas bazaar money makers luys lushlunul Stud 15 ucnlx now unhlkhcd lnll week In The ï¬lm unrry New Thu rlml Column The Dnrrlc Examiner nulr Hull In lhnl uurlsl own lhc Ilnckl nn slnckLr he xhurll nu nlmrltr nnd he hullch have IIMNL Down hrro Illlle 0H llu bculcn pnlh we may HI mnny iulnllle ulylus bul wrd lhlrcl not Iml murh Huck lu Ilfllkl Wvm nhurl on Kth lull whnl we do In lure phnmnlly mun As Iur mum Hwy hull NHL anc cm nvrn nlrncllun null llumHbc Itll mm up Nuw Ihu lulluwln Illullrulllm WM muLh Ilmuxhl llrrc lmlrrd nmwu nmt Hm Inn nul only mnnn hrn lrlrml 1111 MNtu cunlm msnl cvle mlml mum lrnlNLrnl p11 ml NH buck TEN bdMPLm PATTERNS IRON0H DESIGNS IN GDLORS RepeatMalch SafurJay Dotidés I934 lies Cup Winngr MRS II SMITH right proudly holds the Bees cup symbolic or the winning the annual hindlcnp coumament the lad les section the Barrie Country Club 1a is Mrs John Ough who met Mrs Smith In the mulls last Thursday moinlng to me up the match whth her and lost out by one strokq 1n the Saturday morning repeqt CLYDE ACTIVITY Almost quarter million tons now shipping was launched by Smuandu Clyde shipyards 1n the ï¬rst six mnnlhs or his year which GAINSBOROUGH T3EE OF LIFE ROSE BRIAR FELICITY FAIRY DELL BUTTERCUP FLORENGE and others WE mlpr IN OPEN STOCK om or TllEVMOST comum LINES or ENGLISH CHINA DINNERWARE TAIuO lunruulertl 5le on Inllvrry or llckup rllérl TllUllHIMY NOON JULY 29 READY HATUII DAY JULY 11 Cottys Cleaners VACATION In mlrr that the mu guy why wrrkn llolhlnyl Tlll HA WILL CLOSED AUG to AUG TRIMBLES ï¬ï¬‚flEERY STORE ï¬ll Euglinlp flhiuu mm Mi 91111 MINTON WIZDGWQOD COALYOIIT SBODE SHELLEY ROYAL DOULTON FOLEY and othcls Cor Culller and llnyllcld Sta SPODE DINNEIIWABE PINKJOWER BILLINGSLEY ROSE CLOSING MILE WEST 01 N0 27 HIGHWAY GROCERIES bRESSED TURKEYS CIGARETTES REFRESHMENTS OPENING TIIDHY OFFICE OPEN FOR CALLS SATURDAY AUGUST Con 14 lnnislil EEK$19148 Phone 2885 Phone 5657 Banio New Shipment is nearly 50000 tons mun than in mu corresponding period ma Fortyour vesseLs wen brought to the launching Glaxo at value not at short 01 $53 mllllnn INCLUHIV Barrle match Mrs ough was two up at the end of the ï¬rst time in which she won four holes to Mrs Smiths two ï¬nd they Mcq on three holes In the second nine Mrs Smith won four holes to Mrs Oughs onc the two golfers tying up Iour holes Mrs Smnh had 93 and Mrs 011311 and 39 on the 18 holes CANADIAN TEACHER M155 MacDonald dlrcclrasx of the Nursery Schonl or Deal Children Toronto 15 among 15 speciallsls om elght counlrles al lendlng nuursl nn hc education 10 the den organizedhy he Brl Ush Council Manchester Eng land DODEE DESOTO DEALERS 75 Bradford St BARRIE Phone 5971 BF Goodrich Sludobukm mel Panhchom Plym Mm Poï¬llau Dodge Oldm Bulck Dololo Cadlllan llncoln Cudlllac 875 lmporlal MAKE 0F CAR FRENCH MflTllllS flOIflW TIRE SIZE 6405 67015 7015 76015 80015 82015 60046 65046 RAMCILEST 60 84 FAMOUS 72 Wm 51 complele sclccllnn n1 colors In qlmmlcs wm Idnd of disposition has the manning ou the 520 mm Toledo $2600 2710 3095 3390 3625 3790 2490 31 75 woolmn 1150 1695 VICEIIOY 72 84 momma FLonAImNT 12 34 $650 IIAMCREST 72 84 680 775 850 905 1995 $1950 2040 2320 2540 2720 2840 1865 2880 woo no IAII mu I350 l995