Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Feb 1954, p. 13

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W17 nnv waomr 11 vrry ymlmnm mm mmmu nu my luwn In Inlln our lln Illnx Ilu pru lrrlhm III 11mg turn have ulvrn Mr Ind wry rlmu mvlrn nu vuy mflmllmlc rmko In llw Iuwn Hwy link my Iumld hun Ihl Illndlml Inlrl am luv II Ilnk WW lnumy In nur MKIM in hm mm mm uh mlvd pmmi And lumpy In their Wonk mum Wullomn um um pmvldvd Iluy Iflcndnl Hm lhe vnhmlur mhm wlrrd mm no or mum fin rm AIIFHHI llulml Uuldl nld nap Plum mm Dunn llrrvu mmme wu tnnnlm whtn hr Id ml llm mp Iulnxl hm mml flw luwn le lnr yum wllhunl lhnunrrn Hun wal volnled ml hy Aldenva lmlllhnh um uooo wan up IMwwn llw mm very yr lhrro IN pnmnnru Ila mul 20 volunl Allllrmnn Hymn WM hp IIHIUHK Inflow Ihr VOIP was lnkrll Mkrd When WI mlvvrh ml or MI re truck dlll Wu plum whclhzr ll wnn nu mam ur all nullidc tub lhlnk wuuhl mnkt uullc dlflcrcnrn In Ur Hch hmr rule nknln nml thl mm war only Mr mm lehrd In mnkr Thu um was Hull Ull cummlllco nrum llwlullng llml In tmmrll Hund mum 513000 or rquhnnrm Ilry mu nu mn Srtumlly Imm mnn lnddlwn had llmllllmrJ lhnl all le Inmr Iuwm wm Imylnu rlau Illndnrd muhnlwnh yur In Hunlllun Hwy hnll mum humup plrn mum mmL Aldrnnnn Pnddlxnn Out 0m mlltcc dld not no out llnrrlc to uny lqungmcnl nuly mw Hll La France mnchlufl Tum mmlher cumpnuy brought pitu uqulpmrxu hw bul wan mu he Axuu Inn Ainyur Sm mm the nprglllmllunl cull Annrim thllmu llmllonl calm or drum uml The fire department has re qucslcd slandard equipman know ma we buy slandard piece or equipment we will not only make me menn happy bul also the Ontnrln Fire Marshal and the Dcpnrlmcnt ol Flrc Under writers Au mics and larger lawns are purchasan standard ccgulpmcnl almost exclusively The only ones buying hulllup cqulpmcm are me small lawns think Barrie has ruched me slngc whcn was 111 quip mvnl is growlnz and In low years will be murh larger than £5 now When we mg 0an buy place gunman we Khuuld buy New Um ls going ll be saflslarlury Nol Amwered Rising his ten again and tnyilm limt his uneslicn hall uul bun nvmwcrcd cave Grcnr suhl How many pmu nuw muip mun has he commillcu scm In lb lust marlin The commltlee ell he sald Hwy were purchaunz truck may shnuld purchasp which would do He Jul and satisfaclury over number you our commute fuels that In buying the truck II had Hm was to occur In hEs nwn uvcr the mm or 15 years we would have In place equipment that would nnl break dmvn undnr severe stress Continued from pm one Anyone who wanted 04an the commute meelinx was welcome We went into his than as fairly Ind thornughly as possible Fire Truck Deal THE BAND THE ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE TRAINING COMMAND under the direction of Flying iicer Ciiiiord Hunt will be featured in Prom Concert Saturday evening this week at Barrie Arena The program has been arranged by the Barrie Collegiate Build which will also be heard in several numbers directed by Allen Fisher BA Alfred Gallodom world famous saxophonist nnd clnrlnetist Irom New York City will be the soloist oi the RCAF Training Command Band ALBarIie Saturday Evening 0x lpul nvcmmnu Vlhll did that fire Mdnmnn luldhnn Ihe flu IIINIMIHIH llnw III III lle null lur nuuiher pummr mu may lm mmnt Ihm my ulhu Dch mulpmsnl Nn nunmum Ahluman Mn llnmlllun nhl mm mrxnlwr Ire cum mmm In wnuld lmk up whnl hm hm uh by ldrrmnn lmhllmn ln nvly um arm wnl not my munn nmn nun wr mm mhmmm mm man lhr mmumu rmlnrll maul uur hut mnmmer lntollnfiy Hurrr wn Inyune uuuldu mu um mm Illy wauul 0w nmmlllrm II Inlb lhll my lurh wirmn lmnm MW bun and wan mrlvrd sun Aldxrmnn lnddlmn Kfllll Hm he had In Hm 0n Wellinllnn sum or nxnmplc they would prnbflbly um only on re ruck mm mm mle hm lwn nm at diflvmul plum nl lhc Inmu linu um um wuuld be nu pun hull hznrfllln thln lhc lwo mnrMncs Mnynr 3mm Arr ux rnmmll mnnru um mw mm 13quva 31 yrlrl Alxlwrmln lmldlnm le Al lr lnvullulluu MI lhlnl rum all mm umnlmnully mum III mm nrw vnrlnnof Mdnnnln lnlhlhnn 41 ll WI all flulr InlNIlInn lu lulu ah lmtk lhny Illu luv ll pub ml IIHI haw lhh luran lnu lunmllr lliulllnl wmlld tnll amul mfl lull Ill wll lulu flu or the fulun AMNIHIII Wlllllml Hmn nr luur yrnu Wu mp Mr lmwupd lwulp Inl Ikrvl lnr mmhIImur nu xrynnlxy UI hum In VIII lurk or we win in Ive mud nul yearlur min nmm mm swam Mnynr Smith lhcn nskvd Ihe mwns prrsunl walcr mum wnukl pmnn he now pumxm nml 111 prmm mu upvmue mm nyumnlsm lhn mum 11m Mnyur Smllh Iulld lhnl In nllwr wrmu um mch lhnl oxcnm on Um mnln mm lhcy wnuld b0 unly um xmnlc llnp mnchlnr an 1mm far as Bleklcrscagmve and lhese olhlr standard equipment people were concerned was possible that lhcy had lost money Ins year because they speciallzed In certain eqnlpmem Mdermnn Horsey said 1h when mum bauth car he government made the manufne turcr pmvldc pan or 10 ycnrm They were nul buying fire truck for 10 years bu for 20 or 25 years would We to cndursc Dcp Lch Glrdwouds smlcmnnl so Inr ns uur Hrcmcn nrc cunrnmld the alderman nddcd lhlnk hnl Is lurrlflc Mom The Hman are behind ll 100 par cum Thvy needed um pumper and mm was me on he mam strutl they would lnku lawn In the my nnd Ihrnw In an mm 12 MS and rtnlly lam such Mo Alderman HCISEy said that lhc point raised by Aiderman Golds was it good nnc So in as the committee had been concerned hn question was what type at standard cquipmcut would be purchased There had bcen can sidcrabie discusslnn about the In France machine but they had dc cidcd on the DidilcsScatrave because the men had requested that type of cqulpmem and that had aciualiy been ths dccidlnx factor Both La France and ElcklcScn grave had uuarnnlccd to supply the lawn wllh parts or at lens 20 ynars They were still sumfly lnx puns Im cnxlncs pu ou in lelt It was gnad idcn tn purchase fire truck that would last long time but he had bccn Elven to understand that lhIs particular company had lost considemble money last year He wished to know it they could stay In hus innss lnng enough to provIdLspar parts nr say the next 25 years Nu muuhom mun cudann may show CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 wlnunufl unann ua can um 315 amn 010 mu BM nuneun 7m llunbe 1m lnlulu nmtlum Inn sum 750 mu allllun alm Ohmmu mum no mu mmunu um Dvubln nmhem no Emmumu cwcm mu mm v1 nun um um sum was 111 Vluu camd an nnnmm lnuch mm my Beam Ind mm 120 ulm on um um mos min Quel 157 unoppln nu um non Null mun PAm Mum upon an Muml ml 45 Nun 7m mumm um lurnt rum ll wmnu 1mm no new MM mu nunm 501m uly mm mu 1mm J0 ma am on In mu Manual mun Iuuunuv Li uo am on evening accompanied by the RCMP Training Command Bnnd The program coincides with the annual convention of the Canadian Bundmasters Association which will be held in Barrie July 3031 and in this connection too thy Barrio Kiwanis Club are sponsoring dance in the arena Friday night with Mari Kenney and his orchestra providing the music 145147 Dunlop SI Phone Bunlo 8442 Epltfll Elcclrlc your Crolley TV mmmulm no hnny In vlflllll hll chrdule CIILT lrnznml lhrta llmtl wrekly or the can venlence viewer In lhrrla nu vhlrlcl In Olllllll Went HI flnulh Mldlnd II III In mm IIm nu unlm um um um 4i cu film Nut 37 um mu um on am My Ilul cu ue mu clc mumn mm 190 madn rm mm alum In num um anud SPECIAL 17 TELEVISION 21 TELEVISION MW 50 MODEL ICED LOW AH NEW IN MODEL PRICED AH LOW All ExcluslvoEHUSLEY TV Disldhulon EPLETTSJLIzmnlc CBLTTV Channel Toronlo WEDNESDAY JULY 28 THURSDAY FRIDAY JULY 30 hLLiI Sam mu rnuln um Elna Qs vx tanld Tn nunMn Touch mu mm ucnm um wmmr mu ou 10 upon mun um mm Inn Lou nuueun Bond ms rum 1mm Report no Mom Merry an nauna Prelude lo Dlnnu 32 um tinnon Ehov 45 Dun erHn Bhlll Nun mmnhu In 5m Puniun am Your story For The mm 716 mu TinMm gnunu an my me wanna Pam 310 ammo emu rm man New or us lgnnl flaw our Incann mm Thurman 105 Plnn mum 1oa mum1 wmmr hmme an Pamn 53 gnmq Harden upon In flank um cm In 1mm nund slum WI not no runn unulllln th mm nu mm mm um Vlmwvul JULY 29 Luncheon 1000 NJ Tells all um 31m om wm Wuw 1010 17mm Pm um mu 1105 111 number Ina Round Up mn JD Hm Bill 1230 III we numun new L05 an Ill I05 lullaan Wellhlt IN nun IBM Han Vlllfllll wmuu ram 00 Nu 20 ruman nn no your mm For nn rum can Elm one oo wmhu rnmul has an In New Iur In mm rmomuy vaun cm 1230 Curn nomrn Ennm Nun rum numb Mun aa Thoxnvfinlrk as TwinJon nu ma annun an v15 mu Imam Vulcuu nuuna nu mm In Dlnmr 229 179 Plume The canvepllon banquet wlll be held at 530 pmI In the calelcrln at the Colleglate Inslltuln be allowed wt pm hymn conveh don canted This excellent enter lllnment wlll culture concert momam presented by the RCA lhlrllnz Commnnd Band under F0 Hunt and the Barrle Cul laglnte Band under Mr Flahcr In addlllon to the muslc these ex cellent groups the conventlnn dele zntu will hear us nsslstlng mm Alfred Gallndnro cmanly re lencd to the Mendez the Anxanhoneffl He ls reglrded per hnps the most amazing perfumer on the laxaplmnc the warm has ever knawn Thl wlll he the My feature otWhe convenllon concern Bandmasfers Cdnventidn Here Highly educnlrtmal dunemafia annunl muting the and Con est Committee of the CBA This he muting which In com mm mm contesting handmmen decide upon the order oplgylnz and other dual the II can ndhn Nnynnnl Exhlhlllon Band Conmt Continued tram pm ans mglqemmgnd film This will be On Sunday Aug the clecuan ulcers will be held 10 am land at 1230 pm there will be the 1n red amen Mum Leather mm clcnr one price OPP POST OFFICE Styles to choose from Red Blue Tan Patent Loath er AAAANNE Regular $1395 eyelet Tnn Tic1 moccusln vnmv neg ulnr 81750 and $1500 Reduced to clcnr at SHOE SALE 5245 5295 $345 ahdi 395 SALE PRICE PENALJO CASUALS While Dress Shoes Cusuuls Sandals $395 $495 $695 $895 REGULAR LINES 0F FOOTWEAR REIllIClm SUEDE GllflE and LEATHER GORE lEflTllEfl CAMP CHSURLS 3595 to 5645 1095 MllflllE SHOES IIUY AND SAVE ON QUALITY FOOTWEAR SANDALS scnmpnns und moccnsms PACKARD STHRP SLIPPEBS my mu be the 1113 WIN FOOTWEAR Dont forget the annual Black Family reumnn In Innlqfil Park Saturday July 8487 Dance at Thornton Orange Hall Friday July 30 Old ml and modern dancing 9430 Beauyx Orchmrn Lunchvcnumer Admls slon 502 B1 Ahangemenu are being made fur Indies attending the canvgnllon In the way nIeMerlnlnmEnt and hey my aka cordially lnvlmd to attend lhe clinic and Idemnnstrnuons Mixed dancMz every Friday Pine ka miles nuflh Bank Innunl parade to the Cenulnph The parade wlll be led by the Ear rle Clllzens Band under lhe dlrec an Joe MnNelllle Plum for Lhe analnoun wlll be announced the convenllon The hésls 40 me cunvqnuon his year wlll be ML Fisher and the Barrie Collegiate Band civic wokva lo the vlsiflng denInes will be extended hyflis Worship Mayofiflelgcr Smth $1345 BARBIE 95 on May 21 or mile loud Elmvn Mun by Heptanu Ad anIan 50c 2m Commencing Sunday evening at dusk regular showing 01 general lnieraied film Bnyvlew Park Ipnnsamci by Barrie and Disirict Film Council silvar collection 191021 nmrninn YPU pran Jaci comedy Zeke and Daisy prov duced by perminion oi Slmuel French iCanada Limited Toronto ni Orange ilnil Thornton Tnun day July 20 330 pm Admission 35c and lfici 81 lTIIE BARBIE Thc unnuni baseball tournament will be held as usual in Ulnpin Community ParkAug Civic Holidnyi tulnl 01 3125 Will be given In the three lop mums $75 $35 $15 Enquiries have already been received from mnnyvcaunt teams and all indications paint large entry cant Dunc all mi attend this gala event Entries are to be in Ihc hands Gilbert McMasler Ulnpln phone ivy lir5 iby 12 ocicck nnan Aug Park is equipped wiih aii necessary inc llllles and bnalhsl Admissinnjflc children uqder 42 incl EiBSWF can Im xnmman PRINTINGPHONE 2m mm Hullvr 11mm lvlllyrndAHIhInlly uxyjm 1o ONTARIO Ill PHI rlll NTID Ill Pill HIMIIIN CLOVER LEAF BC FANCY RED IIEINZ WHITE CALIFORNIA KW IMTINH NEW CARROTS CUCUMBEHS FOIL FINER TASTIEIL SALADS Biscuit Frnlu McCormlzlu COTTAGE BULLS NEW LOW Illu STAKED TOMflTflES RED GRAPES DYSONS WHOLE Serve Com Ilnk For meplng SALMON 2Tin 22 Wax Paper Delldou Porklon MM Cnlvcrhouse Illcnl Lihhya In Tomala Sauce Wllll lnrk Drmdnlnn Dcllclou MAILH Al HMOKED IKIZAIV Tl llONF HHS lliAMlIAlJIl VHIILTI SOCKEYE SALMIIN MHZIJLH 0H BILL PICKLES Cnlvcrhous lcnl Fllrwlm JIM Mn Canals 20mm 23 Tunu Fish 7mm 25 PEANUT BUTTER UPULUl llllllNllH BONELESS BUTTS POT HORST MAPLE IMF SllCEll COOKED MEATS SPIRIT VINEGHII DEEP BHBWNED BEANS CHICKENS PORK SHUULDEBS OWN AND HATED IIY INIHINIUN NTUI LIMITED cunnnv MHLLUWS Ion SlnhelDrlnklnt own 49 STBHWS am 25 7711 Imu id Wlmt Gm pmdressed Imuu mh 10 01 Jul Ian BHISKLT family Bellcvlll Ire spendlng their holiday with rclmlve In Barrie Mrs Smith Barrie and MIL John Dudd 01 Aurora were in Rnchefler las week unendinl the 50m wefidlng anniversary of their bmlherinlnw nndjlsklV Mr and Mrs Mred Ham They wen4 accompanied by their daughters Mrs Waller Stubblngs and Mrs Herman Tomlinsnn mummy gs 1954 Mr and Mrs Htank Wrighl Ottawa accompanied by Mn and Mrs Rny Wright and Ian Rlchnrdm are spending few days with M15 H1ch wright Mr nndMm Black Wilbur Monclnn New Brunswick wen gucxls at Mr and Mn Hell ran and Mr and Mrs Ray Gnrlepy Mr Wilbur let on Friday by plane 101 New York on buslnms Mrs Wilbur and children are returnflnz by car ta the MnrlllmLs Mr um Bantlnl find Cooked OT IMHKIZT 30 oz balllo IS 1315 PKG 24 Jux 10 07 Tm 15 oz 11M 17 Sandwiches 24 oz Jul lfiu Tin 35¢ Im 15 hclu 59 SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 100 29 29 49° 45 79 155 23 ii 301

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