Me Up flesldcnca Mr and M13 Good have taken up residence in Mrs John Eubtuns hnusc Bank nosme Sorry report Mrs Duck paunm In the Rnyal Victoria Hus pllal Ear Mr and Mrs van Caldwell and Iamlly spent Sunday in Pelcrbom Recent Vlsltnra Recent visitors Included Mi Mnbcl Hurrcl Tonan McQuays Mr and MrsRog Mc Kenzie Tornnlu and Mrs Harry Gray Alliston at Mrs McKen zlcs Miss Eartha Fax Tommi at Mrs Wests Miss Elhel Matthews Toronto al Thompsons Anny Worm Appears ere The army worm has invaded some olthk when ï¬elds in this vicinity Vlslled Wesltrn nelaflves Mm mu has returned hnmc utter my pleasant visit with nun 1n lhu West Miss Francs Ann Maw has rc turned home after visiling her aunt ï¬n Clfllord Shnwer Breaks Ilry Snell The lung dry spell was broken HIIOWN MIUVH Al TillZ LAUNHHNU If lllr nbw Il crulsvr WII mu M0 ML lu rMIl Ullllonl Mnuonv Mrqu Mummy Ivnrml Iumnln Mu Mm Mnumw furnwr Downy Cmnmlnlonor WIlllnm mlllng mu Mn Kllllnu nnd Cmnmlmluncr Mchll The launch Nom ma BARBIE EXAMINERL MONDAY JULY 26 1954 News of Thornton New Cruiser Launched by QPP for Lake Nipissihg Service Womenl inrmuio The July meeting or the Wum rens Insulin was held Mrs Ver non Fletchers Roll mil bring grandmother and intraduce her was well responded to with Visiting grandmolhers During the businms session nursing course was dLscuscd uclpcrs of Xray CHML were appointcdi Pamphlets ram peach grnWers were given to members Some dishes were Fonti ed ivy wx tor reception Interullng Prolnm very interesting program was pruparcd by he oommiiicc Mrs Jonneii Mrs Welch Mrs Soounno Mrs Van Eden Piano dueis by Margaret and Mary Carr and Eleanor and Gloria Jenneii Trio Suing Nellie iinmn by Margaret Carr Joan Scott and Mary wm Aflemnnn Auxmuy On chmsday July 14 the Aflcrnonn Auxiliary ot the was held very enjoyable nttcmuon tea at lhe payjanagc on Tuesday afternoon by good shnwan We could have done with more bu we were lurtunale not have seven storm along with Bingo Popular Blngo is still going strong on Frlduy and Saturday nights at lhn llh Avenue Grlll Oakvluw Beach Friday night saw MD Bowers at the mike wlth Mrs nuwm Mrs Slanlord and Mrs Hnwe helping Saturday night it was James Mngill In charge wlth Hod Franklln Wllllam Home and Mrs Eowm assisting Vnrlud Amusemean Busicsl 5pm at Oakvicw Beach last nlght as We draw through was the mlnlalum g0 cnursc at he Oxbow Cabins 11 91h Ave Homcshucs shufllnboard and £01 he anhes ante opalcs were given to all grandmalheu Prin winners were Mesdnmes 0r rock Peacock Lnnnnx Landry Martin Macaulay ankins Clhrkc Smilh and Andrews Lunch hon ms wcrc Madame Shellswell gel Spears Sierps Smith Span1 cor Stewart Wllsnn nnd OrLS Then wen 32 members and 29 visitors present All enjoyed plehsant mm together Cam hp dancing by MIL Flor once Andaman Reading Mn Van Eden rlhcse number wue much cnloymt Severl contest for the mndmnthem Ingest and smallï¬l shoes long dress near est birthday greatest number 01 grandchildren yaunzml grandchild not having hubbsd hair one comln OAKVIEW BEACH which operates out at Bnrrle 15 mm with Lwlh mnrlne englncs mm developan 200 The new cruser was named after Wllllnm Killing deputy commissioner of police who retired mm the OPP two years ago after 35 years service lnu cnmmmy wns porronnml lly Mn mlllnm JIm nrw crnfl wlll bu nmlcr Hm mmmmul Cpl lum Mnnun who prior to lils nwulnunmn wna on the nlnfl No Ulslrcl llcndqunrlcm 011 mm Flrl Qulckly Excluulshia Nelghbnrs are thankful mu lhc llre In the collage at Grand and Mosldy was brought under control evnn helmn the tire lruck armed Mlsslnn Work Pulsed Once again we praise he won dcrlul work of Mr Wallace and his slnfl ram he Fillh Misslnn who have been so good to the sccmm be the blgauraclions at the beach his year Jt nhq av you call on an the gill uscd to me ur nu um Indieu Iqu soulr children lit the Beach This ygar we understand the group lather at Oakview Beach twin weekly Tuesdays and Thursdays Bruck Bunch Monday and Wednesday afternoons In the villain the car avan wand its wly picking up the children each morning Iur snrvicu on the beach near the Point All bay and girls are wel comed to these gaiherings are picked up cared for and lalumcd to their homes on yuu Dcmlcu marrlad now lemon In lacuna Mn llmn Emlgh hn rammed 1mm Pm Huron Michlnnwhcre 515 mica hmfly Mr Ind Mn Wllwn 0mm lle visiting the home at their hunter and llmlly Mr Ind Mu pardon millon Jolna Phone Sh Miss Mary Kelly has joined the all the Bell Telephone Ca here Win Omnvllln anUn James Tnuzh and William Hum mond tuck high for hrce wins in Orangevlllc on Wednesday at mcnl double bowling luuma tnan ï¬r Ind Mm nuneu rim 8111 were recent visitan It Mr mind Anderson mam Barker pendlrig ha Iumnm with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mn Cram Wand vllle Belmu To Long mind Miss Ruth McQuorum has re turned her honnu In 11ml Island New York alter holldny at the home of her parents Mr and Mr Reid McQumum Mr iCelman and éhudrcn spent Friday with friend In To fume Mu Ethel Meroon wt re cent visitor at the home 01 her mum Mn Ida Metcalfe um Wedding Anniversary Mr amt Mn Thoma Enxkcr spam Sunday It the home at Mr and Mrs Zeullnd Klrkfleld he pctulnn belng the 56th wed dlnl nnlvcmry Mrs Barkers parents mgu rubles Tenanhnm ladlas Bowling Club held ueblu tournament on July 21 with 13 rinks contest 29 Maplc BATSTONES News of rottenmm TIRE SERVICE BEFORE YOU BUY ANY TIRE see your DUNlOP deulér WHAT YOU PAY FOR YOUR NEW TIRES MRMOTOR ï¬lerelure TWO SIDES to evéry ï¬re bargain WHAT YOU GET FOR YOUR PRESENT TIRES During the nex two weeks Dunlop Dealers are offering Dunlop Tlros al the lowest prices in town During ihe next two weeks Dunlop Dealers aro offering 25 MORE Trade In Allow once on Your Old ï¬res Plum 3922 Snflen Ankla Fnctun Mn Thoma Barnett Sr had lhc mmortun to break In lnkll bone this past week InL The prizei were captured by Mn Babb and rink Beaten or am Mrs Crosson and rlnk ot Slauuvlllz lecnnd Mn Hazel magma Ind ï¬nk Tounnham Mr Ind Mrs Jlmus pemmhn of Toronto called on rlnnds hue recently Ctlled 0n FHde Here Vï¬ncem Mann 10mm Taucnv ham boy was In town 1m week calllnglon niendx Celebratn 86th Biflhdly Mrs Thomas Hood was pleasant 1y surpnsndan returning home er visitwthJrlends 1n Alllsmn to find Mus set or some thirty ivc guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Russell Hood on the occasion her Hfllh birthday Following the supper the group presented Mrs Hood wilh shuwcr 01 ï¬lm Relatives and Irlcnds were present 1mm Bolton Cranmore SLayner Barrio Churuhill Cnnkslown Lel roy Orangcvllle and Alllston Mr and Mrs Edward French and Bonnie Oooksvllle vlsltcd Mr ang Mrs Owen French john Hoskm or RCHA Manlmba Ls on Iurlough wm his partnu Mr an Mrs Archie Haskln Mr and Mrsls Furczcnit Bar rie spenl few days withjvlr and Mrs Irwin EHloLt Mr and Mrs Donald French and famlly Spclfl Sunday Cookslown WAVERLEY BURNS 65 Collie DANGERFIELD MOIORS LTD We Hoskin In Smnybmk mel tar Remnant Clvlc lhlldly Eunh Numerous Clvlc llollday cum have been scheduled for all dill ch Among them are math Whlleï¬lnne Wan WhMel Bay Severn River on July Ill regatta at Severn Falls July and Aug carnlval sponsored by lhe Ikzlon Waubaushene July 31 and re gatla alVlcuma Harbour Aug with Mr and 3111 Lloyd much my Annie Soggm Dr It An arson new ysic In In charge of Simcoe County Health Unit at Orlllln was intru duccd Coldwaicr and dislrlcl of ï¬cials by Elnlcr Wand the same laymen Conduct Service Anglican service at PDrHSCVcln at 11 am July 25 wasconduclcd by laymen he parish groglg lyegm mm Hump slam Plat1m by Fwem Eumlner Ila phomxnpher flu Ip penr In um nlwplpcr In mum In lousy prtnh For full mutilation than 10 picture yun wml NUTE The Barrie Examiner Phbne 2414 COLDWATER Pinon Z487