Muw The mule wlm glvm ln marllax by her father wore strapless guan ol while nylqu nc over mm mm my lull skln llh sldc llllx ul unhrolllvrcd nul or bolero Iankcl 01 while cm bmldmd ml was slylcd will long pointed slrwrs scalloped pclcrpun collar and cowred bul inn and hvr shnlllrlcrlonglh veil of nylml ml was galllrrcll mm llmlllm of wlliu mm sm turrlcd clrculnr lumun ol null blue and wlllu Imhy lmlln mu wllh pall pink Oii Early Summer Nuptials At Duqedjn baby mums wm whflc mock or nnuo blnssnms omud selling or um weddlng The marriage Mm Dnrnlhy Isobel Craqurd daughter or Mr nnd Mrs Emm memm 0m Stalinn nunnm Charles Coullon son of Mr and Mrs flu but Cannon Mimlca was sulcmnizcd in lhnmas AngllA can Church Shanty my on Sn urday 1ny 1954 at three clock In the afternoon Rev Dr Lighlbnurn purlunllcd ccrcmnny Standards at yelluw and mm MR AND MRS KENNETH ELWOOD GILPIN whose mar riage tool place in June in Dunedin Presbyterian Church Ilhu bride is the former Jewel Georgina Rose Arnold daugh ter ni Mn and Mrs Wilmot Arnold of Glen Huron and the groom is the sun of Mr and Mrs Horace Gllpln New Lowcii Alter wedding trip to the United States the counie are making their home on the grooms farm at New Lowull CQLBhonCrawford Nbptials Are Held AT Shamy Bay The maudn nrhnnor Mrs Shlr All ur mum dammitmming mlnpuunvlw In nlllumnlnllv um um 1mm ur ml min uml pawn tun In rmnlmuliun HmmINu lhny at an hm lle all llw uvl minlunv puInulunly llm rxlxlw alun Mu llw pm lhn Hun AM mum llm pmlwr flrlng pmilirm llï¬ mmum lmwrr nllfll nul nvuIl llu lmlm fur 1m IvvwlunllimnnlulIllmmwm llluul nnvu ulwu Inmn pnvwr mmmy Iwmlvdln muninu ur Illllillfl IuIIL Thu Irunvl my mum llrpmlln mnl puwir In My Flllllll in Him mm phmm MW rllwliully in lurlrmlim ur mum hm Aml wllrn nu rmin lml lliHmn nll rylimlm Imlumlly flaw mul mm luinu Maul Sllcll Prémlum Gasoline with TCI Inc grculcst gasoline development in years neutralize lead and carbon dopasllu that cause proignition and Inialrlng Without Touching atlTool You Can Get Up To15 More Power From Your Engine WHMDJIDJIINGR The wedding music was played by Mrs Marla Mmun accompany ing Hubert Roln Kbmnlu In the slnginu 01 Pull Love and Because gnrdcn Hanna or one hun drud guests ollowcd n1 home the bride parents Mrs Craw Iord moth 01 he bride rccclvcd Hn lhrccquarlcrlcnglh rud lngau dress dusty plnk sllk nhnnlunz with Unzn lace cgnt or the same color and navy nc ncssorlcs She were Corsage Johnnna hHl mscs Assisllnz her lay Tulloch Toronto and the bridesmaid Mrs Barbara Jamie sun of Toranm both sisters of the bride were gownod alike In waltz length nylon lricnt nvcr mum styled th porlmfl nockllncs and lull skirts The malrnn of hon nrs gown was pale blue and he bridesmald was In pale yellow Thclr matching henddmsscs WlrL French loaves Jack Column Mlmlca gmomsman lnr hl brother the ushers were Jnck Shnddock Mimlco and Dr Arnold Crawlu DI Mimlm brother me hrldm Mm Cnullon mother at me urnum warn dress of bale blue chmon wllh whllg amt55min and comm of pink cnrpnlkms OuloIlown gum from Ilnchcslvr New York Lundnn Darrla nnd Turnnln wan your nm uulhm mm mm hunk thmuull llm pow lmuivr up hy lrml nml curlmn Ilqmlll nupmr Ilm mt In cunnmmuu Ithnmher punnull Wim nu IuWIrWufllnrynullxnllfl Nu In IIuI um me Am unl i1 lw llu limn yuuvn IIMII lwulunkfulnnf uulinn Vuu do III by min uII nvmium Umth will luluumuwmmnmm phle my lmlgnr sliml imu Vim um Illlumvk nanln plle um vvrry Hnw Yuur rmin Imlmllu uul ml ml rnullw lvmnl mllvllilnuhlllln Mldnlny rum Ilnulum Humlhln wm 1w whn ynu uu yum mm Ilnnrnllwr Hm wily mm um II 9qu Hlnlhml by sundm mum Cnmnnmnd Mlmlca was hl brother and Jack Shnddock of Arnold Crawlurd Karen came under the contrnl oi Japan in 1904 and Syngman Rhee came to US to plead im interest in the Korean situation He inund it difï¬cult not only Ln interest the American smc Department but also to make the Koreans In US realize the siiuntion While pursuing his elusive gun to save Korean independencev Syngmnn Rhee enrolled In the Geurne thhlngton Universiiy graduat xnfl 1mm there In 1907 From there he studied nt Harvard and he re ccivcd his Master of Arts degree in 1908 Later he studied at Prlncelon when in 101iV he re ceived the degree of Ductor of Philosophy from Woodrow Wil sons hands All these years he was speaklng here and here on independence for Korea and was considered an able speaker 11m Live great men and women mnk Interesth tending rule Iuthan writing me some such person usually do so because cl thtlr lrcat Admlrallun or the blozraphee llld amn de Vote years of lhnlr van to re search work on the which bemre wrltlnz the biography We learnthnl Syngnian mm was bornin 1875 and is now seventynine years old son at one oithe old Korean families he had happy and pleasant childhood and youth When 49 he attended school held by missionaries and rpm learned English school newspaper was started by the Korean studentl and later the iirst daily news paper in Korea beeamc fact with Synzmnn thee the first ediv liar and mm this time he com menced what turned out tn be ion lite devoted In relnrm and agitatiun is has proved to be true ihruugh his entire life he addressed himself in part to K01 Ian and in part to American read rs and his theme was an ardent ind repetitive demand for govern mental nnd social reform He was member at the Independence Club where discussions centred largely upon the danger in Knr eun independence from Russia and Japan Mass meetings were held in keep Korea for Karma and many at the members Syngman Rhee amongst them were impris med he or six and hair years During those years he became Christian The book Synxman Rhee he mm behind the myth by Ruben Oliver 01 1h Stile College Pennsylvania is asclnnunz story or um Kurean and has much hutarlcal value Mn 01 Ever has given long list of Mali ngraphlcal notes andrha also ad dad an appendix supplementary documentation MASSEYHARRlSFERGUSON lIMITED UBRARY NEWS 1th trend In mochnniznllnn of mum nnd mom fnrm operatier And lo lhn utilization of tho nrunlor mlvnnlnuon in work output of tho lnlcut mnchhum hnu hcon mmdml up hy the ncnrciLy nml high cont of lelxuuhlhln experienced lnnn lnhour When checking your work progrnm he sure to look into tho lnhnur having fcnlurcu of tho Inlont Mnnneyllnrrln unrl lcrmmnn mnchilum Dcnigncd nnd built In help you do mom wnrk quicker and at low cont MnnwyIlnrrlu nnd Fergumn mnchlncn it ideally lnlo mumm dny running wrnlionm effective um olmnrhincry to get mnro work done in luau Limo nnd at the lowan pomihlo cont per unit of production Proï¬table oflicicnt lnw cont farming depends Inrgcly upon the TODAY SUCCESSFUL FARMERS RELY UPON MACHINE HELP Molten of high quallly arm Implomcnll Inco M47 For high quality equipment nnd for mat dependable mrvico me your locnl donlnr Then came thc war in Korea and he authnr eels hit again many mistakes and unsolved pm bicms aboundcd Syngman nhnc was the hem of lhu Korean peo pic but here was much can fusion between the American and Korean miiilary and diplomatic peoples Mr Oiivur writes the events the pasi threequnrlnrs century had proved him 1170 wrung he Would require no Hnia 01 our lnicmst But since the course 20m century history can be we traced In terms or he pauses or which he had fought he had bmomn major influence in our lime and must be number ed nmnnu me great political pro phcis history Syngman 11th felt hat Mr Hlss shnwud bad judgment bul it did not occur to hlm to link hat H155 might be dedicated to serving Husslan rather than American In crests later he returned to Karen SIGNING Tim REGISTER Ioiiowing théir recent nup tials in Hilisdaiet United Church are Mr and Mrs Edward James Mcï¬rady The bride is the former rIna Madeline Johnston daughter of Mr and Mrs Johnston Elm Vale and the groom is the son of the late Mr and Mrs McGrady oi Avening Alter northern wedding trip they are making their home in Barrio mm Couple Sign Register After Wedding van was an undcrzridualeslud cm in Harvard Twelve years older than Chlang KnlShck Rhee has bothlenrncu much more ram nnd taught much to his compuer In the antiCommunis struggle in North Asia He is 14 year alder man Nehru huwccn whom and hue lhcru flows current bi ng pcrsnnal animosity and six years yaunger than Gandhi with whom he had much In camnun nuhuugh they never an The author says He cnmhlnnd in his own person the best edu cation 01 the East and His Wesl he dcvnlcd himscll unselllshly to the determlncd pursull gren Men and when the lime came he was ready not only Inkad my people but also scrve the needs In lime and place at mm crisfls to all the rec people he world TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD To make Measure Iugnr and Iside Place saunpan onlalnlnl lrull over high heaL Add powdered lrult pectin and stir until mixture comes um hard can At once at in sugar Brim to tul rolling ball and ball hard Recipe of Week mum AND 5mm box pwwdercd run pecun To prepare tmll Slice thn pound malL red mlked rhubarb du not peel Crush quart tully rips nnwbenlu one layer lime to that each berry ll reduced to pulp Combine fruits Mea xure three cuvs mumed run my large rpucepaxE 3n minute stirring constantly Ramnvc 1mm heal skim ladle quickly Into glasses Paramn Inca Makes about sixounce glasses DAMP OB SUNNY Ethiopia has just two seasons the yearn rainy summer 1mm May In cache and gry wlmcr An second submar ne cable Or the joint BrillsthAm xfcanCanaann TransAtlanuc 14 when project ha been awnrded Bruish ï¬rm To be laid be ween Oban Scotland and New undland the value at the an act is cstnlcd at $5 millinn The ï¬rst cnbln will beput dnwn in 1955 cup yupred run cup tular kg 11 TEANSAJLANTIC CABLE GARTSHORES MAE Ava human 51 iï¬m VY MSW Black and White SidewallsSfllEPRICID 60016 47015 64015 71045 65046 76045 80015 32015 Your qld tires will make the down payment low as GET 2nd TIRE FOR PRICE or $249olu again TRADEIN Slll BlACK SlDEWAllS N0 MilIN ill ll 2490 2720 2600 3095 70 3390 3625 3790 DUNLOI 51 mum ms AICUSTOMER SATISEACTION GUARANTEED THE BAlflilE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 21 13541 SEE THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING NEEDS 1585 l695 1813 1895 1245 1360 1300 1548 wnnlcd Inc plnna mum way but Imus um mum could get ambushcd um way 64015 67015 7l015 760 80015 82045 ThisFï¬WWdrlEl Slll WHITE SIDEWALLS ID NO Kl III IIII 3285 3120 3720 4060 4350 4545 Westm STORE sloo 60016 and your prmn 91m they are recnppabll lull Noun 1643 1560 1860 2030 2175 2273 4A2 11 ml om lll DI waek