Tomato Visitor Mrs Tait Toronto is spend ing atcw wecks holidays with her nupth and niece air and Mrs Wilfred rlldcy David McMasler Toruni and Mr and Mrs Meruuild Darling Niagara Falls in word visitors during the week with Mrs hurling llnllliaytng al llalmIlcacll Mr and Mrs Llllyd Hughes and children are spending vacaltun at their cottage Balm Beach Mr and Mrs Frank Gibb and daughter are on holidays Mrs Charles WaLson relurncd home tram Erin where she has been visiting relatives Residence nnrc Mr and Mrs Cccll Nevils tonk up rcsldence in Cuukstllwn on Mun day in the hdllse runneriv Occupied by Mr and Mrs snairy Mr and Mrs Frank Broley are on vacatlhn week lhrough Western Ontnlin and Michigan recent Friday visitor with Mr and MIS Thomas Iteive Wits C13 ton Johnson Sullrlrldgc hcauilii tllr England Mr and Mr Smrry and iiauidhler have taken rrsldeilce with Mr and Mrs rchin tclaan until ihdy Ilzlve lur their new home in England Recent Visitors OI litle Florence Camphcll were her cuusins Mrs Sell and Mrs ltaburstcin ut Dc troll and other relalivax hclc MlS Dan Cralvder and children Sunsoi Park Nurll any are visit ing lliIlS meduis lurenls ll and Mrs Herbert leun lEdwardslpindlne Tllronlu spent recent weekend Wt his mother Mrs Willlilm Spindlrlc The late Iicv liecce Dirdltnv Iulln Alum liccce 0t Shame July int brilled husband at Vivian Abigail 1m oi Saskalllun in his lull year runcrai service was crlndllctrd rm Old Willzllianl United Church on Tuesday July ii at telmcnt at King on wlnnasday ai pm Ilnrn at ltarrle Conulalllliltlilna to Mr and MN llbb Miller on the birth lit drlllglilcr Danna Ilrlinke nn luhs day Jllne 29 at Royal Vleloria llnsalital Barrie llurn at Thronii Cnnnrallllallons to Mr and Mrs Klilli Cause llllully Kldrlt Ill lliu birth lit ll sun Mii itl Keith on Sillultllly Jill tllt lrivlllc allellis Ilililiun Iiillllltu General lluspital Attend Iteunlnn Thcsrl Wilt attended the Kllld rc llnlun an Saturday July ll at Dec tun pllrk wtru Mls lItiily Lead lay Mrs Dlln lltllnkllliln and rhll drun Mrs hiku Mrs Numu Cahli Mrs ll Lewis Mr and IV Klitll Mr and Mrs Sivanli llltllt lll II Mrs Vlllilllnlluzu and child it SillttMtMIIEr uuiiy Vtildllll vl willv illler utl ll ardu ui Mn Jllyce hll will McMthll nauulillr ni it ll ll llI1llli l0 ltuv Nau Vllilu cull Li the lulu iLllll ul Mlllln and Ilnily Ullilrll thlllcll li un Suiuil Jun It lilil llclllre hunk ui turns null Alllllllllk at White hiusavms lltv it chumy llunlu illllcilltrll at lin lllllllllu mummy mind by MW ll Sherwin wl cuillilllllll ilw nuiu Mrs nunn Hillllt litl in liiu haul and Hit Lina is My 5hlull luv in nu llnilu by hrl llllvr linll If illulivr il ii llll ilulh Illlck then and lulll Wtr uh willl Ilnllrrllll wit in llladltrtla nl malll and lrill willl Ntlt ls lltll white illth with nuluvu mind and cui ui mil hull lItl iltltnllilllt litl hislli ill illil hil Wllll nu lilau elllbllsslll unhliulluulh tlilwn with lllnlld hullquci ul Thu llllli rl llil Aniluni ll liIllll lli1iir lliltu ul it unaun uvm Illlll ur and yullv lainh will liclltlllll lull unsc an in uliilli ahill lii ilull lllx innit and il mun llavui illuiiilr qu ll lluul il riun wlillll luliuvld lliv llltllllllty llllll tlli llul llnll in ll Ylllllllt Avluill hilllli til Itllll Wrl Itllli Illllll llliii ttruli mun null Gait Alter short honeymoon the happy couple will gu immed iately tu Uranium City Saskatche wan where they will be in charge the United Church wnrk there Dominion nay Servlee large crowd attended the lcrchulvh Dominion Day service on Sunday July 4at 1115 mm in the open air on the lovely terraced lawn the Preshtycrlan Church An arrangement OI flags amongst the maple and oak trees was tit ling selling The organand choir and pulpit wnrc on the top ter race The picture at the Queen flanked by flags wax in the back ground and the orgaant at the day Mr Penny tram Newmalkcl rendered music to the call to wor ship The combined choir led in the singing and in the anthem The Lord Is My Shcpherd The service was in charge ui Rev George II Moore DI the Presbyter ian Church astisted by Rev Kellogg hr the United Church Conan Cllaperlln at St Johns An illlean gave all appropriate mes sage lmrn thE texts thrc there is no vision the people perish and was not disobedicnt to the heavenly vision 40th Anniversary special srrvice was held at St lliulx United Church this past week to mark the 40th anniversary rtthe ordination 0t Rev Wilbert Dugden MinisterEmeritus ot the church There was large at Icndancc at lhn church tor the casirln In Drillin since lOCIZI Rev Mr Bugden has heen popular minister nut only with his own congregation but thrbughout the community tllltl district He was also popular minister in Cooks luwn illr several years before en ml to Olillla Burn in Newtollnd land at Englls ttarbllr Trinity Bily in 1914 ll graduated lrom Mllunt Allison University at Sack Vlllt New Brunswick and was or dalned in June utllllfl by the New inunilland Cuntcrrnce Di the Meth adlst Church of Canada Mr Bun den remained in his homeland un til 1934 HE and this witc then came to this district serving In South River and Cookstown until 91th and in Orilllil where Mr Bugden had accepted call to St lauls Church where he remained until June Ill 1930 and as Minis lerAEmcritus since that time RCA Iranster t0 Manitoba Sgt and Mrs Kenneth Neilly and children Limdun culled DH ML and Mrs Pent this past Week alter spending three weeks vacation HI ltlllibilrton They nit un lhelr way by mixtllr to Uunaltl lllflnltnlxl Where Silt Nellly has nuen Irdnstcrrcd to the RCAF sti tlun In Toronto General IInspltII Mriv Chnrlls Carr is patient in Toiuntu Ocnurai ilusnllal where on Sunday Jllly ll she under wuill surgery Imtltllll Oullng The Wunluns trailiqu nnnlllll hlilinu lhis lllliL 14 nulcrhlnl unil Ultltt mints will bl In lilcxlliiy Jilly an IlliS lulurs the lliur cum ll llclllek slurrp Jilly 11 will In the that day tIIr members In Obtain lletIS Alter llle will be am inhlu inr ltlltr Illillus ut the village ll get 50an it desired picnic lunch can be taken it do sired lailltrn Irnm Iletrnll Ill and Mrs Cnlltts ttt inunii wun visitors ul Mr tltltl Mrs Coulis inllllhltlnn Slllnlll Irtlinntlnlll Grllde In Zlltlllhur Allleyl Wtttti llalllr lttrr liennlrtt Will taco Currie lilriln Iiv Mlliiilli Illdty Jllhn lrincll Juan Gltlh Illckhlln Glass Marilyn Glass Mary Jan llllly Kelllvrly lleltn Pu Vlvll ihhi luwer lny illgill iiy nunrum llrrln ltiitli Irlirllil Sullllnl Silillin Dianne Illllt li llolll illlthlr iiailc in tiAlix An illuu ill llnuil llrlty hull Verna Clli unwind lllvylr Juan ruin rr Carul llllliy Hum ltllilllex sun lllr Allllll Kvll lll huhhuh lirrau hinhau Marilyn Mcldlliln launch Ntxull lairlcla Ititlhit lhlilll lrilttlr why In mm linu Shrlmrll lll llll ljarllr iuliz minr lllwrll Tl chulli laipl tundra Itlllilh il hinrlurw lului tIlll ii ll Iiltll Klll itanuhl ruulli llilr llihr Liyllel Dodge Cardinals Dillnt wc tin nu game int minim urnth snip El Amman It King Shilley ilinrillw Helen nun cm Susan Sparry Margaret Strain Lynn Smith snaransinith MILLER Teacher Grade t0 5Donna Bewitun Mlllcnlm Blnkcmiln Juan Childwell Dwight Camcmn Mario Cole Gnry Culticr Joan Fildcy rence Goodtellow Marie Harrison lhl Marilyn Hood Ivan Graham Linda Jonnctt Louise Jennett Michael Kmleny Jean McFadyen ill Juycc Morrow Ol na Pnpavieh Peter Reed Wallace Smith ltllrry Strain Joan Webb Grade In 7Jllhll Alnlln David oaks lllln Culcnlnll Barbara lllwnll Nelllrellch llllll Gill ham Wayne Hughes Raymond lInydclak Harold King Paul MU Comh Mike lupovlcll Judy Tuck er Garry Titlersun Grade tn ltMaltlilrlt Ilcestun Valerie Dlukcman Edgar Bowen Bernice tildvy Knltlaleen Gra ham Ken lllcks Judy Strain Adult Zielkc Grade in OGarry Anion Jllne Bowen Kcn Cuulls mintit Currie Harold Fildcy anhiu French Lynn Jevolls James MeCulnb Aldlth Ney Allan pawuli Audrey neivr Dtln Smith liaiiurl Whyle ll BLACK Ijtltlciptll cliuIA IIANOI In No bankahic security iiccdcd IEasyiumoct requirements Fast oneday scrvicc Sensible repayment plans lliuilc ur cum in luday for quick signature loan for any good masonl REMEMBER out at plain HFC HOUSEHOLD FINANCE ll Dunlap 5Wut and floor Fllnn 29 IARRII ONT ORO STATION Summer Services Tile Open air service taken by Illerllnited Church minister Rev Lennard Warr is to be held at tho llarrlllla Park at 1115 each Sull day of July and August weather permitting Miss Betty Hannah ut Tulrinto has returned home after holiday with Miss MarIulli MeCllalg Undums Opernttnn Miss Judy Jackson daughter III the former minister oi the Pres bytcriall Church had her amién lix removed on Saturday in tho Newlnarket Hospital We all wish her speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Clem ltilllckcr and sun at Denver Colllradu are red wing acnlunnlaucc in the vi lage on their twn weeks vacation Mrs Lionel Armstrong and boys of Tllllrnhlll are visiting her par ents Mr and Mrs Elnltr Uncles INS ANIl OUTS VICTORIA tCllTwll swallllw FCltgiltttl James Fish to the nutlun doorman ill his own house They built nest ill llix basement and early Each morning the male bird Set up racket unit the dnUI was Opened so it could sullcll Illr Illutl wllllc tile lien re mained Ull the nest WITH AN NFC LOAN 550 In $1000 on your own Itgnutuu NEW AT LAST ICE lNlIT WONT MELT éoézéhï¬Ã© ï¬olï¬e fleary00 can Wst oolé 76A ï¬le qooï¬nwpnnng WWWfly EVIiIIL usuu CAll AND TRUCK lllAl llAliis THE Alsz HAS uhhn 1953 METEOR COACH IitIW MILIZAUII Alll tl IIIIIONINII llliltltilt 1951 METEOR COACH MANV MANY MILES lll 1950 MORRIS OXFORD ltlll NIJI I7Alt IN lVlIl hm lzlrr 1949 METEOR SEDAN IIAtllll ANII IIIIA III Mtlllllt JtlhTtH IIIltill 1947 PONTIAC SEDAN s595 tlAllItI ANII ltllltt Reconditioned by expert servicemen lur appear ance and poriorlliilllcc Inspected and checked lui SIIILly Priced for outstanding value Trlttliiully and accurately advertised Warrantcd by your FllrdMulliiruli Dealer and backed by his reputation 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN tiltLI hltiltltlï¬ IIAIIII T0 IIIIAT II Illll Altl IN IN IthllI IIIIh In It NIIIZIL OUIII iii $850 1948 PONTIAC COACH HXIIIA NICE CONDITION $650 1946 FORD COUPE AN IIKtIIIJ IIIll AI IIIItI IItII $395 Mollirt Nailirri liril III Imi Ktltltl onulitzli Illr Imltiyl lllr cliiilil llmln vlly dIlIallllfll IIIIflmIIIdAII Hui nllnp Mnlm UII mu umIrnlil born In IIIIRIIICtIAtItIIIIVl tllrlnliln Imp the nine rlmi prom minil lltnllllgrltltlk urilti tlllt Mill IIIItIKt thin in lully Iur Alltanrrll Cuilimrilttla lluivllinl ww cusnlllilllimz lillvonllll GENEROUS TERMS YOUR PRESENT CAR MAY POSSIBLY BE THE DOWN PAYMENT Bllttlllllt MOTORS YOUR FORD MONARCH DEALER IIANIIL SIZES lionu lunil ml llmN lunlrr ill In Ml WATllt rm illtilt ALLANBIILE lllIIlIiS LTll IIIIISUItIITION IIII IAHNTN ESSA ROAD Fm Parking PH 2823 USED CAR LOT NO 90 HIGHWAY AT FERNDALE THE GREEN COHNEII llfl ltrAnUN n2 llt Hl lltllllllt Market Square Barrio Phone 5526 Ill ma Alvnnr