Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Feb 1954, p. 9

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$613th of reviled Ditfln midimuosloa with the audl on at on time we muni uoeolleotel tam oe cd that condensed report be made Welcome 2000 New Readers Tho Iinliday Timrs width is be ing publishcdand distributed by The Barrie Examiner along the summer resort areas at lnnisill and 0m will add another 2000 readers lo our column It is likely that this column will be carried over Intu The Times so doing the period July and August we will an tirevor to keep the ratepayers or thcse areas posted on the otiolrl notheir summer surroundings We would appreciate hearing from anyone who has any comments at who may desire additional iniornl vl atlon on any local mailer dited Annually During the meeting of represen iivcs oi the various lakcsholo a5 ociations of innisfil on Sunday ai teruoun lost one speaker stated that he was ill the opinion that the cult oi the township were not audited regularly He also enquir cd wity copy or the aiidilors rc port was not available to the rate payers The township books are audited by the firm of Glendlnning Jar rett Gray and Roberts of Toronto tihry also audit the books oi the my school boards copy at their re Vnorls is made available to each lnomher oi the council and an oil ditlonal copy is hung In the town ship oliict intently we published la summary of this report which ounmcnicd on the audit and made aevcral suggestions that council should adopt One matter rotating in the surplus showed that at the end oi infill rhere was it Iota oi MARKET PRICES IIILY ill 1954 IIOGS CATTLE noos POULTRY quoted by First Cooperatlve Packers of Ontario Barrie IIog Market Large Medium Small Special Grade Grade II Grade Grade to It Ibo Special Grade Grade II Grade Under lbs Gratin Over lbs to ii 22 20 IB iii ll II end at November by them so that copier oouidt be printed and rent out with the next ywo tax bill There tr unan ciul ruminant issued at the time at the nominations which giver the oxpendituru and receith up tolthe However the following year does not com meat with summary of the bal ance sheet showing the whole tin ancial picture Example Worth Mention When two of the aidermen oi lend secret meeting otvcnuneii or stating that they reiusedt to the public represented by thel press iy Here In Innitill this past year most of the business of council has been conducted in special secret meetings light when no onc but the member oi council were od vired Thn regular public mlclv tags have been mostly taken up by lthe receiving pi and listening to delegates many oi these having ally decision uskod lOI lollin alley anco for consideration when the meeting was in private Another change that is neces sary and should he adopted when the new council chambers are ar ranged is the doing away oi the lpbit at which the members Sit around This tends to keep any business being transacted irom be ing heard beyond the circle Mem hers should be seated separately and the attention oi the council kept on the matters under diseu sion it is quite common to see many as three members in separate matter is under discussion Thel members Should rise and address the chair in this manner those ratepayers In attendance would krigw by whom and what had been so With the new council arrange ments it is also hoped that chairs for the public to me during their attendance at council will be part of the iurnishlngs purchased Save Over $100 On Fire insurance Since the fire truck has been moved Into regulation iirc hall instead oi being housed in gar age the agent for iire insurance on this truck has returned it iLr bole oi over $100 tor the portion at the year the coverage has to run This together with the monthly rental ior slprage and the use cf the public hail twice month by lhcbrigade and council will amount to over four per cent on the entire investment in the new council chambers Innistil Former Tells of Stampede Following his visit to Calgary during the big Show there which has been aconiinenlwide attrac ilun Lloyd Cumming writes of his impressions Thcsc Wontmch have it won derful way of handling crowds Thu city is bursting at the Scam They have whole blocks of the main slrcLl roped oil and in these blocks hands are playing Square dnhe ing is in promo inrllans are put tlng on war dances lllfllil rugalia chuck wagons are irying ilaps locks and handing them to the nwds and there are many other oltracuons llali the people are winning iDvgalloll hills and other cowboy dress There was no pushing or lostilng and one never sees an lnrhrlotcd person No one Toronto city council reiusedtoat which had been called by the may transaot public businex tvlihilui present they set an example that rhould be taken to heart gonevnl conversations with outsiders while leader PROMOTE JULY lirom flight lieutenant to squadron leader ht Camp Borden Leslie Hook of lilarrie Joined the RCAF almost 20 years ago at the some station as an AC2 Prominent in athletics here he playedhoekey lol the Camp iBordcn Fiyers alicl signing up 1During the war ho was comm siuncd and returned to Camp Bar den several years ago No is on the PersAdmln slot at Ileadqubrtera Esccms In hurry and everyone iioinul In the Ian public address sysiem kept the crowd iniormed of lwhat was going on The mayor lold us he and his wife were to be made Chief and Princess of the Sloney lndinn tribe 1th unique system oi handling iraitic gives the pedestrians ehancc to cross after the red light changes It is somewhat similar to Ihat being tried out In Toronto at lousy intersections Thcre seemed to be lack oi commerclalizlng oi the whole all you Prices were not exorhilunt giike the Exilibiiion or other places iwhere they clean up on the vis lters Larry bought 10gallon hat at price similar to that charged in regular stores There is no part of the whole show which is to dew ccivir the crowds it seems to be leisurely crowd and we saw icw policemen any where eithcr directing traflle or the crowds There are cars from every province In Canada and from most states In the Union We are on our way back to DC and lhope to continue to enjoy the seen cry he writes Claims Rood condition Detrimcnt to Theatre William Summerllayes one oi the coowners oi the lluronla Drivein Theatre lold tilt town ship council that the condition oi the road leading irom Barrie in his theatre wu detrimental to the at tundance at the theatre We were encouraged to open theatre there by the Barrie hoard ol trade and other Inlluentlal bodt lcr he said We wert promised that this road would he kept ill rhupe and Wt expteled that the township would live up to those promises nladc by your reevc al that tinle Mr Slilnmurhayes slal ed lie cxprcsstd his ullnrcciatloil of the till surlacc that had been out on the ltth concession which tronts the show liowcver he wanted to have some assurance that the road leading into Balsam Lane would be given some con sideration Itllad Supt Cownn told the show owner that this road was not it part oi the towuhip road system and would not be until such times its Int dcvtlnptt if the subdivision put It lulu proper condition accept able In the engineer from tin du HERE ARE THE FACTS PROOF that Purina producer pound of pork for ovary pounds led Tlllr is put or the all that ollpurrd Friday June It ohm thm lallt aim lie MI by your pin on luriun IIg tilartrlia ON ARRIVAL AT IlAIlIliII FARM SUPPLY Illlo rrrortl rut AFTER WEEKS UN IliIiINA IIll KTAIITEJA PURINA iioa RECORD OF GROWTH llwnlilt II Cliilit lullllrllllt Il illlllii IIIllll Ii lillilwrll IItl No Ii il 319 Weight increase ilililll ill Wk Ill 20 23 Va III 34 wit 21 IR 291 22 45 Itl ill 17 ill 25 FEEDING wit il wk ill or iifl Iil illll ll wit Ill DII ill 44 ill wit ll any 4i 25 he Illl II It pnumi nt purl momma with one pound ni Ittrllll Ill Nhtlcna It not of 00 ttim mullm no ilittmnt irom than or thorntut oi nlllrr ruin thruurhoul lllmtoo County llrlllr lNI no the IIltthA ntni llllnNl rniltlnllll rvy my rmllnr horn in Your Nut Iltivr coMPARE COMPARISON PROVES BARRIE FARM SUPPLY ll MAItItIiI HQ Lllitn In iltllll It IJII int Itulotlll Vrllhrr Flintl IIIONIi 2M2 fill$331323 IN MrMoltiAM lIN ooiln COWAern loving muuary at door husband and lather Bmce who used Iwoy July ll lilbi DIore IE who who mum you And and the time long time you And oi at you daily and hourly But try to be brave and content But the tear that shed are ill silence And breathe sign oi regret Eor you were mine and remem bet Though all the world forgot Alwnya in our thoughts wito andtomily BALDWINin loving memory at our door mother and grandmo who passed away July 17 She has not gone irom those she loved Nor hasshaWhndercd tor Just entered Gods most lover room Andi late the door olar ltovlnaly remembered by daughter Evelyn soninslaw Lorna and grandchildren az BALDWINIn loving memory oi it dual mother and grandmother who pulsed away July 17 1951 cannot say and wlil not say That she is dead She is lintawayl Witil cheery smile and wave oi the hand She has wandered into an unknown land And leit us dreaming how very olr It needs must be since she lingers there And you oh you who the wildest yearn For the oldtime step and the glad return Think oi her iaring on as door In the love of there as the love here Think oi her Still as the same say She is not deadshe is just away Lovingly remembered by son Roy daughterInlaw Eileen and granddaughter Bonny 82 parlment oi highways There is also watercourse problem which has to be taken cure of with this road and the township has no desire tomoumc this responsibility until It has been put into proper condition as we might be subject to damage claim from the Town or Barrie Mr Oowun added Mr Summerhayes told council that his taxes this year had in creased from $600 gun to over $900 and he felt that the road should he township liability You are taking the taxes of the ratepayers along this street Why tiicn should the road not be part of your responsibility he on laillred He alo stated that lit was his opinion that whdn the plan was pafitd allowing the lots in be sold that the condition ill the road was then matter oi consideration and when the lots were allowed to bc sold the obligation was on it municipality There was no decision nffercd on the part of council Mr Sumnlelhnytts silgglstecl that he would endeavor Itiarrnnul meeting with the ratepayers Cyril Cook the owner of the Suildlllfit ion thc council and other intercst rd parties to Stc if the whole mal lcr could not be finally ironed nut TIIRIVING IIACR The native Maori population In New Zialond has increased Irnlil 42000 to i21000 since 1900 LABOR AND IhllltE Where Is all this lc ire we have been hearing so much about Not being obit to pay for professional maintenance and repair the man of the house now has In in liltSd things for llliilStIi to avoid tilt expense Trcnlon Onll lerirrAtlvxillt tAFF DAY Youre wonlttl oil lilo phone in LAtrliio cigar rturc out dour THE NEW METHOD FLY Iiiiiiiil FLORBAIT ininnlrlvly new Imllloll oi ily ruutml nu lmn lrululln rlllru ily porilllllitlu Ill illt within llllir Ilntltll In Itirultlnnlily raly In ut Alli lur IIIIAIT Hy Iillin nuw onliolllr II ornll Wli IIAV rliorltt rm 82 The dearest this worldleould hold IN Itllllt FULL Residual and Daily livestock Sprays lllllll UNITIZNIIIAIIIH IIICAIW It Util CitUr III YOUR URINEHH IIIMIIOII IIIHTIIILI CttllillltATlVR filillvltllfl BALDWINIn loving memory oi door with end mother Ellie Inwile posted atrial Jolly 11 lel unon out In it Where thetreer their itroriehel wove Lies dear and loving mother The Mom we could not save one bade no one clan Iaroweii She said goodbye to none Her Spirit ilod heioro we know That she irom us had Zone At night the silent stare look down On grew out iar irom hora Where sloop the one we cant or act The one we loved so dear beautitulgsmtla and heart ot goidt And those that know her all will know How muehwo lost three years ago The happy hours woonooenlayed lluw sweet their memory still Her death has left loneliness This wolidi can never liilt Uuuply lovedtandaally misserlihy husband Ernmtv and family in DRAItDSAltl loving memory of ndeor mother Mrs William Bearded who paced away July 151952 Montana more each day we miss er itltlnds mu iiink lilo Wound is healetllr1 But th iiltic know the sorrow Lie to hin in hearts concealed Vl2VEI rcmc bored by the tang loving memory at dear wile and mothor color lingo who passediaway July 10 inc ydrur hau passed since the sup av The one we loved was called away Godltook her home it Wok Hilwlli But In our hearts she iivcill nliii Ever remembered by her hur band Bill and daughter Karegz HARPERin loving memory of dear husband and father who passedaway luiy iii 1953 We are thinking of you today Dad But then its nothing new We thought about you yesterday And the day bctore that too We will think til you tomorrow And each day through the year We will think oi you iurcver For in us you were so dear Lovingly remembered by wife Ethel daughtch irene Beatrice Bernice and Babe and iamllles 32 KELLANnln loving memory of dear husband and Inther Arr Ihur Kelland who passed away July to 1930 From am happy home and circle God has taken one we love Home away irom sin and sorrow To better home above Evur remembered by his wile Martha litiilj Fred and Mluricc and laughter liilda 82 McGltLin loving memory oi our dear daughter Huel Marina McGlll who passed away July 195 Till memory fades and Life departs You live forever in our hearts Lovingly remembered by mom and dad MULLENln oving memory of my dear moi er Elizabeth Mul leo who posed nway July lo weir May the winds oi lleavca blow ntlflly On that quiet and hallowed spot Where the one we loved lies sleep ill Atld wlli never be forgot Your memory is our keepsake With which well never irl Tiltlugll God has yult in its Ktnll lug You are always In our hearts Iilvayr remembered by daugh Icr Sarah oz MULLENin loving memory at my dear molllcl llrs Mullen who pusicd away July Ill 1052 She has not gone from those she iovvd We ictl litr presunco near Just entered Gods most lovely roonl Ami lcii lllL cutes him John 143 Daughter itloebc renaming loving memory oi my dear mother lzilzubcth llul itn who pinned away July lu lu52 rhn tlllll in Mill sht ls sironion iw llcil not that iolluwu pain Vt who loved her soilly miss Mr Hill trust in non Id meet again laivinnly rtlntmbirotl by llaiinlltIr Four and suninlaw llilrry qu lilzllliicllldrun tlz WlCilill ilV lnury of II titlr illiliir ii Wire who noted away My II llltll illt illlltll ill Sillrtlw wt Halltiill lull ll lllt IIIS lli lllltI wt loved Stu well Allti while he sltlw ucucuiui not ills llllmllry ullall alwnyr hrtp vrilvcr ltltlllilittflli by wife illiuulitwru Edna and Uuri sun Dun llili lIIlII iatiiililt ill itllil rrIIiuIll BOYDAt the Royal VictoJil Him ltol Barrie July til it to pi and Mrs Kolly Boyd Angul daughter CARSONAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrio July14 1959 to Mr and Mrs Paul Carson RE No Phrlpoton eon lllli born HOFFMANFred and Pnyl loco Bouldryl are happy to announce the arrival oft their son boo Fredrick at the GracmiIotpital otlnwfl July II 195 32 McCABEAtl the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie July in 1554 to 58 and Mrs MeCahe Cundics ti dlflighlm FiCKFORDAttho Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie July 15 lle to Mr and Mrs Pickiord Gll iord son SCRUTONAt the Royal Vlclorla Hospital Barrie July 14 lust to Mr and Mrs William Scruton I77 Peoi 5L Barrie Son YDUNGAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrio July 105 to Mr and Mrs Don Young 13 Sanford St son DIED HOUSEAt tllu Tntolliil Western ilnspital llll Jilly i5 195 Lillian Built IIIddic widow of tilt lulu House iiuwkostonu be lovod mother of Marion Mrs mlroll Roy and dear sister or Biotin ani It Kirkpatrick Bar rie Olga Mrs MrMillanl chro Lcll Mrs II Proctor Eagiu Lake and Lionel of mag ara Falls NY Resting at Cooks Funeral Parlors 72l Bloor St West Toronto FuncraLser vlcu Saturday Jilly 17 at 915 am interment Mount Pleasant Cemc cry THE BABE EXAMINER FRIDAY JUNE 16 It MACDONALD On Wednudo July ll ill It the Toronto Ge era Hospital Donald Muednnald dear non oi Mrs Mary MeGrogan oi 23 Hayden St Toronto nesting at Cook Funeral Home 121 Eluor till Christie LEBVIHZ by motor Saturday mornin to so vice in the Wyevale United Church on Saturday oiternoon at lilo dclurk D51 interment Wycvale Cclnctcr TBEASURERS SALE OF LANDS F0 TAXES Township lnnisili County or Simeon To Wit By Virtue or warrant issued by the iiceve oi the Township of innirill under the hanrl and seal of the sold Corporation beuriny date the 7th day ui June sale oi lands in arrears ot lam In the Township of lnnistli will iJL held in the Community Hall Church III on the llth cursor October 1951 at thohour of oclock In the afternoon unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid Notice is hereby given tllat Ille list at land for sale for arrears of taxes were published in The Ontario Guzettr iln thiI Ilrll lily of Jilly 1954 and the copies of the Saititiisl may be had at my uliicc AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE Ihal the adjourned sale tn bl held at the some hour on till Ililh day ol October TUEI if necessary the Corporation of the Townnhip oi lnnlslli intends to pllrchnst any the lands uIllILil for sale unless IIIE filii amount of all arrears and costs be realized irom the Sale thereof Treasurers otiice tllls 1th day of July HIEI ALLAN Treasurer 701135 IN APPRECIATION wish it thank Dr Turn bull the nurse and utalf of the Royal Victoria Hospital Dayview Chapter Order of the Eastern Star Rev Mr Muir oi Fssa Road Pres bylcrian Church those who called to so meland ihose who sent inc cards and lower1 during my re cent Illness Mrs Dorothy Mrs Bride 53 Essa iload H2 TlIWIISIIIP Iii Illill Public Notice is hereby given that the Council at the Township oi Ora have now posed ElyLaw to provide for the Issuing oi bulld lng permits for the erection of new buildings for the repair al teration or addition to any exist ing building or tilD removal of building irom one location to an other within the territorial limits of the Township oi Ora and to provide for the appointment of Building inspector to carry out the provisions of the said ByLaw and to dcilnc his dutch in connec tion therewith This oyan rimll not apply to the erection alteration repair ad dition to or removal of farm bulld lngs other than farm dwelling houses Mr Alex oruhnm Shanty osy flit No Ilru been appointed Uuliding Inspeelilr for the Town KIIIp alld all applications Iur build ilig permits require to be made to TUDIIOPE Clerk Township ilf Orig ll BICYCLES USED MENS Jr BUYS URRYS all nayilelil Street STEWIlIlIl Suharto sunuu DUTY mu Approvimnteiy sun to 510 pm llutler to commence on or before Sunday September Apply to Iiarrlc Examiner Box AUCTION SALE Thurday July 22 Jock Bodilth bot I32 Con King Township on Yongc St North Aurora Extension Auction rule at farm stock linole meals grain Sale at 1230 pm onarp Tcrmr cash No reserve Form sold Ken and Clarke lice Auctioneers T0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The undersigned has received notice from hip Angus Dis Irlei inspector Board oi Transport Commiuioners that he will ar rive at Mlncslng by car or on train No an at ms pm Wed nesday iuly zist to interview interested parties re application oi Conail national Railway3 for lutlloriL close the station at Mlncslng int EARL RICHARDSON Clerk at Vcsprétz Dollars to save on ilanlsll 600 Binder Twine at Coop Typical users comment Its till best lwlnc ever uxcd Names on Request its luliy hacked by LllP Barrie Enter ilic ililtllop Nappy FREE MAY VIN $30000 iI gasoline 29 MAILIl AVE Just ii In litr lontrxtF try Itlrnl Will lllininp Tires and TIIIIH BATSTONES WM Vu KS FREErlR£ INSP UNTIL JULY 25 we will inspect your life ABSOLUTELY FREE CIIAIIGE Your car Ilrtlt are remnvltl 0m vhrcle illwcetnl under strong light and placed on the car You rrrelv to Tire Inspection Iirporl allowing runr tlltlnll oi each tire ANII Il lust law ALL FIIEH llolidily Contest rabll xrl of 200 galltlnt Ill Tiiiii SERVICE PHONE 392 IlliililIIflIIIlvtiilill rlutitlll tune it rruly 7W lllrlllll lltlllltl lollyt IIlJt wlllit lilttlllilllg lilir nonllnul no your lritlitlr who iisvn ll ill ilhil Iiuw lit lhkt your In It font Irlnripol 0N IIIV IAilT ilIMF Di FJLI TELEPHONE WILL FOR THE BEST JOBS Will1N Gut IllInlmilllflll Now About 0i of the Finest lr MAIL YOU BE READY THEY COME YOUR WAY Ivute litlsln it Selltulht ItI Silllitlt IIlII ATTACHED COUPON ItIAY ANI SIAlll ItlIlIIHIiIJ SUCHI illlislitIl Ill Iiilitlt in iil97 rliiirltttl humor1 hm wt luml outinlvtl nur lrtinnl 1iliiitlllKiy lulinlvn Illllil Willi lit till ylor 66 TORONTO STREET BARRIE ONTARIO PHONE 4824 ON II IiilAIl IO ill EMPLOYMENT firTlll lllllcllllllllai lllillll Ill Iilliiililii llf nllill lIII Illlllll ill liillliill tlllnly Wu nthr uulukniniununiths unnploln huunnwanna tun you lIIt Illilrli momr it you on No Wiliill lilllli lIII tlIlI tli ll llilll itir linol Hi lliillnimtl wtitr til any Ilillltll Ii IIIIH in you ii an lu llllrlill unlu trplti ti rots nu llrw in column to rily uluiols yll we nrt ltiilltillllilliv writ ruulpprtl IIIIII Wtl IIIIW ltiliiltit itlr tililtllllll will wish to work III lin Iarillr illll ll Alixllllli lIf llttvillll miunliilll in III in Iltltlilllzlnl Ill yinlr IIIIIII In lIIlin rillllltliy BARRIE BUSINESS COLLEGE litrmllr Hrbnli Illll till AW KARI HEN Mlt ILL PARTICULAR Allillll Vltlill Nlllllltli tlrllllllT ANV tillilliATION

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