Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Feb 1954, p. 14

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llu =nrnn nu mm In Hnl In Mm Ilullvvur mm 1mm nnluv lutnllum Ntw an my In um wull uh llvr mam pulrlil nmhm Im lmr lhr Her In Mau1 mm pm nn xnnnn Julv Appmunnlrlv 1wa MN Ntwn1lllu IDIV Lil llm mm mth ulwlun lmr In Mau1 LHHL ll pm my Numbv JHIV Amtlmlumlrlv 1wa MN mm nu rxprrlrxl In 1m nllrnvlmnv mu mm of mu rrvuhd mm Imw nu Mr le numhrr or lnml IllfLEJUY mu nllrml ivcdny me or Jriu wlhs Vllurnu he held he Hmmllibu Immune Tu mm on lemuhy lhursrlzly illurday and Sunday Jul 111 lu 25m Thr rmlliml umlrr Hm nmnmrsmp Hm wllr Iuvwr mm mu Smlmy and mu ucludn Cum Illnn mm l1rln Iml Hurhvv mul nth Imurmg Unmrl sum Tho run cmlun mmme We lnslruttian nun counutrnud 2011 prurmng In and around Inclmpnlflan Tomnm ml mum Ihmxmx Ilnrnufl xulnruul hnmc lrum llulnhy Illif coungd nlnr Builv 0110 Sr ILIIIk Tlrrk lrzlmfrrru MIN Alyce OImlny uhu Im 11an on 11h 501 1hr Rural Hank hcro or 3mm limt hI bro Ins vrrud in lho Cullcgc lnromn ACIIH Ilms Al 1m luqu HI Mr and Gus Hngln were Mr Ingmns mr Iml Mr Ind Mr Kcrshilw and sun Km Iu xncnuver Mrs Lrivx WilML annnlu ls lumlinu nu an we hmnv Local People Allcnd WE 119ssgg Rally WW II nvNlvlln MM run he lrpl qllllll ululnl In nu mm um up ymlr llfl Ilulv Mnlu unlul plumn plullupvnn In wnlul thlldn Influ Ind In Mm un In My rlullul huh In In III unl uh MlIn III Iluvfldnl me In lho lluwmnIrmml cvwm nu unmwmuu Mumlny um Mr and Mn 1mm EDNA JAQUES outstanding Canadian poetcss Who will open the Sixth Annual Quilt and Rug Fair of the Simone County Arts and Crafts Association on Wednesday after noon July 28 at tho Orillla Community Centre Mrs Jaqucs is what nngm be termed homespun philosopher She talks in clear everyday language which can be as fragrant as lilacs ln gentle summer rain as calm as moonlight flooding lake at night or as strong as heavy gale at sea Her poems are not merely words on paper that disappear when the book is closed and put back Poetess Edna Jaqueswil Open Sixfh Annual Qtjilf and R09 FavirIat Orillia Molhcru Helper lulh ml ha rmrr flaws of fattenmm name lrom wm ulny WW md Mn Gmu Ms live rmme of uwnuml AIM1wva Wyn mm Inm mul IIYIIHWHIHD 11er llm mm Hun mm In mm In humrv ViLL hum null unul wrm uv Hm mm CHI an howling way 1qu luw nu luvulny uvmm th Mn Crm lilouflvlllt vmnlng ms mm mm Mm Haul ank ML Andmm and Mr Clulrlrv rvnrumm mu Ihu mm mm rmk mm Amn Vmlllnuhzr MN hm mlpzlunh mum Almlml lhnlc Tm SumLIy Schqu rumr Im1lLx Inn lunch lul4l mm nu mmx mmu Dun Eddy Imk wumn3v lIquIy 1m Mm Iylr llnnr Wlllnmluh 1m Innn lulluluynu win 1m IM1Iun Mr null Mls Mr and IIlcr MLLHC have Iclnrnnd Inn shurl holl duy inPcnnsyl mm Cari McLean Iuruuhv was to curl vlsmu 11 he home his par an Mr and Mrs Lauder Mb Ind 1v mm were home mmru Jr Mrs Kclmlln and children Illlnv nd NIL 590m few days Ins wka mm Crciphmn Vicu an Jnnvs Ilrnl hem allied ends ml lumdily was lhu lam1s hxulhul llilylmlnd Easum Mr mum and amily have um rclurnod from sxxwcnk Inn to Edmomnn and Coronation Alta Mr ix NI lriomls vvvk Mx rulm lhnnms Mmsilrm IIIEHIJIGNT MUIHINOOI ODORIJXLI NON MAIIINU KNIT Ml DOWN NON ALLITNUIU MI Dacron Washable Pillows Have You Seen Illa Now Ind Mrs lrnd McMulkn TU VLrc Mnndny Visflms It llll lallcrs sister Mrs llrlllrm lu Wink Jmk MHIIHHWZH III htv IIIIIHJ 4m Vl Mall mvl Hrlrk IILH Allm IMHIII ml wxy mm Tumin la IILk um lnlsy er Visllurs lmlm of Mrs plum Mr mm Mls IXHCIID Mm Wi an vksil in Town luring hc hvnvs nnrlimo refl mllcd VII number 1595 795 ummmmm In urvhr hlhlur mhm ml lmlu Ulrynlnun wlm um mum nu Mommy mm Ivy 1m vnu Dur llfl Thnrnlun mm hmu lmuh nwmhm unmnlr in mm Imuvrl wmru All 0m hr Lu 4n haw llxrwr In xvo vumm Ilmrnum 1m wmluu md mu my of Cu llllln wvnl My wnh hr hmm luluan Mr mul Mn 11 Recent Vlsilum Visitors with Euther nnd WaLmn Downer were Harry Downer Mr and Mrs award Duwnur Mr and Mrs Lloyd Downer and Bev crluy and Billy Tornnlu my and John Duwnelj and Misses Mary Louise Ilayler and Ruth Dilwn Crlllngwond In Toronto List Week Vllfld Brullcy spent last week In Toronto Mm ML and Mr chrgc Hold nccidunl mu MLln which shn nnd her husband were mummy mm ed Mn aml Mrs IL Hnlmu Or angovillv wm Sunday visllm mm hr fumurs alslcr Mrs ll IJK HL Mr and Am Murray me Tu mulu wm rmnt mum wuh lhl Inrmrrs wuxm ml st wu ery Vlsltln In Torunla Mrs Dullniny ls spending nw days Tumnlo wim Mr and Mrs Duvld Thylor Weekend Vllllnr Miss amine Smllh Ivy ADcnl and will Marv Snmh At Orange Celellrilllnll number from his cummun attended the Orange comauun Benton nn Manday lll llnll 0er Tim Mhm Huchn luh had In My InJmIhlr numr mp hmuull welcxly Inn smmm mmw mum 11 1mm HIn um umluy 1m mu an xwl raw In Inuuly mm av um hm our nwn MN erI HIMIHI Mhl IIIIv um Nwlnnd wvrkrnvl nl hr FIIYII Sinde the theme of this years fair is Inspiration From Nature it will be particularly appropriate to have her as the speaker at the opening ceremony Her poems do the very thing which the Simone County Arts and Crafts Association is attempting to do through this event bring alive the beauty that is all tnround us and present it in form which is understandable and artistic mama wnn Mary 5mm Vlsltllu Holly Mn Viflrul Hmllcy is nunxl on the shelf but take on com of our everyday lives EGBERT Cummunily 5mm mumunxm mm mvmm Inhr mm We wlm uwn my um who have gnldrn Iml Inuny nmrr wlm rllusv mm um 11me um mwudlnu mu rmnr emud mm Hu mum vy nu do rnlrlwr um pmmd Nrw ldskmml mum Ianskmnlnu Sudakin WA Mrcllnx Etherl WA WI hull lhlir xnmlv lnu nu Wrduruluy July the Church mum in cw days wilh ML anq Mrs James mam Hull In Turunlo Mrs Cllrlord Mummy and Mrs Cecil Whlllsulcs hpcnl Friday In Toronlo Summyymwn Mr and Mm Norman Scull spcm Sunday wilh Mrs Hull lelled Mulher Inuuu wum mnurlnos mm cw days wm his Inulhcr sl wcck Orange 5mm numbcr from hen am mod the Omnuc scrvlc nt anlurand lyhsl Sundny and shape and become part iROYALTJ HEARING AID Now sells for THE DOG QUESTIUN MI chilh llcminn Md haan hy IOany Mummy Dark Guavaulrc IICYIM Wyillm IMh Vm1uly and HWY Smixc llan Dclnilwill be hunislurd ml mluut today lot Ilamomhuhenl Tm rmclrmImanlynylcdI1uyalTh Icnilho Lunl Ind mnlm nlvnncc In ll mmlnnl nnndt fur lwllcv hm In ll low II Irtlsiunvbulll or the film mmmh nibble 1M1 mnalkalvl hunumcm npcmm rm nu rnv Ilm month on on Ilny lflf lvalluy Nu Iulm nn balmy uu mnl my brim Iman Mm unyrlm lml Ink any Zrnllll nwnnl 11le pykc ml of 510 II made pox Iihla became lluc Mlnimy of Iinanrt Inn tliminam llvc nlu Lu on heaving nldx um MCUWHCL panmu un Io you Immedialcly III uvhlg mulling hum um dumst ton of dolng lvuxinml CALDWELL MUG STORE new low price Zenllhs 3Translstor HI Nunr raw llllNM IMNI AT OWEN 0m llu mungm ml In NmIII Annmm me nw WW rc Hlnln lnmlalmllru lellsn lmlfl III aw lllllll In ITJI dough hlnch 1mm edge place fraukmrlcr in come at mum me biscuil dough around Iranklurl ea by pinching edges logelhcr cu svam side down on Ilnucnscd cookil mm Bake at 450 for 10 mllllllts Dr until bis cuil ls dune and mum browned Mnkus sandwiches For ouldoor um nullad of link lug in own plUrCC bisrun covered runkfurur wllh long grown slick Hold nvcr hm coals until biscuit is dunc lumjng rollucnlbn Sund wlthus may be baked un chur coal grill UN grill ls nnly about lwo inchL mm the hm cuas Turn nflLn unhl done 16 mlungle Cuf into raw 4inch square poxHons Spread ope gabxqspuun rclish uq each pipec drmsing clusu akin lo man mu be whipped up with Hamburger llvlish Cmnblnc one part Hamburger nulishwilh twu purl maynum Dr salad dressing or quick olx bul delicious dressing Scrvr over head Iclucn Heat uvcn 130 hm Stir bluuilmix and milk logulhcr will Mk make 350 duuzh ll sticky add lilllc mare biscuit mix Knrad about 15 ilncs on rod bunrd Roll dough into pearlng alds cups bificllil mix cup milk yup Hog ug mush ur Ham burgur nous rauklururs Slice shelled eggs in mxncngur wlsc remove cm yalks and mash Combine yolks wih remaining urudivnu use as mm wnucs Chill Garnish with parsley de sired Makes IImAr servings DEVILLED EGGS hardcooked eggs lflblcsponns Hambumer Relish lcspcans mayonnaise ur salad What we llkn espcclally the crispness the pickles and popper adds lrcshncsx at texture and llzvor lo hamburguru Bul dont lel me name 01 am new relish mol you Whllc llu lubellcd cciflcnlly as Hamburger nellsh mm erupting gamlsll or hut dug well as far 1nan cheese and fish sandwiches al all ldcscrip tionxl Whenever dish calls for chili sauce and the crispness pickle Hamburger Relish wlll flll llm blll dawned egg with manly ox Invnr can bumldc with Ham burger Relile drcshng Imspoon sax SWISS BOLOGNA SANDWICH SPREAD 123 cups W2 pound ground bologna cup Elfllcd ur ground Swiss chccsn Cllp Hamhuna Relish V4 12qu mayonn st ur salad dress ug Cbmlnmz ingredinnk Makes cups For sandwich tread mix ground balugna and Swiss cheese with Hamburger Relish and mayonnaise Weve uamplcd new produtt and it reminds us an nerash loned chili sauce with chopped pickles mum and green and red pep pen added The lam richred Impala the spidng tempting bal cc bet can swée 9nd sour Hm 3r scvéral rcclpcs 31m Hamburger mush as an Ingrcdicnl We lhnughl you might like la share than Like the hot dug the hamburger so mich apan the Canadian scene that inuw has nwn pedal mush lZouncc Jar Ham burger rum is being hllroduced 1n lhll area this monlh by leading Canadian mq prufc FRANKS HLANKETS NEW HflMBURGER RELISH Conbine ingrcdlcmsf bznrmlnlu to small meal balls Emwn in frying pan Makes 45 servings STUFFED CELERY 3ounccpackagc cream cheese soflcnld tablespoons Hamburger Relish Celery Camblnu cream chucsc and relish Slul crisp cclcry with mixture Chlll Makes approximately lz Lup cheese filling Lend liulc Zip with Hamburger mush TASTY MEAT HALLS pound ground hm cup Hambumcr mush Easan 55m cmimu lugEcdionls Makcs one cuP $uncdcc1ury is alwdys awr ile on the hers daeuyrcs ua 7auncccmi akcd cup Hamburger mm gabxcsmnns mayonnaise or salad dragsxng leaspron salt Qambhm rz cup mayonnaise or salad dressing wlth Va cup Ham burger Relish alld chopped hard wade Makes Clip Heres sindwxch 11ml to keep in mind nner cnnslslcncy ls desired ndd an talflcspoup vinggnr QUICKIE THOUSANI ISLAND DRESSING YOUR kllchen lmpkmenll In In lutinntlng to your blby In ancient lays Hell ennuill love your set of measuring apnons the lid my pan or the pun lLull pnulu mnher In wonderful In himu II plus lieu Human nnmon IEIPY TUNA SANDWICH Manuels Help Yul Our flock of coon sum dvonel shorllu on have been re pviccd and mu be sold rcgavdlon of loss Huuy for lhcso lomonow 15 mam CA CNAIGI IUDGII LAYAWAV WAYS To BUY mum ballc 91 I39 Year 12 THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDA JULY 16 195 Seplic Tanksrund Weeping Beds lnslulled SEPTIC TANK SERVICE HIGH STREET 6H Innm FOR RESULTS USE EXAMINER WANT ADS ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER 11 Dunlap HI If itl Bargains Youre Affor Thon Shop Hm at However we happen In my wire playing hum compositions ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILINGS Free Estlmntcs WE WILL GLADLY CALL AT YOUR HOME WE PICKUP AND DELIVER YOUR PRESCRIPTION SEPTIC THERE BARBIE lllllN WflllKS Pumped and Cleanéd Your Friendjy IDADrug Stove 10 171mm IlliCAST we happen in km wire recording him hum compositions ha lcnrncd fiISTANCE N0 OBJECT This Funny World Phonn Barrio 5827 Innlor Ianl ham III phno or you To Go At HALF PRICE STEEL FOR SALE xneo cumm IIIle LIVINGSTON DRUG STORE 5G Hayfield chl tq Loblaws Upwnlle Vclllnglou llnld Dial 3537 PHONE 5046

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