FRIDAY JUNE 25 195 AROUND TOWN JAN Alex Coekbural tour around Barrie with camera which he claims he has shown to thirteen different public audiences was new to practically every member of his audience at the Venture Club dinner the other evening He claims that he is lust now beginning to make the rounds among womens clubs after hav ing been around cat many of the mens clubs in own with his wonderful color shots With no insult intended to Bar rte landscaping whatsoever it makes you realize wily faraway lands look so beautiful in techni color screen treatmean to see how this locats looksas seen through the eye of color camera Earrteg gardens tonkedjust as beautiful as any shois you would ever see of the famous gardens of Victoria BC or the English countryside through the benefit of color film Or perhaps 15 Just their Mr Cockburns camera has gone into several backyards around town that the casual passer by ontnlglimpscs III in autumn shots with red and gold maple leaves in the foreground or background had all the color or the famous Tom Thomson sketches and then his camera moved to lawns and gar dcns that had all the perfection of those in the home beautiful pub iicallons Take Tom lilcCarrolls place down along the iakcshorc on Sun nidale Road The Cockburn camera first caught the serene beauty oi the grounds at the back of the house and than the lovely front lawns which dip down into one of the most charming lily pools in town Then up In the other and lawn to Wilbur taking home when this other local gardening enthusiast has created true beauty spot and where another lily pool of slightly more formal Irsigh has won thc horticultural societys award in the last year Another local gardener who has solved the problem of water ing his garden by creating tiny rockbound stream throughout his grounds with lur model of Dutch windmill looking decorative without looking cute has created most of the stunning beauty of his flower beds with annual an inspiration to any new home owner who cannot wait to establish percnntut bed Jack Johnsons luilns had been another camera subject for Mr Cockburn who soundcd as if he know every tulip in town by name lust as surely as he never forgets any of us his old pupils noses fazll favorites spring bulbs of all descriptions had caught his iancy and he showad locauliiul Earric and its homes at every season of the year One of his many bouquets of course was handed to the horticul tural society for the many tiny park care it has helped to create all over town Barrie did not seem so parklcssj as you would think when all the little beauty spots came into view He spent justifiable amount of tian niit at tile provincial gov ernments Snrtngwater Park tom The formal and inlurmal beauties of the forestry slation lire well appreciated in Barrie One woman mentioned just whllc back that it was one phase at local sights that she was particularly proud of whcn she had outoftown visitors here In fact She added that she would be lost Without sightseeing tour for hcr guests to Midhursl to show them what Barrie really has in the way of beauty spot trip around few backyards might also bring milrmurs ot appreciation from visitors Just call Mr Cockburn for an itinerary llc knows cvcry flower along tow strccls r11 bct Mr and Mrs lllliiard Mcrcdlth of 28 McDonald Strccl will he at home to their friends on Tuesday June 29th from three to iivc oclock in the alternoon and from seven to nine oclock in the even ing on the occasion at their 43th wedding anniversary Shower Honors BrideElect Of Saturday mlserllaiicniLs shower was held at the home of Mrs Fred lrincll Frederick Si last Wednesday in honor of Miss Mary Wood whose marriage to George Sitnh ens will take place tillJ Saturday June 26 About 17 friends of tile bride lilhc wore in attendance The evening was most clllnyahlc and the guest of honor ihallkcii lhc uLILSLi for their shower of gifts In ll lilting manner Burton Avenue 55 Picnic is Held Al Siinccnls About 29 sat down to slipper til the niinilal Sunday School picnic ltilriun Avenue Unllcd Church lfiél Snlllrliiiy llflcrrlnllii St Vin cclit lilrk Mrs lhililnc ilomh mil her Com miliro ruilventdtlie supper and Kclcty and the Sunday School urwvlntcndcnl illnle tor were In charge of thc spurLt lriIls were donated hy burinrss tllrli oi the oungrrgrliun and ice claim was also kindly lioinlrd illuuur lnupuuiu pilwil thr chlidmr from the playground in the Inlltrs with his lmgplprr The ratio for the thirst lIIIly prrsullt wont in Mrs iiialr llllli Little won the prize for lilt llilllsl nlriii lrchtiit into was him prlu fur ihu yniiiltzisl riltlll oh Hillliiny morning then llrvsullluiiull in the Suluily school lo the ministers llur Law rlm illNil WIIII is uivlili llltl the military ill litr fall illr Flislvr nrailn muun wry littt rnlllhrkn IIII um occahliili ruhgruiuiauug the Witilii mm churning lilr luillls iy in lirlIr luliuwlug in hh 1lIIcrl iuuislv illull litrll llilllllr ul li llllllrly iclllvul yrrsliltcii Illltl willi hmuiiiui gtuinhulr lam inwxmp lluuikwi gllilicrliiu lollth tor the gill ivr llllrw miluhh inxi fllr lhr ilrLililIilIlltl rpmh Ilv hr Ilrvrll lliiit lnwmucr wus the nut Imy lftlixt Illlltlm Avriliiic Iiitlay hunt to rulrr lilo rhluiury and ho war vcry proud that ho linli inkr the rim during his turn oi oil Ilri IN aniu lurlulnii llrliilrl Iry Favfrn Itumlnr mil photograph lIuI Irv pm In lhl rumppr Ivallnlile In ï¬lmy prlnu rvr full Informlion Ilrout IhII plrlilre you want Phone 2414 Thu Barrio Examiner Ministers Wife ls Honored By Central WMA The Womens Misrionniy Auxil tary at Central United Church met at the home of Mlb Crccd on Thursday June 17 with 19 indlcs present Mrs Crccrl lpcncli lhe meeting with hymn followed by prayer Reports wcro homil lrum tiic different departments lilrs Allen reported that the hillt of sillinlits iiiicl ilctll furwarllcii She also XLnll an article entitled MILKth MRS Byron Grant Mayor whose early June wed llng took place in St Marys Church The bride is the former Viargnret Mary Lucy DAmbroslo daughter of Mr and Mrs Jinccli DAmbroslo oi Barrie and the groom is the son of Vtr and Mrs Grant Mayor of Barrie After wedding trip oy air to New York they are making their The Tale of Bale which gave home irlvn oi the need for clothing mics Often ill places where arrive whole family will share one coat and one large pair of shoes They provide clothing itlr MlCll these and they aid lle vicilmi hospliul paticnu pro vide babics layettes and toys for small children in fact in bale here are usually suitable pnrccis tor everyone rind even gilLi for Chrlslmnu The llcvnlioniil dealing with Good Gifts was taken by Mrs Cook At tilt close of themcctlng Mrs Howell the ministers wile was pronuteri with an ornamental vasc token of remembrance from the ludins tn appreciation of the many ML of kindness shown in the auxiliary rind the invlnn friendship enjoyed by all Much humiliiiu vi wishuri her in her fillllru limit RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS Coopa highly lriillilil trichnlciills arc fillly qualified to service any radio or television set guaranteed to give you satisfaction and COOP Barrio Television Experts save you mumy 259 iNIIlSlli Sl PHONE 2429 JuneWedding of Wide rho next meeting will be hcld Sept 17 at pm when slides wdl be shown on missionary lite In tndia am homc at Barrie L¢I Cowper Studio ApplegaleAlberl Nuprials are Held Al Essa Road The marriage of Miss Ruby Mac Albertdaugntcr of Mrs Albert of Barrie to Jamcs George Apple gutc son otMr and Mrs Stanley Applegate of Ivy took place on Saturday May 29th 1954 at three oclock in the alternoon in than Road Fresbyterlan Church Ear rlb Rev Muir performed the ceremony and wedding music was played by the church organ lst Frank Butcher Given in marriage by her moth er the bride was wearing an en semble of navy embroidered taff eta with navy and white accessr orlcs and corsage of red rose and lily of the valley Iller attendant was her sister Mrs Gillies of Barrio who was wearing blue dress with navy nectssorios and corsagc of pink roses and lily of the valley Ilugh Blackstoek of Shanty Bay was groomsman and Arnold Bant ing of Ivy acted as usher reception followed at The Studio where the mother of the bride received In rose dress wearing navy and while accemnr ies anda corsage of whitc gar denlas and blue cornflower The grooms mother who also received was wearing white and blue flowr crcd nylon with matching necessr cries and comagc of talisman roses Later the brideand groom in on wedding trip to Huntsville On their return they will bl making thcir home in Ivy Outoftown guests at the wed ding were from Alliston Aurora and Thornton St Marys Church ls Setting For June Wedding St Marys Roman Catholic Church was the setting for the marriage of Miss lilargaretMary Lucy DAmbruslo daughter of Mr and Mrs Vincent DAmbrusio of Barrie and Byron Grant Mayor son oi Mr and iilrs Grant Mayor of Barrtc on Satulday June am 1954 at ten oclock in the morning Very low James Clair performed the ceremony and the wedding muslcwa3 played by the church organist Miss Margaret McKinnan The bride was given in mar riage by her father and she was wearing waltz length gown of nylon tulle anlerench Chantilly lace styled with full skirt of tulle with inset panels of lace and strapless bodice at lace under titted jacket of matching time that who buttoned down thefront and had fanshaped collar and long slcevm coming to points over her hands crown of French chan tlliy loco trimmed with pearl held her fingertip illusion veil iind she was carrying cascade bou quet of lily of the valley with two gardentau in the ccntre and streamers of ivy Hcr attendants were MtssBarb ara Jean thmorcrof Barrie an maid of honor and Miss Patricia DArubloslo ot Barrie nlcce olthc bridc as Junior hrldmmaid The maid of honor was wearingh waltz length gown of nylon net in an orchid shadE the skirt falling in turnover taflcla underskiit and the strapless bodice topped with matching bolero jacket sly lcd with cap sleeves and Chin ese collar Her headdress was half hat litfeathers in the same shade and her flowers were yellow mums in cascade with otcphanolls and ivy The Junior bridesmaid was wearing an ankle length gown of yellow nylon not over taffeta with matching boi cro jacket and headdress of fun thers tn the Sallie shade Her flowers wcre mauve mums in cascade bouquet with Btephanotis and ivy ltarvle Johnston nf Barrie was groomsman and the ushers were Neil Mnyor of Barrie brother of ihegroom and John DAinbrnsio if Barric brother of the bride reception followed at St Ios cniis Auditorium whcrcthe mo thr of the bride received the guests wearing pniL rose silk with navy and while accessories and corsngc oi wlilte gnrdcilias with pale blue Carnations The grooms mother wilo also received in navy silk and was wearing white accessories and Corsage of white gardenias with pink carria tint Leaving on wedding trip by nirto New York the bride was wearing unit at light turquoise wool with matching hut in the same material and wllite nccms ories llcr corsagc was of while gardunlas with stoplianoils On their return Mr and Mrs Mayor will be making their home in Ears rie Ptlilip lhui Harry Burdwell Announce The Opening For Public Service 0F Wedding of Wide Interest ingeld In Creemore Manse The marriage of Min Josephine Doreen Johnston daughter of Mr and Mn James Johnston to Willis Elmer Rowbotham son of Mr and Mrs Wilfred newbotham of Dun edin took place thhe Presbyter ian Manse at Creemore on Satur day May 29 1954 Rovr Mr Mui hotland performed the ceremony The bride was wcarlng gown of white Swim embroidered not over satin in titted basque style with peterpan collar set off by tlny button to the waist The long tight flttcd sleeves were of net Thefull gathcred skirt of not lcnturcd an arched hipllne and panels of embroidered net were set inthe front and back The skirts fullness extended into chapel train Her fingtcrtlp veil was held by sweetheart halo of seed pearls and she carried bouquet of red roses and stephanotta The brides sister Mrs Jack Cocklin wall her attendant wear ing gown of pink nylon net overpink satin with headdress or pink roses and shoulder length vcil She harried bouquet of varied shades of carnation and roses The groomsman was Jack Cock The wedding reception was held at the home of the brides parents whcre Mrs Johnston recctvcd wearing mauve floral nylon with white accessories and Corsage of yellow roses To assist her Mrs Rowbotham were grey and red dress with corsagc of red rosuis For wcdcang trip to points north the bride chose my summer tweed ouit with navy and white accumrtu and rose coat 11W AN EXAMINEB WANTB wood womb BY COTT ltl lmutalt lotion from puuimhl lays Himmer never expect it basil anyhoui iov ouutoits ELEANERS eliminates Burdisuoo RESTAURANT At King City Interchange On The Baltic Highway 400 We tordiully invite You To Join Your Chevrolet Oldsmobile Cadillac and Chevrolet Truck Dealer 85 OoIIIcIISI Ova ReadrTesl it StreetTesiL ll HillTest it and youll choose CHEVROLET OllNGERFIElO MOTORS ITO uia¢axvlla Olllllllli um IIHI OIIII 2487 Our iob is to know paint What to use How many coats How to apply if When planning your next point lob drop in and tqu It over with In Wer and that we can save you money and help you got the but possible decorating oil with the least amount of oflorl FOR lilERMlllli POROH FLOORS Moores Porch and Deck Point dries to brilliant high gloss Iough and holdwearing made to withllond heavy traffic and outdoor exposure Useiii on wood or concrete parallel and slept and as heavy duty Interior floor enamel Quick drying Gallon $7l5 Qua $105 BUY WITH CONFIDENCE When you buy Bonlomln Moore House PoinI you linow Ihql you are getting the very boil In all round lollildcllon covering lpteod ease of brushing up poorancoand durabilityit Ii uniurpollcd TOP VALUE Gallon $725 Quart $2I0 Thats what Meonl Ono Cool Exterior White will do for youTond In oddllion It will give you Ihe smart looking while point Iob you have live tun It II mode to cover in one cool old pointed Iuvfocu of whlIl or light Ilntlwhlch on In Iolr condlIlom nilcleansing while not In In IinIodJ Gallon $785 Quart $230 Boyds Paint Wallpaper 1h IIIma vi ivrllpiplr pa rum ill Hamilrill Rt ilnrrlc lhonr MOO toll It Cola ADVIClWflllt Ill MOORE CAM OI BINJAMIN MOORI CO lint IONONIO it IIEAIJII INQIIIIIITN lNVrll m4 uamvilturiiwu