Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jan 1954, p. 3

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OFFICERS OF THE NEW CRYSTAL CHAPTER Lodge No 50 that was instituted at Barrie last Saturday in the Oddiellows Hail In the front row ieit to right are Inner Sentinel Nellie Alker Angel Jennie Marsei lus Chaplain MargareLHandy Recording Registrar Lunda Gilhooly Senior Preceptress Thelma Tompkins Junior Preceptress Freda Huey Financial Registrar isabe Green Treasurer Maude Scmrnens and Cen sotJ Julia Foster In the second row left to right are Auditor Edith How isglnsiiiuied at Barrie Saturday Ceremony it lst Escort Eva Henry Censor Maude Mumberson lst Lecturer Louise Stewart Madeline Minnikin Censor Mary Davis 2nd Lecturer Elsie Hurst Censor Irene Howie 2nd Escort Alva Crawford Censor Vera Bris tow Censor Alma Furzecutt Censor Agnes Robson and Censor Agnes Wynes In the third row left to right are Mary Montgomery Auditor Luella Rentner Censor Emma Carter Kathleen Baxter Auditor Etta Ferguson Outer Sentinel Mae Corbett Marie McCracken Freda Easson Doris Howcs and Sarah Carr lnmlacr Photo by Pmm Home mm Wedding rrlp Mr and Mrs Lennox Howe have returned in their home after wedding trip overseas visiting the Driéish Isles France and Switzer lan TITS Cameron Lobiaw was vis itor on Tuesday with her uncle Fred Apperioy Visitors from Kitchener Iicv and Mrs liurry Donaldson and Frances oi Kitchener paid visit to Cunklnown and Spent Sun day and Monday as guests of Mr lind Mrs Ramsay and Mr and Mrs Lcnnox Rowe VWilliam Agar Victoria DC vis ltcd at Mr and Mrs Ramsays last Tuesday also with Mr and Mrs Vivian Realty before flying ior home on Thursday Iroln Mal ton Brian Dcrtlcs who has been tak ing course at Camp lIordcn is tied Mr and Mrs ll Kidd or ii few days belore leaving for his home in Edmonton Mr and Mrs Villiilni Lawrencc Toronto spent Saturday at their home in town Miss Emma Plumsicol Clinton is spvndinx icw weeks holidays yiih Mr and Mrs Mclnd on Special Speaker at Guelle Gmrne Paris was chosen Special sllmkrr at thi iDih yrnr an nlverfary oi the Junior lnrmus at Guclyh recently Mr anti Mrs Stanley llnlberi are spending wecks holidays on 11 motor trip Mr and Mrs lmnk Fidicr socni last Wednesday at Grnvcllhurst Viliion from Detroit Mm George Wright son Fred and grandam Arthur Detroit wcrI wotkrnd gutm oi Mr and Mrs Charles Copclnlld Mrs Tulll Graham spent few days in Toronto VlellIIii her rinuuh Itr Miss Vluiol Graham illiil Mr illiii Mrs lAlIZiiil Mr and Mrs IiicKlilican Tn runlo spent the Wtihiilil Willi llilil um and tiatilflltcsinlaw Mr llliil an anyway Mrs Harold MeKillican and Mrs Herbert Lemon Mr and Mrs Arthur Shetler and daughters Jane and Susan Tn ronto spent Sunday with the lat Iers parenis Mr and Mrs John lloughton Mr and Mrs Kidd Mrs Wiiliarn Lou and daughicrs Lindr say and Susan spenttlasi Sunday at Owen Solind visiting relatives Weekend visiiors with Mr and Mrs Henry Davis wore Miss Helen Davis oi Hamilton andRuby Davis at Barrie and MI ornnp complete onllt nhss Social Group on Thursday aiicrnoon June 10 at Mrs Clar cncc liolis had their semimonth ly mcciing There were lo mem bcrs present and quilt was com plcicd or Mrs Norman Novils The meeting was in charge of Mrs Bordon Nixon who opcncd Willi prayer and brounllt an invitation from Mrs Dilliiu tracher at lloss School to join with her class on their annual picnic on Jane Alter pleasant afternoon lIIneh was served by the hostess assist ed by Mrs Norlnan Campbell Mix Burden Nixon Mrs Janlcs Wares MrslJoroihy Johnson and Mrs Alex And The lllxl meeting will be on June 21 at Mrs Fiideyr Uniled Aiierlloon Auxiliary The regular lllltiinfl oi the Ai iiiliuuli Auxiliary oi the WMS was at the home 0i MrsnI Hayes on June ii with nine members and 12 vilitom present The Evening Auxiliary Wuri itllisLt himtiny uprntti wiiil hymn no player by ihi IIHSIIICHI Mrs Carr Mrs liiiley who hnil rhilriit of the wnrthip rirvlrr hogan with road Inps by Mrs IAaiilny Mm Jack Coust nlld Mr Shaw iollttwrd by prayer by MrII iiirit Mrs Kellogg Tang Ii beautiiui min Mid Mrs Carr Kavt II shunt ndtlrcsr on McIIibtrshill which was ioilow ed by presentation io ltlrs IZiInuur liayrs oi iilc member Illlll Ciiiiliiltr lroln Mu llyts sweat Saves money on shoes can fool the lrlii ior Ilium int llslrliillillu itrrrtuia III mliwiiiivln Shoo Inhibition and It Isll tioalcll Imlll litt advertising limit looml out way to gut litrim not nlmttl pl ilt prim mni Innitlilihnil out Iltcit products Sailing IIInIo oodt llIiI way malt pnulilin In mnnmdn iii malt rolltlrtioll it mun inwrr mnIIII lttlliinK mi town will in unit brim iliiil In you ntlvrlllliu II lowmi Mliiil Inctiltui lill ltoipl in your living will aim munAl mu nunr mm 13 Sr and girt to the Auxiliary by Mrs William Draper Business was discussed and the new study book The Church in India was purchased Mrs Carr gave the Presbyterial report July and Ang ust meeting will be held in August date and details in be decided lai or Mrs Williams reported the al location bale had been sent and the bale or the CM is ready to send 01d woollcns were request ed to have blanket mode Some lovely habit5 knitted articles were donated by iricnd or worth while purpose number oi sick calls were made and Mrs Paris and Mrs Cause were named to this committee Mrs Paris gave an ac count the lovely pageant hold in Orili Meeting closed with prayer aticr which lovely lunch was served by the hostess and com mittec in charge and social llmil cnioycd Sunday School Convention large group aiicndcd both sessions oi the annual Sunday School convention of Tecumseth and West Gwiilimbury Council oi Christian Education at the United Church on Thursday June It The meeting opened with prayer by llvv Kellogg Welcome ro mnrlts were made by llcnnlton the president and Cook intro duccd the speakers The theme story was ilbly taken by Mrs Ar thur Cooper This was allowed by Think Tuitillitl moons with Mrs Hell Hrs ll Hughsanti Mrs Iaris as leaders Mrs Murray 000E spoke on Know Your Council inliuwtd by nurs lion box general discussion roll call nlld II solo by George lnris Tile dcmonsirutlon uroups were hmtled by IllV Moore lIcV Nowell and Mr Cook Diilv nor was berylti lli six oclock wlitn illm strip was enjoyed The morning session opened with It Mum and prayer by CIIIIon Chupcrlin Aitcr business stsilon the election or niliccrs itqu place Mu Albert iiilrlly Mrs lioynoltiu Rev Keliilim nnil Murrily uria wurc leaders in the depart lncllilll uroups liuv Ncwell love wonderiui ship All inslnllatillil service and iillk by Mrs Murray lluildtrx ior Eltrnily iiliillwcd and the Marion emitIi wllil llcnc diction Swimming TiIlsa Highway 21 swlilllldllu Iipnnstirrll hy unknown Ilutl lunni Illild lirnnriwn ill the Calltltliail iiiii chm Society will ntan Jilly rnrh Monday mid Tlliirlthy unr iny Jilly ninth nro turnlltni will iiund Iloail Newton Iinhlllsun Cuukxiowll nnti Timruinn turn lowll pnpiln wlil enroll with Mrs Corr rnnvrtwr Ininrn Jan at Cillltllci her in rnnn ur pm uhlr in Ihr tllmin ni pupils in ni nnm tlilcti his Lalo Mn lrril Apprrlry liivlulli Irslilvllt n1 innit tnwn Mu Irrll Arvlirriiy tillil nt hrr Inn rnaldcmo nn IIIin iii um nitrr Ian and millilli lilnm Ilnrn nn 511d 71 IIIm in cm Innn rch war the inrrnrr AIIIlii Mntlitln Connor inuyntrr oi the Inir Juwilil null Invlnn lump Iiier Iwr illniiiaur in run Ap llcrlry sill Illrll in irnnl anlly itr Illlco yrrus iiirn nnwrti tn Coniclow nholc rim rr=tiirli Inr lltl ml of llrr lilo winner nt Ihr Unitrti unnrh Mu litiwliry mm In no riltilr or nnnurr ni yms iiiio nu active nwnanr ni tiw WA and WMLI Mu Allylr by It slivvlvwi by her inulinnn nnn tinluiiitr Mls Izlitm tIIvvlrIl and inur gmlltlrlllllilrll iriiila tth rlrtm Mll limy Iinnninn mono and Min lrlivudo Toniar iwlill ni Toronto On lintr Ircit runny illcilll smut my Mqu ism on was Iield till my in It lllIgthI rlllicrai Ilmw cnnistnwn with Itrv tr Krllm oiiiclitlng In tunirnt Alilslini tininn tmtrtny ilillmlleru wen Willlnin Novlls Alum Gilmy Willliun Mlllllnll uinIl Ilmwy Vlvun Iioally and Norman Campbell Dunniui tail on Will IHEWEIII Mflfldh Wm VSpeclally Written For The Barrie Examiner Hy DON IEACOCK Canadian Press SM Writer OTTAWA JUNE 31 CPISir Winston Churchill probably will pay call here at ibgcnd oi ihis month Prime Minister St Laurent an nounced in the Commom that the 70yearold Britisthrime minister and Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden have every hope oi coming to Ottawa inr tiny ur lay and hall during June 29 30 anti July alter thcir iniormal talks wlih President Eisenhower lit the weekend in Washington Sir Winston nu sirnniicr to Can ada will lnnkl nu llubiie oileucilfl if he does come liill purpose would be to have an iniurmnl talk with Mr SI Laurent anti the cab incl Mr St Laurent intilcaiotl Ilint the cabinet would listen iur Illi most part to Uriiishylews on the world siiuatlilll lie silllke oi the uppurinuiiy ni hcnrinp ilroct ironl thorn Sir Winston and Mr Ericnt their appreciation nl the present liluatiull The Canadian governmcnl would like In hear untodail British vium on uticit questions as liclntlons bctwccn this United Kingdom and the Uililirl States illdlas position in Asia The crisis ill lnriuCiiina The XI move on iho Kortan titItsiioll ii rlnllny nnti Dti tu olntlluuiiy Sir Winston wu st licril Jan illYl i032 lii nu illiorliicd lilo two warillne lotlice cullicrellctu Iruroratlon IIans lnrliullltnl is expected In cud the minimum Iinrn Itllutttn lIl rrcrivttl trnm Iin hm tirnnp nwmlnrr oi the mnnril llilil nIIItInln ni Truthuuilt nnvmlnp Wlll ns iliilll lrioliILy qu rrlnttwc Howrrlnnrrrr wrrr Alix Allrn Iiiiriltli letill Nnnunn erils tittil Ntvtls iiiiwlllii hlnr iluls wotrr lituliy llnunld lillIIts hu Iioll ltnaril iillwill lilyl Iltlllultl lit Ilvrs uliii illclldi ililruillli irrnn disiuiltt wrrr imlll Iurtlllili lttrlnnmul lhil Ailrltru llttIoll vainn uni lrunn Alllsluil Urillln IiIlrrinw Ntnitrlliirimk lhlwurvliw Ilnnir ntul rurxtnxntih cvntnr Varaiional erlool Ttmkniuwil vnrntlnnnl hunt is nflrlili nprulun on Inly at Un IINI illultil shuts trinku Irillll killtlcruurlru tn iIIlvrlIllIiInlII Inr nil nnnlr In tnrkitlwll ntul viclllA ily Vtiiiitllllry hrlrwrs IIiv ilrciirtl ilmIl all ilw itillriliir Luimy ilnm nnkriuwuliiitniy II how upon in ihu inihitc my Intnrrlny nnrii noun Iunn Inn in live Illlmk un iiI Illiilirr lltiiitlhi lilttyri llnnim iiirllliliiiI FIIH Iklliit Mir ll iIIIlI ily Iwn In rnrh hunlly nt lhnr lhlllaiiun 0i Iltmlu Itrllillllliy lrs rclirtl Alullun lift Ilriiin illn ivi Johns AlIgiltali nilIIiiai Ifli yililio will be It Iiiiiialil lalk nn liilllllllny Mmutm In IIiNi pi III illullil at iliil oclock Mr and Mrs Jmk Finley and rillitllnu Iiuiltyillr will low llnyl with um lntittl invents Mr Illul Mn MlMvar Un lini Iililn Mr nIIIi MIA Iiilily Mr Mill in Mtiilnstcv IIil iiuII liy nnli iiinth McMairr vililnil Mr and Mr Tnlll MrMuter in To Illlill Mr anti ML Ilnllcl IlVitiN aln holidaying this molt lhis weck Ii it lasts until June 24 it will set modern record or 137 sitting days exceeding the wartime top 01 130 days in 194445 It has workcdllong and hard but blazed no major legislative traila during the current susion Obser vers view the first session oi Can adas 22nd Parliament as looking in either political flrewnrko or sur prises In more than seven monthsthe session began lastNav lZand 000000 words probably the chic accomplishments were three pieces at logkdation all of which required prolonged siudy They were com pletion oi twoyear job or re drafting the ma$ive Criminal Code the decennial revision oi Canadas bankinl laws and re writing oi the national housing legislation The low fireworks involved such parliamentary pay and awnout debates on unemployment wheat maritetinghnd foreign policy The streamlined Criminal Code will conic into ciiecl next Jim And despite dctallcd study certain issues still are undecidedrelen lion oi present laws on the death ptrnaliy whipping and lotteries which were Investigated by SenateCommons committee and questions involving tlir lcgal dc icncc oi insanity and criminal sex Ilal psychopaths Two royal com lvtslolls are reviewing those mai crs Tllovaiuii ill the banking laws brought chariflroil banks into the Iloltl of residential and chattel mortgages libusing legislation lruvldcd ior lnwtr down lluymcnls anger mortgage terms and II sys lim ni lnourcil lnorluuges which banks can lend Finance Minizrttir Abbotts l0ih llutigci ilruuuhl ew changes Tux cuts worth $30000000 In the 195 55 fiscal year were less titan one per cent oi thr liiliitlnill tax bill Illiiuciiolls were cinlrcd mllinly on exclu ilild soles taxnt Opposition members criiicized the hllr oi the reduction but most ol tlu htnlnrt Ileilaio dealt with the allnouncclncut that the government would not grant Quebecs retiucsi for illll deduction irnm ctlvral in come tax payments or the llrtivln proposals in nneccnt ounce increase in postal rates osts in News OUTSIDE THE DOOR The name anemone is originally Greek and Is said to be derived mm the word ior wind because many the species love very ex posed situations Thespecies are numerous and generally beauliiul Mort or them flower early in the springbut taller coarser kindls summer bloomer but possess many of the same characteristics Hawta patch or anemones with their starry while flowers arrest our attention especially ii the wind is lxowlngl iihoy sway irom side to side though iragiie in appearance but are wind resistant Pliny the historian declared that only wind could open anemones They look best when the wind is blowing and we may have chance aiseelng them on our roadsides oi meadows at this time oi year The European anemone war greatly extolled by the poets Tht Romans ceremoniaily picked the tlrsi anemone oi the year with an incantation supposed to guard them against lever beiar the wind is perleet adapta tion in its environment ANNIE norm HISTORIC ROUTE The Pigeon River flowing into northwest Lake Superior was men tioned as route for travel In report oi 1722 10 THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JUNE 25 1954 CHRIST Clllllliili VESIIIA my Allan Read Mo LTII pm Every Sunday Eva marten ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILINGS Free Estimates WE WILL GLADLY CALL AT YOUR HOME STEEL FOR SALE liiiiilllli IIIIIII wants ll HIGH STREET The practical scientist sees in the anemone trembling and bending ens nevL lspcreent income tax For the current fiECdi year the government has planned expendi tum totalling 534005000 peacetime high compared with SA 339979000 estimath as spent in the fiscal year ended last March 81 One measure adopted alter ex tendeddebatc raised parliamentary pay to $10000 irqtn $0000 annually by doubling the $4000 taxable in demnity iowhich is added $2000 expense allowance Mounting unemployment during the winter months touched oil sixday debate in which 52 mem bers spoke on two opposition mo tions oi nonsconfldence in the gov ernment Both motions were de feateda PC call or study of problems by parliamentary com mittee and CCP demand lor im mediate government action The question oi diplomatigreeog nitlon oi the Communist Chinese government was the main theme or fiveday debate on external aiiaim policy Progressive Conser vatives expressed cars that gov ernment policy might lead to re cognition Prime Minister St Laurent said there is no thought oi recognizing the Chinese llcds The countrys large wheat sur plus and decline in world wheat oales led to several debates on government marketing policies Two nonconfidence motions stems mlng from an export prico cut oi cents bushel were dcieatcd The security screening of civil servants was ll recurring theme Government members reiurcd rc poaicd PC requests for tlgures on numbers or empioyccs iircd or transierrcd as security risks and denied opposition charges oi un iairnass in the lack oia syotcm oi appeals On the legislative front the gov ernmcnt allowed the Emergency Powers Act to expire May Thc act criticized oitcn by opposition members gave the lovernmcnt power to control the countrys eco nnmy and security without reicr once to Parliament SPECIALIZED REPAIR SERVICE ILL lumps on Iliiillil TELEVISION ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT IIIIIIIIIIIIIII llllliilltflliliATlON CO Ill ItllNliilI HT Phone 2059 Thanks to lhe Iliuc conit limiting wulricl nowi Mary St no rimsindium ruin it novel money when bollth inmollII hiuc coni lit wnrurwenilicr discount and those small Inolliiiiy pIIyIIIcIIiI have made things easier tul lny pocketbook Untich liuil no winter Phone today Io Ivrlllal doialil oi the dilute coal BUDGET PLAN THE SiiIlJEiilIT co Limited Phone 24ft PHONE 50 TRINITY CHURCH tAngilcini Rev Allan Read ILALIE Hui George Sherrlng ltIC ViD Mrs Roberts Choir Dlreetnl tumHOLY COIIIMUNION ll Ian MATINS now namsu pmnvrmonr and Sermon Preacher no oocron You Are cordially welcome mi St Andrews Presbyterian Church Owen and Wurslcy Sts REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister rm ANGUS noes Organist and Choirlnuter SUNDAY JUNE 27 1054 Il nmMOHNING WORSHIP The Sacrament Baptism will be dispensed ElmEVENING worlsnn The Minisicr will preach at both services It urnme cnurlcu souoor ml Central United Church Minister REV DEWEqu BA Organist Ind Chaimstel WARREN MscLEAN SUNDAY JUNE 27 tool It uniMORNING Ivousull Sub THE WILL or Goo Nohvcnlng Service Como to Gods Ilousc on His Day Li SAINT GEORGES ALLANIIALE litclor Ilcv NowionSlniili HA is nItolv eonllomou ll Lm5UNllY SCHOOL SERVICE no pm COMMUNITY HEIWICE 00F llllHlNDH Collier St United Church REV LEWIS MA ILD Minlricr vao TUFIOIlD Ornnui and Chaimliar SUNDAY JUNE 27 III ll ImMIllNINI HHIW Irrntriyllun For Ilrllilly llrlixlon liriillihayl Klili THE CHURCH SCHOOL 45 ImpJunior Intermediate Ind Scniar Dwellinan ii nillNuIcry Kilitlvruarlrn and Primary Departmentl FREE METHODIST CHURCH loo lllyileld III TIEV Hllliilll WOOlitmus Ikhool 00 Illll 110IIiliAlllllNii EVEIIYIIUIIY WELCOME FIRST BAPTlSTCHURCH CLAPPERTON ST AT WORSLEY REV LUCK 8A RD Minister MISS CLOUGIILEY Organist SUNDAY JUNE 77 1954 950 laneSUNDAY SCHOOL All Ale 11 am LIFES EXTRAS pm iiHtEE TRUTHS ABOUT COD la Essa Rood Presbyterian Church REV Cr MUIR BA Minister MIL FRANK BUTCHER Organist SUNDAY Tour 21 list 915 urncuties sonoor ll lamNursery Kindergarttn 11 nm DIVINE vonsmr Irn COMMUNITY OPEN am sonvrcu Lawn of Oddiellnws Home EVERYONE WELCOME =zf BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH REV EUGENE BEECH HA Minister MR HAROLD DBMISEY Organist SUNDAY JUNE 17 IBM 915 rumSUNDAY SCHOOL Lrn TIEGINNIIIIS DEPT ll iun MORNING WOIISHH Illc Sacrament oi the lion Supper INIANT HAIIISMS 015 arnIlolly Church Service and lieginnerl Class COMMUNION HIiIlVlCII was glad when they laid unto nus lei III Into llle house oi the Lord The Salvation Army 00 COLLIER SilllIITI The Home oi Friendly Worship Sr Major and Mrs Mills SUNDAY JUNE 27 195i lAllliitlllJ HUNUAV Hr Major and lilrll II Mill have been iraluiurrtl In London lint ll ImIIIINKHH MEETING pmiillNliAY NMIOOI plnHVIN Nil NIHVICH Ilrtlniimli Klill ALI Allil WELCOME Li Belhoi Pentecostal Church Ienirrmial Auclnllilen Inldl Iii it IiAHIIiIt NT IlAlIIllli IIHV ll lUIliINH AHTOH SUNDAY MINI111 liliI i0 lnIliuntlly Hrliln and nude ll ImpMINININII IVOIIHIIII 10 nunINHIHHNII iliiiilil HIJIV rd lny Meeting and thin Hindu Itnndntul IInnl Illnldull will It Inn inn Homily Alli WEIAIOME COLLIER ST BAPTIST Irlinwnillp oi Iivanlellcal llnpilllll lIIIV II NULLMHYIZII lAHTOlt pm BAPTISMAL SERVICE IOII BELIEVEIIH NEXT WIT IIiNAllt lililllilll We zzivi it it

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